California libtards leave their Demoncrap mess behind to make Arizona and Idaho the same way! Prozac zombies; the ONLY solution !

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I was reading an article in the Epoch Times about ex-Californians who have moved to Texas.

Mike Kimmel and his wife, native Californians, moved to Arizona last year. Kimmel speaks of his love for California—but in the past tense.

“We loved the area and state we were born in,” he told The Epoch Times via email. “The beauty and diversity of the state stayed constant across those years. But the taxes and government regulation became overly excessive and unfair. L.A. County became a huge, overcrowded, traffic- and crime-filled monstrosity.”

Kimmel said the community they moved to in Arizona has fewer crowds, access to the outdoors (a large national park is “literally in our backyard”), reasonable government regulation, a lower cost of living, and lower taxes.

“A vast majority of our neighbors are Cali refugees,” he said. “This includes many from Long Beach and the surrounding areas. There are three people in the community from my same high school and many from our church in Long Beach.

“We miss our neighbors and friends in Cali, but love our decision to be part of Cal-Exit.”

In 2020, a surge of Californians left. It was classified as an outbound state, with more people moving out than in, for the first time since 1995 by Atlas Van Lines in the moving company’s 2020 Migration Patterns Study.

Arizona is a popular destination. It was second only to Texas in receiving the most new residents from California in 2019, according to U.S. Census data.


What interested me the most was the comments below this piece, and they reflected what I saw, as a New Englander myself, happening to conservative New Hampshire:

Libtards leave southern New England  (Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut), move up to NH, and then go and vote Demoncrap there! 

Mind you, when the readers leaving the comments below say they are “idiots,” morons,” “retarded,” and “shit-for-brains” 😉 (LOL!),  many of these liberals are very intelligent people, IQ-wise, hold down good jobs in tech, and are often Ivy League-educated (Harvard, Yale, Brown or even MIT).

The problem is libtards are in egoic love with themselves for being morally superior to us inbred rightwingers. 😉

They gotta keep that superiority rush going, so they must keep on voting Demoncrap, though they are fleeing Demoncrappia!.

This article says the same thing is going on with the Cali libtards. They have learned nothing EVEN FROM THEIR SUFFERING!!!!!

They would not be leaving such a gorgeous state as California unless things were now TERRIBLE…….


…and, man, it used to be so white….

“Baywatch” with David Hasselhoff


So the real issue is the egoic mind, which now is capable of total denial, and making even a white crime victim incapable of change.

In the late 1970s, when I joined the NSWPP, the so-called “white-flight” areas (the suburbs and whole states to which whites had emigrated to get away from minorities) were rock-hard rightwing. Heck, Arlington, Virginia, where the NSWPP HQ was located (now a café and barbershop 🙁 ),

….was itself a white-flight Republican suburb, unlike libtard and negroized Washington DC. (Arlington was named for Confederate general Robert E. Lee’s mansion,Arlington House!)

Rocky in Arlington on “Hatemonger Hill” 😉

That is Arlington House, above John Kennedy’s grave.


But people have changed.

Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger,” (a Texan, btw)  published a very pessimistic article, saying peoples’ physical brains were now SO toxic that they literally CANNOT think straight again:


Over half the people in America are mentally poisoned to the point of clinical insanity, and it is these people who attempt to run the government, the fake news outlets, the CDC and public schools, all like some twisted scene out of Idiocracy where even the Secretary of Education is a complete moron.

We’ve already passed the Idiocracy tipping point in America, of course. Fake White House press secretary Jen Psaki is a moron. Fake president Joe Biden has advanced dementia. None of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate can recognize reality anymore, and they function almost entirely as brainwashed bio-puppets who do whatever they’re told. (Which is what NPCs do, of course.) Meanwhile, the people who voted for Biden suffer from the mental illness / cult brainwashing of “progressivism” which is rooted in irrationality, learned hatred and denial of reality.

But what caused all this mass mental illness? It’s not difficult to identify the vectors of the poisoning:

When you put all this together, you realize that a majority of Americans are now cognitively poisoned beyond the point of rationality. Recently, a woman who ran out of hair spray spread Gorilla Glue across her entire head and then couldn’t figure out why the glue wouldn’t wash out in the shower. But that’s not the mass mental illness I’m referring to.

In response to this, people donated $15,000 to her GoFundMe account, and nearly 700,000 followers joined her on Instagram, so the woman has now hired a manager. This is the mass mental illness of the population being demonstrated, where people are attracted to insanity and stupidity and end up supporting it. It really is like a scene ripped right out of Idiocracy.

