Both hacking and visits skyrocket; the “safe” swine flu shot and other flu jabs that gave innocent people Guillain-Barré syndrome

Spread the love

At Eagle River on the Keweenaw Peninsula (photo by a Marine veteran, supporter and friend) 


First, let me say how grateful I and Margi are for the huge donations that came in recently, bringing this website — and my entire mission to create an energizing, mobilizing Aryan religion —  back from the precipice.

Me and my babe, all healthy and happy again! Pat yourselves on the back, all you big donors who enabled us financially to drive 13 times to the Mayo Clinic (370 miles one-way) and to buy the natural supplements which brought Margi back from Hiroshima-level radiation, which was just as hard on her as we had feared. I wish especially to thank a Frenchman, a North Carolinian, a German architect, and an Irish-American (who was a stormtrooper in the Rockwell party when I was). 


…..Recent donations

— 25 July 2021 $500 in cash from S in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

— 22 July 2021 40 euros, photos and note from M in France


— 21 July 2021 30 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 20 July 2021 400 Euros via PP from C in Germany

— 16 July 2021 400 euros, photos and card from M in France


–15 July 2021 400 euros via Moneygram from C in Germany

–15 July 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from S in unknown location

— 14 July 2021 $400 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–13 July 2021 two superb historical books from J in New Mexico, Stalin’s War of Extermination by Joachim Hoffmann, and Chief Culprit, by the Soviet jew and military historian Suvorov, proving that Stalin was just about to massively surprise-attack Germany, in August 1941 (despite the Berlin-Moscow Non-Aggression Pact of 1939)  when Hitler Germany instead, with full justification, surprise-attacked HIM.

–13 July 2021 book from Stan Hess in Idaho Defensive Racism by the late WN lawyer Edgar Steele, who was later tragically framed for attempted murder on the word of honor of a convicted felon who had stolen thousands in silver coins FROM HIM!  Then the FBI created a deep-fake audio — using tech from the Media Lab at MIT — of Steele supposedly discussing ON THE PHONE having his own wife bumped off, which his wife Cindy  never believed for a second. Steele was then railroaded into prison, given “diesel-therapy” (moved around constantly from prison to prison (in a diesel-powered bus, hence “diesel therapy”) with his mail never forwarded, so he had almost no communications with his friends, supporters and family for months). He then died in prison due to the feds withholding his medications and probably despair as well. This book is superb. You can see from it why the jew-feds hated and feared him.

— 12 July 2021 100 dollars Australian [ = US$75], ltr, UFO/Annunaki info from J in Oz

— 10 July 2021 200 Euros from M in France

— 9 juillet 2021 50 Euros et cartes de S en Allemagne

–29 June 2021 200 euros and letter from M in France

— 29 June 2021 100 euros, silver bracelet for Margi, and a copy in Italian of the famous Serenity Prayer from E in Italy

The Serenity Prayer from Reinhold Niebuhr


— 28 June 2021 $23 in cash and ltr from W in Tennessee


— 25 June 2021 50 euros via PP from M in France

–24 June 2021 $190 in cash and ltr from N in Georgia

–21 June 2021 200 euros, photos from the Louvre Museum, and a kind note from M in France 


–18 June 2021 150 euros, photos of the Roman arena in ancient Paris, then called “Lutetia,” and card from M in France.

–17 June 2021 200 euros, photos and card from M in France. (Lower-right: I always carry a sandwich in case I get hungry …)

— 16 June 2021 100 Australian dollars ( = $60 US) from Australian comrade P

He ends his kind letter:


Please send John a donation — whatever you can spare.

John is doing wonderful work on the vaccine issue.

He is trying to save lives!


— 11 June 2021 $20 and note from T in New York State

— 8 June 2021 US$500 and kind note from C in North Carolina (Internet/phone cut-off notice on pink paper on the right)


— 8 June 2021 100 euros from M in France

— 4 June 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

These Amazon gifts pay for vital things I need or that keep Margi healthy so I can do my mission without a beloved spouse who is sick and dying on me, draining me in every way.

Among them, this incredible $40 book Virus Mania:


— 4 June 2021 100 euros ( = same in dollars) and Versailles pictures from M in France

–29 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–29 May 2021 $200 loan from P in Florida



— 28 May 2021 200 euros, photos and letters from the heroic M in France, who rightly quoted Mussolini to me: “If one cannot give his blood, at least one can give money.”

— 24 May 2021 150 euros from M in France



— 22 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–May 16, 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Illinois

— 16 May 2021 $50 via PayPal from H in Denmark

Kronborg Castle, Helsingfors



.(Not the donor) This was Povl [ = Paul] Riis-Knudsen, a very, very brave Danish national socialist whom I met several times via Matt Koehl, the then leader of the NSWPP.

