Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Andrew Anglin’s over-the-top attack on women

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This article is a mix of both courageous partial truths and one-sided, one-dimensional woman-bashing. The fact is that THE EGO that makes women into insanity-causing bitches also makes many a man into a selfish, cowardly, treacherous jerk. The problem which Anglin will not go into (this is my job as the founder of VIRTUS) is the pandemic disease of the EGO, which today, under total judeocracy, has infected everyone and everything

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer March 31, 2017 Note: This article is written for men, not intended …
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I would also observe that Pitt got himself some terrible karma by doing two Hollywood movies filled with vile hatred of the Germans.
Mark Hastings
Mark Hastings Yes that totally disgusted me about him .
John de Nugent

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Walter D. Bialkowski
Walter D. Bialkowski The devil hits you where you are weakest ~~ individuals as well as societies, etc. There’s a good reason why God instituted patriarchy ~~

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Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter I absolutely HATE that piece of shit Anglin! I bet he’s actually a crypto Jew:…/

Europeans have been around for thousands of years and survived diseases and wars before. We are not ¦
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent So far I do not think he is, but spiritually shallow. He speaks some real truths but without a deeper understanding. I think he does not grasp that for all his talent and marketing gifts he is becoming an unwitting tool of the eternal Hebrew “divide-and-conquer. “
Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter In any case, he is absolute poison to us and antithetical to the values of national socialism. I refuse to have anything to do with that piece of human garbage.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent He certainly chose some overtly and deliberately offensive and inflammatory words to make his assertions.
William Yeates
William Yeates No need to punch to the right. We are at war. If someone is attacking you with a knife, you should use a gun to defend yourself. This is how is see Andrew. Our ethics will not mean anything if we are not around.
William Yeates
William Yeates Also he did indicate the article was for men.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I think he is pandering to his audience, the average DS reader, who is probably very frustrated, emotionally, sexually, even economically. I have seen Anglin opportunistically go with whatever is trendy: Trump, Duke, Spencer, Adolf, Kek 😉 — whoever is the Flavor of the Month. Deep spiritual guidance is not his thing. 😉
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I ask you to retract that, Alexandra. I was clearly critical of him. Or I will block you as I block at least two people every day.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent The truth Anglin is stating is that women everywhere vote more for the left and are in fact very prone to race-mixing. Just walk down the street and see the black men and white women.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I also expressed outrage when he adopted the sinister Duke narrative that the Israelis did not organize 9/11.
Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter Not true, it was women who voted Hitler into power. It was 53% of white women who voted for Donald Trump. The problem is NOT women themselves. The problem is the Jewish brainwashing. Brainwashing which has affected men just as much as it has affected wSee More
Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter Please take the time to read this article. This is the truth, not the vile garbage spewed forth by the likes of Anglin.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent (Agent Duke also insists Israelis are not Khazars but descend from the Jews of Bible times, which is utterly absurd. That makes two huge favors which MK-ULTRA Duke does for IsraHell.)
Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter Interesting view on it!
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Actually, I did read it in it entirety and basically concur. But I am not sure Anglin is working for the other side. I see him as pandering to his readership in his obsession with big Internet traffic.
Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter What exactly are the Khazars btw? I’ve heard of that theory but never got too much into it!
John de Nugent
John de Nugent In the 700s AD, to boost their tiny population tenfold, the Jews converted some Ukrainian Huns to Judaism.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent These Huns, who had fled the Roman Empire eastward after Attila was murdered, had mixed with Goths and Slavs, as well as swarthy neanderthals, creating the mishmash gene pool that today is Eastern European Jewry.
Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter I will just add that all humans are mixed with neanderthals with the exception of Africans.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent This is how we end up with blue-eyed Jews, big- cheek bone Jews, and also the hooked noses. Three gene pools!
Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter Really fascinating stuff! Do you know if they’ve done much genetic studies on them?
I’d love to see what they have to say. The only thing I can think of is how the Ashkenazi Jews have to get genetic testing before having children because of genetic diseases like Tay Sachs and this is due to inbreeding.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Lucille Frank, wife of pedophile-rapist-strangler Leo Frank:…

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Clearly Mongoloid, Hunnish features..
John de Nugent
John de Nugent The bestselling book “The Myth of the Jewish People” by Israeli professor Shlomo Sand goes into the genes and true background of the modern Israelis.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent The shocking truth is the PALESTINIANS descend from the Jews of Jesus’ time! The ones these Khazars are massacring!
Jason Lovasz
Jason Lovasz Alexandra Richter exactly what i have said…

Here we have evil feminist voting Shitlery i must add was large number of “brainless women”. Women ask why do men hate feminism, point is feminist assume you hate women, if you hate their movement, hah but it’s like asking why would women vote Hillary, Obama, Bernie, Trudeau (canada), theirs a pattern here with politicians being ellected… Question is what’s wrong with these women? Socialist, they are socialist!

