UPDATED Can sex make you deeper and more spiritual?

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Eckhart has a GREAT sense of humor as well as truly German depth! Worth watching — worth pondering…

“The Flirtation” by E. von Blaas

[Note to readers: Somehow, while using my smartphone to do this blog, the wrong video was inserted by me. This is the correct one.]

Some of the comments under this YouTube video:


The Role of Sex in Consciousness | Eckhart Tolle


Eckhart Tolle
1.63 MILLION subscribers

805K views 7 months ago
Eckhart provides guidance in meeting impulses in awareness, whether they are related to sexual activities or any other things that we can identify as addictions.

Sumthinblah Sumthin
7 months ago
This is such a sane perspective on sexuality. I try too much to suppress it, and it inevitably backfires. Bringing awareness to the urge and the act seems worth trying. Guilt and shame certainly don’t work. They just add fuel to the fire.

7 months ago
I am finding this so true with a big problem I have now, overeating. And I realised that if I become aware I can’t overeat because I’m stuffed and it feels uncomfortable, I can only overeat while unconscious. So important, so simple. Tell everyone! 🙂

Yuri Rangel
4 months ago (edited)
Very good talk. I would complement it by saying that awareness is powerful because it gives you more choice on how you want to act. When we indulge in our physical pleasures with awareness, we have more choice on how we would like to experience things, whereas when we indulge them unconsciously and compulsively, we’re letting our physical impulses dominate us. Most of all, whoever is fighting against any impulsive behavior, please look for a therapist, and understand the underlying emotional need that is driving you towards impulse and addiction. Sometimes we’re numbing ourselves because we don’t know how to deal with our fear, anger, sadness and all that stuff. Find ways to soothe yourself and cultivate positive and fulfilling relationships so you can endure hard times without falling into such traps. That’s what I’m doing; I’ve sought help and it’s definitely made a difference. Every day I learn a bit more.

3 months ago
I went last week to a Vipassana retreat where we practiced mindfulness 24/7 and it blew my mind!! I always thought I was mindful, but as it seemed there were so many moments during the day in which I was in full autopilot mode, trapped in the tornado of urges, thoughts, and mind.

I started to make small baby steps with bringing consciousness to my daily activities. It still feels new and challenging, but only because I haven’t practiced it this consciously before. It really was a life-changing experience.

3 months ago
Yes, I strongly believe in the practice of Taoism and Tantra. It can bring on altered states and be extremely healing. Actually he doesn’t know a lot about it. It’s very good for both male and female. They still know very little about the female ejaculation. This releases so much pent up emotion-its very healing. It stirs the emotions and can bring one to tears, also for emotional release. Circulating energies with the use of what’s known as the Microcosmic Orbit meditation is central to this practice.

Cheryl Pace
2 months ago
That which makes us unconscious, if we bring awareness to it, can make us conscious. Love that!

Ananda Kumar Santhinathan
7 months ago
Beautiful, Eckhart. I used to check my WhatsApp messages, emails, LinkedIn feed many, many times a day. Every few minutes, I would say. I have been watching your videos regularly and there is a certain awareness that has set in. I still see myself getting into social media, but then, there is presence in me as I write my comments or post my thoughts. Also, there are times when I am aware enough to tell myself, ‘No, I don’t think this is the time to watch a Youtube video. We need to get that job done by the evening’.

Thank you, Eckhart. 🙏🙏

Kathryn Phillips
12 days ago
Love how Eckhart uses humour and laughter to always bring lightness to everyday subject matters of life 💗🙏💗

6 months ago
Everything starts with desire : Spiritual masters have said : With simple desire , you will create your whole new world and you will think it is real, and when it crumbles you will have great sorrow and sadness in your life.
So in essence, conscious living is the best strategy. ( but it will take some efforts and regular practice to become aware about what we do in our daily life)

Abbye Reid
7 months ago
Awareness is such a beautiful thing!

Mark Thornton
7 months ago
Awareness v impulse. The lesson for today 🙏🏻

Joan Bunney
6 months ago
Having recently celebrated by 77th Solar Return, life has taught me well. Eckhart Tolle, his guidance, wisdom and knowing, has been instrumental in my Mind-Body-Spiritual growth. Never have I or will I repress my sexuality. It completes the divine feminine in me. Heed and apply Tolle’s messages. When we do we, miracles happen. Namaste

Alt Ego
7 months ago
Revolutionary talk by Eckhart. So clear, direct, profound and mind killer.
Thank you. Nothing else 😌 how to say, no words 😂

7 months ago
He’s better at comedy than most comedians

Ravi Varadhan
7 months ago
Building awareness is long and hard work. We are bound to fail numerous times. Failure notwithstanding, keep building awareness. The effort to stay rooted in awareness in the midst of a powerful surge of biological instinct is its own reward.

