Brown- and blue-eyed whites are quite different

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I wrote today to a comrade who helps me and is of both Italian and British/Irish ancestry:

I had to chuckle, [] when I got this photo from a fierce supporter in Italy….of her two twin boys as babies.

It shows (and so do many others from her of the boys which she has sent me for months now, when the boys are now big) the difference between Nordic whites and Old Mediterraneans.

This was a very influential map by the major author Madison Grant of the different kinds of Whites in Europe: blond, narrow-faced Nordics; wide-faced Alpines; and narrow-faced, brunet Mediterraneans.

Her husband [] is fairly good-looking — no hooked nose, a true Old Mediterranean, like you, though you have recessive nordic genes… actually just as he does, otherwise the one boy would not be blond with blue eyes.

Both parents must carry the gene for blue eyes for the child to have them, as we see, closer to home, with [].

Anyway, in every pic, [], the nordic twin has a faraway look in his eyes, as if he were dreaming of another world, and in every shot he is friendly, trusting and even gullible.

The Old Mediterreanean boy is a typical Italian tough guy, a bad-ass even as a baby. 😉

And he stares right at the camera, almost challenging the onlooker “You want a piece of me?”

It really reminds me of me and you, too — you the cynical one, seing the dark side in people (which is real), and me more the starry-eyed idealist, “blue-eyed,” literally and figuratively. 😉 “Blue-eyed” has the secondary meaning of “naïve” in Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and German.

The man who took this very photo betrayed me, and, to be honest, I was floored.

And maybe God wanted you and me to be a team, for this reason, and it all has a higher purpose — to create a movement of radiant but realistic idealism, of yin and yang, Mars and Venus, gentleness and harshness.

As I see this painting of the dark-haired, dark-eyed Robert E. Lee signing the surrender of the main Confederate army at Appomattox as the blue-eyed Union general, Ulysses Grant, looks on, I thought of all this dichotomy again, and btw, Abraham Lincoln had blue eyes too and he went libtard at the end.

Lee and his son in 1845

As a captain in the Mexican-American War

As the brilliant and daring commander of the Confederacy’s Army of Northern Virginia, again and again beating superior Northern quantity in all things. President Abraham Lincoln had asked him, then the Commandant of West Point, to command the main Union army, but he said “How can I invade my own Virginia?” Lee was also fiercely opposed to abolition — he wanted total expulsion of the Blacks, NOT any continuation of slavery OR any kind of integration — holding a very low opinion of “the African race.”

Grant, not as brilliant but relentless

Lee, like Thomas Jefferson, was a slave owner, firm but fair, and both wrote that Blacks should never be freed, being far too wild, primitive, angry and thus dangerous  for that, but instead must be kept enslaved until they are put on ships and sent away for good.

A chestful of his highly revealing letters, sent to his wife during the War of Northern Aggression, was discovered in an attic of the Burke & Herbert Bank in his native Alexandria, Virginia, where I used to bank 1980-89. At that time, a “Robert E. Lee IV” sat on this bank’s Board of Directors.

(See, back then, boys and girls, it was common for educated, successful, intelligent men like Lee to reproduce their genes, as well as fight for their sacred values. Yes, amazingly, they actually produced something called “offspring” and men also took to the field with their guns, fully cognizant of the dangers, to defend what was holy to them, and to assert something else that is now almost extinct, honor.)

I made this meme of the Lee/Grant/Appomattox painting:

The early Lincoln grasped racial truth, and understood that it was not about loving the negroes, or hating slavery (a system which plantation owners also knew was both cruel and dangerous), but about saving the Union from being broken up (and then being re-absorbed into the British Empire, the goal of the English Rothschilds). 

But he went mushy at the end, having started to read the jew-written Bible and expressing a desire to visit “the Holy Land.”  The Confederates who assassinated him said at their trial that he had stated from the balcony of the White House to a crowd that he was going to NOT send the freed Blacks back to Africa and to Liberia, but instead make them full US citizens, let them stay here — and let them vote.

