Brutal footage of trench-warfare in Ukraine; vaxxed Australian writes me his despair

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At about 16:07 in this video, we see brutal trench fighting, Whites (Ukrainian special forces) killings Whites (Russians).

Sickening….. Ukraine was part of Russia for centuries and their slavic language is 70% the same as slavic Russian, just as Dutch is close to German, or Norwegian to Swedish. Ukraine and Russia, one millennium ago, were originally one and the same people, but given the huge distances, and the lack of modern, rapid travel or communication and no public schools, in those olden days languages changed very rapidly and diverged.

When the bullets fly out of a modern rifle, human beings go down fast. There are brave white men on both sides here, and they should be brothers. Instead, mothers will be crying.  Wives will faint. Children will be stricken with shock — to get the terrible news.

You can also see how much drones are spying on, observing and targeting everyone.


….Vaxxed Australian has feelings of isolation and doom

K[] wrote me  this email:

I’m not from the U.S, I’m from Australia. I see that you’re well educated.

I’m pretty pessimistic about my future because I’ve had the Covid death jabs. I knew that it was not safe at the time, but I didn’t know that the Zionist cabal were behind them.

And I was told by my employer that it was mandatory and that I had to have the shots. Of course, I regret getting the two death jabs 100 percent now, but what can I do about it?

I don’t have any children, so I don’t have to worry about them not having a future.

And it’s extremely difficult to meet intelligent people that are capable of critical thinking. Most people here have been brainwashed by decades of cultural-marxist propaganda.

The level of programming in some people is very disturbing.

Australia is full-blown Marxist now, and we have some of the sickest, most brain-dead, demented politicians in the world.


The mass censorship of the Internet by the Zionist-owned big-tech giants, and Zionists in Israel, has made it much more difficult to meet people. I think that normal, regular people need to push back against this artificial, fake, digital, hybrid world that we live in, and against the evil governments and zionist mega corporations.

The trouble is that the Zionists own nearly everything on the planet. I don’t think there’s anyway to come back from this. What this evil group has done is incomprehensible. And there’s no way to quickly undo more than a century of Marxist brainwashing.

Most people, John, don’t even have the intellect now to grasp something like this, so what can you do when there’s very few normal people left anymore?

Most white people, I must say, I do dislike, because of how narrow-minded and stupid they’ve become from all the mass propaganda.

Most white people are not able to think for themselves, and white women specifically are the most brainwashed and degenerate of all now, because they think with their emotions.

Most young women now in Australia that are selling themselves [sexually] have not experienced sexual abuse or are in any hardship. They’ve just become brainwashed by the degenerate jew media, the porn industry and teh fashion industry.

And the argument that men pay for their service, so it’s men’s fault as well, is not true.

I wish these young women hadn’t become such stupid, degenerate, braindead whores selling themselves, and so entitled, and if only they would take an interest in their men and didn’t reject every guy who doesn’t fit in their narrow view of the perfect guy!

I’m not an incel. I’m good-looking for my age, and I’m 196cm tall (6 feet, 5 inches) and weigh just under 100 kilos (220 lb.)

But I don’t have a high-paying job, and the area I live in is a hipster neighborhood, and full of degenerates.

Every time I go out I see lots of lesbians, some are as young as sixteen. The other day I saw two children, young girls, that were around 13 years old, dressed in adult-style clothing making very obvious their sexuality.

The parents of these children are sick and demented.

And I don’t even understand how this has became accepted to brainwash and sexualise children. It’s nearly always these white liberal women doing this. I’ve seen a woman with a toddler with a gay-pride toy. I’ve seen women with five-year-old children with the gay-pride flag around their necks. Very sick and evil! Is everyone becoming mentally retarded? It seems to be that way.

What RFK Junior is saying [about vaccines, Big Pharma, guns and peace] is 100 percent right but he doesn’t have any chance at winning. And U.S politics has become a personality contest. It does not matter that Donald Trump is a low IQ moron who just sucks up to Israel and grovels to the jews.