For generations jewry has owned or controlled the main newspapers in Scandinavia (as well as in Holland), successfully brainwashing Germany’s neighbors and blood kindred to hate themselves, their race, all their German cousins — and obviously Hitler and his national socialists.

Incredibly, Denmark let SEVEN THOUSAND little German children, evacuated from East Prussia in 1945 to escape the mass murderers of the Red Army, perish of hunger and a total lack of medical care in Danish barbed-wire death camps after the war. Inconceivable with such an otherwise highly civilized and decent nordic people!

Anyway, Povl was a true hero to stand up for NS in a country that the Jews had taught day and night to hate our sacred cause, the true cause of the Scandinavian peoples too who now are being overrun by Muslim savages!

A comrade urged me to not overglorify nordic genes. Believe me, I do not. To let little children perish over the course of months over a Holocaust that the Germans never committed — and over an occupation which was a military necessity but also extremely mild — was a staggering crime against humanity and little blond Germanic children by their fellow nordics.

If people say, well, the Jews brainwashed the Danes, well, from 1940-45, under German occupation, they had also gotten THE TRUTH! And they rejected it! This is truly a benighted planet…
— 15 May 2021 Five letters containing generous donations (100 euros x 4 plus 60 euros) arrive suddenly from M in France!

– May 14, 2021 check for $20 from M in Indiana (US)

— 11 May 2021 220 euros, letter, photos of the Paris Métro and of Freemantle in Australia



.Anyway, the sudden ending of my $1239-a-month cancer caretaker check from the State of Michigan had brought about an instant financial crisis. That check plus donations had sustained until now this website and my increasing costs to protect it from hackers, which are now $1400 a month:

$150 for webhosting,

$250 for the Russian webmaster, and

$800 for the monitor, who observes 14 hours a day and reports to the webmaster all hacking attempts.

Since Biden got in, the US (the feds) are hacking away, as is their master, Israel) — today’s screenshot


Btw, visits to are way up also….

This is a basically excellent readership:  open to spirituality, reincarnation, near-death-experiences, the reality of alien life, as well as appreciating standard WN truths about race, jews, Hitler, the Holofraud, etc.  People who read my site know that mere jew- and wog-bashing has not moved us forward at all.  

(The check came from my fave governor, Gretchen Whitmer (center), no less 😉  here with two other jewesses who run the state government and steal elections) 


Of course, this day of the check ending had to come because her cancer is now gone, and while Margi is still recovering, she is doing well — after her chemo and massive radiation, followed by pneumonia and two other infections that arose when some food particles went down into her lungs, since her soft palate is mostly gone and thus offered no protection from things going down her “windpipe.”

Then her NP, her nurse-practitioner, a very nice lady, IMO failed to read the signs correctly of this lung infection.

This entire economically depressed, Rust Belt county, Ontonagon County, lily-white basically because there are few jobs to attract migrants, has NOT ONE resident medical doctor at all!!! 🙁

…just ER doctors who come and go….. and, as ER doctors, they only handle emergencies.

Anyway, “all good things must end”…. meaning that monthly check has ended, because other things did happen, good things, namely Margi beating her dreadful, agonizing, horrifying, time- and money-devouring, and very nearly lethal cancer.

This cancer went through both her and my inheritances, and used up a truly huge amount of my own time. Before all this, I was blogging regularly in THREE languages — English (two or three a day), plus one in French and another in German.

June 2015

Now I get out mostly just English-language content.

If I had a personal assistant, and Margi as well (a fine writer, speaker, translator, musical performer and activist herself!!!!) as I almost did (but the lady — a very fine person — unfortunately reconsidered, and stayed at her depressing but certainly bill-paying job in Massachusetts), our situation would be radically different, and my site, readership and support would be quintuple what they are now.

It kind of sickens me how much menial and time-consuming work I do instead of starting my mission.  Mowing lawns, washing dishes, doing laundry, doing large and small house repairs, taking Margi shopping, fixing two old cars (a 2003 Hyundai and my 1996 Crown Vic)……


And then, out of strategy and necessity (plus enjoyment, being a people-person) I do go out to the taverns and socialize with the locals... a good idea considering I am an outsider, a “Nazi” (with Hitler being FOR THEM a supposed tyrant, madman, gun-grabber and enemy of America)…. and with two-thirds of the men here being veterans and having many, many guns… and a lot of of the women here have guns too, know how to hunt, dress a deer, and how to fix cars, too.

