BLM: American flag a symbol of hate; my blistering reply to a libtard professor

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I bought this framed painting for one dollar at the local thrift store — a relic of the white, blond America I knew in the 1950s

……So Old Glory is now hate-speech:

This is what they want:


….Leftie mom so happy her son desecrated an American flag on the neighbor’s law


Viral Video Shows Young Boy Desecrate American Flag as Mom Watches

‘Sickening’ footage shows child rip flag from yard and throw it on the ground

the young boy is seen ripping the flag from someone s yard as the mom watches© press
The young boy is seen ripping the flag from someone’s yard as the mom watches

“sickening” viral video has emerged that shows a young boy desecrating the American flag while his mom watches.


The child is seen ripping an Old Glory out of someone’s yard and then dumping it on the ground.

The short clip has spread quickly across social media, igniting a firestorm of strong reactions on the internet.

Writer Marie Oakes shared the controversial video on Twitter with the caption: “Children are being raised to desecrate the flag.”

The purported security camera footage shows a child riding on a scooter along with an adult female, likely to be his mother.

While traveling down the sidewalk on his scooter, the boy attempts to rip up a small American flag standing in a yard.

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video shows the boy ripping the flag from the ground© press
Video shows the boy ripping the flag from the ground

He misses on the first attempt to uproot the flag but comes back to tear it up.

He then throws the flag onto the ground.

TRENDING: Viral Video Shows Young Boy Desecrate American Flag as Mom Watches

“He and the woman then resume riding down the street,” Fox News reported.

“It appears the woman gives no pushback on the boy for pulling the flag.”


The video was posted on Friday and already has more than 2 million views, plus thousands of reactions — including people who were outraged over the boy’s behavior, as well as how the mother allows the child to mishandle someone’s private property, especially an American flag.

Someone exclaimed“This is sickening. What a horrible mother.”

A commenter added“Breaks my cold little heart to see such a young child doing this…. what is going on in that home if the mother can egg it on.”

One person tweeted“A nation will not survive when society teaches its children to hate it.”

One commenter wrote, “Honest question: How can a country succeed if their citizens are being raised to hate it?”

A Twitter user said“My heart broke watching this. Lord help us all.”

One person wrote“Train up your child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it -Proverbs 22:6.”

However, there seemed to be as many comments praising the mother and son for their actions toward the American flag.

Someone said“The kid rocks.”

A commenter added“fantastic parenting.”

A man stated“best mom i’ve ever seen.”

Someone wrote“The proper way to raise your child.”

A Twitter user praised“Way to go, Mom. Exemplary parenting skills.”

Another person said“That kid is going places. You love to see it.”

One person replied“I love how his mom just let him do what he had to do.”

One woman proclaimed“if my kid doesn’t desecrate at least 5 flags by the time they are 10 i will disown them.”

many on twitter praised the mother and boy s actions© press
Many on Twitter praised the mother and boy’s actions

The divisive viral video comes on the heels of a Black Lives Matter chapter declaring that the American flag is a symbol of hatred and only flown by racists.

College students recently gave their opinions on the American flag and said that Old Glory represents “genocide,” “extremism,” “injustice,” and “sins we’ve committed against others.”

Grammy award-winning singer Macy Gray said the American flag represents the same values as the Confederate flag and needs to be revamped.

On Independence Day, the New York Times published an article that claimed the United States flag is divisive.



…..Condescending letter from a “USC Radicalization Project” professor — my reply

On Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 08:04:03 pm GMT-4, a Professor Castro at the “USC Radicalization Project” <[x]> wrote me:

Dear John,

I hope this email finds you and your family safe and well.

Invitation to Participate

We are inviting you to be part of an important study that allows you to share your story of James Von Brunn. We acknowledge upfront that talking about James may be hard for you. Please know that we will conduct each interview with the utmost sensitivity.

Your Participation Helps

Our goal in doing the study is to listen to the perspectives of family, friends, and co-workers of people who participated in an activity that led to other people’s death or injury. While this work may not directly help you or your family now, it is our goal to prevent such events in the future. Together, we hope to achieve this goal.

Every story counts. That’s why your participation matters. 

We are here to help

We want to be as helpful as possible and are available to answer your questions about the study (e.g., confidentiality of your answers, stipend for your time). I or Jordan will be more than happy to answer those questions.

I ask that you email me or Jordan at [x],  text/call us at (213) 700-86[x] with the following:

·          Number we can reach you

·         Good days and times we can reach you (please specify your time zone)

We look forward to hearing from you.




Carl A. Castro, Ph.D.