This the Confederates felt was a stinking betrayal of all Lincoln had previously said about not bieng a racial liberal, about sending the Africans back to Africa, and about how preserving the Union was his only goal.

Never would the Southerners — knowing Blacks only too well, and far, far better than 99% of Yankees — have laid down their arms knowing it was for racial integration! 

Lincoln thus stands as the epitome of blue-eyed naiveté!


Black reality:






There ARE a few honest blacks, however — black race realists:

And here is another fundamentally naive guy with blue eyes who had no idea in 2015 just how deep the Swamp was, or what monstrous ingrates the jews are after he did almost everything fior Israel it ever wanted:

Trump, you actually trusted this 666-Kushner jew.

White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner, right, listens as President Donald Trump, left, announces a revamped North American free trade deal, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Monday, Oct. 1, 2018. The new deal, reached just before a midnight deadline imposed by the U.S., will be called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA. It replaces the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, which President Donald Trump had called a job-killing disaster. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

His headquarters (for years, althoughno longer) on 666 Fifth Avenue. (The Kushners actually asked the City of New York for permission to change the street number TO the number “666,” the sign of the satanic Antichrist in the Book of Revelation,which calls the jews “the synagogue of Satan.”)

It is time for a blue-eyed leader who is:

–determined to win;
–passionately idealistic;
— yet also no longer naive abot human depravity, including that of many Whites.

The Number-One Traitor in America, the blue-eyesd WASP who is the SCOTUS Chief Justice, John Roberts — a friend of the Chinese enemy; an ally of the rapist, crook and mentally unfit Joe Biden; and a collaborator with Demoncrat communists to eviscerate the US Constitution. He has violated every word of his oath.


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    Se lei è davvero Erda.
    “Athena,compagna del Re degli abissi Tritone”.
    Nella trilogia di Wagner,Erda è davvero una donna molto saggia e dimostra tutta la sua compassione e la sua maternità:
    “Vedremo come l’idea redentrice di Wotan comprenderà anche questo richiamo, parente del richiamo alla finitudine che ha appena sentito dalla divinità della profondità: “Erda”. Per liberarsi della schiavitù dei PATTI a cui si è vincolato,egli seguirà due strade: la salita al principio della liberazione maschile, che darà come frutto Siegfried, e la discesa nel profondo femminile, nel grembo di Erda, che darà come frutto la nascita di Brünnhilde. Vedremo nell’analisi delle prossime tre opere come questo progetto di Wotan si svilupperà, ovvero come egli affronterà la paura esistenziale con cui ora deve fare i conti.
    “La Religione,i suoi dogmi,i patti del Dio per il potere”.
    “La sua Redenzione e Rinascita”.

    • Transl:

      Your littlest mermaid 😉

      In the Wagner trilogy, Erda is indeed a very wise woman and demonstrates all her compassion and motherhood:

      “We will see how Wotan’s redemptive idea will also include this call, a relative of the call to finitude that he has just heard from the deity of depth:” Erda “. To free himself from the slavery of the Pacts to which he is bound, he will follow two paths: the ascent to the principle of male liberation, which will give Siegfried as its fruit, and the descent into the deep feminine, in the womb of Erda, which will give the birth of Brünnhilde. We will see in the analysis of the next three works how this project by Wotan will develop, or how he will face the existential fear he now has to deal with.

      “Religion, its dogmas, the god’s pacts for power”.

      “His Redemption and Rebirth”.

  2. Potevo avere dei dubbi un anno fa ma non ora…
    Si,siamo la tua famiglia,la tua feroce volontà di resistenza al nemico..
    E hai accanto una donna straordinaria che avevi perso…
    L’unica che ha compreso totalmente il Dio Wotan.
    Difendila con tutto te stesso 🙂
    Anche quando ti bacchetta 😉
    Nel mio sogno lei mi ha detto questa frase(che in un primo momento mi è sfuggito di riferirtiquel giorno):”Bambina mia”..
    Oggi so che tutti questi sogni mi stanno rivelando la verità..
    Non ho nessun dubbio 🙂

    Anche Salomè…
    Non ho dubbi su Akhenaton e neanche su Federico 😉
    Stessi problemi,stesso nemico,identiche battaglie.
    Non voglio rivivere la stessa scena di morte..devono morire loro,come Dio comanda.
    Non voglio perdervi di nuovo..e ritornare qui per la stessa vendetta o per qualcosa che ancora non si è risolto definitivamente.
    Non voglio vivere come gli altri..