I did cut back cutting lawns from five a week to just one… for with our race on the edge of extermination from the slow-killing Covid “vaccine,” why am I still mowing someone else’s lawns?

Is this the best use of my time, given who I am and what needs to be done?

Me mowing away on a steep hill at age 67 as a federal Stingray tower watches me.

The Stingray tower (black dot below) specifically surveils my house (upper black dot) with its cameras

The pale-yellow house below is the one I have rented since 2014. Stingrays also illegally download everything off your smartphone as you drive by. It pretends to your cell phone sensors to be a kind of cell tower, but is actually espionage without any warrant against ALL American citizens. Every photo and every private chat on your phone gets stolen and uploaded to a fed computer just by you driving by….. in the “LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE.”

So anyway the Mayo docs (wonderful folks) trooped in, in July 2019, five of them — the Mayo Clinic doctors and nurses seem to never be overworked because there are so very many of them to handle all the patient workload. In a kind but clear manner they told her and me that she had only a 20% chance to survive.

Great, eh, Stage Three throat cancer although Margi never smoke, drank, got overweight or ate junk food. America is one big, cancer-causing, toxic waste dump. Bad air, water, food, and soil….

Anyway, the recent, very generous donations gave this site and my mission a reprieve but the donations must continue. We are getting as of this month only a combined $1500 a month from Social Security to live on, buy food and supplements, and keep this house up, maintain the used cars, pay insurance, etc.

There is no way this site can continue at $1400 a month when we take in only $1500 to live off.

Margi is growing and watering organic vegetables and herbs every single day to save money — and also some nice flowers 🙂

(The grass is a bit brown from drought.)


From right to left (foreground to background), echinacea (a medicinal herb), pole beans, a rain-barrel, and peas


Summer squash and kale






I ran this humorous cartoon the other day…. 😉

A dedicated supporter and donor then commented:

I don’t think the Nordics will rapture us. We stand alone.

I replied:

I could not agree more. Until the curse of the egoic mind in us white Earthlings is eradicated, it will continue to collaborate with the jews against us, and all human progress will prove temporary and futile.

Fact is, Luther got burned out and gave up trying to warn us against the jews….


Henry Ford tried, and he too gave up.

And Presidents Harry Truman, Richard Nixon and Donald Trump never even tried to take the jews on or down, while understanding totally what kind of monsters these jews are and what they plan to do to us all!

Btw, Nixon used to pop over to a McDonalds near the White House (750 17th St NW, the same one that Bill Clinton later frequented), and one day our Rockwell-Party NSWPP stormtroopers were in there after picketing the White House. So Nixon pops in, he sees our guys having a burger, reads their signs, and lets out the biggest grin. 🙂

I tell you, they admired our courage. 😉 That is how it is in Ontonagon, too. People smile at me, like, “Man, you got cojones — if nothing else.” 😉

Trump initially did not kiss the jews’ ass at all.

Well, seeing how various great men of history got burned out, I could get burned out too — and say: “White Earthlings just do not deserve any more help. Let the jews exterminate them. Then they might learn something as they are dying, but probably  not even then. 😉 They will actually justify surrendering — “I was just being realistic” — yeah, realistic cowardice as in 500 million Whites with warlike ancestors surrendering to 20 million scrawny jews.

That is like the 100,000 Italian troops who surrendered to British general Montgomery at El Alamein and his 10,000 Brits.

I’m a nordic starseed. I came to help. Nordic starseeds are deliberately born of regular earth parents so as not to “weird out” or terrify earthlings (or end up worshipped by dummies as a “god” 😉 )  but this life is an incarnation for which they volunteer which they accept will transpire far away from their home planet.

Staffordshire, England woman describes two Nordics she and her sons saw in October 1954 (three months after I was born) as being “beautiful people” (1:35), with “golden hair” (1:41-50), saying “their foreheads seemed to be a big larger, bigger than the bottom of their faces — as with normal people that you would expect to see” (2:38) and “they looked so sympathetic” (3:04)


But I am getting worn down; I’m getting tired. I had dull heart pains last week (which a visiting comrade saw at our home), and went to bed right away.

So, please, you must now help me to help you. 🙂

We can win this…. if you stand by me.

And, btw, since I was showing a gift of Italian coffee above (by a libtard neighbor, no less, who likes us), the Italian officers and the king, as Léon Degrelle pointed out, were jew-lovers, Anglophiles and Freemasons, hated Mussolini, and they surrendered deliberately.

The true Fascists in the Italian military fought magnificently!