Here’s a short Brighteon video explaining this fascinating demonstration of total madness and stupidity. It’s too bad Democrats won’t try to use Gorilla Glue as lipstick, so they might glue all their lips shut and stop filling the world with stupidity:

In today’s important Situation Update, I reveal why America is over and how the globalists will likely succeed in mass murdering six billion people. It doesn’t look like a process we can stop.

It’s also apparent that the masses are either too stupid or too insane to have any idea what’s happening to them. The Bill Gates effort to mass murder six billion people won’t be difficult for globalists to achieve. Do you really think “Gorilla Glue girl” has any clue that the global depopulation agenda is targeting people like her, whom globalists label “useless eaters?” [end]

Prozac makes people into zombies, and it gets into our drinking water supply:

The Pill (contraceptive) also puts estrogen into everyone’s drinking water.

Anyway, back to New Hampshire, It was once a no-income tax, pro-gun, 99% white, solid Republican state. I lived there. Not now.

Here, now, are some typical comments under the article above about Cali libtards staying Demoncrap after they leave for other states:



mcmw132/15/2021 at 3:30 PMVote up+70Vote down

Unfortunately, to many of these so called “Cal-Exit” folks take their idiotic ignorant voting patterns to other locations and ruin other Great States in America!
It’s Insanity!


Lori Kaufmann2/15/2021 at 3:33 PMVote up+34Vote down

Exactly. I witnessed it first hand here in AZ!!!!!


Chris Santos2/15/2021 at 3:35 PMVote up+38Vote down

I’ll never understand why some people vote for what they moved away from.


Randall Mc2/15/2021 at 3:56 PMVote up+24Vote down

They (like many young & stupid socialists) don’t think their policies are bad, they just elected the wrong politician.

Look at what was happening in Oregon last year. They wanted to replace Wheeler because he couldn’t control the riots. But the person they all wanted to replace him with was even worse.

They’re just plain stupid.


cjtejedas cjtejedas2/15/2021 at 4:06 PMVote up+7Vote down

Agree, however who plays a big role here, TV news, media and more…enough is enough.


Pat Stenzel2/15/2021 at 4:59 PMVote up+1Vote down

Yes it seems that way, people react so sheepishly, they think and react to propaganda without any thought, doing whatever TV tells them to do. They become useful idiots


dan_o_252/15/2021 at 4:07 PMVote up+9Vote down

Maddening, isn’t it? We just haven’t found the right benevolent dictator yet. We tried Stalin, Lennon, Hitler, Mao, Pal Pot, Che, Castro, Chavez, Xi, Jong-il, Jonh-un…so close each time…


Chris Santos2/15/2021 at 4:14 PMVote up+7Vote down

The person you’re referring to (Sarah Lannarone) has worn a skirt patterned with the faces of the Mao, Stalin and the like. She got 24% of the vote. When Wheeler is the lesser evil, the city is beyond redemption.

The fact that glorifying historical figures like Stalin and Mao (at least 50 million dead) is now socially acceptable reveals a huge ideological gap between the West Coast and conservative states. It might mean that secession isn’t that far down the road.


its me2/15/2021 at 4:30 PMVote up+4Vote down

It’s called the public education system. They brainwash the kids to hate this country,


millwood712/15/2021 at 4:40 PMVote up+3Vote down

You said it. Our teachers are cowards directed by their Marxist teachers unions. They need to be all fired and any public union dismantled and all fucking pensions cancelled


ariv8152/15/2021 at 4:41 PMVote up+1Vote down

because they are mentally deficient of common sense.


fitnessdynamics2/15/2021 at 3:53 PMVote up+9Vote down

I was born in New mexico, Hondo valley, where the fight was with Billy the Kid. My dad moved us to Arizona, he was a professor at University in Flagstaff, Then on to California for most of my life My fiancé and I are thinking to move to Arizona or Texas. I am a staunch conservative and Christian, I am very very tired of this Calif, crap
and Californians that move to conservative states obey there values or move to Portland. flush the liberal communist trash down the toilet. fricking fools.


adminexec2/15/2021 at 3:57 PMVote up+1Vote down

Indeed! Portlandia would welcome them.


Winston Smith2/15/2021 at 4:00 PMVote up+4Vote down

Don’t blame you!

I couldn’t stand it for a day let alone living there in that totalitarian, woke dystopia.


Winston Smith2/15/2021 at 3:58 PMVote up+2Vote down

We have ‘em here in Colorado.

I’m moving to a solid red state.

They can buy my house.