Zarin Gonda
7 months ago
What a beautiful and humorous way to address a dicey topic!!

the polloeléctrico
2 months ago (edited)
I loved this because as he says almost at the end, “whatever the impulse is”, this can be applicable to most anything in life.



Berr-Energy Info
Berr-Energy Info
7 months ago
More wisdom in a few minutes Talk, than in hundrets of books about tantra. I Love him😍

3 weeks ago
Awesome as usual. I think all these impulses and addictions are a way to push down emotional pain. The less we confront the uncomfortableness of painful memories, the more we are prone to have addictive tendencies. Thank you Echart.

Shining Light Discovery
3 months ago
This was the answer I needed. Thank you. Thank you guides for bringing me here through a dream and vision. 🕊

Naturally Becoming
7 months ago (edited)
This was very helpful because I used to feel shame or not good enough but now this brings me peace and understanding.. I also think this awareness has been helpful to observe negative thoughts and emotions instead of reacting to it

7 months ago
“Well, let’s see if I can remember.”
Humor heals.

lee P
3 weeks ago
I love this guy. He is very enlightening 💜


7 months ago
So funny so enlightening I wish the world were full of Eckhart Tolle’s. You give me so much inspiration and motivation to carry your work and life story forward in the way I hope to live my life. So thankful for you Eckhart!

Music Teacher

7 months ago
Absorbing so much wisdom from you, Eckhart!

Rachel Villanueva
7 months ago
These teachings are so incredible for humanity at large

Jamie Poist
3 months ago
Always appreciate Mr. E.T.’s insights. This really helps give me a practice to observe these impulses, particularly here in 2022 as sexualization continues to ‘grow’/‘evolve’ — its like technology how quickly ‘norms’ seem to be changing 🤷

One&MuchLove 💜🙏✨♾

Joy Wilson
2 months ago
Beautiful teaching reminder, Eckhart Tolle. Deep thanks for inspiring our deeper and expanding awareness!

Suleela Barclay
5 months ago (edited)
Thank you for reminding us that Cycles of energy come and go in the body – subside and build etc. Yes awareness is always the key way!

5 days ago
Eckhart describes this process of resting in awareness while impulses arise so beautifully and clearly… this is turning an addiction into “Grist for the mill”” of awakening as ram dass used to say…

7 months ago
When you find yourself pulled into unconsciousness, use it as opportunity to exercise your consciousness.
Don’t push it down. Meeting it in awareness, then dark clouds come and dissipate.
Thanks Eckhart. 🐥🛶🌋🎯🛴🐛🍦🏞

Monica Gentile
3 months ago
Tantric methods involve much more than just observing and being aware. There is a whole knowledge of energies functioning in the body, and how to use them.

The Role of Sex in Consciousness | Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle
1.63M subscribers








805K views 7 months ago
Eckhart provides guidance in meeting impulses in awareness, whether they are related to sexual activities or any other things that we can identify as addictions.

Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: …
John de Nugent
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Sumthinblah Sumthin
Sumthinblah Sumthin
7 months ago
This is such a sane perspective on sexuality. I try too much to oppress it, and it inevitably backfires. Bringing awareness to the urge and the act seems worth trying. Guilt and shame certainly don’t work. They just add fuel to the fire.



10 replies
7 months ago
I am finding this so true with a big problem I have now, overeating. And I realised that if I become aware I can’t overeat because I’m stuffed and it feels uncomfortable, I can only overeat while unconscious. So important, so simple. Tell everyone! 🙂



25 replies
Yuri Rangel
Yuri Rangel
4 months ago (edited)
Very good talk. I would complement it by saying that awareness is powerful cause it gives you more choice on how you want to act. When we indulge in our physical pleasures with awareness, we have more choice on how we would like to experience things, whereas when we indulge them unconsciously and compulsively, we’re letting our physical impulses dominate us. Most of all, whoever is fighting against any impulsive behavior, please, look for a therapist, and understand the underlying emotional need that is driving you towards impulse and addiction. Sometimes we’re numbing ourselves cause we don’t know how to deal with our fear, anger, sadness and all that stuff. Find ways to soothe yourself and cultivate positive and fulfilling relationships so you can endure hard times without falling into such traps. That’s what I’m doing, I’ve sought help and it’s definitely made a difference. Every day I learn a bit more.



1 reply
3 months ago
I went last week to a Vipassana retreat where we practiced mindfulness 24/7 and it blew my mind!! I always thought I was mindful, but as it seemed there were so many moments during the day in which I was in full autopilot mode, trapped in the tornado of urges, thoughts, and mind.