Himmler decreed that the Italian Waffen-SS soldiers get to wear their own distinctive Fascist helmet



Especially important blogs





…….Mid-1970s swine-flu” vaxx under Gerald Ford devastated a then young white man named “Mike” who is now one of my readers


Mike wrote:

How convenient …the “Delta variant”…They needed something to get EVERYBODY….I, for one, am getting completely fed up and angry beyond belief with this whole farcical country , the former United States…and Dem lefty cuck White morons and their black pets. And of course the small-hats.
I cannot get any type of flu shot as I was vaccinated in the mid Seventies when the swine-flu hysteria was the pandemic of the moment. Of course I was in middle school, only 13, I think. I don’t remember everything. But what I do remember was I ended up being crippled and in the hospital for almost a full year until I could move my limbs again and I had to learn to walk again.
No one knew at the time, supposedly, what was going on. They thought I had polio or some other kind of neuro disease. I ended up with Guillain-Barré syndrome. So when I have my doctors who keep harassing me about getting the shot I tell them NEVER — I had a shot once, and it almost killed me.
Well, I’m a lot older now and not exactly in the greatest of health and there is no way I am going to get the jab. It probably would kill me.


I responded:

Thank you VERY much for sharing your tragic experience.

Wiki on Guillain-Barré syndrome:


Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rapid-onset muscle weakness caused by the immune system damaging the peripheral nervous system.[2] Typically, both sides of the body are involved, and the initial symptoms are changes in sensation or pain often in the back along with muscle weakness, beginning in the feet and hands, often spreading to the arms and upper body.[2] The symptoms may develop over hours to a few weeks.[2] During the acute phase, the disorder can be life-threatening, with about 15% of people developing weakness of the breathing muscles and, therefore, requiring mechanical ventilation.[1] Some are affected by changes in the function of the autonomic nervous system, which can lead to dangerous abnormalities in heart rate and blood pressure.[2]

Although the cause is unknown, the underlying mechanism involves an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nerves and damages their myelin insulation.[2] Sometimes this immune dysfunction is triggered by an infection or, less commonly, by surgery, and rarely, by vaccination.[A-hah….sure]

The diagnosis is usually based on the signs and symptoms through the exclusion of alternative causes and supported by tests such as nerve conduction studies and examination of the cerebrospinal fluid.[2] There are a number of subtypes based on the areas of weakness, results of nerve conduction studies, and the presence of certain antibodies.[4] It is classified as an acute polyneuropathy.[1]

In those with severe weakness, prompt treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins or plasmapheresis, together with supportive care, will lead to good recovery in the majority of people.[2] Recovery may take weeks to years, with about a third having some permanent weakness.[2]

How has it gone for you, comrade? Have the symptoms abated?


He replied:

I learned to walk all over again. But I have found out recently,as in the past few years that the effects of GB follow you for the rest of your life in different ways, not for everybody — but for some people it does. Not really sure how or why.

A wellness nurse that I see once a year actually mentioned that to me and I had never heard that before. As I am getting older I am having all kinds of inflammatory issues. Things that are not common and are said to be rare. So when I told her that I had GB when I was young , she was surprised and said that could be part of the reason you are having issues.I told my claim to fame was I was one of the youngest to be put into the New England Journal of Medicine, because I survived GB.

And one of the main reasons I survived with no permanent completely crippling effects was because I was so young and my nerves could still regenerate. A lot of older people died or were crippled, became wheelchair-bound and the like. Well, older than me at 13, not just meaning old people… people in their 30’s 40’s and such.

Here is a transcript/article I found with Mike Wallace , of 60min fame. I used to watch that show then all the time.

Of course I don’t remember this episode specifically but I found it quite interesting.

Now, as an adult, I am finding out about what was going on back then. Since I was a teenager I wasn’t really following what was happening. I am sure to my parents it was different; they were adults and living in the moment.

People, doctors, they really didn’t talk about all the crippling effects that were happening because of a vaccine. Obviously they didn’t want this information getting out.

There were plenty of lawsuits, but by the time I discovered what had happened I was already an adult and too many years had passed to sue.

I remember contacting a lawyer who was following these types of cases but he said my statute of limitations had run out. I really didn’t know that the vaccine was the cause until I got older and starting reading about what happened at that time when I got sick.

Thank you for asking and your concern. I am sorry to see things your wife is going thru but it seems you are helping her and caring for her very well and she is fighting to keep herself healthy and you both are doing well.

I think a lot of what happens to us can only stop us if we allow it to or to give up.



I am very sad at what has happened to this country. I am part-German. My father was German and Italian.

My mother was French-Canadian and English.

You are a military man, I see. My father served in the Navy 1943 to ’45. He was on the USS Fayette and the USS Vulcan.

