Brutal, cynical 2009 US think tank paper: how Israel can provoke Iran into a major war with America while playing the victim

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The 2009 US think-tank paper is just appalling — how to do utterly evil things to your victim yet portray HIM as the bad guy.

It even advocates making a peace deal with Iran, then deliberately violating it, then claiming Iran was the violator who obviously “only understands force.”

Only a psychopath could write such a document! The impressive thing about the supposed crazy mullahs of Iran is that they refuse to be provoked into any foolish reaction which could give the American superpower, which Iran knows is a complete tool of Israel, seeming justification to go to war with their country.

Bombing the Iranian embassy in Damascus a few weeks ago — and killing two Iranian generals  —  was just such an extreme provocation and also a vicious rape of international law, a smashing of a valid taboo. Peace depends on embassies. If two countries have tension, you need an ambassador to actually live — and safely! — in that other country so as to report back honestly to his own government on what the viewpoint and mood of the other government and the other nation is.

AND an embassy, under law, is literally the territory, the soil, of that country! The US embassy in Moscow is US soil!

To bomb the Iranian embassy as Israhell did was to literally attack Iran — and  yes, it is as simple as that.

But Iran retaliated in only a limited way, causing relatively little damage to IsraHell.

I have no doubt that the Iranians wisely have read this 2009 paper about deliberately provoking Iran, determined to not “take the bait” of the jew-run American Deep State.

In the Duran video below, Iran says to the US “we are through retaliating; is Israel?”

The Duran say the crisis is not yet over because Israel does whatever it wants. It wants the US to go to war with THEIR enemy Iran.

America is seen by Tel Aviv as their golem, its big, dangerous, brutish servant.

On the very day the jews murdered the seven food workers (mos of them white, btw) of World Central Kitchen, who had explicit permission from Israel to be there and were driving in a white van that was clearly marked on both the roof and the sides as “World Central Kitchen,” the US criminally supplied even more one-ton bombs to the jews to genocide more Gazans.

I wish to again honor the white American Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire IN FRONT OF THE ISRAELI EMBASSY IN WASHINGTON DC to protest the murder of the Gazans with US weapons.



He is in heaven, and we are still in hell.

EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN IS PARTLY GUILTY FOR GAZA, and especially those who SAY AND DO NOTHING AS THE GAZANS ARE SLAUGHTERED with American jets, missiles, rifles, bullets and bombs.

The day may come when American cities are devastated because we did not eject the jews from power over us. Whether it is Dresden in 1945 or Gaza in 2024, America has serious blood guilt.  Every day more buckets of human blood are spilled because, WHILE OWNING BY SOME ESTIMATES 900 MILLION GUNS, we do not rise up and overthrow the jewish tyrants ruling our nation.

98% whine that they can do nothing against the 2% who are jews.

It would only be just for white Americans if what goes around (all the Dresdens, Rhine Meadows camps, Gazas, and Ukraines — with now over 400,000 dead young white men because of the US government) comes around.

Jesus over and over saved an especial anger for the “scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES.”

“the land of the free, and the home of the brave”…….

Mannheim,  1944




  1. The Jews have taken over the country. The likes of Dresden should not be blamed on White Americans, or White English. That kind of behavior is not in our nature. What it proves is that we have become ruled by an alien people. Who? Need we name this alien people? We know their name, don’t we.

    • There is a partial guilt. Americans (90% white then) voted four times for a Franklin Roosevelt who had achieved almost nothing in his three peacetime terms except passing Social Security. The Great Depression which began in 1929 never went away under Roosevelt (1933-41). It was Pearl Harbor which ended it.

      Huey Long would have been the great game-changer, but the jew Carl Weiss murdered him.

      There was, of course, also no Internet back then, just the local newspapers and radio.

      But everyone knew who the anti-war, anti-Rosenfeld Charles Lindbergh was, a beloved national hero. Yet he got little traction.

      I can say as the descendant of the Republicans of that time that they realized that Rosenfeld was a tool of the jews, that the demonization of Hitler in the American media was their work, and that any American war on Germany would save the wicked Stalin and communism from destruction by Germany. They understood this clearly, but were afraid of being called antisemites or even Nazis and traitors, and the jews blathered away about a “Fifth Column of Nazi sympathizers,” which was the same as “Russian collusion” today.

      And Hitler was an evil tyrant….but Rosenfeld stood for freedom. (How free were the 11 million Americans in a US military uniform? They could all be shot for disobeying an order, or imprisoned at Fort Leavenworth! War is a great way to criminalize dissent. It is “undermining the war effort” and “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”)

      And so we see that since human nature has not changed, and that lies work, and so does getting the goyim to “look out for number-one” by staying silent, the Big Jews can just apply the same formulae today: we will make an example of you by defaming you and canceling your career.

    • There is a partial guilt. Americans (90% white then) voted four times for a Franklin Roosevelt who had achieved almost nothing in his three peacetime terms except passing Social Security. The Great Depression which began in 1929 never went away under Roosevelt (1933-41). It was Pearl Harbor which ended it.

      Huey Long would have been the great game-changer, but the jew Carl Weiss murdered him.

      There was, of course, also no Internet back then, just the local newspapers and radio.

      But everyone knew who the anti-war, anti-Rosenfeld Charles Lindbergh was, a beloved national hero. Yet he got little traction.

      I can say as the descendant of the Republicans of that time that they realized that Rosenfeld was a tool of the jews, that the demonization of Hitler in the American media was their work, and that any American war on Germany would save the wicked Stalin and communism from destruction by Germany. They understood this clearly, but were afraid of being called antisemites or even Nazis and traitors…..and so very little has changed since 1940….

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