I have blogged often over the years on this unique island nation:
The Icelanders still speak, nearly unchanged, the ancient Viking language of a thousand years before, so they can read the old Viking sagas with no problem, which would be like an Italian, Frenchman or Spaniard being able to read Julius Caesar.
They are composed, DNA-wise, of Norwegian men and Irish women, whom the Vikings “invited” at swordpoint to accompany them. 😉
This was certainly “rape” of a kind, but men simply did this in ancient times, forcing young, healthy, attractive women to go with them to a new, untamed, undeveloped land with no creature comforts. Later, beautiful children were born, and these relationships turned into loving marriages.
The early Romans also carried off women, the Sabines.
One reason French Quebec/Canada lost its freedom to England in the 1760s was that the French women refused to follow French men across the North Atlantic to icy, distant Canada.
So the French population stayed tiny, French trappers nstead had kids with squaws (leading to many Quebeckers having vaguely Amerindian features), and all this meant French military forces in North America were few and far between.
Today, after over 350 years, there are still only about four million French Quebecois.
Some jolie (pretty) Quebeckers… After the Irish famine, many Irish came to Quebec, preferring a Catholic area for raising their kids, and added even more keltic DNA to the already gaullish-keltic genes of French Quebec.
Now, the British settlers, by contrast, came with their wives, as did the Irish.
White English pioneer family with their Conestoga wagon (an invention of a German-American named Stortebeker, a name later modified, as in the car brand, into “Studebaker”)
The Irish Kennedy family around 1935
The gorgeous Mother Rose Kennedy, née Fitzgerald, with her son Joseph, Junior (later killed suspiciously in WWII).
Today there are about 50 million Americans of mostly English ancestry (especially in the American South) as much English blood as in England itself… and now there are 40 million Irish-Americans, too — ten times the population of Ireland!
A man must have a good woman to build his and his nation’s future.
To finish up this topic of female abduction for marriage, regrettable and wrong but understandable, the NS Disengagement Movement of 1944-45 to the Antarctic and Andes also engaged in gentle abductions of high-quality white females in some cases.
Not only did some beautiful German girls with an NS worldview come quite voluntarily, but also attractive, anticommunist, pro-German Ukrainian women….
… and fashion models and other attractive white women from Brazil, some gently abducted with chloroform.
Of course, they were very well treated afterward, and became very happy, fulfilled wives and mothers.
(The Reich now has five million citizens — but have no illusions, they are NOT enough to “save us.” Nor do these Reich Germans have ANY desire to go out and risk everything they have quietly built up since 1944 in the frozen Antarctic or deep inside the mountains of the Andes for a bunch of fat, ignorant, cowardly, self-centered Americans, to be frank, and that description includes most American white nationalists. 🙁
Dresden — and the Rhine Meadows — have not been forgotten by the Reich or atoned for.
A mysterious German wrote me on Skype, showing a very German mindset of hating “big talkers” — and then disappeared:
“Ihr habt in Amerika zig Millionen Waffen und auch die Meinungsfreiheit, also warum steht Ihr großmäulige Amerikaner nicht endlich auf? Worauf wartet Ihr denn eigentlich?” ENG: “In America you people have umpteen million guns and also free speech, so why do you big-mouth Americans not rise up? What exactly are you still waiting for?”)
This is the right attitude toward founding a family and other obligations toward race and folk:
How many attractive and intelligent white women I have known with no children at all, or just one (who may even be autistic), or they even have a race-mixed child! 🙁
My gf in the 1990s was a young soul, a natural blonde (German and Slovak), a U. Michigan (top-university!) graduate, super-nice, true, honest, kind, ethical and thoughtful, but oblivious politically (and, unsurprisingly, last I knew, she was a RINO Republican).
She has one son… a mulatto……… Jesus H. Christ….
Btw, our Reich soldiers still wear the same handsome uniform. Why change absolute perfection? 😉
*** Southernmost Brazil is white, with many Germans, Poles and Italians.
blue-eyed, rightwing President Bolsonaro
Many Brazilian cops are white….
…and the street criminals often black or mulatto.
After hours, white cops sometimes just go and kill known black lowlives without any orders or paperwork, negroes whom no one will miss or object to them “disappearing.” Some of them are “one-man crime waves.”
*** Back to Iceland
Now there is a perfect mix of germanic and keltic in this woman, of work ethic and charm.
This gifted beauty from Iceland, a clear mix of Irish-keltic (auburn hair) and Norwegian-germanic, just as with all that unique folk, is Arngunnur Árnadóttir [Arne’s daughter].
All Icelandic last names, Viking-style, end in [father’s name]-daughter or [father’s name]-son. So my daughter Ingrid would be Ingrid John’s-Daughter 😉
An old Icelandic church with a sod roof
Here Arngunnur is with the Harpa Orchestra of Iceland in some gorgeous Mozart music:
The son of Iceland’s president actually joined the Waffen-SS! Bjorn Sveinsson Bjornsson was the son of Iceland’s Ambassador to Copenhagen (1918-1941), Governor of Iceland (1941-44), and President (1944-1952).
Björnsson was the son of the first Icelandic President. Björnsson, who favoured National Socialism, moved to Germany in 1930 and joined the Waffen SS in 1941. Iceland had one year earlier been occupied by the Allies.