*** JdN

The USS Fayette was a WWII troop transport/support ship, bringing men and cargo, and taking away the severely wounded. It brought Marines to Iwo Jima, so my father could have been on it or seen it.


My dad was here, and maybe also Mike’s….  


His father, my grandfather, served in the Army in WW1…he fought along the Maginot Line or so I was told.

He was left on the battlefield for almost 48 hrs as a bomb went off near him. He was shellshocked. Needless to say, he was found and survived. He went home but he was never the same again. From what my father told me, he basically was crazy.

He would hear a loud sound and would immediately run and hide under a table and be shaking and crying and screaming.

He would talk to himself. He just became too much to handle and had to be put into an institution.


My oldest brother, my father’s first-born, served in the Navy as well. He served during Vietnam on the aircraft carrier USS Ranger.

Our last name is Bauer. Apparently our name was shortened, which is what they did back when Euro immigrants came into America. I don’t know what our original name was. I always remembered one thing my father would say about what his father told him after fighting over in France. He would say that they are dropping our own bombs on us. That always stuck with me at how insane all of it was. Now I know that American industry leaders were making the ammunition for the Germans as well, all for the profit off of war. That is just insane.

I can’t imagine how my grandfather felt after finding out your being bombed, basically, by your own people, more or less.

*** Ford built trucks in America for the Soviets in WWII and German corporal Gottlob Bidermann encountered them constantly in Ukraine.

Congratulations, American patriotards! Your Greatest Generation saved communism — and nice little things like the rise of Red China, the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, BLM, Antifa and $30 trillion in Pentagon spending were your glorious reward for saving the hammer and sickle from the swastika.

Later, Ford built trucks inside Soviet Russia itself for use by the North Vietnamese against American soldiers and marines.

The Ho Chi Minh Trail that supplied the communist Viet Cong guerillas and the North Vietnamese Army, which together killed 57,000 Americans, was full of Ford trucks.

I knew Marian Shelton of Kentucky fairly well. Her husband Charles, her high-school sweetheart, an Air Force fighter pilot, was shot down in 1965, and this POW was one of those approximately 150 Americans who were abandoned by Ford and Reagan. She killed herself in October 199o.

Marian before she died

She told me that a White House source told her that Reagan quietly said: “We just can’t restart the Vietnam War for 150 men. So the POW [Prisoner Of War] thing remains ‘unconfirmed sightings.'”

She said an old white man with blue eyes was seen working in a North Vietnamese rice paddy. She seemed incredibly sad as she said this to me. The communist bastards….. They killed her too.


The communist tyrant Stalin also kept a hundred or more American bomber pilots from WWII forever as his “bargaining chip.”

If an American bomber over Leipzig or Berlin took flak, got severely damaged, and the pilot decided they could not make it all the way back to their airbase back in England, the wounded plane continued on to Soviet territory further east and landed there.

Stalin imprisoned the American pilots and never let them go.

This was, in FDR’s words, our “gallant Russian ally.”


And you just had to keep doing your duty no matter what. You had to. If nothing else, to hopefully survive and get out and go home alive.

Well, since we are part-German, we were being bombed by our own. It’s sad that basically Euro peoples had to go over to Europe to kill their own brethren. All for nothing but the destruction of our own folk. Anyway, sorry for the rambling. I do like this site and wish to contribute soon. Thank you for a place to vent.


I replied:

I appreciate your remarks and “ramblings,” which were heartfelt and powerful. And I am glad my readers can learn about this earlier lethal-vaccine scam by a US government which, under the RINO Gerald Ford, whom my dad despised, way back then also was assuring the American people how “safe” the vaxx was.


A German, calling himself “Beobachter” [ = Observer] commented (in English, which he writes very well, then in German)

Regarding Mike’s report: Thank you! First-hand experience reports like this are the most valuable.

A female friend of ours who lived in the same rental apartment building had a flu shot in 2002, just before her vacation began. Fortunately, I still had the key to the apartment from watching it during her vacation, because the day after she returned, she called us in the morning from her bed to tell us that she could no longer move her legs.

She was then immediately admitted to the hospital, diagnosed with “GBS” [Guillain-Barré Syndrome], and a week later she was completely paralyzed, could no longer move her eyelids, but she still understood us and was aware of everything.
A tear showed us this when we spoke to her.
After a few weeks in the intensive care unit, she passed away.
Besides my childhood vaccine-induced febrile seizure (in the 1970s) as well as, among other things, the vaccine-critical information in Jane Roberts’ Seth material, this was a milestone in my life. The death of this friend of ours was like an exclamation point. From then on I observed even more attentively in my circle of acquaintances the vaccination side-effects (narcolepsy, paralysis etc. etc.).