Paladin_Eph6:10-122/15/2021 at 4:05 PMVote up+2Vote down

Yep! Liberalism is a mental disorder. If you were born there you are mostly a liberal. You can call yourself anything you want but you’re mostly a liberal and continue that cancer where you invade. If you move there you’re a liberal or become mostly one eventually.


Rohan Anderson2/15/2021 at 4:35 PMVote up+1Vote down

I could never understand this either. They vote Democrat. Their state is then virtually destroyed as it descends into socialist poverty and becomes a crime-infested sh*thole. Then they move to a peaceful and safe Republican state, and they continue to vote for more of the same – Democrat again! Arizona was stolen through vote fraud, but this mass migration of lefties certainly doesn’t help.


winnerwinnerchickendinner931012/15/2021 at 4:43 PMVote up+1Vote down

I think it’s more about fraudulent voting than actual voters voting.


Pat Stenzel2/15/2021 at 4:53 PMVote up+1Vote down

Yes, I’ve watch Arizona go from red to blue. People move away from California and adopt the same policies they run away from. It makes no sense but it’s true.


Jeff French2/15/2021 at 5:02 PMVote up0Vote down

The article noted 70-80% of that group’s new members were conservative. I would make a money bet this percentage is accurate, just based on the people I’ve personally seen move away (myself included).

So, if anything it should bring more Red elsewhere, because Lord knows our vote isn’t worth anything in that cheating state, anyway.


Married & Loving It2/15/2021 at 5:03 PMVote up0Vote down

I wish it was just the voting patterns but when we look at the massive voter fraud that happened nationwide on 3112020 one can only believe that this is what has been going on in California for decades. Whistles need to be blown and the cheating uncovered and California may not stay blue for much longer!


TheCoffeedrinker2/15/2021 at 5:10 PMVote up0Vote down

Exactly right, they complain about the regulations and taxes and then move somewhere else and vote for the same type of people that believe in excessive regulations and taxes. I moved from California almost 10 years ago and it was because I could not stand Cali politics, which lead to excessive taxes and regulations.


Be Heard2/15/2021 at 5:24 PMVote up0Vote down

I hope not! We fled CA after the election and the democrats better not “California my Idaho.” We fled to a red state for a reason. Anyone voting blue is not welcome in Idaho!!

We literally have PTSD from all the horrible politicians and their policies that destroyed my birthplace. Politicians ruined CALIFORNIA!

San Diego

Marines at the San Diego boot camp

All Californians need to sign the Newsom Recall Petition before March 10, 2021. And moderate/conservative taxpayers need to run for elected positions to replace all the liberal extremists in local city council and board of supervisors.


James Nicol2/15/2021 at 3:26 PMVote up+15Vote down

We left California in 2003 and retired in ID. We were born and raised in CA. We loved our home state. But we knew in 2003 CA was headed for destruction both in economy & failed Democratic leadership for too long. We miss our kids and grands but they too are looking to leave.


William Kelly2/15/2021 at 5:06 PMVote up0Vote down

Keep encouraging them to leave. I let the “fools’ gold-en state” 30 yrs ago. I have children and g-children there. But they caught the blue-virus and won’t leave.


Denise H2/15/2021 at 3:40 PMVote up+13Vote down

Please leave your liberal politics IN CALIFORNIA. You have someplace to go because other states are fiscally and socially conservative.


American Patriot17752/15/2021 at 4:02 PMVote up+3Vote down

Anyone who has liberal politics should STAY in California. If they want to leave, they should have been persuaded by conservative political views.


Jeff French2/15/2021 at 4:49 PMVote up+1Vote down

The overall theme is that people in California bring their politics with them. However, I’m of conservative thought and left because it was too much. What I mean by that is the mostly good weather (fires have gotten worse, I believe due to forest mismanagement… aka awful politicians), there used to be things to do, and most of my family nearby were trumped by the freeloading socialism/communism take-over. I think that a larger percentage of people leaving are of the same mindset. Tired of the horrible mismanagement.

I now live in a Northwest Arkansas rural community. Couldn’t be happier (unless you could magically give me some REALLY tall mountains or an ocean beach, but we can’t have everything).