Professor of Social Work and Psychology

Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired)

*****I replied:
Dear Professor Castro:
I did not realize we were already on a first-name basis, such that I am now for you just “John.” 
And as you are a fmr Army colonel, and one who is inquiring about a US Navy combat officer, a James von Brunn, a man of noble birth (as am I, btw), and you are asking for my help, that of a former Marine Corps NCO (a Marine once avidly sought by the United States Marine Corps for Officer School at Quantico, Va., that is until my racial and political views became known and I got “cancelled”), it would seem you are already violating the first and most long-standing custom of


But, maybe out in California, the land of fruits and nuts, everyone is faux-friendly and all first-namey. 😉
Having graduated, myself, with high honors from Georgetown, and having been made a member of Phi Beta Kappa (which before the magic of “affirmative action” meant the top ten percent of the class) I do find your use of the first name “John” both inappropriate and, frankly, rather mysteriously condescending.
I find this does occasionally happen — that someone in the media or academia thinks it all right to call me by my first name without permission, even at age 67, when it is actually they who are wanting something from me.
But they will fawn over a “Dr.” Fauci. Or over a “Reverend Dr.” Martin Luther King….. where even the man’s supporters acknowledge that his Boston University PhD thesis was the product of massive plagiarization — so why does King still bear the “Dr.” title at all?

Negress gets white NC zoning commissioner fired for not calling her “Dr”; how MLK really got his “PhD”

I wonder if, while being a professional anti-racist, you nevertheless view all white nationalists as somehow belonging to a kind of subhuman race? So then, sure, I would get first-named like a dog would.
But regarding your question, yes, I knew Mr. von Brunn, just a bit, albeit by phone.
He was a very sincere man, a normal, pleasant, educated, cultivated man of his times, and as for his views, antisemitism and racism were both normal and absolutely prevalent in his youth.
White racism was the normal mindset — and antisemitism was quite widespread. And this pertained long before Mr. von Brunn’s birth.
In my view, it is the country that has changed, that has been “radicalized” in a leftward direction, while he actually just stood firm.
America is a country for which he fought valiantly in WWII, winning a battle star as the skipper of a PT boat (like Ensign John F. Kennedy, btw).
In my opinion, my country (which I call “mine” because my ancestors came to — and founded — Providence in the Year of Our Lord 1636) has been pushed, bullied and harassed into moving hard to the left and OFF-COURSE.
My ancestor Thomas Angell gave some of his orchard land to build the first Baptist church in North American, on the East Side of Providence, Rhode Island.
the interior
MY country has been pressured UNDER LEGAL, MEDIA AND FINANCIAL DURESS into a faux anti-racism, into white guilt, and into philosemitism via constant media browbeating and a career-ending “cancel-culture” that has waged a ruthless war on traditional, American, leukophilic views.
Thrown off Facebook and Twitter, the 45th President of the United States 

Now we do have a new policy, since 1964-65, under Lyndon Johnson who took power when his predecessor, John Kennedy, was murderesd, a policy which came about 344 years after the first Englishman came to Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, namely
1) anti-racism and
2) Israel-can-do-no-wrong, which actually few Whites today really want, but what we have is in fact a pseudo-democracy.
But when James von Brunn was in college, at Washington University of Saint Louis, an excellent school, the p.c. notions of today would have seemed to be leftist radicalization and delusional, suicidal madness.
To give some examples of how we subhuman white nationalists thought in Ye Olden Days, we might start with a fellow who served in the US Army as you did.
Let’s call him “George.”
You know, some city got named after this racist.
So, anyway, this ignorant redneck put out an ad for four runaway slaves, as follows:
Funny, just the other day I saw his face. Founded some country called, whatsit, umm, oh yeahhhhh — “the United States.”
Here is another Army officer who got all “radicalized.”
You, Professor Castro, loving first names as you do, might address him as merely “Ulysses.”
But I would rather call him, respectfully, say, General Grant, or maybe President Grant, or even Mr. President, or at least as “Mr.” Grant, though I seem myself not to merit any “Mister de Nugent” from you.
However, doubtless after reading this quote, you will indeed call him condescendingly  “Ulysses,” and perhaps consider asking that his rank be posthumously busted from general down to private — and that he be removed as well from the United States $50 banknote.

You know — this is the guy. Maybe you have seen this before, a fifty-dollar bill, showing a NATIONAL HERO.
Btw, because of leftists in your camp who threaten me, I am forced to always keep my .40 Smith & Wesson nearby.


Now here is another bigoted racist, some dude named “Ben”:
He was not only a racist but also a nordic Aryanist. He wanted only blond (“Saxon”) people with rosy complections to come to America, not even white Italians, Greeks, Spaniards or dark-haired people from southern Germany!

How on earth did this early Nazi ever get on the one-hundred dollar bill?

Now this is another loser and misfit who thought the races should be segregated and the Blacks eventually expelled to another country:
Franklin Roosevelt erected this monument to him.

This loser only founded the University of Virginia (from which my younger daughter graduated, btw).

How on earth did this bigot get on the American five-cent coin, the nickel, unless what you call “bigotry” was the ESTABLISHED AMERICAN NORM?????
This wicked hater deeded his entire library to found the Library of Congress.
He designed and built Monticello.
And this same dangerous extremist, Professor Castro, was also a visceral antisemite, so that makes him even worse than a Klansman, yes, a full-on antisemitic Nazi:
Created with GIMP

So let’s get that guy off the nickel, eh, professor? We do need more people named Castro, like you, and their offspring.

Love-child Justin Trudeau and his biological daddy. (Yes, Margaret Trudeau did have an affair with this communist dictator.)