“No one knew at the time, supposedly, what was going on.” The vast majority of doctors DO know what vaccinations do, but for liability reasons they cannot admit the connections, neither then nor now, with a few exceptions. Probably the absolute majority of them would never vaccinate themselves and their family members, but with regard to other people they have no scruples.

There is a classic reportage from 1979 that is absolutely worth seeing, a “CBS 60 Minutes” report that refers to the swine flu vaccination campaign of 1976. It illustrates the crimes committed and how everything was brutally implemented. A “GBS” victim is also presented and it is shown how celebrities (TV stars, athletes, etc.) were used as advertising and endorsements for vaccination propaganda without their knowledge, although they themselves rejected getting this vaccine!

“Mike Wallace 60 Minutes Exposes Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Fallout of 1976 – ReUpload” [ca. 15 minutes],

It really knocks you off your feet when you see this reportage (which was real journalism), because it makes you abruptly aware of the dubiousness of the vaccination campaigns.

The virus theory and the vaccination theory have been disproved, John, from front to back. This lecture from 2009 (in German) looks at vaccination over the centuries. It is one of the central lectures on the subject of vaccination, antibiotics, etc. The vaccination theories have long been thoroughly refuted. It is a long series of acts of scientific fraud, something gio0ng on for many centuries (!), but for power-political reasons it was kept secret:

“Dr. Stefan Lanka – Pandemie-Theater (2009)”, 1:38:39 [ca. 100 minutes],

Not even terms and phrases like “Plague” and “Cholera” are still tenable when one learns about the historical background. The elimination of diseases of any kind was also demonstrably never due to vaccinations, but to the elimination of malnutrition conditions, as well as to the establishment of hygiene infrastructures and the prohibition of certain toxic pesticides, etc.; even the statistics hoax has been analyzed and taken apart several times.

With the “Spanish Flu,” it is said to have happened just as it does today, that they propagated a hypothetical virus, but in reality people died miserably by the millions from the vaccinations.

The vaccinations cause vascular damage, and since there are blood vessels everywhere, basically every organ can be negatively affected. By the way, these kinds of vascular damage, especially the thromboses, were predicted 100% and in detail, among others by Sucharit Bhakdi, already around the turn of the year. Everything that came since then happened exactly as it was predicted at that time.

However, the explanatory models differ. While some refer to “spike proteins”, others say that the existence of these is not certain, just as the presented, visualized virus is supposed to be a purely computational quantity, which is supposed to be based on untenable calculations. It is nanoparticles as well as further poisons that are supposed to primarily cause the damage (heart muscle inflammation etc., etc.). Some also claim that the vaccine doses contain toxic graphene oxide.

Be that as it may, all that is happening now since December 2020 was predicted — that is, those in charge knew what would happen, so it is not a matter of incompetence, but of a premeditated plan that is being executed.

Everywhere in Germany (and certainly in other countries as well), people have noticed that emergency ambulances and medical vehicles are on the road more frequently than ever before in history. There has never been anything like this; you can hear and see the siren of emergency ambulances and medical vehicles constantly — all day long.


in German:

Zu Mike’s Bericht: Danke! Solche Erfahrungsberichte aus erster Hand sind am wertvollsten.

Eine Freundin von uns, die im selben Haus wohnte, ließ sich 2002 gegen Grippe impfen, vor dem Urlaub. Zum Glück hatte ich noch den Wohnungsschlüssel vom Aufpassen während des Urlaubes, denn am Tag nach der Rückkehr rief sie uns morgens von ihrem Bett aus an und teilte uns mit, daß sie die Beine nicht mehr bewegen konnte.

Sie kam dann gleich in die Klinik, Diagnose “GBS”, eine Woche später war sie vollständig gelähmt, konnte auch die Augenlieder nicht mehr bewegen, aber sie verstand uns noch und bekam alles mit, eine Träne zeigte uns dies, als wir zu ihr sprachen. Nach ein paar Wochen auf der Intensivstation verstarb sie.

Neben meinem impfinduzierten Fieberkrampf in der Kindheit (in den 1970ern) sowie unter anderem den impfkritischen Informationen im Seth-Material von Jane Roberts war dies ein Meilenstein in meinem Leben, der Tod dieser unserer Freundin war wie ein Ausrufezeichen. Von da an beobachtete ich noch aufmerksamer die Impfauswirkungen im Bekanntenkreis (Narkolepsie, Lähmungen usw. usf.).

