If you’re getting the feeling like the globalists are really pushing hard for WWIII these days, you’re not alone. In the past few months there has been multiple instances of European and US officials hinting at the possibility of a new military draft, the EU has talked openly about boots on the ground in Ukraine, NATO officials have stated unequivocally that they WILL NOT accept a loss in Ukraine to the Russians and the Kremlin has warned once again that nuclear weapons are on the table if western troops enter the war. The US government has recently asserted that Ukraine will be joining NATO, a red line in the sand for Russia.
I also warned that it would be to Israel’s benefit if Iran entered the war because this would force the US to become directly involved. To be sure, Iran has already been engaging in proxy attacks on Israel through Lebanon, but Israel’s attack on the Iranian “embassy” or diplomatic station in Syria basically ensures that Iran will now directly commit to strikes on Israeli targets.
In other words, much like WWI [and WWII as well], the situation is being escalated by the political elites despite the fact that the general public in the west is increasingly opposed to participating in the conflict. The globalists want to send us to war whether we like it or not. Every decision they have made so far makes peaceful resolution impossible.
One saving grace that is perhaps new in the entire history of geopolitics is that the public is far more awake and aware of the fact that it’s not necessarily their “duty” to blindly go fight when their government calls on them to do so. Social media has also given a platform for people to widely voice their concerns about war, whereas in the past objectors felt isolated.
*** True, but the anti-war movement has no leader — yet
Margi always said that it was incredibly discouraging that huge crowds (100,00 to 500,000 in London, Paris, Rome, Montreal, Toronto, New York, San Francisco, etc.) protested in 2002-03 before the US criminally invaded Iraq and it was all simply ignored. The inert masses just kept chewing their cud.
Obviously, some of this is based purely on fear – A large percentage of Gen Z is unequipped mentally or physically to go to war, which is why more than 70% of potential military recruits today are rejected before they even get to boot camp. These are many of the same young people who post Ukrainian flags to their social media profiles and jump headfirst into anti-Russian rhetoric, but now that they are faced with the possibility of having to sacrifice themselves for Ukraine they are angry and terrified.
However, there is also a large contingent of capable (and mostly conservative) men with the background and the aptitude for combat that still want nothing to do with Ukraine. The reason is simple: They believe that far-left western governments and globalists want to use them as cannon fodder to get rid of them. Once they are used up in war, there will be no one left to appose the leftist takeover at home.
*** The Ukraine War has killed off 400,000 white, slavic, Christian Ukrainian men in what once was the territory of the Khazar-jewish Empire
For most of us in America, Ukraine is irrelevant and we grow tired of wars in the Middle East. Whether left or right, we have no interest in fighting for them. But that’s not going to matter much, at least in terms of preventing a global war.
European Fear Mongering
War with Russia will depend more on European involvement than US involvement. While the US has been the largest provider of armaments to Ukraine by far, the ultimate goal, I believe, is to integrate European troops into the Ukrainian front, which would be an automatic declaration of global war.
The basis for mobilization of troops from Europe is “domino theory” propaganda. We’ve heard some of it here in America but nowhere near the same level as the EU populace. Governments assert that Russia’s goal is to clear Ukraine as a pathway to invade the rest of Europe. This is the same claim used as justification for the US war in Vietnam: “If we let one country fall to the enemy, all the surrounding countries will fall also.”
*** JdN:
The domino theory had the advantage of being partly true. After South Vietnam fell to communism, so did Laos and Cambodia, and the Khmer Rouge then killed over a million totally innocent Cambodians. The American left was silent.
Both Ukrainian and NATO leadership suggests that war must continue in Ukraine in order to contain it. There has been no serious discussion of diplomacy, which is utterly bizarre considering the stakes involved. A peace proposal should have been broached the moment the war kicked off and there should have been ongoing efforts to come to an agreement. Instead, even limited peace talks have been thwarted before they truly begin.
A military draft in Europe is far more likely to succeed, given the socialist [ = conformist, anti-individualist] nature of the population and the fact that only a tiny percentage of civilians are armed to defend themselves [unlike America]. Even with a public protest movement, I have little doubt EU governments will be able to secure a large enough force to send into Ukraine and escalate the war.
