John de Nugent When I read this 400-page book, “Unshackled,” I knew.…/updated-dylann-storm-roof…/
John de Nugent My father (r) with Kissinger (l), photographing a child (belonging to a mayor of Providence , middle, a later convicted felon):…/kissinger-buddy-cianci-james…
John de Nugent My father in the Oval Office with President Gerald Ford:…/president-gerald-ford-james…
John de Nugent My father with President Ronald Reagan:…/james-w-nugent-ronald…
John de Nugent I was the MK-ULTRA kid they could not break and who ran away from home at age ten.…/why-khazars-are-building-a…/
Why Are We Attacking the Syrians Who Are Fighting ISIS? The prophecy of 1917
You can donate via Stripe with a debit or credit card:
Or via PayPal (sent to
Or send a check or cash (wrapped in aluminum foil) to
John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953
Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689
(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)
Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts
Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)
Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA
Need secrecy? Then start a
or account and then send me
your new secret email address.
¦ ¦.Actual donations
–19 June 2017 Stripe donation from P in Virginia
“15 June 2017 cash from M in Oregon
“10 June 2017 donation by check from G in New Swabia
“5 June 2017 cash in foil, letter and nice card from S in Germany
May 26, ’17
Dear Mr de Nugent,
The thought of your going hungry for lack of funds nearly breaks my heart.
[] You could wring the neck of the oldest hen and cook the old girl, but that heartless idea did occur to you too, I should think. 😉
It is sad and also telling that a man of your calibre and education and culture has to live the life of an outcast.
But such is life in Weimarica, courtesy of jews (I do not capitalize this word, any more than I capitalize the word “criminal”) and white race traitors, who are worse than the aforementioned.
If a mighty wizard were to use his magic wand and say: “jews be gone!” what would you hear next?
A deafening roar, a stampede of filthy white race traitors running to fill the empty shoes and take the place of the jews.
And I am sure of it.
Interesting times indeed.
A brave new world where poverty is the price you pay for integrity and the worst sort of low-life is always on top. Duh!
On this sombre note I bid you adieu for now for now.
“1 June 2017 via PayPal from S in Germany
“30 May 2017 cash wrapped in aluminum foil from L in Massachusetts
“25 May 2017 check from J in Utah
“25 May 2017 donation from J in Australia via Paypal to
“19 May 2017 donations from J in Maine and Z in Pennsylvania via Paypal to
“11 May 2017 check from G in Montana
“10 May 2017 Cash from M in Oregon
“9 May 2017 Cash from C in Rio Blanco 😉 , Florida and from V in Germany
“8 May 2017 Cash wrapped correctly in aluminum foil, accompanied by a nice card and letter ” from repeat donor S in Germany
“5 May 2017 Paypal from J in Australia
“27 April 2017 Check from J in Utah
“27 April 2017 donation via Stripe from D in Australia
“26 April 2017 cash donation in the recommended aluminum foil and beautiful gift card from repeat donor M in Germany
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