“No one knew at the time, supposedly, what was going on.” Die allermeisten Ärzte wissen, was Impfungen anrichten, aber aus Haftungsgründen können sie die Zusammenhänge nicht eingestehen, weder damals noch heute, von Ausnahmen abgesehen. Vermutlich die absolute Mehrheit von ihnen würde sich und ihre Familienmitglieder niemals impfen lassen, bei anderen haben sie jedoch keine Skrupel.

Es gibt da einen absolut sehenswerten Klassiker aus dem Jahre 1979, eine “CBS 60 minutes”-Reportage die Bezug nimmt auf die Schweinegrippe-Impfkampagne von 1976, sie illustriert die begangenen Verbrechen und wie alles brachial umgesetzt wurde, auch ein “GBS”-Opfer wird vorgestellt und es wird gezeigt, wie Prominente (TV-Stars, Sportler usw.) ohne ihr Wissen als Werbeträger für Impfpropaganda herangezogen wurden, obwohl sie die Impfung sogar ablehnten:

“Mike Wallace 60 Minutes Exposes Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Fallout of 1976 – ReUpload” [ca. 15 Minuten],

Es haut einem wirklich vom Hocker, wenn man diese Reportage (echter Journalismus) sieht, denn sie macht einem die Fragwürdigkeit der Impfkampagnen schlagartig bewußt.

Die Virustheorie und die Impftheorie sind von vorne bis hinten widerlegt. Dieser Vortrag aus dem Jahre 2009 (in Deutsch) betrachtet das Impfen im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte, er ist einer der zentralen Vorträge zum Thema Impfen, Antibiotika u.a. Die Impftheorien wurden stets widerlegt, es ist eine Aneinanderreihung von Wissenschaftsbetrug, seit vielen Jahrhunderten (!), aus machtpolitischen Gründen wurde jedoch daran festgehalten:

“Dr. Stefan Lanka – Pandemie-Theater (2009)”, 1:38:39 [ca. 100 Minuten],

Nicht einmal Begriffe und Redewendungen wie “Pest und Cholera” sind noch haltbar, wenn man über die historischen Hintergründe erfährt. Die Beseitigung von Krankheiten jeglicher Art war auch nachweislich niemals den Impfungen zu verdanken, sondern der Beseitigung von Mangelernährungszuständen sowie dem Aufbau von Hygieneinfrastrukturen und dem Verbot bestimmter giftiger Pestizide usw.; auch der Statistikschwindel wurde mehrfach analysiert und auseinandergenommen.

Bei der spanischen Grippe soll es genauso wie heute abgelaufen sein, daß sie einen hypothetischen Virus propagierten, die Leute jedoch in Wirklichkeit an den Impfungen millionenfach elendig verstarben.

Die Impfungen verursachen Gefäßschäden, und da überall Blutgefäße vorhan­den sind, kann grundsätzlich jedes Organ betroffen sein. Diese Gefäßschäden, insbesondere die Thrombosen, wurden übrigens zu 100 % und im De­tail vorhergesagt, unter anderem von Sucharit Bhak­di, bereits um die Jahreswende herum. Alles, was seitdem kam, traf genau so ein, wie es damals vor­hergesagt wurde.

Die Erklärungsmodelle sind jedoch unterschiedlich. Während die einen sich auf “Spike-Proteine” beru­fen, sagen andere, daß die Existenz dieser nicht gesichert ist, so wie auch der präsentierte, visualisierte Vi­rus eine rein rechnerische Größe sein soll, die auf nicht haltbaren Berechnungsgrundlagen beruhen soll, stattdessen sollen vermutlich die Nanopartikel sowie weite­re Gifte primär die Schäden hervorrufen (Herzmus­kelentzündung usw. usf.). Manche behaupten auch, daß die Impfdosen Graphenoxid enthalten würden.

Wie dem auch sei: All das was jetzt seit Dezember 2020 geschieht, wurde vorhergesagt, das heißt, daß die Verantwortlichen wußten, was geschehen würde, es handelt sich nicht um Inkompetenz, es wird ein Plan ausgeführt.

Überall in Deutschland (und sicher auch in anderen Ländern) stellen die Menschen seitdem fest, daß Notarztwagen und Krankenwagen so hochfrequent unterwegs sind, wie noch nie zuvor in der Geschichte. So etwas gab es bisher noch nicht, man hört und sieht den ganzen Tag hochfrequent das Martinshorn von Notarztwagen und von Krankenwagen!

I replied:

Thank you very much for this, What a heart-rending story about your neighbor.  The jews are simply murdering the goyim, but the goyim are complicit because their egoic mind is the jews’ sadistic ally.