I started to make small baby steps with bringing consciousness to my daily activities. It still feels new and challenging, but only because I haven’t practiced it this consciously before. It really was a life-changing experience.



7 replies
3 months ago
Yes, I strongly believe in the practice of Taoism and Tantra. It can bring on altered states and be extremely healing. Actually he doesn’t know a lot about it. It’s very good for both male and female. They still know very little about the female ejaculation. This releases so much pent up emotion-its very healing. It stirs the emotions and can bring one to tears, also for emotional release. Circulating energies with the use of what’s known as the Microcosmic Orbit meditation is central to this practice.



6 replies
Joana Asinor
Joana Asinor
3 months ago
Feelings/ Urges/ Addictions are visitors; they come and go. You can consciously enjoy them(if they’re good) or tolerate them(if they’re bad). There’s no need to fight them because they’ll eventually leave.



3 replies
Cheryl Pace
Cheryl Pace
2 months ago
That which makes us unconscious, if we bring awareness to it, can make us conscious. Love that!



Ananda Kumar Santhinathan
Ananda Kumar Santhinathan
7 months ago
Beautiful, Eckhart. I used to check my WhatsApp messages, emails, LinkedIn feed many, many times a day. Every few minutes, I would say. I have been watching your videos regularly and there is a certain awareness that has set in. I still see myself getting into social media, but then, there is presence in me as I write my comments or post my thoughts. Also, there are times when I am aware enough to tell myself, ‘No, I don’t think this is the time to watch a Youtube video. We need to get that job done by the evening’.

Thank you, Eckhart. 🙏🙏



8 replies
Kathryn Phillips
Kathryn Phillips
12 days ago
Love how Eckhart uses humour and laughter to always bring lightness to everyday subject matters of life 💗🙏💗


Arun P
Arun P
6 months ago
Everything starts with desire : Spiritual masters have said : With simple desire , you will create your whole new world and you will think it is real, and when it crumbles you will have great sorrow and sadness in your life.
So in essence, conscious living is the best strategy. ( but it will take some efforts and regular practice to become aware about what we do in our daily life)



2 replies
Abbye Reid
Abbye Reid
7 months ago
Awareness is such a beautiful thing!



5 replies
Mark Thornton
Mark Thornton
7 months ago
Awareness v impulse. The lesson for today 🙏🏻



2 replies
Joan Bunney
Joan Bunney
6 months ago
Having recently celebrated by 77th Solar Return, life has taught me well. Eckhart Tolle, his guidance, wisdom and knowing, has been instrumental in my Mind-Body-Spiritual growth. Never have I or will I repress my sexuality. It completes the divine feminine in me. Heed and apply Tolle’s messages. When we do we, miracles happen. Namaste



1 reply
Josepha Biebl
Josepha Biebl
2 months ago
I like this definition of Tantra as taking something that usually brings you into unconsciousness and using it in the opposite way, to bring awareness to it and raise your consciousness. Interestingly, I have found myself sometimes using practices that “should actually bring me into consciousness” in the opposite way to numb myself down (e.g. physical yoga asanas, meditation) – one might say I didn’t “do it right” then, there is truth in that I guess. For me it shows that ANYTHING can be used in both ways, either to raise consciousness and awareness or to distract and numb down – may it be something usually considered spiritual or trivial.I believe this is about conscious intention.
Thank you for the video!



Alt Ego
Alt Ego
7 months ago
Revolutionary talk by Eckhart. So clear, direct, profound and mind killer.
Thank you. Nothing else 😌 how to say, no words 😂



Romeow and Rainbow
Romeow and Rainbow
7 months ago
He’s better at comedy than most comedians



4 replies
Ravi Varadhan
Ravi Varadhan
7 months ago
Building awareness is long and hard work. We are bound to fail numerous times. Failure notwithstanding, keep building awareness. The effort to stay rooted in awareness in the midst of a powerful surge of biological instinct is its own reward.



31 replies
Zarin Gonda
Zarin Gonda
7 months ago
What a beautiful and humorous way to address a dicey topic!!



2 replies
the polloeléctrico
the polloeléctrico
2 months ago (edited)
I loved this because as he says almost at the end, “whatever the impulse is”, this can be applicable to most anything in life.



Berr-Energy Info
Berr-Energy Info
7 months ago
More wisdom in a few minutes Talk, than in hundrets of books about tantra. I Love him😍



3 weeks ago
Awesome as usual. I think all these impulses and addictions are a way to push down emotional pain. The less we confront the uncomfortableness of painful memories, the more we are prone to have addictive tendencies. Thank you Echart.


