…… (but first this on General Delawarde and his jewsmedia remark from last year)
“Qui?” [ = WHO?] / French jew reporter Claude Posternak brutally interrogates ret. General Dominique Delawarde about him saying “there is a cabal that controls the media”
[source: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/qui-claude-posternaks-interview-to-dominique-delawarde]
On June 18th, 2021, former French general Dominique Delawarde was invited on the French television channel CNEWS for an exclusive interview on “Morandini Live” about various political topics, such as the 2020 United States Presidential Election.
During the interview, Posternak quoted the former general towards a statement he gave previously about a “western media cabal” and those who control it, trying to convince the masses that there was no fraud in the election. Posternak then asked Delawarde “who” in his view is the group that “controls the media.”
Delawarde answered “Well, you know ‘who'” and claimed that the ones who control it also control The Washington Post, The New York Times, France’s BFMTV and various other news outlets. Posternak then started to lose his temper, and while visibly shaking, he repeatedly asked Delawarde the “WHO?” question. Delawarde simply replied, “That’s the community you all know about.”
CNEWS’ host, Jean-Marc Morandini, suddenly appalled and nervous, ordered that the interview stop, and the video feed cut back to the studio.
Despite Delawarde NOT specifying any group, later that day, LICRA (the French version of the ADL) wnet on Twitter to accuse Delawarde of making anti-Semitic insinuations.[1]
A few hours later, Morandini, who had stopped Delawarde from speaking further, announced on his Twitter account and his personal website that LICRA, as well as the CRIF (French AIPAC) demanded sanctions against Delawarde from the French army, and that they will take legal action.[2][3]
Following the interview, the phrase “Qui” quickly spread among various alt-right Internet communities and become a codeword for “the jews,”[4] particularly on the 4chan board /pol/ , where various memes and edits involved Posternak shaking with anger at Delawarde’s insinuation.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] On August 7th, 2021, a “QUI?” sign appeared on a demonstration against the COVID-19 health pass in Metz, brandished by French teacher Cassandre Fristot (shown, below). Fristot was arrested, was also ordered to pay between €100 and €300 in damages to eight anti-racism groups, and lost her teaching career![13][14]
The incident bears resemblance to the controversial song “They Own the Media”, released on May 6th, 2021, by Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison, who has been attacked by the press for anti-Semitism even though he never actually stated who owns the media.[15]
On June 22nd, 2021, Karl Radl published on the white supremacist website “The Purity Spiral” a caricature of Posternak that referenced the 1988 movie They Live and the Shut It Down meme[16] (shown below, left).
On November 26th, 2021, Twitter user @DrvonP posted a gif of Posternak shaking while photoshopped in the 1997 movie Starship Troopers with the caption “Desire to know Qui intensifies” to a video clip of Posternak himself appearing once again in a political debate on French television[17] (shown below, right). The tweet garnered over 295 likes and 28 retweets in 20 hours.
Various Examples
….According to this courageous (and anti-Semitic) retired French general, Dominique Delawarde, Russia actually WANTS a long war in Ukraine to gradually collapse the Western economies that support NATO and the Pentagon while avoiding a nuclear war with the US and NATO
The author of this article is a certain “D. Delawarde” — which is surely General Dominique Delawarde, who, as shown above, courageously denounced Jewish power in this interview dating from June 2021:
Suppose the overall Russian objective was not to quickly defeat Ukraine, but to gradually bring down the whole [jew-run] West?
Like any observer interested in the “special military operation” in Ukraine, I have repeatedly wondered about the general behavior of the Russian army, about its restraint, about its actions or sometimes its inaction, about the placidity and calm displayed by Russian government in the face of the government and media hysteria in the NATO member countries [about Putin, Russia and Ukraine].
So I looked for new keys to try to understand the events and give them meaning. The text of a Russian blogger caught my attention yesterday because it corresponded fairly well to the development of my own thoughts. I now deliver it to you “as is” below, before adding my own brief commentary.
“Another attempt to understand the Russian operation in Ukraine, which puts back at the center of the strategy the main goal: not to change Ukraine alone, but to make NATO bend in order to oblige it to respect its commitments of 1991 (or 1997) and bring her back to the front lines of the era. I had explained all this between December and February 2021-2022.