  4. [] So in cuor mio che non prenderò pace finché tu non sarai al sicuro e questi Ebrei all’Inferno!

    Poi devo lottare con tutte queste donne dentro di me e con le loro emozioni.

    Non pensare ai tuoi 66 anni;per me l’età non conta, conta la tua Vita e quella di Margi; nonostante la diversità linguistica e territoriale. Non esiste nessuna distanza o diversità.

    E so che ci vuole un immenso coraggio 🙂

    • Transl:

      [] I don’t remember what I dreamed and I know in my heart that I will not make peace until you are safe and these Jews in Hell!

      Then I have to struggle with all these women inside me and with their emotions.

      Don’t think about your 66 years; age doesn’t matter to me; your life and Margi’s counts; despite the linguistic and territorial diversity. There is no distance or difference between us.

      And I know all this takes immense courage 🙂


      Yes, it does take courage. So many good men and women have failed to awaken humanity.


      Did you know that Mario Girotti (AKA “Terence Hill”) who plays “Don Matteo” ( experienced the inferno there in 1945 with his German mother. Hildegard?


      Hill was born on 29 March 1939 in Venice, Italy.[2] Hill’s mother, Hildegard Girotti (née Thieme), was German, from Dresden; his father, Girolamo Girotti, was Italian, and a chemist by occupation.[3]

      During his childhood, Hill lived in the small town of Lommatzsch, Saxony. He was there through the end of World War II (1943–1945) and survived the Bombing of Dresden.[4]

      Margi and I watched several episiodes in 2013 of “Don Matteo” and enjoyed it, though it is so predictable. We both love Italians, while having no illusions. This entire planet, including Germans and Scandinavians, is full of seriously flawed people.

      Margi’s fervent wish is that I can be the Don Matteo of our race, and that it will not come to a bloodbath but to a peaceful awakening.

      Of course, I look a bit like Girotti. It would be nice if Margi’s wish came true, but we must win by one way or the other, or maybe in a mix of yin and yang, of Mars and Venus. 🙂

      Btw, he married a German woman, Lori Zwickelbauer, in 1967, and they have been married ever since, 53 years.he is pretty well-behaved for a tv and film star. 🙂

      As you know, my honor is loyalty. His, too. And the goal truly is peace and love, even if the incurable psychopaths in power must first be removed by any means necessary and at any cost.

      If we die as heroes, we live on with our guardian angels, with our dead loved ones who died before us, and we are congratulated by them all on a noble life that was so very good — for us and for the world. 🙂


    I miei figli adorano i film di Bud Spencer e Terence Hill 🙂 e si rivedono in loro.
    Hai lasciato anche tu il “segno” su questi due bambini 😉
    Non sono bambini violenti,ma si muovono con “giustizia” e lealtà e impareranno a fidarsi del loro istinto e di un BENE supremo.

    • Transl:

      My kids love the Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies and see themselves in them.

      You too have left your “mark” on these two children.

      They are not violent children, but they act with a feeling of “justice” and loyalty, and will learn to trust their instincts and seek the supreme GOOD.

  6. Adoro il tuo coraggio,la tua lealtà e la tua forza titanica,che è quella del tuo Cuore.
    Non può essere sconfitta…e Dio lo sa bene.

    E..ti volevo far vedere questo video emozionante 🙂
    La volontà dell’anima supera la malattia(questa terribile malattia)in questo modo.
    Immagina cosa può fare davvero l’Essere umano per superare tutte le paure dettate dalla mente Egoica…
    Immagina la voce della Verita’ che lo spinge a combattere!

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