Shining Light Discovery
Shining Light Discovery
3 months ago
This was the answer I needed. Thank you. Thank you guides for bringing me here through a dream and vision. 🕊



1 reply
Naturally Becoming
Naturally Becoming
7 months ago (edited)
This was very helpful because I used to feel shame or not good enough but now this brings me peace and understanding.. I also think this awareness has been helpful to observe negative thoughts and emotions instead of reacting to it



Kicking Horse
Kicking Horse
7 months ago
“Well, let’s see if I can remember.”
Humor heals.



9 replies
lee P
lee P
3 weeks ago
I love this guy. He is very enlightening 💜



7 months ago
So funny so enlightening I wish the world were full of Eckhart Tolle’s. You give me so much inspiration and motivation to carry your work and life story forward in the way I hope to live my life. So thankful for you Eckhart!



1 reply
Music Teacher
Music Teacher

7 months ago
Absorbing so much wisdom from you, Eckhart!



Rachel Villanueva
Rachel Villanueva
7 months ago
These teachings are so incredible for humanity at large



Jamie Poist
Jamie Poist
3 months ago
ALLways appreciate Mr. E.T.’s insights. This really helps give me a practice to observe these impulses, particularly here in 2022 as sexualization continues to ‘grow’/‘evolve’ — its like technology how quickly ‘norms’ seem to be changing 🤷

One&MuchLove 💜🙏✨♾



Joy Wilson
Joy Wilson
2 months ago
Beautiful teaching reminder, Eckhart Tolle. Deep thanks for inspiring our deeper and expanding awareness!



Suleela Barclay
Suleela Barclay
5 months ago (edited)
Thank you for reminding us that Cycles of energy come and go in the body – subside and build etc. Yes awareness is always the key aye!



Skip741 x
Skip741 x
5 days ago
Eckhart describes this process of resting in awareness while impulses arise so beautifully and clearly… this is turning an addiction into “Grist for the mill”” of awakening as ram dass used to say…


Roger Lin
Roger Lin
7 months ago
When you find yourself pulled into unconsciousness, use it as opportunity to exercise your consciousness.
Don’t push it down. Meeting it in awareness, then dark clouds come and dissipate.
Thanks Eckhart. 🐥🛶🌋🎯🛴🐛🍦🏞



2 replies
Monica Gentile
Monica Gentile
3 months ago
Tantric methods involve much more than just observing and be aware. There is a whole knowledge of energies functioning in the body, and how to use them.



6 months ago
“Who would engage in that absurd act …?” So wise and so witty 🤗



Khalid h
Khalid h
7 months ago (edited)
Very interesting I have been trying to use awareness to manage my tics, these are urges to do periodic movements like moving my neck, my arms, blinking etc., Eckhart gives good indication to lessen this addiction.

PS : After reading some answers here, yes accepting your tics is key to leave peacefully with them, I believe you can never stop them totally, they are like a part of your identity.



16 replies

. ♾️
Lawrence . ♾️
1 month ago
Pure Awareness… 🙏💕



4 months ago (edited)
Bringing full awareness to our senses as they arise ~ a key learning for living your life well. As always, great humour E T ! 🌼


Rawad Sheikh
Rawad Sheikh
7 months ago
Love the humor sense of eckhart he is such beautiful soul 😊



1 reply
Sahil Jindal
Sahil Jindal
6 months ago
He has such pure child like aura and at the same time such a clarity of things.



2 replies
Ms Universe
Ms Universe
7 months ago
Awareness is the way to go ❤🙏



1 reply
Maggie O
Maggie O
6 months ago
Thank you, Ekhart, I appreciate your insights + illustrations that hit home. You are an excellent instructor, we are grateful for you. ❤️🙂



1 reply
Ellen Cox
Ellen Cox
7 months ago
Such a great way to get this clear and present message 🤗💕❤️



3 months ago
This explanation is very beautiful and practical. When he applies it to eating the chocolate cake and becoming AWARE, letting the urge to eat it dissolve away …. Just love that. Going to try that today!


lingesh sawanth
lingesh sawanth
6 months ago
Simple n clear explanation

Neither dislike/resist nor like/crave for it, just be AWARE of the process/activity…. that’s all, it makes us know that we are ever FREE from all kinds of so called compulsions.

It’s not actions but ‘likes and dislikes’ which create ‘karma’, so the Drama continues…



Sebastião Anselmo
Sebastião Anselmo
7 months ago
Muito bom, Eckart. Gratidão e abraços desde o Brasil.