Then there was this log-cabin hick, doubtless merely “Abe” to you, Professor Castro:

Wow, I just spotted this white supremacist on the five-dollar bill!

AND on the penny! WTF?
OMG, OMG, a statue of this racist!


Now, Profesor/Colonel Castro, let me also quote from some other nobody who, like Jefferson and Lincoln, also SOMEHOW ended up on Mount Rushmore:
The Teddy bear, a stuffed toy, is actually named for him — and a German company, Steiff, created it to honor an American president who was beloved worldwide for defending pristine nature, championing the Great Outdoors, and establishing under federal law the American “National Park System.”
Roosevelt on horseback symbolizes the Aryan white man guiding the Amerindian and negro to a higher, civilized life.
Get out the smelling salts, Colonel!
Then we have this guy who failed at every business he started, “Hank” for you, Hank Ford:


Ford made, ummm, some kind of car, I think.

What have you heard, Professor? All I know is white supremacist = loser, eh?

And here is some forgotten Army soldier, a private or something, named “George.”



A statue of this freak is found at some school in upstate New York, West…. something:


Now here was a guy from North Carolina named Billy. What a country bumpkin, yakking all the time on the phone with another guy named Dick:

Dick with a dude named Donald:

This failure only carried 49 out of 50 states when he ran for president in 1972.


Now this other turkey named Bobby, who was jewish, btw, messed up at chess and everything else he tried:

And here is another clown whom you might address hautily as George “in view of his disgusting views”:


Returning now to James von Brunn, Professor Castro, just like all the men above, he was a very sincere, educated, patriotic man.
He lost his freedom and he lost his life fighting for his beliefs, believing that the fate of this nation was at stake.
If you have any more questions, Colonel Castro, I am at your service.
John de Nugent
PS My father, a Marine NCO and officer, fought at Iwo Jima and in Korea.

He is on the right, and Henry Kissinger is on the left.

Awful man, that Kissinger:


You see, Professor, all James von Brunn was doing, Professor, was agreeing with “Ben,” “Henry,” “Tom,” multiple “Georges,” “Teddy,”  and “Bobby.”
This disastrous buffoon was thus very wrong.

America WAS founded by proud racists and determined antisemites to be a jew-free, all-white Aryan nation.

And EVERY federal immigration law from 1790 until 1952 specified that all immigrants seeking US  citizenship had to be WHITE.
The radicalizer is thus you, Professor Castro.
We white nationalists therefore stand for the original, true, authentic American Dream of the Founders.
And, oh, Professor, Europeans did not steal America from the Indians.
Nope. After AD 1620, we began to take our own land BACK.
The Solutreans were European whites who came here FIRST, in the Ice Age, and 10,000 years before the Red Indians arrived from Mongolia……

.….The Solutreans — the real “Native Americans” were Ice-Age Whites!

White Americans!
This land is your landthis land is my land;
From California to the New York Island;
From the redwood forest to the Gulfstream waters,
This land was made for you and me.

This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me.

As I was walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me that endless skyway
I saw below me that golden valley
This land was made for you and me.

This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me.

I roamed and I rambled and I followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
While all around me a voice was sounding
This land was made for you and me.

This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me.

When the sun came shining, and I was strolling
And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling
A voice was chanting, As the fog was lifting,
This land was made for you and me.

This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me.





Especially important blogs





  1. Well done, JdN. I hope the nutty professor reads this article — and is proud to be white. Or if he’s ashamed to be white, the only advice is “fuck off and die,” and BLM my arse!

  2. Fox News host Jesse Watters went on-air Tuesday to say American land was never “stolen,” just “won on the battlefield” and “bought.”

    “This land wasn’t stolen,” Watters said. “We won this land on the battlefield.” YEA baby!!! This is one of the greatest clips ever. Every black and brown can shove it. After seeing this they can all STFU!

  3. Those of us born to the English language miss the tripartite norms of address prevailing in Continental European languages:
    1. Familial, intimate. Use of first names, and specific verb-forms ant pronouns.
    2. Formal polite. To everyone outside the individual’s circle of familiarity, except for Category 3. Addressing another — e.g: Stranger on the street, or shop assistant — by his or her fore-name is rude.
    3. Titular,e.g.: Enlisted to Officer, commoner to noble, etc. The title is pronounced, and the appropriate verb-form is third-person singular.

    I fully-agree that addressing a stranger by his or her fore-name falsifies friendship

    Too much more to say hereon for appropriately polite brevity.

  4. “College students recently gave their opinions on the American flag and said that Old Glory represents “genocide,” “extremism,” “injustice,” and “sins we’ve committed against others”

    Im Falle [des Amerikaopfers] Deutschlands stimmt das alles haargenau. Doch nicht so doof eure Studenten 😉


    • Tja, wir weiße Amis sind vor allem schuld, dem Hitlerspuk nicht schon 1933 ein Ende gesetzt zu haben, da auch wir latente Nazis waren. 😉 (Das stimmt auch einigermaßen. Nur Pearl Harbor schleppte uns von hinten in den Krieg.)

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