What that say about the amount of women, “true feminist” patriots who did vote Trump! Their are sane women out their, phewwwwww😅

Yet the level of insanity of these horrible feminist that would vote against Trump, would vote anyone but Trump… Just shows level of evil in the west what patriots are up against.

Alexandra Richter
Alexandra Richter Yes but 53% of white women showed themselves by voting FOR Trump!
The problem with this woman hating piece of garbage Anglin is that he is the mirror image of the feminists. He is simply the male version of this disease.
John de Nugent

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Chetri Lefils Dimitroff
Chetri Lefils Dimitroff The “White Guilt Wife” has taken her toll.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I can further say that Margi is not that way, she was NS before she ever met me, and she became NS entirely on her own. And when I was a Jehovah’s Witness 1970-1975 I saw many feminine, sweet, respectful and capable women. I really doubt Anglin has EVER been a member of any conservative church where women were highly honored and happy within their God-assigned and vital roles.
Daniel Michael
Daniel Michael But at all. Feminsim destroys birthrates and western civilisation.
John de Nugent
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Emil Lazarov
Emil Lazarov Angelina jolie is a satanist actually
Alexandra Richter replied · 3 Replies
Alexander Kern
Alexander Kern Andrew should defend our women and see both men and women as victims of Joo mind programming. Clearly he is just bashing women in general out of his own frustrations ^^
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Despite some valid complaints Anglin makes, that is a good summary. Most women are so very unhappy too! Ego is destroying us all, both men and women, children and adults, whereas NS means the common good over the individual good, and that you are nothing — your people is everything 🙂
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Donal Cumhea MacNamara
Donal Cumhea MacNamara You should write for the Daily Stormer.
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Alexander Kern
Alexander Kern True. But nobody today has the volkish feeling the people in the Third Reich had. Would you trust your white brainwashed neighboor with your life? I think not ^^ only awake people can be trusted. All others are slaves of them ^^
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent His readers are often juvenile and in troll mode. When I do make comments over there, trolls attack me instantly.
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Alexander Kern
Alexander Kern So long as they believe in the holohoax and so poor Jews, they will attack you and potentially even kill you… sadly ^^
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Spencerians, Dukies, Creativity atheists, Christ-hating pagans…. They are the loudest.
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Alexander Kern
Alexander Kern And this is coming from someone who has never had a positive experience with the opposite sex… been single now since over 8 years ^^
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Keats: “The worst are full of clamor, and the best lack all resolve. ” 😉
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent A German comrade told me he is writing a major book on porn and masturbation and the subtle effect on young people peaking in their hormones who have a nonexistent sex life: young, fertile women feeling deprived and angry, and lustful men feeling ashamed and guilty that they are jerking off and not keeping a woman happy and fathering the next generation.
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Donal Cumhea MacNamara
Donal Cumhea MacNamara JDN must become a Nazi Troll. 😆😈
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Or Kalki the Destroyer 😉
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  1. I’m not exactly sure why everyone is attacking Anglin, Very few of these complaints are anything but calling him names. A huge portion of what he wrote fits today’s Women. Not all of course but it does seem that any criticism of Women and you’re automatically a shit bag. No logical explanation needed. Look at the comment on the next post about Women’s behavior.

    “…She summed it up very simply that the dirt bag type is fun. Nice guys are boring…”

    Well what is that? So we have to be clowns or criminals to entertain Women or they get bored? Now I know all Women aren’t like this but there’s a LOT that exactly fit Anglin’s complaints. Why is it that all Women that supposedly support WN are making excuses for Women who don’t and want “fun” dirt bags? What’s it to them if some Women aren’t up to the same standards of Women who are red pilled? This would seem to me to be an exact play by play of why Anglin is complaining about Women.

    As long as Women are not willing to demand better from other Women and condemn Men when we complain the system will just go on. There’s also the inherent mortal danger that Men must tread when they marry. We know all the Women here are special and would never divorce but what about the others. If you get married and have 2.5 kids your life is completely in your wife’s hands. The agency for your life is completely stripped away from you. If she’s a great wife then great but if she isn’t then…watch out. Since divorces are about 50% we have a situation where for a Man it’s like putting three bullets in a six shooter, spinning the barrel and pulling the trigger. It’s a big problem.

    I don’t agree with all he wrote but most I do and especially if you take ALL Women into account and not just Women who understand our situation.

    What bothers me most of all is they give ZERO rational response as to why he is wrong. It’s enough for them just to huff and puff and well…that’s it they’ve spoken.

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