1 day ago
This is a very mature way to deal with sexuality… not denying it, just being with it and having the choice whether to act on it or not.


7 months ago
Hahahaha “let’s see if I can remember”. Mischievous !
I admire his enlightenment so much that I often forget he’s flesh and bones just like the rest of us. And then he pulls that one! Gotta love Eckhart



Tifa Ann
Tifa Ann
2 months ago
Thank you Eckhart 😊 💓 ☺️ 💗
This may be my favorite video/message from you of yet ^_^ ♡



RAjan Mishra
RAjan Mishra
7 months ago
Never,even in wildest dream, could’ve imagined ECKHART sir ,talking abt this. Yeah, so,in life anything is possible.



5 replies
3 months ago
This reminds me of Aleister Crowley’s book Diary of a Drug Fiend, which is essentially about being aware of drug use in order to break addiction. So cool.



2 months ago
Watching this makes me feel better about what happened earlier today.



7 months ago
Very simple process, bringing awareness. Presently taking steps towards awareness, it is a conscious decision (s). Must have patience with self. Thank you thank you! Living this process now



7 months ago (edited)
What a very charming and humble man.



1 reply
Cheryl Pace
Cheryl Pace
2 months ago
What usually brings you to the unconscious, use it as awareness practice! Gold


5 months ago
His sense of humor is always so refreshing <3



Vladica Djordjevic
Vladica Djordjevic
6 months ago
Awareness is a wonderful journey!



William Larkin
William Larkin
7 months ago
Amazing and informative. Nice touch of humor too!



Soul Reflections
Soul Reflections
7 months ago
Genius! Love you Ekhart! Absolutely love this analogy 💞



1 reply
Barefoot Diva
Barefoot Diva
2 months ago
Yes this is what I do with my clients. It totally works.


Claude LeBel
Claude LeBel
5 months ago
this approach can also inform our way of dealing with anxiety … with or without awareness.



1 reply
Joanna Barcikowska
Joanna Barcikowska
7 months ago
Incredible wisdom explained so well. Thank you. X



Jane S
Jane S
2 months ago
5:40 wow okay this sounds like it may be applicable to suicidal thoughts as I know them. The way he describes ‘being unconscious’ in the face of whichever impulse draws you in, just being with it without engaging in it to take its force. Makes a lot of sense to me.


Mimi Seton
Mimi Seton
7 months ago
PS – Thanks so much, Eckhart, for the suggestion to use the impulse to overeat as Tantra, too! I’m going to try that.



1 reply
Christina Milioni
Christina Milioni
3 months ago
Invaluable advice! Thank you!



Isabel Ceriz
Isabel Ceriz
3 months ago
Em consciência não há nada que não possa ser feito…



1 reply
Joaquim Gonsalves
Joaquim Gonsalves
7 months ago
So brilliantly simple! Thank you!



Kallie Awake
Kallie Awake
2 months ago
Love Eckhart, I could listen to him all day long. Which I do when I’m listening to his books or podcast.



7 months ago
Thank you for answering this question, I’ve been thinking about how to approach this question 🙌😂



2 replies
Kenneth Williams
Kenneth Williams
4 weeks ago
The girlfriend and I completely agree, it’s a great practice, I only wish the wife saw it in the same way


Geno Canabicea
Geno Canabicea
5 months ago (edited)
To me it was an expression of my love for the person i was with. As i got older i found it to be a source of conflict and and an act of responsibility to satisfy my mate.



1 reply
3 months ago
“A teacher can open the door for you but you must enter by your self” ~ anonymous ~
Do your best to MOVE/Send the (flowing and “unspent”) energy UP your spine (Upward & Outward) INSTEAD of sending it down/outward…you dont require a partner to practice this as all that IS required is the energy and Awareness of it–
“What you Seek Is Seeking you” ~ Rumi ~



2 replies
Jasmin Koch
Jasmin Koch
3 months ago
i am astonished how easyly you explain it..its wunderbar..lets watch our needs with awareness..slowly slowly


Adriano Sommerlatte
Adriano Sommerlatte
1 month ago (edited)
Thanks so much Eckhart! You made me laugh for the first time at the end of this day, and also for the answer I received through you on how essential is to bring awareness instead of resisting addiction. I very much appreciate your service!🙏


The Denshaw Diaries
The Denshaw Diaries
7 months ago
Listen to your somatic response to the urge. Have compassion for ourselves. Thanks 🙏



Camille P
Camille P
2 months ago
It is truly a choice – a consciously lived experience, or a reactionary, unconscious existing…


Kayliz Oakes
Kayliz Oakes
4 months ago
I agree that mindfulness and awareness, along with conscious breathing is the key to managing and dissipating the power of instinct and reactivity.