It makes less sense that people in California would be leaving if they leaned left. As it has been stated by many comments, why would they leave when “their people” are running the show?


yodler0662/15/2021 at 5:14 PMVote up0Vote down

Shhhh! Don’t advertise!!! Remember, libtards, we red-staters are all backwards inbreds and no reasonable person wants to live here. I hear Portland is beautiful! 😉


Capitata Malleus2/15/2021 at 3:27 PMVote up+12Vote down

“Democrats have gotten out of control”—– SAYS IT ALL!


captainron472/15/2021 at 3:44 PMVote up+12Vote down

I was born and raised in California. Liberals are destroying that state and it can be seen everywhere. That’s not based on feelings, like liberals base everything in their pathetic lives, it’s based on eye-witness accounts. This is why I moved out three years ago to a free state. California is a beautiful state but the filth that is liberalism is making it ugly. The real problem is not Governer Newsom it’s the moronic, uneducated, feeling-induced Liberal trash that continues to vote for scum like Newsom.

They are so damn stupid they can’t get past their feelings to see what THEY are causing. I hate liberals for what they have done to California. A side NOTE to to the liberal filth that thinks they need to move out of California. STAY THE HELL THERE. Nobody wants you to infect their free states. If you can’t embrace freedom and the free ways of Texas, Utah and others stay out. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME THERE.


Jeff French2/15/2021 at 4:54 PMVote up+1Vote down

Amen. As a recent Arkansas resident, I will vote and rally against any program that does not legitimately help those in need. No free handouts. You work or somehow contribute to society if you are able-bodied!


SCIPIO AFRICANUS2/15/2021 at 3:42 PMVote up+9Vote down

The democrats will never lose in blue states until the voting is unrigged. California, Colorado New Mexico Michigan etc, all rigged elections. Now the general election is rigged for the commie left.


aksllcj2/15/2021 at 3:54 PMVote up+2Vote down

You forgot Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania.


Sharonda Pushbroom2/15/2021 at 3:34 PMVote up+8Vote down

I moved to California in 2006.
I moved out of California in 2020.
The worst 14 years of my life.
The climate was nice though.

JdN: This jew, Henry Waxman, the ugliest jew ever born on this earth (am I wrong? 😉 ) , was a Demoncrap US Congressman for 40 years (1975-2015) from gay West Hollywood, Santa Monica and Beverly Hills. 


Winston Smith2/15/2021 at 4:01 PMVote up+1Vote down


I am so glad I turned down jobs there.


graphguy2/15/2021 at 3:29 PMVote up+7Vote down

The answer is not to move but stay and fight. When you leave the scum left just follow you. Stay and fight


American Patriot17752/15/2021 at 3:57 PMVote up+2Vote down

When the legislature of California has a fraudulently elected supermajority of Democrats, there is nothing you can do except get your Republican counties to SECEDE and create a new state.


Randall Mc2/15/2021 at 4:01 PMVote up+2Vote down

I’m conflicted by that statement.

On one hand, they should stay and fight. On the other, they don’t have honest elections, and the only way to get honest elections is to elect Republicans, which can’t be elected because of crooked elections. Rock and a hard place. So the only option is to leave.


Desertcatn2/15/2021 at 5:14 PMVote up0Vote down

Exactly! Why do conservatives always run?


BA conrad2/15/2021 at 3:38 PMVote up+7Vote down

Keep your crappy political views back home,lib scum


Diem Ta2/15/2021 at 3:57 PMVote up+6Vote down

Please understand that not all Californians who want to leave California for conservative states are liberals. A lot of us are conservatives and want to be with conservatives who love this country and honor the Constitution. We don’t want to be with liberals anymore. They are non-Americans who are destroying this country.


nursebrown622/15/2021 at 3:48 PMVote up+5Vote down

We left CA in 2011. The moving-van company had to order a truck to come back into CA for us to rent because trucks were leaving and not coming back. People have been leaving CA for years


Lucid Sol2/15/2021 at 3:39 PMVote up+4Vote down

I left California 20 years ago, and vowed to appreciate wherever I went. I’ve moved across the country and around the world, and respected the culture and habits I moved to. Embracing the new community and understanding the why of their choices was the best part.

The current round of those fleeing California don’t seem to hold the same approach.


GAIL FREIDENRICH2/15/2021 at 3:48 PMVote up+4Vote down

Very nice… but don’t bring your liberal attitudes and votes along with your move. We want Arizona to remain a conservative state, despite the stolen votes for Senate and President.


Yahweah is my King! No evil shall prosper!2/15/2021 at 3:32 PMVote up+3Vote down

Property tax is going up just about every state of the West by 3-24% for just one year. Even the refugee state that Cali’s rush to, Idaho, is raising its property taxes in an unsettling way.


Denise H2/15/2021 at 3:41 PMVote up+2Vote down

Gotta pay for the liberal policies they bring with them.


