Blinken slanders Russia; this Russian war hero, spetsnaz officer, and military-intelligence colonel understands everything about Covid and the jews; my advice to Putin

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Colonel Kvachkov

The Duran have done a great job exposing the vicious warmongering of the Jewnited Snakes and of the vicious jew “Secretary of State” Tony Blinken:


…..Ukraine truth

Half the “country” was tacked on by the communist bolsheviks! The psychopaths Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev made these supposedly sacrosanct borders, adding Russian territory to Ukraine that ethnically and in the hearts of the people are still part of Russia!

….My advice to Putin

I have NO hope that these talks between Biden and you will succeed over the long term.
In this photo of Bush I and Gorbachev,

….the one on the left with the kindly, gee-shucks smile (the former CIA director), was IMO a vicious pedophile, a Skull & Bones asset, and a Deep State agent of the worst ilk.

IMO Bush was highly involved in the murder of John Kennedy.

Photo: see bottom paragraph. Supposedly, mind you, Bush was running Zapata Oil at that time, yet there he was running around Dallas on 11/22/63 as a CIA agent, acc. to this FBI report to the US State Department by its director, J. Edgar Hoover.)


Bush was also knee-deep in the horrors of the “Franklin Coverup” of child-trafficking, and in the RINO-Republican pedophilia ring connected with Jerry Sandusky and the president of Penn State University. (Graham Spanier, ethnically connected, got off with a slap on the wrist while the Polish-American Sandusky got 30 years.)
All this involved small children, many MURDERED, and was FAR more heinous than Epstein and the nubile minor female teenagers he and Ghislaine Maxwell ( = Hoch) exploited to blackmail American VIPs.
This video by Yorkshire Television/England (with the Discovery Channel), banned on the day of its scheduled broadcast, is a MUST-SEE. You will never view the Wash DC set the same way after this. (And remember Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert!)

Bush I was thus a “normal” American president of the post-Hoover 20th century, and his son carried on in this sociopathic (and insanely anti-Russian) tradition. These people are completely incorrigible psychopaths and child molesters, modern Caligulas.

Porcophobe Graham Spanier, Pres. of Penn State and protector of pedophile Sandusky, was close friends with a pedophile named Ronald Roskens, who was fired in 1989 as president of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln after naked little boys were seen cavorting in his house!

Interestingly, Roskens was quickly appointed by President George H.W. Bush as Director of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), in Washington DC, which runs all US foreign aid, has 4,000 employees, and, by the way, gives $590 million a year to Israel, one of the richest countries on earth…..
Not one word about any of his pedophilia! About why he resigned as president of a major state university!

Have no illusions, esteemed President Putin, about the pedophilocracy that runs the United Snakes!!! These people are monsters!



……Colonel Kvachkov

This is an important man to listen to, and President Putin had better lose all his last illusions about jewry before Dr. Gintsburg genocides the whole Russian people with his AstraZeneca knockoff vaccine!

Wiki (slanted, of course):

This is the colonel’s website in Russian:

In English translation:






From the first person
Vladimir Kvachkov

He was born on August 5, 1948 in the village of St. Petersburg. Kraskino, Primorsky Krai, in the family of a serviceman. His childhood years were spent in Ussuriysk, where his father was transferred for military service.

In 1959, he entered the DSVU, after which in 1966 he was enrolled in the Kiev HEKU. One of the most clearly preserved paintings in my memory is an injury sustained by a classmate Arkady Kislov as a result of careless handling of a lighting cartridge. The shot landed in the thigh, Arkasha had to be urgently hospitalized. All the cadets present were shocked. The guy lost a lot of blood, but everything turned out fine.

After graduating from KWOKU in 1969, he went to Pskov to join a special-purpose brigade, where he served as a group commander and platoon commander. Then he served in the GSVG again in the spetsnaz brigade. GSVG changed to ZabVO, served as a battalion commander in the village of Mirny. 1978-1981-student of the Higher Attestation Commission. Frunze.

Since 1981-senior officer in the intelligence department of the Leningrad Military District.

In 1983 – commander of a special forces brigade in the limited contingent of Soviet troops in the DRA. (Pansher, Ghazni). In 1982, a classmate Oleg Krichevsky, who was a military adviser at that time, was also killed in a helicopter shot down by Dushmans. In 1983, V. Kvachkov received a concussion and underwent a long period of treatment and rehabilitation in the Crimea. Awarded the Order of the Red Star. In 1984-1986, he served in a brigade in Pskov. In 1986-1989, he was Chief of staff of a brigade in the GSVG, and since 1989 he has been commanding a brigade in the TurkVO. Participates in combat operations in hot spots: Azerbaijan (1990), Tajikistan (1992). Awarded the Order of Courage. In 1992, on the basis of the compound, the famous film “Black Shark” was shot, in which, together with Kvachkov, the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Vostrotin (SvSVU), who commanded the airborne division at that time, was shot.

Since 1994 – in a responsible position in the Main Intelligence Directorate. Since 1999, he has been a leading researcher at the Center for Military and Strategic Studies of the General Staff.

Candidate of Military Sciences. A doctoral thesis on the theory of special actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in modern conditions is presented for the defense.
Member of the working group of the Ministries of Defense of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on the unification of legislation in the field of defense.

He is married with four children and two grandchildren.

Now you see that this man grasps the whole picture, and btw, the rule for decades in the GPU (military intelligence) was no jews. The rival service, the KGB, did have some jews (its predecessors, the Cheka and the NKVD, very many, in fact). But the GPU was set up to be jew-free because Stalin feared the jews had too much power and were loyal only to each other, not the regime.

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