Brave women who fought the LETHAL Corona madness; vaxxed cows?

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Are Aussie cows getting the clot shot? How will it affect their milk and meat, and us if we consume them?

….Take a breather

A German sent this comment on my spiritual reading

Spiritual reading: stop four times today, look at yourself, and breathe


“The advice for today is a little odd. We ask you to stop yourself periodically.”


This time-out is exactly what the NWO wants to avoid at all costs.

One is supposed to be kept in constant emotional turmoil at all times (news, etc.), always attention-bound both internally and externally, so that one does not come to any kind of mental or spiritual rest.

And why not? Because, as someone once put it, if you just lie down, or sit down, and simply relax, you run the “risk” of hearing your own inner voice (= inner self/personal guardian angel).

And if that is cultivated, the contact with the own inner self/guardian angel, then it is Game Over for the NWO.

Therefore one is supposed to never come to rest, neither inwardly nor outwardly, but stay hectic and frazzled!




Among the probably 12,000 to 14,000 German nursing home facilities, there was only one, which belonged to an Isabel Flaig, which protected the residents and its staff from “Corona testing,” from mandatory masks, and from vaccinations — only one in the whole country!

[*] In German: “Isabell Flaig, Rebellin aus Kirchheim, kämpft gegen regelmäßige CORONA-Tests in ihren Pflegeheimen” [Engl. “Isabell Flaig, the rebel of Kirchheim, fights against regular Covid testing in the nursing homes she runs”]


Then there is a German nurse who heroically exchanged vaccine doses for saline solutions. She has now been virtually acquitted (getting only a suspended sentence)! Here is a “Daily Mail” news from 01 December 2022:

Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany

  • The nurse in Germany jabbed up to 8,600 elderly people with ~saline solution
  • The nurse administered the fake vaccines and left people without protection
  • The defendant shared anti-vaxxer posts on social media during the pandemic

Red Cross nurse Antje T, 39, jabbed thousands of elderly patients at a vaccine centre in Germany with what she told them was the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine but was just a saltwater solution.

The nurse, who administered the fake vaccines at the Schortens jab centre in Friesland, northwest Germany, was given just six months on probation.

She was found guilty of six counts of intentional assault by Oldenburg District Court, Lower Saxony state, on November 30.

Defendant Antje T, 39, is pictured during the trial at Oldenburg District Court, Lower Saxony, on November 30. She was sentenced to probation for jabbing people with saline solution.


Numerous women were and are active in the anti-Covid Resistance (2020 to 2022), saving countless people’s health and lives. The percentage of women in the Resistance is probably at least 50% (although the total resistance, counting men and women together, is tiny as a percentage of the population).

Unfortunately, vaccination continues, with human children and adults and with animal children and adults:

From Australia:


[Oct 1, 2022 at 14:42] Copied from an email: Hi, folks. A friend informed me today that her neighbor, a dairy farmer, is now forced to vaccinate her herd with an mRNA vaccine! (This is in NSW [New South Wales].)

She complied and of the 200 head of cattle, 35 died instantly!

The farmer said it is mandatory for all dairy farms to have their herd jabbed with this mRNA vaccine. Am not yet sure if that’s for NSW or across Australia, but will investigate immediately.

Implications? Dairy herd DNA is altered. Milk is altered and you CONSUME IT!

Butter, yoghurt, and cheese are altered. MEAT is altered. Will chicken and other meats be next?

Time to grow your own, folks, and maybe develop herds that are private, non-tagged, and never vaccinated.

Time to set up a community farm association with member farmers who are not part of the system, have herds – animals that are not jabbed or tagged so a community of private people can be consumers of organic produced livestock.

It’s time to fend for ourselves as an organised community. Watch this space. You might want to on send this message to warn your data base too.

This is currently happening, folks!!


This is Australia’s Parliament House — which looks like ALIEN HEADQUARTERS — AND IT IS!