According to the evidence, it’s clear that some NATO troops have already been deployed to Ukraine and have been there for some time. As I’ve noted in past articles, the strategies used during the first Ukrainian counter-attack were far too advanced for Ukrainian troops and leadership to pull off without help. Anti-armor tactics in particular were very familiar; similar in execution to tactics used by US and British special forces. Not surprisingly, as soon as foreign mercenary recruit rates dropped off, Ukraine’s momentum fizzled.
The Russians are likely well aware of this situation, but as long as smaller groups of soldiers can be sent under the guise of mercenary forces, there’s not much they can do about it. It’s the open deployment of NATO battalions that is cause for greater worry.
There is zero basis for the domino narrative. Not once has Russia indicated since the start of the conflict that they intend to invade the EU. In fact, Putin has long stated that the war in Ukraine is about protecting the separatists of the Donbas region from Ukrainian reprisal, and about the continued escalation of NATO armament.
My suspicions about Putin’s connections to the globalists aside, if we look at the war from a basic cost/benefit analysis there is really nothing for Russia to gain by threatening Europe.
Then there’s the problem of logistics. If Russia is supposedly struggling in Ukraine, how could they have the means to fight on an expanded front against the combined military might of Europe and the US? The only end result would be nuclear war, which both sides would lose.But if you look at the situation objectively, there is a group of people out there that have a lot to gain…
Attacks On Russian Interior Accelerate
Smaller attacks on Russian supplies as well as civilians have been escalating in the past month. The terror attack in Moscow (which US intel blames on ISIS) resulted in the deaths of at least 140 people and drone attacks are threatening oil depots along with other resources.
In the grand scheme of the war, these attacks are inconsequential, but they will undoubtedly lead to extensive bombardment of Ukrainian cities and the further disablement of Ukrainian infrastructure. Power, water and other utilities will be destroyed and a resource crisis will ensue.
*** JdN: White Slavs will die –so what? says Jewlensky
Compared to the US invasion of Iraq, Russia has managed to keep civilian casualties in Ukraine very low. But, each new attack on Russian soil instigates a larger Russian retaliation. And maybe this is the goal – To get the Russians to crater a larger Ukrainian population center, thereby giving NATO an excuse to send troops to the region.
Iran And The Oil Imperative
In the Middle East the primary driver for international involvement is oil. We all know this. But oil access is not the end goal to the war in Gaza, just a mechanism for getting the US involved.
I’ll reiterate here that I don’t care which side started the fight or how far back the conflict supposedly goes in history. This is irrelevant. What I do know is that Hamas started this particular war by killing civilians in Israel and you should not start a war unless you’re willing to accept the consequences. That said, I do find it suspicious that Israel’s defensive measures were so useless that they were completely unaware of the Hamas incursion until it was too late.
In any case, the conflagration is guaranteed to bring in other, larger military elements. Iran is going to enter the fray now; there’s no way around it. This might happen first in the form of economic warfare, and the Strait of Hormuz is the most likely target. Shutting down 30% of the world’s oil traffic would be disastrous for the West. So, America’s entry is thus also guaranteed.
The Inflation Factor, US Elections And How Globalists Benefit
Joe Biden has been struggling for the past three years to manipulate oil prices down by dumping strategic reserves on the market [ JdN: = which is incredibly dangerous for US energy security and stability]. By artificially keeping oil prices down he keeps energy prices down, and by keeping energy prices down he reduces the growth of CPI [the “Consumer Price Index” = the rate of inflation].
The Ukrainian attacks on Russian oil depots have helped to spike gas prices in the past month exactly because Russian oil is still being purchased by western countries through back channels. You can’t just cut off one of the largest energy suppliers in the world without huge effects on prices at the pump. And these attacks are revealing how sensitive the oil market is to the slightest threat to supply.
Any major conflict in the Middle East will seal the deal and gas prices will explode. Inflation is not just going to be the death knell of Biden’s presidency (assuming presidential elections still matter), it’s going to be the death knell of the leftists and globalists overall UNLESS they can delay a larger economic calamity until they have a scapegoat, or, until they can start a massive war.
That scapegoat will either be Trump and conservatives, or, Russia and the BRICS (or both). If Trump replaces Biden in 2025, then a crash will be fast and assured and it will be blamed on conservative movements. If Biden stays in, a crash will be slower but will still hit hard after it can be blamed on the widening wars.
Then there’s the scenario of globalists securing a war BEFORE elections take place. Perhaps with the intention of preventing or delaying the vote. Perhaps with the intention of creating enough chaos that the vote can be rigged, or giving the impression that it was rigged, triggering civil unrest. Perhaps with the intention of declaring martial law.