“From the start of the operation in Ukraine, I started asking myself many questions about its goals, objectives and end result. The actions of our military and our authorities made it clear
that Russia was not even trying to complete the operation quickly.
See how strange it is:
– Voluntary withdrawal of troops near Kyiv;
– Refusal to take the initiative;
– Stopping offensive operations and switching to defensive;
– Deliberately meaningless negotiations;
– Strange exchanges of prisoners;
– Strikes almost exclusively against military targets;
– Categorical refusal to damage “civilian” strategic infrastructure;
– Hastily organized referenda;
– Refusal to attack enemy HQs and decision-making centres.
And there are many other quirks that are not typical of the actions of a team that intends to achieve a quick and decisive victory [including: no attack against the Ukrainian anti-air systems, against the [NATO and Ukr.] supply routes coming in from the wester border, etc.] .
Obviously, the easiest option is to consider Russian authorities to simply be fools. Of course they are capable of waging a normal war for a rapid and crushing victory. So why don’t they?
Long reflections led me to the following conclusion:
Considering that the Russian SMO, the “special military operation,” is only one of the stages in the fight against the West, it turns out that Russia really does not need a quick and decisive victory in Ukraine. The army is useless too far forward. A quick and complete defeat of Ukraine ALONE will not change anything for us in geopolitical terms. We Russians would get some new territories and new populations, but the global geopolitical alignment would remain the same.
And we will always be forced to play by someone else’s rules, where unilateral sanctions will be imposed on us with impunity.
The objective seems to be completely different: to force the West to throw as many financial and military resources as possible into the fire. In the game of chess, a piece is sacrificed in order to lure an opponent into a trap from which he can no longer escape.
And if we keep this goal in mind, it becomes clear why the United States blew up our gas pipelines: without them, the importance of Ukrainian gas pipelines increases dramatically. This is an attempt to engage Europeans more in the conflict.
The only question is when Russia will consider that the West has been sufficiently ruined over its Ukrainian project for Moscow to quickly end the conflict and resume talks with an economically weakened adversary.
The goal is not to defeat Ukraine(this is only a secondary task), but to defeat the whole West, which has eaten into our Russian sovereignty too much (if sanctions are decreed against us with total impunity, then that shows we don’t have enough sovereignty).
In this case, Ukraine is only a victim of its own political regime,
which took the liberty of dragging the country into a confrontation between major geopolitical players.
Ukraine is not a chess player or even a chess piece,
just the board on which the game is played. »
As long as Russia manages to cash in on the mobilizations, which were not part of the marketing of this conflict in February, and it manages to regain the initiative from time to time, enough to keep the bulk of the conflict inside of the borders of the former Ukraine, and it maintains a ratio of losses clearly in its own favour, everything will be fine.
Notes: In 1990, the former USSR [and Warsaw Pact] collapsed for economic reasons.
*** JdN
Territory of NATO and in red the Warsaw Pact of 1955–1991 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Pact) and the number of soldiers in each country…. The Soviet Empire collapsed very quickly, and mostly from within, in 1989-91, despite massive military, media and police forces.
The Soviet collapse was rapid and its consequences modified the planet’s geopolitical balance for a long time. Russia will have taken more than thirty years to recover its health, nd it has done so thanks to the determination of one providential man, who has put the interests of his country before his own, and succeeded in restoring the economy of Russia, its pride and cohesion, and he has restored its armed forces to again have the capabilities they had lost.
On the Western side, thirty years of disinvestment in the field of defense for the countries of the EU, and of costly and counter-productive military campaigns for the USA [in Iraq and Afghanistan], have considerably deteriorated NATO’s capabilities, both in terms of manpower, active or reserve, as well as in terms of high-intensity warfare training or in terms of major equipment, their maintenance in good condition, and their operational availability.
On the economic level, the situations of chronic and limitless over-indebtedness on both sides of the North Atlantic, to which must be added the costs of almost three years of disastrous mis-management of the Covid health crisis, have considerably weakened the fundamentals of the major economies. This has been to such an extent that
the signs of the imminence of a great economic, financial and social crisis are multiplying.