REMI Journal
REMI Journal
6 months ago
Thank you, Eckhart. 🧡


7 months ago
Super conscious state of mind is a blessings.iI have experienced this type of consciousness it is the most beautiful way possible you should I believe this is how it should be practiced in the most natural way possible amazing way of life !! 💯



7 months ago
Lieber Eckhart. Nur wahrzunehmen im eigenen Raum, ist Menschen nur möglich, wenn ihr Nervensystem durch ein frühes Bindungs/Entwicklungstrauma nicht “verkleinert” wurde. Ich schätze sehr deine Vorträge, doch hat es mich einige Zeit gekostet, bis ich verstanden habe, dass dieses “nur wahrnehmen, weder unterdrücken noch ausagieren von Gefühlen, Impulsen etc.” mir leichter fällt, wenn ich reguliert bin in meinem System. Das war der “Missing Link”, daran arbeite ich gerade, ganz basal und auf biologisch-psychologischer Ebene. Erst Traumaarbeit/Integration, dann spirituelle Praxis/Einsichten.



2 replies
Milics Krstic
Milics Krstic
3 months ago
This is the first time I am listening to him and this guy has something about him, he looks so sweet and lovely I just want to hug him and watch him smile *not in a creepy way 😅



6 months ago (edited)
In Tao we reinforce.activate the virtues, patience, contentment > and release the negative emotions desire. this is an issue of the heart primarily. Amazing talk, wonderful always ET. vibin.
Emotional Management Techniques, like the “6 healing sounds” are a very structured way, also tried and true. Anyone comment on the EMT’s that they use



Jess #MOPS
Jess #MOPS
3 months ago
Truth will be seen eyes will be wide open👁



Ashley Becerra
Ashley Becerra
7 months ago
He is literally the best 😂💛

I struggle with balance with Tantra



1 reply
Anic Prabhu
Anic Prabhu
7 months ago (edited)
This is probably the best psychotherapy for Addiction or any OCD Behaviour…



6 months ago
This man is worth over 70 million from charging for lectures to his many books he knows how to profit off of what he’s saying though it’s well deserved and probably under valued for the true impact he is leaving.



4 months ago
Last night in my dream I was compulsively eating and I felt the craving in control of me. I had just lost 45 pounds over only a few months and have continued to have cravings. Then, this morning this video randomly appeared. These algorithms are really good. 😁



Edo H D
Edo H D
3 months ago
Great talker of wise sensitivities


5 months ago
I love how Eckhart played out the answer!
(Not) Surprisingly answer is always to be 🐝 present 💝



7 months ago
I wish the people who run this YouTube channel could include the day & year of the videos



24 replies
Dan-Andrei Vasilescu
Dan-Andrei Vasilescu
6 months ago
“Taming” sexuality through presence is rewarding 🙂 and its fire no longer burns unconsciously



5 months ago
Simply beautiful.



Claymoz thailand
Claymoz thailand
3 months ago (edited)
Let ‘s see I remember just means that a very long time ago or once in a life time , isn’t it? This clip is valuable with his experiences and insight.


Martina Krejčí
Martina Krejčí
6 months ago
🙏❤ 🙏❤ 🙏❤ 🙏❤ Děkuji 🙂 za Vaše videa



Ирина Туктамышева
Ирина Туктамышева
5 months ago
Dear Eckhart, thank you so much !



2 days ago
The more i feel the urge the more i cant stop myself from having it lol.


Lacey M
Lacey M
7 months ago
Such wisdom and humour 😂💜👌



2 replies
sufyan sheikh
sufyan sheikh
7 months ago
Unconsciousness is so deep, it take over most of the time



Y-l’yukne Bayonne Addo
Y-l’yukne Bayonne Addo
2 months ago
Very very precious advices here.



Sam Challis
Sam Challis
4 months ago
This guy is the embodyment of post nut clarity



3 replies
Ashok Kumar Mondal
Ashok Kumar Mondal
10 days ago
Sir very significant topics that should be the inseparable part of the consciousness and feeling purity of good feeling whenever mating with each other physically and mentally.


Omkaar Muley
Omkaar Muley
1 month ago
This is all about what HINDU DHARM says! JAY SHREE RAM! ♥


Max Amillion
Max Amillion
3 months ago
“Awareness is the answer!”



1 reply
6 months ago
I like this explanation. I practice Theravada Buddhism, but too often imho Theravada teachers jump to talking about cultivating disgust for the body as a way of eliminating lust (asubha practice) — asubha is a technique that works for very advanced practitioners, but it’s not ideal for most ppl.