*** I and some WN visitors to Ontonagon, looking at houses, are watching the harrowing new 2024 movie “Civil War,” starring Kirsten Dunst.
Several regions of the US break away from the Washington DC regime and rule by its authoritarian US president … It shows atrocities galore and white Americans shooting each other….. The movie is directed by an English jew, Alex Garland, but takes a politically neutral stance. There are both sincere patriots and nasty white trash (and non-Whites) with guns on all sides. Dunst tries to protect an innocent, very young female reporter.
Obviously, this is where the globalists benefit; either by preventing conservatives from taking power or by embroiling conservatives in a global calamity that they eventually get blamed for. Keep in mind that any conservative/independent opposition to the globalist establishment can now be accused of “Russian collusion.”
What’s the value of this? Well, it’s an age-old strategy for demonizing freedom fighters – If they are seen by the public as fellow citizens fighting for their rights, then they might be treated as heroes. But, if they’re painted as foreign assets and terrorists seeking to destabilize society, then the public sees them as villains. It’s just another advantage that explains why globalists seem so intent on creating a world war.
I believe that the reason the Establishment is pressing so hard for WWIII is partly because of the upcoming elections and also because their Covid agenda failed. Covid lockdowns and the vaccine passport system were their big play to create a permanent authoritarian environment with the ability to crush conservative groups that refused to submit. And no matter how you slice it, they didn’t get what they wanted [because the public is awakening to the vaxx’s lethality]. World war is the natural Plan B.
It’s important to understand that every crisis created by globalists is meant to destroy the freedom-minded. The true target is not Russia or Iran; they are peripheral. These events are designed to create an environment conducive to tyranny — they act as cover for engineered economic collapse, and they act as cover for the REAL war against those people that still defend liberty.
You could say that WWIII has already started, at least in economic terms. I also highly doubt that the end game for the globalists is a worldwide nuclear exchange; why spend decades building a massive control grid only to vaporize it all in seconds? I do think the danger of kinetic warfare is skyrocketing and that US and European citizens will be directly affected. It will take a sizable resistance movement to change the path we are being forced to follow, and things will get much worse before they get better.
The purpose of my religion is to be spiritually strong enough to face reality, accept duty, endure every horror and not fear death, and, grasping that white genocide and enslavement is the jews’ goal — as they state themselves in the Talmud and via the WEF with its slogan “you will own nothing”– to win in the end no matter if 90% of us perish in the process.
And I think 90% mortality on our side is realistic.
This is why proof of NDEs, OBEs and reincarnation are so important. This body we are in can die, sure, but not the soul.
And God will judge us by whether we fight this time — or surrender yet again to jewry, as we have done in many previous lives, with catastrophic results.
We are the “Greatest Generation” reincarnated that massacred the Germans, or did other things that brought us to where we are now.
It cannot be wailing and whining “where is God?” but “Where are WE? Fighting or wimping out once again????”
We must learn to love and respect ourselves again and evolve spiritually.
Everything going on now is just. We have partnered with the jews over many lives by doing nothing as their evil power accrued.
We did nothing to stop them.
And now we have to.
This is a time for heroes.
If you have never donated to this website, you exemplify WHY we are now in this dire situation. Good karma is only for those who DO sacrifice for a better, happier, freer world.
As they say in Pittsburgh, “quit’cher whinin.” If you sponge off the sacrifices of others to keep this site going, YOU are why things are now so bad and getting worse. Look in the mirror and see yourself as you are.
Why did I create a dictatorship?
Because I was a realist (and still am).
1) we are at war;
2) because generals give ORDERS, not requests and no one really WANTS to “march toward the sound of the cannons” 😉 because when you shoot at people they tend to shoot back 😉
3) because the enemy now controls 90% of everything and everybody
4) because the average white shmuck (among them many of my readers) does nothing except criticize, lie to himself, to others, and about others, and find the flimsiest excuses to avoid his clear duty
Why do I talk about me, Hitler and reincarnation?
Because it will take another Hitler — albeit an improved one with an religious outreach to all whites and all races.
I respected my father, a genuine war hero in two conflicts and a self-made millionaire, a man whom all admired, but I was appalled by his half of this conversation around 1980 in his mansion on Nayatt Road in Barrington, Rhode Island:
Father: “John, you can’t take on the jews.”