Anteup2/15/2021 at 4:14 PMVote up+1Vote down

The uber-rich have taken over Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. very sad. Even the wealthy cannot afford to buy property & pay the exhorbitant property taxes there anymore.


sonora1082/15/2021 at 3:50 PMVote up+3Vote down

I love Nevada I was stationed here back in late 70’s and have been a permanent resident since 1993. I have witnessed what the so called Cal-Exit people along with the illegals have done to this state. Nevada has become Eastern California!


cgdontop52/15/2021 at 3:36 PMVote up+2Vote down

they leave so they can vote democrap in other places like TX – FL…… Dont let these leaches buy your house!


Michael Kiselevach2/15/2021 at 3:48 PMVote up+2Vote down

Taxes became too high. But, are they voting for Democrats? They are turning out states blue by voting the same way. They are going to ruin other states now.




…….It’s gonna take another Hitler

It really is.

The forces arrayed against us are awe-inspring in their power and wide extent.

But that was true in 1932, also. 😉

Pray for me. Praying for me means praying for you, too. 🙂

We’ll do it and gloriously.

Especially important blogs



…..Recent donations

It costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, so you get info that you can find nowhere else.

Governments trying to hack me on a typical day, 3o January  2021:


What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian),

–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.


I thank those who responded to my very urgent request for funds.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor who watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.

–15 February 2021 $10 via Amazon gift card from S in Texas

–13 February 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 11 February 2021 20 euros, cash, and a nice ltr from S in Germany

–10 February 2021 100 Euros via PayPal from C in Austria

–9 February 2021 $100 cash and ltr re Battle of the Bulge from B in Florida


–8 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

— 6 February 2021 $600 donation by check from P in Florida (actually, it was the forgiveness of $600 on a $1,000 loan by a former Marine Corps pilot to support my work)

(Photo is of another Marine pilot)

–5 February 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–30 January 2021 gift of a “Frame Lock” pistol holster (, “Made in USA”) from M in Texas, which I now use to open-carry my .40 Smith & Wesson

Inside — loops for your trouser belt


Ready for attacks by BLM, Antifa, local thugs or anyone else who lusts to harm me and my loved ones 


–30 January 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card and letter from R in San Francisco, California

–29 January 2021 100 Euros ( = US$100) from M in France

–28 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–27 January 20201 $233 via PayPal from T in Australia

–23 January 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–21 January 2021 $40 and as ltr from N in Tennessee

–20 January 2021 100 euros from M in France


–14 January 2021 100 euros from M in France

–14 January 2021 $5 via Amazon gift card from S (a belated birthday gift on the sixth-month anniversary of my 66th birthday)

Created with GIMP

–13 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–13 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–12 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–6 January 2021 200 Euros (like US dollars in value) from C in Germany

–4 January 2021 $160 cash from K in Massachusetts

–2 January 2021 100 euros (around 100 US$) and a very kind note from M in France

(There you see again how in indoor light my dark-blue eyes, like those of AH, seem grayish-brown) 

M wrote:

Dear John and dear Margi,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for bringing light into this darkest of times.


–2 January 2021 100 US dollars from W in northern Virginia


This comrade wrote:

To John and Margi,


for all that you do and have done for our Folk andCause

Aurë Entuluva! (Daylight will come again!)

All the Best,





  1. I knew an IBM repairman from Chicago, who moved to Arizona. I asked him how he liked Arizona. “Too many people from Chicago live there”.

  2. One comment on Mike Adams: He appears to be influenced by the false history about Hitler. He is always referring to the word “Nazi” when describing a a negative event. If he is confused about the past, how much is he confused about the present? He is being careful not to speak the truth about illegal Biden now to protect himself? Compromise may keep dissidents alive and out of gulags for a while, but not for long if they are really against the Communist powers at work.

    • Thanks, Ruth, as literally ALWAYS, for your comment and query.

      I do cut Mike Adams some slack.

      Originally, he was “just” an alternative-health website guy.

      But then he saw the suppression of the truth by Big Tech about vaccines (ands other things), and began realizing there is a genuine conspiracy to harm and kill innocent, trusting Americans. Then they began “deplatforming” him. He had once had a huge YouTube and Twitter following — and suddenly it was gone.

      So Adams got more and more into politics.

      As a Texan of the old school, he is all into “freedom,” “democracy,” gun rights, the American flag, etc. and all the patriotard stuff, maybe not such much nowadays in Adams’ case, not deep-down anymore — but he knows his audience and his readers, all Trump types, still are into the patriotic old stuff based on many a beloved myth about how free we supposedly are and our glorious wars. 😉

      One can become, as a website owner, a captive of thebelief system of one’s audience. Then most people will fear to offend them — or lose 90% of their readers.