4 replies
Existent Oneness
Existent Oneness
2 months ago
Thank you for this.


Jacob Solace
Jacob Solace
7 months ago
Total Enlightenment NOW!: The complete and utter end of fear, anxiety, sorrow, despair, loneliness, shame, guilt, confusion, addictions, and all other mental afflictions/disturbances, is the beginning of True Love, Peace, Happiness, Creativity, and Clarity, in each and every moment of daily life, 24/7, once and for all, now forever.



2 replies
kishan Agarwal
kishan Agarwal
7 months ago
Spiritual answer to a material/physical dilemma.
😀😀 🙏🙏🙏



Mindful Isle Retreat
Mindful Isle Retreat
2 months ago
Omg! He is so sweet 🙌


Julia J
Julia J
3 months ago
Eckhart’s laugh is adorable 😆🥰



Yukio Saito
Yukio Saito
7 months ago (edited)
4:21 “And that’s where the song implies I can’t get no satisfaction.”

Although being a long-time fan of the Rolling Stones, I didn’t realize that “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” is “the song of ego” until reading the book “A New Earth.” But the song shows how ego works and how “useless information” like advertisement stimulates ego.The Role of Sex in Consciousness | Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle
1.63M subscribers








805K views 7 months ago
Eckhart provides guidance in meeting impulses in awareness, whether they are related to sexual activities or any other things that we can identify as addictions.

Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: …
John de Nugent
Add a comment…
Sumthinblah Sumthin
Sumthinblah Sumthin
7 months ago
This is such a sane perspective on sexuality. I try too much to oppress it, and it inevitably backfires. Bringing awareness to the urge and the act seems worth trying. Guilt and shame certainly don’t work. They just add fuel to the fire.



10 replies
7 months ago
I am finding this so true with a big problem I have now, overeating. And I realised that if I become aware I can’t overeat because I’m stuffed and it feels uncomfortable, I can only overeat while unconscious. So important, so simple. Tell everyone! 🙂



25 replies
Yuri Rangel
Yuri Rangel
4 months ago (edited)
Very good talk. I would complement it by saying that awareness is powerful cause it gives you more choice on how you want to act. When we indulge in our physical pleasures with awareness, we have more choice on how we would like to experience things, whereas when we indulge them unconsciously and compulsively, we’re letting our physical impulses dominate us. Most of all, whoever is fighting against any impulsive behavior, please, look for a therapist, and understand the underlying emotional need that is driving you towards impulse and addiction. Sometimes we’re numbing ourselves cause we don’t know how to deal with our fear, anger, sadness and all that stuff. Find ways to soothe yourself and cultivate positive and fulfilling relationships so you can endure hard times without falling into such traps. That’s what I’m doing, I’ve sought help and it’s definitely made a difference. Every day I learn a bit more.



1 reply
3 months ago
I went last week to a Vipassana retreat where we practiced mindfulness 24/7 and it blew my mind!! I always thought I was mindful, but as it seemed there were so many moments during the day in which I was in full autopilot mode, trapped in the tornado of urges, thoughts, and mind.

I started to make small baby steps with bringing consciousness to my daily activities. It still feels new and challenging, but only because I haven’t practiced it this consciously before. It really was a life-changing experience.



7 replies
3 months ago
Yes, I strongly believe in the practice of Taoism and Tantra. It can bring on altered states and be extremely healing. Actually he doesn’t know a lot about it. It’s very good for both male and female. They still know very little about the female ejaculation. This releases so much pent up emotion-its very healing. It stirs the emotions and can bring one to tears, also for emotional release. Circulating energies with the use of what’s known as the Microcosmic Orbit meditation is central to this practice.



6 replies
Joana Asinor
Joana Asinor
3 months ago
Feelings/ Urges/ Addictions are visitors; they come and go. You can consciously enjoy them(if they’re good) or tolerate them(if they’re bad). There’s no need to fight them because they’ll eventually leave.



3 replies
Cheryl Pace
Cheryl Pace
2 months ago
That which makes us unconscious, if we bring awareness to it, can make us conscious. Love that!



Ananda Kumar Santhinathan
Ananda Kumar Santhinathan
7 months ago
Beautiful, Eckhart. I used to check my WhatsApp messages, emails, LinkedIn feed many, many times a day. Every few minutes, I would say. I have been watching your videos regularly and there is a certain awareness that has set in. I still see myself getting into social media, but then, there is presence in me as I write my comments or post my thoughts. Also, there are times when I am aware enough to tell myself, ‘No, I don’t think this is the time to watch a Youtube video. We need to get that job done by the evening’.