John: “Dad, if we don’t, they’ll destroy us.”
Father: [silence]
John: “It’s like having a cancer tumor that you can feel, and it’s even growing, and then going to an oncologist who feels it and says: “I will not cut this tumor out, or even discuss it with you!”
Dad, someone HAS to destroy this cancer!
Father: Wellllllll, John…. [takes another sip of his dry gin martini.]
John: “Give it another forty years and this country will be black, brown, Chinese and Democrat. The problem will only get worse. We [the old paleo-conservative Republicans] will lose every election.
In the Marines, you couldn’t just let the enemy break through your front lines, and get behind you and hit you from all sides. You had to plug the hole, and then counter-attack!”
Father: “Forty years from now, John….forty years from now, I won’t even be around then.”
John: “But if you love your kids and grandkids, then you have to care what kind of world you will leave behind for them!”
Father: [gets up…conversation over. He has no counter.]
It is a lack of love, my friends. A lack of love, and of honor. The problem is spiritual. We don’t understand that by wussing out, we are failing an incarnation, and this time around, the consequences will be dreadful.
The jews are ready this time to cash in all their chips, and take everything after 3,000 years of hard work, preparing for this day of their great vengeance on the goyim…. the great nightmare they wish upon us.
…..France’s top establishment newspaper, Le Monde, revels in how Macron has given a company a fat new military contract for gunpowder and jobs for 250 young workers
[Same in America in 1940-41… the jews deliberately hurt the US economy from 1929-40 so that the US military buildup for WWII was welcomed for creating jobs for Democrat workers and wealth for Republican factory owners, stock holders, and smooth careers for mid-level factory managers.
War was great for business….because Germany, with its tiny high-seas navy, could not strike the United States on its own territory. It could neither bomb the US nor land troops there.
But a war with Russia and/or China, especially with now seven million illegal aliens having coming into the US under Biden, could lead to massive sabotage and also numerous assassinations by some of these seven million aliens, often young men.]
Emmanuel Macron defends, in Bergerac, a war economy which “produces wealth”
The Head of State visited, on Thursday, the Eurenco ammunition powder factory in Dordogne, which has seen its orders soar since the start of the war in Ukraine. He laid the first stone of a new production unit.
By Elise Vincent (Bergerac (Dordogne), special correspondent)
Published on April 12, 2024 at 4:35 a.m., modified on April 12, 2024 at 12:45 p.m.
*** This Macron, likely jewish through his mother and a former high-level employee of the Rothschild Bank of France (yes), is the incarnation of pure, absolute evil.
It was under a spring sun and in front of rows of smiling high school students, eager to apply for a possible employment or apprenticeship contract, that the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron, posed, on Thursday April 11, the first stone of a new production line of a gunpowder factory for munitions, in Bergerac (Dordogne). A trip intended to highlight the progress of the “war economy” , in particular its impact on local employment, since its launch in the summer of 2022, shortly after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.
In the premises of Eurenco, 100% owned by the State, Mr. Macron welcomed, Thursday, the awakening of this company of 900 employees – including 330 in Bergerac –, with a turnover of 190 million euros per year, which struggled painfully within its decaying walls until the start of the war, before suddenly regaining a central place in the global munitions race.
“A beautiful symbol” , according to the Head of State, which should make it possible to create 250 jobs in Bergerac alone by 2025 – and as many in the rest of the group –, thanks to the very strong increase in international orders since mid-2023: +1.2 billion euros.
“We have departed to resettle permanently in a new, geopolitically changed environment (…) where defense industries will play an increasing role ,” argued Emmanuel Macron, helmet on his head, with, behind him, the ballet of machines from the construction site. […]
Whatever happens, it probably won’t be worse than what happened to the Atlantian civilization 15,000 years ago. All we can do is fight and pray so that when we die we have no regrets and can console ourselves that at least we’ve tried to stop the madness.
There’s growing opposition to Zionist Israel and their control of the west. I think the Zionists can be defeated.
It’s going to take clever political activism to beat them, and there are a lot of educated Hispanics in the U.S and smart young East Asians that are able to organise against zionism without copping as much heat as white people would.
China is not a superpower, China is an ecological disaster, and a toxic wasteland.
They’ve poisoned and destroyed their country’s rivers, soil, forests and air.
