Boston Globe: Delta variant of Covid exploding on Cape Cod among the VACCINATED (so we def. need more police state); new lockdown over “Delta” mid-August?

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Btw, Cape Cod is the beautiful peninsula in southeastern Massachusetts that is the home of the numerous Kennedy family.


Data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Friday showed that three-quarters of the COVID-19 cases from a massive outbreak on Cape Cod occurred in vaccinated people, raising questions within the agency about how the Delta variant is spreading among those who’ve been inoculated from the disease.

The CDC, which earlier this week advised even vaccinated people wear masks indoors in parts of the country where the Delta variant is surging, said in a document Friday that the cluster in Barnstable County suggests local governments may want to go further — even in places like Massachusetts where the virus isn’t spreading as rapidly.

Spoken on June 30, 2015 at a Wash DC banquet for the visiting President of Brazil




Boy, the jews do hate Posobiec.

The number one-fraudsters worldwide, the jews…


…now call Posobiec a fraud in every single paragraph of their Wiki article on him, adding that every word out of his mouth has been debunked by their bribed Expert A or Expert B….

A French comrade wrote me:
Covid things are heating up :

As expected: Fauci accuses the unvaccinated of creating future vaccine-resistant variants

Captain Harlock
Participatory Democracy
July 26, 2021


I told you they would accuse the unvaccinated of the vaxxination failure.

This is what is happening.

Fauci, the Bill Gates man from whom Delfraissy takes his orders , just did just that.

Fauci was questioned by a black man with a pair of glasses.

If you allow the virus to circulate freely because many people are not vaccinated , you are again giving it the opportunity to mutate more and you may end up creating a variant that actually escapes the protection of the vaccine .

We are really lucky that while this delta variant is a real bad player in that it is highly transmissible, the vaccines work very well against it in most cases. In particular, protection against serious illnesses leading to hospitalization.

The video :

Dr. Fauci Argues Unvaccinated People Are Going to Cause the Virus to Mutate into Deadly New Variant

I am extremely tired of all of this.

Everything is already explained, just search. But people are not looking. As for the vaxxines, I don’t even talk about them anymore.

I wrote several more articles last week on this.

Virologist Geert Vanden Bossche warns of how vaccination turns vaccinees into preferred targets for variants

It is not the unvaccinated who generate vaccine-resistant variants, but the vaccinated.

How do you expect unvaccinated people to produce vaccine-resistant variants since by definition the virus does not come into contact with this vaccine in their body?

The virus only becomes resistant to the vaccine if it encounters it in a person’s body and tries to resist vaccine destruction by mutating. It’s happening right now.

If you vaccinate billions of people in the midst of a pandemic, you are guaranteed to obtain ever more dangerous variants because the vaccination eliminates the weakest strains, leaving space free for new resistant strains. Not to mention the fusion of variants between them during double contamination. These are the immune escape variants.

This is what Vanden Bossche explains since March 2021.

And here we are where we are today: stupid goyim flock to the vaxxination centers, hypnotized by the Jewish media, to get stung in the hope of going on vacation.


When the variants resistant to the messenger RNA vaccine are officially announced to this herd of calves, take the best pictures.

We’ll have memes for a century.

If Fauci says that on American television, it is because he has received the green light.

He then informed Delfraissy to broadcast the same cryptic message to the stupid goyim about next winter’s “new variant”.


This is the next step in the plan: life-long lethal vaccination in the face of vaccine-resistant variants.

The vaxxines have lost their natural immunity. An updated vaccine would only reproduce antibodies from the first edition of the virus with no effect against immune escape variants.

Fauci knows this because it’s been the plan from the start: to dismantle the natural immune systems of billions of stupid goyim and expose them to stronger and stronger viral waves from mass vaccination.

To disguise the crime, the Jews intend to make us scapegoats, according to the tradition of their diabolical religion.

They are already accusing us of causing these variants.

Everything is in place.

Compulsory vaccination is supposed to complete the plan.

We are entering the crucial phase.

Vaccines won’t work against mutations = meaning we must have a new lockdown, while furiously castigating the evil and stubborn non-vaccinated conspiracy nuts/bigots
If vaccinated people are actually weaker than others against the supposed variants, then they will either die….. OR they will get the THIRD jab from the Pfizer jew Bourla……………….
Like Angela Merkelm, Bourla is always with the eyeball hand gesture… more than a jew, an Illuminatus….

John de Nugent


John de Nugent

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Alain Jean-Baptiste

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Like I predicted a while back. The Delta variant doesn’t care about the vaccine. Keep the mask on and distance regardless if you are vaccinated or not

John Saunders

The vaccines aren’t meant to protect against infections. They prevent severe illness and death.

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Kath Clayton

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Oh but then there is this…

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So basically the vaccine is useless


BeachGal for Biden/Harris

The vaccines are keeping people from dying, thus not useless.


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  1. Last month in UK we had 40,000 deaths from all causes 390 were covid related = 0.9% so why the lockdown , masks etc . My Source is The Times newspaper .More people die from Alcohol and tobacco each week yet they aren’t banned , but a good source of taxation

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