Björnsson participated on the Eastern Front as a reporter, was promoted, and was sent to the Bad Tölz Officer School of the Waffen-SS in Upper Bavaria to become an officer.
Björnsson worked primarily in pro-NS propaganda in Denmark.
Björnsson became a prisoner of war in the spring 1945. He was released after political pressure by the home country, the following year, his father being the President of Iceland.
After the war he lived in Argentina and Germany, and finally back in Iceland. His memoirs were published in 1989 with the title “Sagan sem eki mátti segja”. Björnsson died April the 14th 1998. Björnsson was married twice and had two daughters.
Probably about 20 Icelanders fought in the Waffen SS.
And so closet-jew FDR had the US Marines illegally occupy the island to “defend” it against the evil Nazis… He had the chutzpah to say that Iceland fell under the “Monroe Doctrine” because it technically, geologically, forms part of the “North American Shelf”!
Until 1965 the Icelanders did not allow the US to post any negro GIs to their country. (Australia had a similar policy until 1971, when “White Australia” stopped being official government policy.)
George Lincoln Rockwell’s wife was Icelandic. Sadly, but understandably, she left him, stressed out by the death threats and economic deprivations they were suffering after he started the “American Nazi Party,” a far cry from their conformable life when he was a US Navy Commander. She returned with their kids to Iceland.
…..Jews, Neanderthals, Nordics and Vikings
Loki, the trickster “god” in Norse religion, is depicted in an Icelandic manuscript with semitic and also neanderthalic features: 1) a hooked nose, 2) a protruding mouth, and 3) a sloping forehead. (See below.)
Many experts believe his name “Loki” means “web,” “snare” or “net.” He is actually a Yotun, not a norse “god,” which the author of this video speculates is related to the word “jew.”
The yotuns were enemies of the Norse gods, Thor regularly went out to slay them with his hammer, and they were infamous for violence, evil and even cannibalism.
Some experts think their name “Yot-” (“un” is just an ending) means “eat-ers” or “thirsters,” i.e, cannibals and thirsters for human blood.
This first, eye-opening video, found on Bitchute, was created by “NS Viking.”
My articles on Saturn, cubes and jews:
This second video below on Bitchute, also created by “NS Viking,” has my and Margi’s late friend Michael Collins Piper speaking on RBN radio about the then new Barnes Review magazine issue (Margi and I wrote 67 articles for TBR) asking if Jews came from neanderthals, the racial enemies of the white Cro-Magnons from whom we Whites descend.
At the Neanderthal Museum in Germany, a reconstructed wax imagining of a Neanderthal is dressed up in a modern business suit to show how one would look today on the street of any major Western city. What he looks like, at the very first glance, is a very jewish-looking jew. 😉
The late jewish comedian George Burns, playing God in the 1977 movie with singer John Denver, “”Oh, God.”
A British “conservative” writer who bashes Islam while never asking what powerful globalist group changed British immigration laws to bring the muslims in — note the mouth and nose
Leftist Pop singer Cher, an Armenian
The Norse, of course, and other nordics had straight noses and a forehead that went upward.
Agrippa, a major Roman official under Emperor Augustus
A Swedish professional scuba diver who searches wrecks in the Baltic Sea
And now the radio show on neanderthals and jews. I join the show in the second half, from 42:56 on, and you can hear my voice.
I was actually one of the first people to urge Willis Carto to do a major Barnes Review article on jews and neanderthals.
My own major article on semites and neanderthals:
…Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from Neanderthals, and thus are natural, genetic enemies for 30,000 years now of the Cro Magnons (the whites)
Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, then communist East Germany. Stalin was a racial neanderthal, though probably not a jew. As a Georgian, he was genetically related to the jews, (just as Arabs and Armenians also are). In fact, fearing jewish power, the Soviet ruler had many thousands of individual Soviet jewish officials executed in three huge purges in the 1930s (the “Moscow show trials”), the 1940s (the “Cosmopolitan” trials) and yet again in the early 1950s (the “doctors’ plot” trials). Finally, before Stalin could ship ALL the jews off to Siberia, the jews poisoned HIM.
….The Hebrews, as a Jewish author proudly admits, were the “Habiru,” a roaming horde of criminals that terrorized the Middle East
I didn’t know all that about Iceland. Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
Weird and wonderful country…no trees, just vast expanses of grass like a giant golf course.
They also half-believe trolls are real, and build roads around the boulders they supposedly reside under. The NY Times had an article on this.
“It’s not that we believe in trolls,” a road engnee explained, “but…just in case….” 😉
Actually, there ARE many creatures on the astral plane. Our ancestors were no fools.
Last I checked about 250 or so jews live in Iceland and they want to bring in “refugees” and they want to stop Iceland from banning (((circumcision))). Iceland needs to kick out the jews or they will lose their beautiful home.
As the WN kids say, EFT: “every f—ing time”…. 😉
As I wrote in another time, “examine anything rotting, cut it open, and there you will find a little Jew [jüdlein], like a maggot, blinking in the blinding light at you.”
Same old formula. Jews want gimmegrants to invade a country and turn it into the 3rd world shit holes the left behind. As I said before, no more white Christian lands, only “diversity.”
Right. I’d call it die-versity — Whites die out, and everyone is BROWN.
“yotun juden”
Say ten times, real fast.
The trickster, too…..
“By way of deception shalt thou wage war.”