Bold Sepehr video on jewish “redemption through sin”; Brooklyn chicken sacrifice

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I am a huge admirer of Robert Sepehr, and when it came out that his father was an Iranian jew and Hollywood filmmaker, my admiration did not change. It actually takes a lot of guts to turn against one’s own people, especially one that is as rich, powerful and vengeful as the jews are!

Sepehr’s mother was of German heritage, and Sepehr himself stands at a very tall 6’5″ (196 cm), which probably comes from his German side, since many jews actually have a gene for shortness, with even jewish men being sometimes just 5’2″ or so. And the neanderthals, who are a big part of jewish DNA, were short also.

(Some southern Frenchmen, by having some neanderthal DNA via the ancient Ligurians in the south of that country, are also very short.)

I have read both Sepehr’s book 1666 Redemption and also books by the great French author Hervé Ryssen on the Sabbateans and Frankists, and he makes the same point as Sepehr: far more jews are secret Sabbateans than people realize, even antisemites. And Sabbateanism is redemption through sin. And this is atrocious: it means promoting commiting rape, pedophilia, incest, murder and ritual murder! Even many jews are shocked by this.

Ryssen makes the point that jewish psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (and probably his nephew Edward Bernays, the founder of modern  PR) were  likely Sabbateans, and he brings this up in the context of jewish incest — having sex with their own kids.

Sepehr makes the further point that Jacob Frank, who was a Sabbatean in Poland a century after the founder, Sabbatai Zvi, moved from Poland to Offenbach, next to Frankfurt, Germany which is where the founder of the Illuminati, the jew Adam Weishaupt, and the banker Rothschild were located. He infers that both were Sabbateans (Frankists).

(I am downloading this video, btw, which is so anti-jewish that I think Sepehr’s YT channel might even be shut down.)



…..Kapparos versus the health laws

A comrade sent me this link: More sick, twisted and disgusting Jews in NYC!

I replied: Thank you. I will use this. I had never heard of this health issue related to „kapparos.“

Here again we see jews getting total impunity from the authorities. Truly, we can speak henceforth only of Jew York City.

I had a gf in the 1990s in Virginia who was familiar with the health codes for any establishment handling food that was served to the public, and the food authorities (the health department) were strict, levied fines, and shut places down. (They also did this during the Covid hysteria in 2020.) 

During the 18 years I was in the Washington DC area, the Washington Post ran a regular column on restaurants shut down by the D.C. health department. This makes sense for the Post because lobbyists, tens of thousands of them, are always taking people (congressmen or others) out to lunch or dinner, and trying to talk someone with power into either favoring or rejecting some piece of  legislation. It’s a kind of bribe, basically. So restaurants are a BIG part of Washington life because of lobbying. If you take Senator X, who is 82 years old, out to lunch and he gets deathly ill, that is definitely not good.

Btw, the offenders were constantly Chinese restaurants. The health department — I would read the details of the violations found — found food from the previous day that was being illegally reheated and served, or cooking pots were found with no lid on them so a house fly (who had maybe just eaten some dog sh–) could get into the food…. or they saw rats and rat feces in the kitchen.

And then these Chinese places were SHUT DOWN.

I can say that twice I got food poisoning from Chinese food, once as a kid in Cranston, Rhode Island; and again, in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, as an adult. I remember as a kid that it felt like someone had taken my intestines and twisted them with pliers.

But the jews are allowed to violate every ordinance and law about everything.

And people do die from food poisoning. The CDC says 48 MILLION Americans get sick from this, and three thousand Americans even DIE every year from spoiled food:


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