In German:

Vielen Dank dafür. Was für eine herzzerreißende Geschichte über Ihre Nachbarin. Die Juden lustmorden einfach die Gojim, aber die Gojim sind selber mitschuldig, weil ihr Egogeist der sadistische Verbündete der Juden ist!


  1. The Allies supplied the Soviets with 400,000 trucks in WW2. The trucks wern’t delivered empty, but full of food, cloths,boots, medical supplies . Aircraft spares, machine tools, wire, hammers nails etc.Oil went from Galvaston to Murmansk to keep the Soviets fighting . All sold to Russia ,not leased. Russia our enemy before and after WW2. I read Stalin kept 5000 ww2 allied personnel. Along with a lot of the 7500 MIA from Korea. A lot of people made a lot of money from it , guess who ?

  2. Regarding the Mayo Clinic, read this:

    The COVID nonsense is really getting out of control. All this for a fake pandemic. What is the Jews’ real agenda, and what is in these vaxxes that they so desperately want everyone to get? Sterilization chemicals as part of a depopulation effort?

    And have they thought this through? What happens when well-known doctors and nurses start dying young from the COVID kill shots? I suppose they will just blame it on “deadly new COVID variants.”
    Or maybe the doctors and nurses will get harmless saline injections like Bill Gates, Joe Biden, and other “VIPs.”

    The Jews will soon be making the vaxx mandatory for hospital patients, too, I’m sure, and then for everybody else.

    If I had the money, I’d leave this Jewed-up country. Don’t know where I’d go, though, since this COVID madness and stupidity seems to be happening worldwide.

    • Thanks. Disappointing about the Mayo. 🙁 I read every word in the Com-Post article.

      My prognosis is that they will blame the vaxx-caused deaths on some new “variant” and somehow, insanely, on the unvaccinated.

      AND they will clamp down more and more on alternative Internet platforms…esp. Anti-Coviders. The issue is “reach” more than speech.

      The “Health Ranger,” Mike Adams, used to have huge YouTube, Twitter and Facebook audiences, as did Alex Jones. But once you get deplatformed, your numbers drop by 90%. And Google will literally not furnish links to any truther articles/videos at all.

      As for me, if you Google “John de Nugent” there is no mention whatsoever that he has a website. 😉

    Davvero troppo scomodo,non ho dubbi 🙁
    Vedo la simbologia del numero 54.
    Stavo leggendo qualcosa sull’Era dell’acquario…si, anni di grandi sconvolgimenti e di “purificazione” per la nuova Era,come nel Battesimo di Giovanni Battista,il tuo nome ha questo grande significato,grandissimo.
    In questa pagina dell’Era dell’acquario c’è proprio il Mito del Diluvio e di pochi superstiti 🙁
    Ti prego resisti e non stancare il tuo Cuore!Noi abbiamo bisogno di te.Anche tue Letture spirituali sono importanti..
    Sei come Enki,colui che aveva trainato l’umanità verso la salvezza e verso una nuova Terra di pace.

  4. E’ bene ricordare che l’acqua possiede due diversi significati simbolici.A causa della sua fluidità,della capacità di rispecchiare ogni immagine, delle sue correnti impetuose e delle onde tempestose, simbolizza adeguatamente le emozioni mutevoli dell’uomo, la tendenza della psiche umana ad assorbire influenze e suggestioni, i suoi molti desideri, e le passioni tumultuose. A un livello superiore, invece, l’acqua è il simbolo della purificazione e delle discesa della vita spirituale. Questo significato le venne attribuito da Gesù, quando disse alla donna di Samaria:
    “Chi beve la mia acqua non avrà mai più sete. E l’acqua che gli darò sarà per lui una fonte di vita eterna.” Giovanni, IV, 14

    Nell’Apocalisse troviamo queste parole:
    “Agli assetati darò da bere a volontà dalla fonte della vita”
    Apocalisse, XXI, 6

    E nella Nuova Gerusalemme, la città scesa dai cieli, Giovanni vide:
    “…Un fiume di pura acqua di vita, limpida come cristallo, che scaturiva dal trono di Dio e dell’Agnello.”
    Apocalisse, XXII, 1

    L’atto di versare l’Acqua è il simbolo dell’amorevole attività umanitaria, ossia del servizio. Ciò presuppone il riconoscimento delle relazioni, della coscienza di gruppo e del senso di responsabilità di gruppo. Tali qualità, nelle loro manifestazioni più alte, conducono alla sintesi e all’universalità.”
    Poi ho trovato questa raffigurazione.
    Saturno con questo vaso d’acqua 🙂 🙂

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