Brilliant Israel has already beaten the Cohenavirus while dumb goyim flounder. Their new invention for “the new normal” – the Pac Man Mask

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Mask in a restaurant? This one can gobble like Pac-Man




If the jews have their way, we will never go back to the “old normal.” We must continue “social distancing” and wearing the masks so we become expressionless zombies, trudging around in an act of submission. 

Among dogs it is called “Obedience Training.”

In the military, it is saluting an officer and weaving the word “sir” (or “ma’am”) into every other sentence.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman  MD and other MDs say the mask actually retains Covid, making you breathe it in even more,  and even the N-95 medical mask lets viruses through. In fact, the N-95’s pores are like aircraft-hangar gates, 100 times bigger than the virus — than any virus.


  1. Black repeat criminal stabs 80-year old white grandma to death in broad daylight:

    The head county judge who allowed this monster to be released from jail is a demoncrat Latrina named Lina Hidalgo:

    The DA who allowed this monster to stay out of jail is a bottle-blonde demoncrat Jewess named Kim Ogg:

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