China will never recover from the environmental destruction they’ve caused their country in trying to modernise in such a short time in a few decades when it took the U.S and Europe over 130 years.
But in the short term they might have enough political power to reign in the U.S and Israel. It just depends whether they’re that easily fooled by the jews.
Where do you see hard evidence that Red China is largely an ecological wasteland? Of course, some areas are. It sounds like CIA propaganda. They also lie that the Chinese are genociding the Uyghurs. What China actually is doing is
One of the good things about the absolute rule of the CCP in China is that is that the government has the power to make any reforms it wants.
I have seen and blogged on YouTube videos of white Americans living very happily in China for years, being very well treated, and the cities are crime-free, well-run, and everything is neat and clean. Of course, there is corruption, because many Chinese are money-mad and their big dream is to be extremely rich. One of my Chinese clients admitted that: “Chinese people are crazy about money.”
As for being fooled by the jews, I think the Chinese are the last people on earth to be fooled by them. The Chinese are very un-naive, unsentimental and hava good “b-s meter,” as we say.
Mao Tse Tung (Ze Dong) is still on their money, and it is not because of his marxist economic theories. It is okay in China to say that they failed. He is considered great for having ended foreign domination of China, and national humiliation, which he did. He also ended the terrible opium addiction in China.
I think the Chinese are very jew-wise, and unlike White Christians have never been taught to revere the jews as “God’s Chosen People,” or to weep over a Holocaust that never happened. China itself has suffered many catastrophes that killed millions — civil wars, earthquakes, famines, floods, etc. But unlike jews, they never whine.
I have written often about the Chinese, the jews, how the Chinese see the jews, and that Red China now is actually a kind of Asian national socialism, and this is why it is booming.
Also the truth is that many Chinese are dishonest and lie, and for this exact reason, they also recognize a liar. As the old expression goes, “you can’t b-s a b-s-er.” (The Chinese government also recognizes the dishonesty in their culture and their social credit score system is meant to combat this tendency to lie, steal and cheat. Every race and nation has its good and bad points, and I applaud the Chinese for addressing their problem areas.)
The CCP has also made it clear to Chinese billionaires that they will never run China the way jew billionaires run the West, and Putin in Russia has also gotten tough with Russian “oligarchs” (almost all jewish) — “stay out of politics or else we will indict you for so many crimes.”
Chinese megabillionaire Jack Ma found out who is boss in 2021. You can scroll down halfway here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Ma to “Disappearance from the public eye”
This is also why many Blacks are antisemitic. They lie and try to con others constantly, and they can also see a con. I have seen many YouTube videos of cops chasing and arresting Blacks, and by God, some of them actually do say “I dindu nuffin.”
The biggest problem is naive Whites. The adjective “blue-eyed” has the figurative meaning of “naive” in six Northern-European languages!
If there is World War 3, it’s going to be fought with drones, missiles and robots. I think that was the reason, the goal of the zionists, and that’s why the U.S has spent trillions of dollars on its military.
So soldiers would be rendered obsolete and a small army of low i.q., mentally challanged black, brown and lgbt subvervient people can easily be manipulated.
So the zionists can control stupid people with low intelligence. plus Europe is in no position to fight a war. Their armies are full of weak, lgbt, and unfit, mentally challenged people with damaged hearts from the mRNA shots.
No one with the slightest bit of intelligence or basic common sense would join a military to fight and kill people who have never harmed them, and for an evil traitorous government that has destroyed their country and people.
I think most people realise now that the enemy is our own government, not other countries like we’ve been led to believe in the past. Plus Europe is in a much worse place economically then the U.S., which shows how bad the situation is for Europe. They don’t have the resources to fight a war with Russia.
What we do see is a certain number of super-soldiers, and many of them may be pedophiles, bisexuals, and satanists. Later on, we can expect to see mutants who are bred to be warriors by their DNA.
Let’s work for peace and Aryan unity. Here’s a fun video of one of my favourite birds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO7wpIkTSnQ&t=51s&ab_channel=H.B.SURFREPORT
Nice dance moves by that woodcock!
Whatever happens, it probably won’t be worse than what happened to the Atlantian civilization 15,000 years ago. All we can do is fight and pray so that when we die we have no regrets and can console ourselves that at least we’ve tried to stop the madness.
There’s growing opposition to Zionist Israel and their control of the west. I think the Zionists can be defeated.