      (I speak from experience. When uin 2010 I started publishing facts, evidence and truth about both reincarnation and the fact that earthlings are not alone in this vast universe –that is (warning: scary word coming) “aliens” — I lost 50% of my narrow-minded readers and two webmasters. “Don’t confuse me with the facts, man! I know what I believe!”)

      And Adams’ income (as with Alex Jones, who is realLy hurting financially and HAS LET TWO-THIRDS OF HIS STAFF GO) comes from selling various kinds of health supplements.

      So “Nazi-bashing” is something that placates his audience, and he does not try to slaughter their sacred cows. 😉

      It is part of America’s egoic mind:

      “Our Greatest Generation grandpappies heroically defeated Evil. The maniac Hitler was trying to conquer and enslave the world, and so he scapegoated the poor jews for Germany’s problems, and then gassed or shot six million of these innocent jews.”

      And Americans to this day puff their obese, bitch-tits chests out over this great achievement: We stopped Hitler.

      Yes, you did, and as a result you got worldwide communism, the Korean War (47K Americans dead), the Vietnam War (57K dead, others mentally and physically ruined), and trillions of taxpyaer dollars spent on Cold War military budgetsM not on the American people, and now on the streets of this once.geat nation you have the oert communists of Antifa and BLM assaulting white Americans and burning businesses down. And the jews totally and openly run this once proud country. Yes, Greatest Generation — so much to be proud of. 😉

      And part of it is sincere: Even the Ancient Romans, certainly no limp-wristed libtards 😉 feared dictatorship. Julius Caesar was acknowledged to be a superb general and strong, gifted leader, but the Roman senators took their daggers out and killed him — entirely for being a dictator.

      Caesar increased the Empire by a third, and it was a fertile, rich third, with a huge population located in Gaul and Germany:

      The state seal of Virginia reflects this hatred of dictators, and “Sic semper tyrannis” mans “Thus always to tyrants.” :

      As I have blogged, Hitler scared a lot of people, even those who admired his many huge achievements, exactly as with Caesar.

      Then add his unusually black hair, his high-pitched speeches which sounded like rants, and the raucous sound (to non-German ears) of the German language, and then there was all the goose-stepping…. the black uniforms of the SS…. 😉

      My own mother told me that as a little girl (five years old) Hitler’s voice (poison-gas-damaged in WWI) seemed “scary” and “angry” to her, and this although her mom was a hard-core Isolationist, America-Firster Republican and Rosenfeld-hater.

      Hitler reincarnated would want to come across very differently so as to win American hearts. Germans tend to be, of course, respected, but not necessarily loved.

      So I can forgive all those Americans who genuinley find Adolf weird and his dictatorship anxiety-producing. It goes against many a grain in the American psyche, and seems to violate, and does violate, key things such as the First Amendment (free speech, which the Gestapo did limit), and the whole idea of limited government.

      Hitler Redux must explain that American freedom has always been somewhat of a myth. Our whole military invasion of the South in the Civil War was one gigantic violation of the right of people to vote, democratically and legally, to leave, as the Southern states clearly did!

      What were Washington, Jefferson and Franklin doing in 1776 if not “seceding”!

      We certainly did not hate England, but its form of government that was gradually taking away all our rights we had had for generations!

      Yet we, in turn, then crushed the South in a bath of human blood, including civilians, with our draftee army,

      We burned half the South to the ground, “scorched-earth style,” in sheer terrorism!

      Where was the freedom in that four-year atrocity?

      Then, as I pointed out in a speech, the “freedom of the press” is also largely a joke.

      “Jede dieser Zeitungen hat einen Herren!” ( = “Every one of these newspapers has a boss!”)

      The owner of the paper, and the big advertisers, DICTATE the editorial line (liberal, conservative, pro- or anti-gun, pro- or anti-war, etc.) and the coverage, or the suppression of needed coverage, that is, the silent treatment of topics that must either not be mentioned at all or only briefly, such as the USS Liberty massacre, a PERFECT EXAMPLE OF A TOPIC THAT THE NEWSPAPERS DO NOT DENY BUT STEAM RIGHT PAST.

      Believe me, reporters and editors get fired all the time for writing stuff the owner or advernizers, often jews, object to!

      RT [Russia Today”] America is full of reporters whom American tv networks have fired, such as anchor Rick Sanchez, who had dared to expose jewish control of the US media!

