BLM activist arrested for child-molestation images

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‘Defund the Police’ protest organizer Christopher Devries was arrested on child porn charges


As I noted with Karl Marx, leftists feel no love for the “oppressed.” They just hate. Cops, white people, kids — they hate, and lust to harm, everyone. The ideology is just an excuse to carry out their demonic urges.

Devries crushing racism and defunding cops while wearing his face diaper.–defund-the-police-protest-leader-arrested-on-child-porn-charges




……Just a little reminder

Feds, this genuine criminal was arrested without incident.

Zero chance you can come and raid my house and plant images onto my hard drive, then arrest me “without incident”! LOL!

There will be a big “incident.”

A .40 that goes through a tree might go through a skull, too.


  1. That man looks typically Jewish. As a Dutchman, I know that “de Vries” is a typical Dutch-Jewish surname.

    The name actually means “the Frisian”. Frisians are the most Germanic-looking part of the Dutch population.

    When under Napoleonic rule the Dutchmen were required to adopt a surname, many Frisians chose to call themselves “de Vries”.

    That name has also been adopted by Dutch Jews to hide their ethnicity. It is a name quite common among Dutch Jews.

    For confirmation see : – Stambomen van Nederlands Joodse families (pedigrees of Dutch Jewish families) – click on : Genealogische gegevens (genealogical data)- and see in the statistic : Vries,de with 2093 entries.

    It is always the same. Behind all destructive movements, there are always Jews.

    • Thank you so much for this, which confirmed my suspicion. This guy looks way too swarthy to be of Dutch ancestry. Real Dutch are often very tall and almost Scandinavian in appearance. Germans and Austrians sometimes think I am Dutch when I am speaking in German and get mentally tired. They cannot place my mysterious accent (as I say, only when very tired) and they then guess I am from your country.

      • The man has also a UNIBROW, which is quite common in the Middle East, but virtually absent in Europe. If you search “unibrow” in Google Images, you get pictures of Middle Eastern and negroid types, but no Europeans.

        • Indeed, and the same unibrow was reported in the self-designated “Apostle” Paul, whose goal was to thwart the intention of Jesus and rejudaize the dynamic new world religion of Christianity as much as feasible.

  2. “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out!” Jews, as this guy apparently is, seem to be especially afflicted by sick sex drives; but this happens to White people too. There should be a drug that kills the male sex drive, for use in cases like this. The guy should have that option. Why isn’t there such a drug? Perhaps it because the Jew uses sex to manipulate us, and he doesn’want to lose that handle. Isn’t there a drug for almost everything else?

      • Thanks for the info. A few years back I had a tomcat who was spraying in my apartment, and I inquired at a pet shop whether I could obtain a drug that would tone down his sex drive, and I was told that no such drug was available. Also I researched it on the Internet and got the same result. If I ever get another tomcat your info will come in handy. Thanks again.

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