The “Blue SS” — U-boat crews that in 1945 became skilled Panzerfaust soldiers; why we fought on fanatically in 1945

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The British soldiers were astonished at the bravery and skill of these German u-boat sailors at land warfare.

The Germans fought on fanatically because 1) they were furious at the illegal, criminal and sadistic civilian bombing by the Allies, which included also strafing farmers in the field and school children in the schoolyard! and 2) many (the real National Socialists) also understood what the future would be some day, the chaos, crime and and degeneracy we see now in not just Germany but almost every western country — because the Allied countries did not win the 1945, the jews did.

You can tell by the double rows of buttons on their chest that they are actually navy. (And the uniforms were navy-blue.)

Video producer Mark Felton of Britain always bashes anything “Nazi” but often shows respect for the Germans as a nation.

As I just blogged the other day, from 1945-48 the jew Morgenthau Plan was in effect. The Germans were being savagely starved, raped, their property stolen, their men sent off to slave labor in France or the Soviet Union, and their factories were being dismantled and shipped off to France, the USSR and England.

The illegal creation of IsraHell in 1948 (by stealing the Palestinians’ land) caused the big change.

The West Germans were now allowed to rebuild and be prosperous again — so they could send money to the jews. And they called it “reparations” — for the Holohoax.

So no, the Germans who fought fanatically were not deranged. The Allies were preparing to keep Germany down as a miserable island of tens of millions of poor, starving peasants with no modern industry forever — until Israel needed the money. THAT is why Germany was allowed to rebuild.

And to create an army paid by the German taxpayer but under US senior commanders to stop the Red Army from taking West Germany.

And now the genocide of the Germans has resumed. The white population of Germany drops by 100,000 people a year. The Germans again are having almost no kids, as during the Weimar Republic, and are again becoming very poor because their Green and Socialist rulers are deliberately destroying the German economy.

Why? Because they have embraced the jew lie that Germans are evil and now they literally hate their own country.

And now you know why the sensible Germans fought so very hard  in 1945.

The other factor was that the Germans were using each month that the Wehrmacht could fight on to evacuate their best soldiers, scientists and women to the Antarctic, but that was unknown to all  until the US Navy’s Operation High Jump revealed that the Reich had escaped the Allies with a small but very potent force.

Long list of German XXI U-boats, the cutting-edge final version with snorkels,  that were neither sunk nor did they surrender. No, this list is not from an alternative blogsite run by some high-school dropout, but from an authoritative West German book publisher, Lehmanns Verlag, Munich (now located in Cologne and called Lehmann Media:

Interestingly, Facebook suspended me for 30 days in 2018 for posting factual info on the Disengagement Movement and the

ultimate German victory.


Regarding the Disengagement Movement, an eagle-eyed comrade submitted this good, factual comment (


You are right about the advanced type XXI U-Boats being used for some type of secret, end-of-war mission by Germany. The type XXI U-Boats had a numerical designation of 2500 or higher. Here is a list of the type XXI U-Boats that were built – amazingly, there were 120 (!) of them:

Yet we are to believe that none of these 120 (!) advanced U-Boats were used for anything, and all were simply ALL scuttled at Kiel at the end of the war. Right………



As an example of the disinformation regarding the ultimate fate of those 120 advanced type XXI U-Boats, here are two Wikipedia articles on U-2519, commanded by Peter-Erich Cremer:

Notice in the first article that it says,

“The submarine was laid down on 24 August 1944 at the Blohm & Voss yard at Hamburg, launched on 13 October 1944, and commissioned on 15 November 1944 under the command of Korvettenkapitän Peter-Erich Cremer, who commanded her until 3 May 1945. U-2519 conducted no patrols and was scuttled on 3 May 1945 in Kiel. The wreck was broken up.”

In the second article, it says,

“On November 1944, Cremer, now Lieutenant Commander, aimed to convey the new submarine U-2519 Class XXI. Citing “several design flaws”, Cremer scuttled the submarine at Kiel, on May 1945.”

So we are supposed to believe that Cremer commanded the U-2519 from November 15, 1944 until May 3, 1945 (almost six months!), but did absolutely nothing with it during all that time.I guess he was drinking schnapps down at the bar.

And the “design flaws” of the U-2519 supposedly cited by Cremer didn’t prevent him from commanding it for almost 6 months!

So Cremer and the U-2519 supposedly either sat in the dock for six months or cruised aimlessly around the oceans for half a year — while Germany was in a death struggle for its survival.


There’s definitely something being hidden here, so I do believe you are correct about the hidden Antarctic base theory, as far-fetched as it may sound to “Joe Six-Pack.”



I replied:

Excellent research, but telling ME I am “right”?
Well, thanks, but I should be, knowing what I conceived, planned, ordered and implemented, and then committed suicide in order to save — deceiving the Allies that the idea that

“upon the death of Hitler, the founder and leader of Nazism, the Nazi threat to the civilized world is now finally over.”……
Some day you may accept in your heart as well as your brain that reincarnation might just be real — and that applies to everyone. To you, me, Julius, Jesus, Napoleon, Adolf, and the guy across the street with the loud kids. 

…..Reincarnation facts

Dr. Tucker of the University of Virginia Medical School and head of child psychiatry at the UV-Charlottesville Hospital,

….has a second book out which goes into notable people who have come back, such as
–a WWII test pilot,
–the stellar 1920s golf champion Bobby Jones,
–a Jewish Hollywood actor (he played gangsters, and quite convincingly  ) who then morphed into a big movie agent with a Rolls Royce and a big pool,
–plus the Harvard grad who wrote the script for the multi-Oscar hit movie version of the bestselling novel “Gone with the Wind.”