      So, sadly, American “freedom of the press” has always been one gigantic MYTH, and now Big Tech is openly and proudly practicing censorship, punishment and career termination with the whole “cancel culture.”

      The real issue is not whether the people will rule themselves or be ruled, but by whom they will be ruled and is it with their consent and approval and does it do a proper job?

      Another issue which was used to scare Americans in the 1930s:

      Germany seemed to be constantly growing and annexing its neighbors in some scary, “hyper,” aggressive way.

      Umm, Germany was only liberating and taking back its own German-speaking, and highly oppressed areas! (Poland was partly that and partly not.)

      Americans, in their egoic simplicity, cannot fathom, or choose to forget, that we did something much “worse” — we conquered with military invasion, or the threat thereof, huge areas that had never belonged to us before! (We also invaded Canada twice, and threatened again to do so under Lincoln.)

      Just call it our “Manifest Destiny” and “the growth of a free republic,” and then it is all okay. 😉 The Amerindians, England, France and Spain all got the message in lead! Either “cede” (surrender) or “sell” (under threat) your land that we crave — or else!

      So Hitler “annexing” Austria was an invasion? He WAS aAustrian! The Austrians WANTED and voted TWICE to be “annexed” and united with their German brothers! Beautiful Austria had been a core territory of Germany for a thousand years! LOL! For 700 years the Habsburg kings of Germanic Austria had been the emperors of Germany!

      Look at these photos of Hitler’s “brutal occupation” 😉

      Yes, a very short little Gestapo man with a pistol stood behind each girl, making them sieg-heil….

      You can see the fear on their faces….

      The SS man is almost crying, afraid the brutal dictator will have him executed….

      The fact is that there is no lie that white Americans will not swallow if spoon-fed it by the jewish-controlled newspapers, tv and internet. And the great publisher Thomas Watson, who owned his own magazine and newspaper, and woke Georgia up to the awful truth about 1) the jewish rapist-strangler Leo Frank, and 2) about the jews in general, saw it so clearly:

      In Germany, I “took away” freedoms that the Germans never had, and gave them the most important freedoms: freedom from chaos, from communism, from greedy businessmen, from poverty, from crime, from rape, from murder, from despair and suicidal thoughts, and from the constant humiliation imposed by the Treaty of Versailles (with Germany having just a joke of an army and no real navy to protect their once-great and once-powerful nation from the armies of German-hating Poland or France).

      Freedom is not having rigged elections, and choosing which puppet of the jews is the lesser of two EVILS!

      Freedom is having a wise and loving ruler who DOES what YOU want, and what you actually NEED, not talk and empty promises, so as to give you and your family a decent life!

      And remember, in this age of #MeToo — the true cause of men (often jewish) taking sexual advantage of unwilling white, female employees is a bad economy, the very thing I overcame,

      ….and said poverty means women who must keep their job at all costs, especially if divorced or widowed with kids, or they will see their career ended that they had worked very hard for, or will be brutally fired from a job (whilst being defamed as a “thief” or “poor worker”) which they needed desperately to put food in the mouths of their little children!

      Mary Phagan was told by the jew Leo Frank: “Suck my d—“ (we know he was into this from sworn trial testimony by both female em,ployees and the black guy, Jim Conley, whom Frank had treacherously tried to frame and get executed for HIS crimes in the Deep South — in an age of negroes being lynched left and right) strong> — suck it, girl, or spread ’em, or be fired right now!”

      Little Irish Mary, 4’11” and 13-years old: “Hell no, jew,” and she slapped him!

  3. I grew up in the Monadnock region in New Hampshire and now look back on the 1970s as the glory years for that state. During that time Meldrim Thomson Jr. was governor for six years. He was a staunch conservative. Always anti-tax and anti-communist. First elected in 1972 for the first of three 2-year terms (still 2-year terms for gov., along with Vermont) and always getting under the skin of the libtards! Unfortunately over time those same libtards from Massachusetts and other neighboring states had moved in but never renounced their poisonous, liberal mind-sets. Thomson’s run came to an end in 1978 when he lost his reelection bid to the demonrat candidate Hugh Gallen. Gallen had unsuccessful attempts in ’74 &’76. Looking back I now believe that Gallen’s ’78 campaign was bankrolled by jews because they hated Thomson with a passion and would do anything to oust him. Unfortunately they succeeded in their efforts, and NH hasn’t been the same since then. It used to be solidly conservative but over the years and decades has lost its identity. So sad and tragic! The current governor, Chris Sununu is basically a RINO. The last true conservative, former two term senator Bob Smith was ousted by Sununu’s older brother John E in the 2002 republican primary. Again, probably the work of jews to sabotage any well meaning conservative to install their obedient milquetoast lackeys! I live in southern Maine now which is mostly infested with diseased libtards.