Rabbi Laitman with Nobel  Laureate Elie the Wiesel

“They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine • Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc • LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’”

We are told that dairy farmers and others are now being forced to inject their animals for the Fauci Flu in order to remain in business, and that the animals are not responding well to it.

Just like in humans, the shots are causing such profound damage that many of the animals are succumbing to instant death, while the others are getting sick and dying over a longer period of time. (Related: mRNA spike proteins linger in the heart and brain long after injection.)

For the animals that survive, one wonders what is becoming of their milk, which gets passed on as food for other animals as well as humans. Is it safe to consume mRNA-tainted milk and cheese from a “fully vaccinated” dairy cow? The answer is probably not.

“Dairy herd DNA is altered,” one report explains. “Milk is altered and you consume it! Butter constitution, yoghurt, and cheese is altered, meat is altered – will chicken and other meats be next?

Is there any evidence at all to suggest that animals “catch” covid?

What is mysteriously absent from the “science” behind forced mRNA injections for animals is any actual evidence that animals are getting sick from covid.

Sure, all mammals have lungs. And sure, those lungs can become infected with respiratory illnesses. But does this warrant administering experimental injections to animals that are killing them just the same as they are killing humans?

The government of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, where the first cattle herds we know of are being injected with mRNA, that the official excuse for the new mRNA push is that animal herds need protection against not just covid but also Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease. A deal was forged with a United States-based biotechnology company called Tiba BioTech that, just like Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna, is now raking in the dough.

“The NSW Nationals in Government are taking the threat of FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease extremely seriously, and this milestone is another step forward in preparing for a potential outbreak,” announced Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole.

“I have now written to vaccine manufacturers to take up my challenge to develop both vaccines ready for use and manufacture in NSW by August 1 next year. COVID-19 demonstrated to us that all possible avenues in developing vaccines must be explored and we will leave no stone unturned.”

In other words, covid and people’s engineered fear of it is once again being used to fast-track at warp speed all sorts of new mRNA injections for use in both animals and humans.

“It is critical that we develop mRNA vaccines for FMD and Lumpy Skin as quickly as possible to protect our state’s livestock sector,” added Minister for Agriculture Dugald Saunders, who admitted that Tiba Biotech has been given free rein to churn out as many mRNA injections as possible to supposedly protect Australia’s $28.7 billion livestock industry.

“The threat of FMD is ongoing and there are concerns Lumpy Skin Disease could enter northern Australia this coming wet season, so it’s critical we continue to do what we can as quickly as we can,” he added.

“Current FMD vaccines use the virus itself, and there is yet to be an approved vaccine for use in Australia for Lumpy Skin Disease, so creating mRNA vaccines to combat either disease would be a game-changer for the industry. mRNA vaccines are cheaper and quicker to produce, highly effective and very safe.”

Is Australian meat still safe to eat?

Saunders went on in a statement to claim that mRNA injections are actually safer than traditional injections because they are “fully synthetic and do not require any animal or microbial products.”

“They do not carry with them the same risks as traditionally derived vaccines,” he insists.

This is unfortunate news for folks who purchase Australian meat and other animal-derived products from Down Under, believing them to be clean and pristine. If mRNA shots for animals become the standard there, many will think twice before purchasing any more animal products from Australia.

“This is well Beyond the Thunderdome – Mad Max and his enemies were otherwise healthy survivors of a holocaust,” writes Peter Halligan about the issue on his Substack page.

“In the Australian Vaxxworld, it looks like movement of people and their motile ability will become a thing of the past.”

You can learn more about deadly mRNA injections and covid spike proteins at



…..Same in Italy:

“A real medically-induced horror in ITALY in the Italian Piedmont; there has been a “mysterious” loss of livestock. Do you know how it happened? The veterinarian came in and vaccinated all the animals against “the fashionable disease,” and then they all DIED. M



  1. Farm herds are injected with steroids and hormones to increase yields and growth. Fish and animals now have plastic particles in their blood, so their meat and products are riddled with nano particles that we ingest!

    A friend of mine lives in the Azores. They are warned not to eat fish no more than 3 times per week, due to contamination in the fish.

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