Moreover, on both sides of the North Atlantic, the populations of the member states of the Alliance seem increasingly divided and reluctant to sacrifice their purchasing power, their comfort, and their standard of living to launch warlike misadventures at the initiative of a small US neoconservative and globalist elite.
In the NATO-Russia standoff unfolding in the Ukrainian theater, there will be a winner and a loser at the end of the game. And it is the degree of economic and social resilience of each of the parties in conflict that will designate the winner.
For me, time is now playing in favor of Russia, which therefore has no interest in rushing things and which, moreover, is not taking any measures in this direction, especially since the suicidal European and US mis-management of this conflict, through boomerang sanctions, is very likely to provoke, in the short term, a
lasting Western economic collapse
quite comparable in its scale and in its consequences
to that which the former USSR experienced in 1990.
If the Russian special operation had been carried out in a decisive and rapid manner with the signing of a peace treaty in good and due form, with Ukraine, there would have been only a few border changes and the march of the Western world in the same general direction would have resumed as before without any change of the rules.
The USA-EU-NATO hegemonic world
would have quickly regained the ascendancy
and returned to its bad habits of
wanting to rule the entire planet through money, threats and sanctions.
Why would Putin want to go back to this?
If, on the contrary, after a painful winter, double-digit inflation leading to a significant drop in purchasing power and the standard of living in the West, business bankruptcies and social unrest which can only multiply there, and a partial or total collapse of their economy, the governments of NATO member countries realize that they have no choice but to accept new rules, those of the multipolar world as it is taking shape today, the and only then will Russia have truly won the game.
We can never repeat it enough, the stakes of the NATO-Russia showdown go well beyond the borders of Ukraine.
For Russia and the states that support it,
it is a matter of neutralizing once and for all
the “US-NATO-dollar” hegemon
..and scrutinizing and changing the functioning of the organizations that are more or less associated with or subject to it (the IMF , the WTO, and even the UN).
To achieve this, Russia must succeed in causing a partial or total collapse of Western economies with lasting consequences, likely to force the governance of NATO member countries to compromise.
Prolonging the operation in Ukraine may well be the necessary and sufficient condition to bring about Western economic collapse. We would better understand, then, the wait-and-see attitude of a Russia that seems to be taking its time…
But this is still, of course, only one hypothesis among others.
Clarification: the points of view presented only engage the author of this text and in no way our editorial staff. Alternative media, Breizh-info.com is above all committed to freedom of expression. This naturally implies that diverse, even opposing, opinions can find their place.
Illustration: DR
[cc] Breizh-info.com, 2022, dispatches free of copy and distribution subject to mention and link to the original source
Jean Jacques says:
10/10/2022 09:30 to 9 h 30 min
What an observer! Congratulations on this insightful analysis.
ummite says:
10/10/2022 10:08 to 10:08 min
Dominique says:
10/10/2022 10:10 to 10 h 10 min
To discuss “Russian objectives” it is necessary and sufficient to read the speeches of the Russian President in February and September 2022, and those which preceded them for many years.
BADIN says:
10/10/2022 10:24 to 10 h 24 min
I agree with your analysis and, to complete it – if you allow it – I will write that the United States, “our American friends” as the another, considering that they did not succeed in destroying the Russian economy quickly enough for theirs not to collapse, are in the process of demolishing ours here in France – with the effective help of our sell-out “leaders” (on both sides of the pond). The aim pursued is indeed the destruction of the malefic axis “Berlin-Moscow” for decades. We know how consistently – if not stubbornly – the USA applies the strategic plans drawn up by their geopolitical thinkers!
The bombing of the Northstream gas pipeline and the refusal to sell more shale oil/gas to Europe is clear proof of this. Of course, nobody talks about it here. This is not the case in Germany and Italy, two countries where the press is a little (!) bit freer than here!
toto says:
10/10/2022 10:34 to 10 h 34 min
emile 2 says:
10/10/2022 10:48 to 10 h 48 min
The Yankees for quite some time now have been experiencing historic defeats….. There is still a big, beautiful one to come, dangling right before their face….
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