    • Thanks for this.

      Spiro Lagoulis, a Greek-American, was a friend of mine and a stormtrooper under Rockwell. After my relative success running in the GOP primary for Congress in 1990 in Tennessee (which I think I likely won, but there was massive vote fraud), he wanted me to run for Congress in New Hampshire, assuring me the “cranky Yankees” (New England WASPs) would love me and mentioning Thomson. To his great disappointment, i felt it was pointless.

      Because of the egoic mind, whites in distant, lily-white areas forget all about the race problem. All they know then is that all the jerks and crooks they know are white.

      Our jail here in Ontonagon is full of nasty or foolish white people, such as a snow-plow operator and roofer who yet again beat up his girlfriend and is now doing six months for that.

      (A bully already in high school here, he tried to bully me, too, until I stood up to him, then he backed down instantly.)

      And as we see now with California, the white-flighters, unlike twenty years ago, now often S-T-A-Y libtard!

      So they do not even learn from harsh experience any more!

      This is truly something new.

      The jew enemy is clearly refining and improving his techniques of goy mind control, and using technologies he did not have in 1930 or 1940 to physically “gum up” white brains and nervous systems.

      One thing that struck me in western Pennsylvania, where Margi and I lived 2008-14, was that you could rant to the locals about gays, muslims, liberals, Obama, etc. and in fact they would really listen. And, frankly, they clearly felt I was a good, interesting and persuasive conversationalist. People, it seems, often like, respect and listen to me. (I guess the gift of the gab is part of my Irish heritage. 😉 )

      Then they would ALWAYS say: “Give me your website; I want to check it out.”

      Henrik Holappa from Finland, who stayed with us for eight months in 2008-09, witnessed many of these conversations, and said afterward:

      “That conversation went much better than it would have in Finland.”

      And so he became increasingly impatient, disappointed and even angrythat I did not start some huge movement as a result. He told me himself at Rockafella’s Bar in Sarver that he was certain that I was the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler.

      So, being a sincere, eager young man, and feeling deeply the suffering of our race, he wanted and expected that I would start a mass movement again, and we would begin making tons of progress, juist as we did from 1930-1943, rising to dominate Europe.

      ….ignoring however that, in my last life, I had FAILED utterly to create one from 1920-29, and the Beer Hall putsch of November 1923 was totally botched by ME due to my naive trust in some key rightwing Germans.

      1928 Reichstag election: 2.6% for my NSDAP after eight years of work! And yes, people knew who we were, and did not want us!


      So FIRST 1) the Great Depression had to hit home — with its incumbent hunger, joblessness, poverty and hopelessness, and 2) the Communist party had to rise to became the second-bigggest party in Germany, after our own NDSDAP.

      The middle and upper classes and many Christians were justifiably terrified of seeing that hammer and sickle and the blood-red flags. People knew the bolsheviks had turned Russia (located right next-door to Germany!!!) into one big bloodbath.

      So it was hunger and fear that pushed the masses into our arms — AND WE WERE ALSO ORGANIZED AND PREPARED TO RECEIVE THEM.

      But what struck me down in Pennsylvania, and it has continued to be true up here in the UP of Michigan, whence we moved in 2014, was that not ONE single person who “checked out” my site EVER contacted me.




      The jew stuff scared them; so did the Hitler stuff; and, really, it all scared them.

      The full power of the NWO, as revealed and proved by my site, freaked them out.

      I really felt, no, I KNEW, with every fiber of my being that if I ever went “over the top” (a WWI trench-warfare term), no one would follow me, I would be absolutely alone on the battlefield, I would be the only one to charge the enemy, and of course I would be killed for nothing except, maybe, good karma. 😉

      Good scene of Americans in WWI going up against Germans, and you can see how terrifying it was even with your buddies at your side:

      So insane cowardice,

      total egoic blindness and denial of reality,

      and multigenerational dysgenic stupidity (after a century of our brighter couples having few or even no kids, something which Teddy Roosevelt already complained about in a paper he wrote while studying at Harvard) —

      — all these have made my task today much more daunting.

      I KNEW I had incarnated THIS TIME to create a new Aryan religion.

      NOT just to go back into “politics.”

      People are too far gone for a merely political approach. And the Deep State, as Trump found out, controls almost everybody and almost everything. To give these scumbags credit, they have planned their work and worked their plan.

      But I have been busy too. 😉

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