The brutal side of China — lack of mental-health care and child murders; a fine doctor we knew

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China has made astounding economic progress since the 1980s when it ended marxist economics in favor of a guided-capitalist system (which is very much like what NS Germany had under Hitler).

But, as this thoughtful video shows, there is a dark, uncompassionate side to the Chinese, a sink-or-swim expectation, with very little care offered to people with fragile mental health, who can become enraged and then very physically dangerous as a result.

The blogger, a white Australian, says his own wife is a Chinese medical doctor, so this video is not about bashing all the Chinese, just exposing a specific but big deficit in Mainland Chinese society.

And I know from my own experience dealing with Chinese people at Harvard and MIT that parents put brutal pressure on their kids to succeed. There was even an epidemic at MIT of Chinese girls jumping out dormitory windows to their deaths because they had not brought home straight A’s and they dreaded their father’s anger.

But, as the video shows, in Chinese (and ancient Confucian) culture, for millennia the parents have retired to live off the earnings of their grown children, especially the income of the son.

If the son fails as a breadwinner, the parents are bitterly poor, and he is castigated.

Explained! Why the Chinese man Poured Hot Coffee on a Baby (

Margi had a Taiwanese doctor at the Mayo Clinic, a Dr. Ma, and he was a very nice and super-professional person. He sometimes wore a Christian cross on his lapel. From his build you could see that he clearly lifted weights and worked out. He said his grandfather had been a general in Chiang Kai Shek’s anticommunist army.

I have often criticized the very dark side of Chinese culture, its brutality and utter corruption (especially lying and stealing), which long predate Mao Tse Tung. And a Chinese repeated to me once as I inwardly shuddered “We Chinese are the Jews of Asia.” This is, ominously,  a common Chinese expression. But many Chinese are not okay with the brutal, atheistic, police-state that is the communist regime. I reach out a hand of cooperation to them against the two real enemies:

  1. the jews as the incarnation of psychopathy
  2. the psychopathic goyim who betray their own country and serve these jews

…..See also

I remember first reading this book, Ways that are Dark/The Truth about China.

It was written in 1933 by WN Ralph Townsend, indicted for treason in 1944 by the traitor Roosevelt. Townsend was the son of Christian missionaries in China and grew up there.


It is a very harsh critique of Chinese society and culture, especially the lying, stealing, callousness, and sadism. Townsend claimed that the source of China’s problems lay in fundamental defects in the core ethnic characteristics of the Chinese people.

Typically, the Chinese twisted Buddhism, a religion of compassion, into the exact opposite view. It was common to not help the suffering by saying that they must have bad karma so one must not interfere. My father was shocked to the core during two wars by the callousness of the Chinese, but also that of the Japanese, and North and South Koreans. He felt strongly that it was a racial characteristic to be pitiless.

Many other US Marines felt as he did, and he recalled to me once during the Korean War a Marine in a troop train sticking his rifle out a train window to just shoot at random at “the gooks.”

His hatred of them was so strong that he ignored my father’s direct order as his captain that he stop it.

My dad finally had to pull out his .45 pistol and put it up to the Marine’s head to get him to desist. This is how much white Marines hated East Asians. I strongly recommend you read this unforgettable book.

Ways that are Dark the Truth about China Ralph Townsend

The Japanese have their dark side, too, but even they are shocked by the Chinese. One of my Japanese clients told me about how a Chinese dowager empress (widow of the late emperor) got tired of her son’s rule and hated  her daughter-in-law.

Soooooo she had her own son poisoned, becoming empress herself, and had the daughter-in-law arrested.  She then ordered doctors to amputate her arms and legs, cut off her nose and gouge her eyes out. 

Then the daughter-in-law was thrown into a pigsty and was fed slop with the pigs.

The Japanese said, quietly:

“We have no story even remotely similar to this in all of Japanese history.”

But, having said this, it is all a matter of degree. There are tons of callous, brutal white people, too. Only two of the five psychopaths in this meme are proven jews, Soros and  Schumer.

And Dr. Ma at the Mayo Clinic was wonderful. With his help, Margi beat the cancer in 2020. The problem was it came back, and I do suspect the Deep State did this.

On the right side of the screen, you see Margi’s throat tumor in July 2019 and on the left —  after Dr.  Ma’s proton-beam therapy, the tumor was gone in July 2020.

It is possible to be pro-white and wish to preserve our race, while simultaneously having respect for other races, perceiving their legitimate rights, and negotiating on the basis of a two-way street, of mutual benefit.

1 Comment

  1. I saw to real life incidemt captured on surbeilamce cameras in China.
    In one of the incidents a boy who could not swim was in the deep end of the pool, he was thrashimg aroumd in the water shouting help me i can’t swim, and alzo said i’m going to drown help me. The Cnise swimming was sittimg dow on a seat a couple of meteres away and saw the boy shouting put that he can’t swim and he was going to drown. Eventually the boy who was about 7 or 8 years old drowned right in fron of the swimming instructor. About 15 minutes after the swimming instructor watched the boy drown right in front of him.
    He walked over and saw the boys dead body at the bottom of the pool,he ignored his dead body that he let drown and left the childs dead body there.
    He walked over to the area where the other kids were swimmimg, acting like nothing had happened. And the child that he let doe in fron of him was no importance at all.
    Another video i saw from China captured by a surveilance camera, was a young Chinese boy probably around 10 or 11 years old crossing the road when he was hit by a speeding truck that run over him with all 4 wheels. He was lying in the road dead.
    Instead of gettimg the boys body off the road and calling police, people cars and motorbikrs just drove around his body not caring a less.
    Pedestrians, people walikng right nearby saw his body in the middle of the road still but ignored it completley like it was no big deal.
    Then when some people started crossing the road when it was safe enough.
    The young boys dead body by was right in front of them where they were crossing the road.
    So they just walked around his dead body and ignored it, like it was nothing out of the ordinary.
    Under Chimese communism life is not valued and it’s a brutal opressive system.

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