Would a do-something man like Adolf Hitler really just be sitting there now by the pool in the afterlife, sipping his pina colada or herbal tea  now — while his countrymen and -women are being beaten, raped and murdered by muslims, and the entire Aryan race goes under (with Trump having been the final chance for the System to be peacefully reformed) …. a race facing in its entirety exactly what is breathing down the Boers’ necks in 2024 South Africa?

We are facing rape, torture, poverty, being burned alive with gasoline, or chopped up in the face with a machete? Like the top Boer WN activist, Eugene Terre-Blanche, murdered by two of his black employees

Do you think Hitler could just stand and watch???

And look — General George Patton is back, the one who woke up as to the Jews, and now is Donald Trump — looking very similar, and acting up impulsively, and forever seeking attention in the very same way as well.

Every flaw and every talent in George Patton has, Donald Trump has too.

…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945)

So, anyway, in the end it turns out I am “right” about the Disengagement Movement.

I would like to suggest that I have been “right” (having inside information) and I have been publishing this to the world despite ridicule since 2010, right here on THIS website. 

But glad to hear it from you too, comrade. 

Btw, I made a blog of your U-boat comment.


…..Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

I dyed it black so you get it. My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look average myself, and like a working-class man.


Humor — but the serious point is that the whole Hitler approach turned the Germans on — a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people and the Spartans of the white race — but all those uniforms and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the world OFF ;-(

Humor — but the serious point is that the whole Hitler approach, while it turned the Germans “on” — a unique, highly militaristic, stern, soldierlike people, in a sense the Spartans of the white race — with all those uniforms and the sieg-heil-ing of one man — really turned the rest of the white world OFF. ;-(

The Hitler strongman image was a huge turnoff to Americans, and was seen as a step back into the Middle Ages, and a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted. Even the young John Kennedy, very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while admiring the man.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton: “All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The Romans were certainly no liberal hippies  or against powerful leaders, but even they got rid of one-man rule and their kings — and established a dual consulship: two rulers, supervised on top of it all by a Senate.

So the next time, the flavor has to be modified, but the core ingredients are the same!


…..J-Team chemtrailing Ontonagon like crazy since Sept. first

It started here right after April 20, 2015, when my “VIP Pedophiles” viral video was published.


But it has drastically intensified this week. This sky was azure-blue a few hours before. (Behind the tree on the right was Margi’s house. Ahead is Lake Superior.)


But it’s to late to stop me, jews.


They said we were through in 1923, after the Beer Hall Putsch failed.

Especially when the locomotive of the party, its founder, leader and chief orator, was banned from speaking in Prussia, which was two-thirds of Germany!


But I refounded the party in 1925, in the same Bürgerbräu Keller in Munich where the putsch began.  To say to the world: WE ARE BACK!

But in May 1928 we got a measily 2.6% of the vote! Germany rejected us!

But I knew the Jews would plunge Germany into even worse miseries and horrors — into the Great Depression — and as that worsened, many gullible workers streamed into the Stalin-controlled Communist Party of Germany — under the thuggish Ernst Thälmann!

Terrifying the churches and the middle class, the Communist Party of Germany, in 1932, became the number-two party in Germany.

But we had risen by then to number-one!

Germany then had the starkest of choices!

Communism or national socialism!

Bolshevism or Hitler!

And hunger or food!

1932 (left) Workers of both head and hand! Vote the front-line veteran soldier Hitler! (right)

Against hunger and despair, vote Hitler!


No one should starve! No one should freeze!


Our last hope

I knew we had to just hang in there, because despair would wake them up IF ONLY OUR PARTY WAS STILL THERE and organized TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!


We kept our fighting spirit!







  1. Adolf Hitler supposedly died by suicide on April 30, 1945, in his bunker in Berlin. He is said to have ingested cyanide and also shot himself in the head. So far so good. After his death, Hitler’s body was reportedly burned by his staff in the garden of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. The remains were discovered by the Soviet army in May 1945. That’s the part that makes no sense. If Hitler killed himself to distract from the escape to Antarctica, why disfigure him by burning him after his death. Wouldn’t he have given his staff orders to make sure that the Soviets are 100% sure that he is dead? Or isn’t it more likely that the corpse found was that of a body double?

    • So I should have left our bodies unburnt so the jew commissars of the Red Army could hang my and Eva’s corpses upside down from the Brandenburg gate, as with Mussolini, his mistress Clara, and his entourage three days before in front of an Esso gas/petrol station?
      (This photo, over which the jews gloat to this day, went around the world.) In fact, the jews would probably have hung my and Eva’s corpses upside down stark naked!

      The immolation was to prevent our bodies from being desecrated and the world seeing such a humiliation. It is like an officer asking to be shot and not hanged — to stand and face a firing squad gives dignity even in death. Of course, the jews who ran the Nuremberg kangaroo trials in 1946 did not grant the Wehrmacht officers such as Keitel and Jodel this customary right.
      And every single Wehrmacht soldier who fought the communists in the French Résistance, or Tito’s communists in Yugoslavia, or the Red Army on the Eastern Front, KNEW that communists, in their satanic hate, love to mutilate the corpses of dead enemies. And what is communism if not secular Talmudism?
      For the jews and other psychopaths, other human beings are just things, and there is nothing sacred and no respect for a fallen but brave enemy.
      This mindset is also why jews who ritually bleed out and murder white children leave the corpse out in the forest or toss it in the river. A goy, as a mere animal in their eyes, has no right to a burial. Of course, this also enables the villagers to discover the corpse, and then pogroms erupt. Pretty stupid to not bury the corpse, but the jews, while clever, are stupid enough to always bring disaster down on their own heads — and have done so for 3,000 years.

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