It’s going to take clever political activism to beat them, and there are a lot of educated Hispanics in the U.S and smart young East Asians that are able to organise against zionism without copping as much heat as white people would.
China is not a superpower, China is an ecological disaster, and a toxic wasteland.
They’ve poisoned and destroyed their country’s rivers, soil, forests and air.
China will never recover from the environmental destruction they’ve caused their country in trying to modernise in such a short time in a few decades when it took the U.S and Europe over 130 years.
But in the short term they might have enough political power to reign in the U.S and Israel. It just depends whether they’re that easily fooled by the jews.
Where do you see hard evidence that Red China is largely an ecological wasteland? Of course, some areas are. It sounds like CIA propaganda. They also lie that the Chinese are genociding the Uyghurs. What China actually is doing is
One of the good things about the absolute rule of the CCP in China is that is that the government has the power to make any reforms it wants.
I have seen and blogged on YouTube videos of white Americans living very happily in China for years, being very well treated, and the cities are crime-free, well-run, and everything is neat and clean. Of course, there is corruption, because many Chinese are money-mad and their big dream is to be extremely rich. One of my Chinese clients admitted that: “Chinese people are crazy about money.”
As for being fooled by the jews, I think the Chinese are the last people on earth to be fooled by them. The Chinese are very un-naive, unsentimental and hava good “b-s meter,” as we say.
Mao Tse Tung (Ze Dong) is still on their money, and it is not because of his marxist economic theories. It is okay in China to say that they failed. He is considered great for having ended foreign domination of China, and national humiliation, which he did. He also ended the terrible opium addiction in China.
I think the Chinese are very jew-wise, and unlike White Christians have never been taught to revere the jews as “God’s Chosen People,” or to weep over a Holocaust that never happened. China itself has suffered many catastrophes that killed millions — civil wars, earthquakes, famines, floods, etc. But unlike jews, they never whine.
I have written often about the Chinese, the jews, how the Chinese see the jews, and that Red China now is actually a kind of Asian national socialism, and this is why it is booming.
Also the truth is that many Chinese are dishonest and lie, and for this exact reason, they also recognize a liar. As the old expression goes, “you can’t b-s a b-s-er.” (The Chinese government also recognizes the dishonesty in their culture and their social credit score system is meant to combat this tendency to lie, steal and cheat. Every race and nation has its good and bad points, and I applaud the Chinese for addressing their problem areas.)
The CCP has also made it clear to Chinese billionaires that they will never run China the way jew billionaires run the West, and Putin in Russia has also gotten tough with Russian “oligarchs” (almost all jewish) — “stay out of politics or else we will indict you for so many crimes.”
Chinese megabillionaire Jack Ma found out who is boss in 2021. You can scroll down halfway here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Ma to “Disappearance from the public eye”
This is also why many Blacks are antisemitic. They lie and try to con others constantly, and they can also see a con. I have seen many YouTube videos of cops chasing and arresting Blacks, and by God, some of them actually do say “I dindu nuffin.”
The biggest problem is naive Whites. The adjective “blue-eyed” has the figurative meaning of “naive” in six Northern-European languages!
If there is World War 3, it’s going to be fought with drones, missiles and robots. I think that was the reason, the goal of the zionists, and that’s why the U.S has spent trillions of dollars on its military.
So soldiers would be rendered obsolete and a small army of low i.q., mentally challanged black, brown and lgbt subvervient people can easily be manipulated.
So the zionists can control stupid people with low intelligence. plus Europe is in no position to fight a war. Their armies are full of weak, lgbt, and unfit, mentally challenged people with damaged hearts from the mRNA shots.
No one with the slightest bit of intelligence or basic common sense would join a military to fight and kill people who have never harmed them, and for an evil traitorous government that has destroyed their country and people.
I think most people realise now that the enemy is our own government, not other countries like we’ve been led to believe in the past. Plus Europe is in a much worse place economically then the U.S., which shows how bad the situation is for Europe. They don’t have the resources to fight a war with Russia.
I agree.
What we do see is a certain number of super-soldiers, and many of them may be pedophiles, bisexuals, and satanists. Later on, we can expect to see mutants who are bred to be warriors by their DNA.
John, do you know of any of these super-soldiers ?
No, I was “in” in the 1970s. Full understanding of DNA was from the 1990s on under the brilliant Craig Venter.