He will still beat JFK Junior and even JFK Junior couldn’t accomplish anything anyway if he became president.

I don’t think there’s anything we can do about this. I don’t know if the Zionists global elite will get their New World Order, but I don’t see there’s much we can do about this. The fact that nearly all our politicians are Christians and worship this evil [jewish] group and have made it illegal to criticise them, is a big part of a reason things have gotten this bad.

A lot of the politicians are involved in pedophilia, LGBTQ, drugs and being blackmailed, which just shows how bleak the situation we’re in has become.

And as for me, I just can’t afford to leave the city and move to a rural area to survive the collapse of our civilisation.

And I don’t even know if I’ll be alive in a couple of years,because I’ve already had effects from the death jabs. If I knew back then that those evil, cold-blooded reptiles were behind the fake vaccines, there’s no way I would have gotten them. Because the usury has been established for so long, it’s nearly impossible to get rid of, because that would mean that stupid, greedy politicians would have to give up their money and their power even though they’re all just puppets of the Jewish moneylenders.

China’s economy is over 40 trillion dollars in debt from heavy borrowing from the Jewish bankers. So their economy could be in ruins and worse off then the U.S. The jewish bankers did this on purpose so they can collapse the world’s economy and kill off and enslave the goyim.

I don’t care about the future anymore because there’s no point.


John: Thank you. I will respond to the huge issues you raised.


Two comments on VK:

John I can verify [as an Aussie myself] that what the Australian wrote to you is 100% true.
I do some retail security and I can report back that teenage girls as young as 16 dress like whores, pants falling down, micro-underwear on show, with the diamond piercing in their belly button, and pushup bras with breasts ready to pop.
I can certainly guess they are lesbians as the majority are in groups of 3 or 5 when out and about.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Thomas, thanks for your comment. It strikes me just how similar all the white anglosphere countries are. It was in good ways in the past — an English-speaking white brotherhood, and always staunch military allies — and we are almost identical now in horrible, jew-induced ways, too, because we all have the same ruler, Lord Jacob Rothschild.

Mark Calvin

There is a point to all this. There is the right way that we are meant to live, so we should try. If the kikesystem does gain an open, full world government, it might collapse as it gets stretched thin, and the people rebel, or it might be the cue for an interplanetary intervention.
Australia is a dump .Genetically the people that live there are fine ,but they’ve been subjected to ceaseless propaganda since the mid 1970’s , once the Marxists that went to University post war ,incrementally became to assume positions of power . Prior to this the country was still fully in a British Imperial mind set , sociologically speaking in the 1930’s .

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Jerry, yes, and a wonderful place A friend of mine visited there in the 1980s and said the people were great.

Jerry Oyevaar

Jerry Oyevaar replied to John
John, the promotion of so-called inclusive culture has caused most Australians to become apathetic. They don’t really believe but pay lip service to it. It’s only in academia and within the social-services bureaucracy that it’s used as a vicious weapon.
The non-white immigrants have become very adept at playing the victim race card . When I went to school in the 1950’s, the stated goal was, by 1970, to have a white-only population of 40 million . The great artesian basin would be opened up by atomic energy and Australia would become a fully developed nation within the Commonwealth.
Now it looks like it’ll be a lazier, less efficient, gigantic version of Singapore, just a massive economic zone with a few million racially mixed Eurasians.


1 Comment

  1. Sorry to hear that, man. City life with retarded communists is no place for a thoughtful man. Might I suggest moving? As for the death jab, please don’t worry. Here in the US, only roughly 5% of the total vax batches caused adverse events. 95% of the batches caused almost no chronic illness. It truly was a 1 in 20 Russian roulette, and you’ll prob be ok.

    Lastly, your despair can become self-fulfilling. So ignore the idea of redpilling everyone you know, and just build friendships with happy, upstanding people.

    Once you are good friends, you can mention redpills here and there. It’s always best to find a libertarian friend; they can be wiser than avrage.

    (Hey, John!)

    Happy Thursday morning to you. Ben

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