Buy American? America First? Well, the top-of-the-line Buick is MADE IN CHINA; a veteran unloads, telling me the time is now

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A cinnamon-colored 2022 Buick Enspire on the main street of Ontonagon, once a flourishing American town 
This Navy vet, who was on three aircraft carriers during the Vietnam  War, says the chassis, engine, transmission and upholstery of this top-of-the-line 2022 Buick, the Enspire, priced at $40K — everything — is Made in China. I verified what he said. It is indeed MADE IN CHINA:

I must admit the car is beautiful. He says the quality is excellent.

“It is all built to American specs [specifications]. The Chinese just follow instructions. I had to sign a paper saying I understood the car was made in China, I guess, so buyers would not be upset later.”

This reminds me of what a Japanese client to whom I was teaching American accent said to me about Chinese quality. I had made a remark about “Chinese junk that one sees in the dollar stores.”

He corrected me: “The Chinese make this junk for the American market because Americans want these low prices. But for the Chinese domestic market, they make very high-quality products. The Chinese consumer is very hard-nosed, and examines every product very carefully before he buys anything.”
Well, here is the proof — the top-of-the-line Buick, equivalent to a Cadillac, is entirely made in China.

We will never compete, as a jew-run, woke, racially Third-World country that has lost its core population, its white majority, with national-socialist China  or quasi-fascist, quasi-NS Russia.

We can recover only with a new form of national socialism ourselves.


Our future rocket scientists….And all those lottery tickets are unscanned so, if this negro redeems one, it will trigger his arrest.  It all reminds me of the movie “Idiocracy.”



All I need, readers, is for the site to continue.
The religion of loving ourselves and being proud that WE embrace every truth, good or bad, like adults, not children, will transform the masses.
I spoke last night with a Navy Vietnam veteran, of  German and Polish background, and it turns out he loves my website, knows all about the jews and blacks, and he is the one who told me about his luxury Buick being entirely “Made in China.”
He said.
“I used to love this country. I fought for it. But now I know it is just for the rich few. They don’t care about this nation.”  
When men like this — who are not hotheads by nature — just “pluggers” (patient, quiet, stable, hard-working Americans) say things like that, then we are ready.

….New way to donate

If in the US, you can use Cash App:

Simply link it to your debit or credit card!

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— Open the Cash App
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It works in seconds, and you get an email confirmation!

If in Canada or overseas, set up a TransferWise account! Same basic idea.

Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!



….Recent donations

–-21 March 2022 $60 from M in Ontario, Canada

–-20 March 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 19 March 2022 $260 ($10 and then $250) from B in Georgia/USA


15 March 2022 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

Historic downtown Boston — I lived nearby 1971-74 and 1994-2003

— 14 Mar 2022 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Chicago 😉

— 12 March 2022 $50 from M in Texas via PayPal

— 11 March 2022 200 euros from M in France via PayPal

— 10 March 2022 $150 via bank wire from P in Australia; my balance went from $3 to $153. 🙂

— 9 March 2022 $50 via Paypal from V in Denmark

— 5 Mar 2022 100 euros from M in France



— 1 March 2022 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 26 February 2022 $34 via PayPal from V in Denmark
— 26 February 2022 $100 check from K in California


— 26 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 23 Feb 2022 $80 via PayPal from J in San Francisco

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Duran coffee mug from P in Florida

A friend in Florida who also assiduously follows the Dynamic Durans, the best World-Figure-Outers Ever, bought me this elegant and sturdy Duran mug. This is the mug shot. 😉 Soon it will be full of hot coffee as a reward for a morning of snow-blowing (just off Lake Superior in Upper Michigan).


— 22 Feb 2022 $150 by bank wire from P in Australia



— 21 Feb 2022 $100 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 20 Feb 2022 $100 from K in Massachusetts from CashApp

— 17 Feb 2022 100 euros (same in US dollars) from C in Germany

 — 17 Feb 2022 $100 via Cash App from K in Massachusetts
From: “Cash App” <>
To: “John de Nugent” <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 6:13 PM
Subject: K[] sent you $100
Payment from $KPLnd

— 12 Feb 2022 40 euros in cash from M in France

— 10 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France



— 4 February 2022 200 euros via PayPal from M in France

Painting by Vincent van Gogh “A summer day near Paris”

— 1 February 2022 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 31 January 2022 300 euros via PayPal from M in France


  1. So very true, John, about everything being made abroad. The idea is so countries can be crippled if they don’t do what the big jews command. Britain cannot build a train, car, plane, computer, or even a bed, fridge or washing machine!
    It’s all made abroad. We import paper bags from 600 miles away. We import apples from France, potatoes from Poland, and milk from Germany. We built housing on our best farmland so we can house the self-invited gimmegrant invaders.

    It is mental — absolute madness.

    Yet the sheep say nothing, and do nothing.

    • If the British Judeo-Norman-paedo-Illuminati aristocrats had not repeatedly infuriated the Americans in the mid-1700s, today the Five Eyes (UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the white “Dominions”) would all be part of one single country today and with infinite resources.

  2. I don’t think the five countries would still be united, John. As soon as you let in the immigrants, they start to destroy links to Britain. The thirteen American colonies were meant to provide resources to Britain, not be independent. The Americas weren’t a high military priority to Britain in the 1700s. At the time of the American War of Independence, Britain was fighting five simultaneous wars around the globe. No other country could do this even today.

    Most of the former white countries of the British Empire are in self-inflicted decline, being replaced by blacks and browns with no morals. Only a future race/ religious war will (1) unite all whites (2) kill off the weak, useless, greedy whites.

    You will be left with high-quality whites that get things done for the good of the survivors…. a more dynamic race.

    • In reality, only an enlightened and national-socialist Britain — which glorified the contributions of 1) the working class with their vital work, and 2) of women as the mothers of the nation’s children – and not one lauding and enriching some “elite,” ever could have developed and retained the love and loyalty of the far-flung white colonies.

      And why did the brown colonies revolt?

      They lost all respect for the white man after two wars of white men savagely slaughtering each other.

      As you and I both know as former military, the ideal is an officer who truly earns every day your respect and affection. National socialism was developing leaders like that by the tens of thousands.

      Arnulf Bahring was some Social Democrat in postwar West Germany who once said something very true around 1970, but I cannot find it anywhere online. The gist of it was:

      “How on earth did we rebuild West Germany so fast from utter ruins and make it flourish? it is because we still had that WWII generation [ergo, the NS generation], with that love of Germany, of national unity and of action.

      We shall see what happens when this war generation retires and dies out.”

  3. The British Empire was broken up in 1941, in exchange for American arms and intervention on the Allied side.

    When the browns and blacks tried to run their own affairs, they couldn’t do it. Our politicians invited every poor wog to Britain as cheap labour. It hasn’t stopped since the 1950s. Germany and Japan were built up after WW2 as economic buffers to the Reds. Britain was sidelined after WW2 so the Americans own empire could dominate the world. America has had its chance, and now it will play 2nd fiddle to China, Russia, India , and a very weakened Europe — destroyed by immigrants and woke-ism.

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