Thank you, Eckhart. 🙏🙏



8 replies
Kathryn Phillips
Kathryn Phillips
12 days ago
Love how Eckhart uses humour and laughter to always bring lightness to everyday subject matters of life 💗🙏💗


Arun P
Arun P
6 months ago
Everything starts with desire : Spiritual masters have said : With simple desire , you will create your whole new world and you will think it is real, and when it crumbles you will have great sorrow and sadness in your life.
So in essence, conscious living is the best strategy. ( but it will take some efforts and regular practice to become aware about what we do in our daily life)



2 replies
Abbye Reid
Abbye Reid
7 months ago
Awareness is such a beautiful thing!



5 replies
Mark Thornton
Mark Thornton
7 months ago
Awareness v impulse. The lesson for today 🙏🏻



2 replies
Joan Bunney
Joan Bunney
6 months ago
Having recently celebrated by 77th Solar Return, life has taught me well. Eckhart Tolle, his guidance, wisdom and knowing, has been instrumental in my Mind-Body-Spiritual growth. Never have I or will I repress my sexuality. It completes the divine feminine in me. Heed and apply Tolle’s messages. When we do we, miracles happen. Namaste



1 reply
Josepha Biebl
Josepha Biebl
2 months ago
I like this definition of Tantra as taking something that usually brings you into unconsciousness and using it in the opposite way, to bring awareness to it and raise your consciousness. Interestingly, I have found myself sometimes using practices that “should actually bring me into consciousness” in the opposite way to numb myself down (e.g. physical yoga asanas, meditation) – one might say I didn’t “do it right” then, there is truth in that I guess. For me it shows that ANYTHING can be used in both ways, either to raise consciousness and awareness or to distract and numb down – may it be something usually considered spiritual or trivial.I believe this is about conscious intention.
Thank you for the video!



Alt Ego
Alt Ego
7 months ago
Revolutionary talk by Eckhart. So clear, direct, profound and mind killer.
Thank you. Nothing else 😌 how to say, no words 😂



Romeow and Rainbow
Romeow and Rainbow
7 months ago
He’s better at comedy than most comedians



4 replies
Ravi Varadhan
Ravi Varadhan
7 months ago
Building awareness is long and hard work. We are bound to fail numerous times. Failure notwithstanding, keep building awareness. The effort to stay rooted in awareness in the midst of a powerful surge of biological instinct is its own reward.



31 replies
Zarin Gonda
Zarin Gonda
7 months ago
What a beautiful and humorous way to address a dicey topic!!



2 replies
the polloeléctrico
the polloeléctrico
2 months ago (edited)
I loved this because as he says almost at the end, “whatever the impulse is”, this can be applicable to most anything in life.



Berr-Energy Info
Berr-Energy Info
7 months ago
More wisdom in a few minutes Talk, than in hundrets of books about tantra. I Love him😍



3 weeks ago
Awesome as usual. I think all these impulses and addictions are a way to push down emotional pain. The less we confront the uncomfortableness of painful memories, the more we are prone to have addictive tendencies. Thank you Echart.


Shining Light Discovery
Shining Light Discovery
3 months ago
This was the answer I needed. Thank you. Thank you guides for bringing me here through a dream and vision. 🕊



1 reply
Naturally Becoming
Naturally Becoming
7 months ago (edited)
This was very helpful because I used to feel shame or not good enough but now this brings me peace and understanding.. I also think this awareness has been helpful to observe negative thoughts and emotions instead of reacting to it



Kicking Horse
Kicking Horse
7 months ago
“Well, let’s see if I can remember.”
Humor heals.



9 replies
lee P
lee P
3 weeks ago
I love this guy. He is very enlightening 💜



7 months ago
So funny so enlightening I wish the world were full of Eckhart Tolle’s. You give me so much inspiration and motivation to carry your work and life story forward in the way I hope to live my life. So thankful for you Eckhart!



1 reply
Music Teacher
Music Teacher

7 months ago
Absorbing so much wisdom from you, Eckhart!



Rachel Villanueva
Rachel Villanueva
7 months ago
These teachings are so incredible for humanity at large



Jamie Poist
Jamie Poist
3 months ago
ALLways appreciate Mr. E.T.’s insights. This really helps give me a practice to observe these impulses, particularly here in 2022 as sexualization continues to ‘grow’/‘evolve’ — its like technology how quickly ‘norms’ seem to be changing 🤷

One&MuchLove 💜🙏✨♾



Joy Wilson
Joy Wilson
2 months ago
Beautiful teaching reminder, Eckhart Tolle. Deep thanks for inspiring our deeper and expanding awareness!



Suleela Barclay
Suleela Barclay
5 months ago (edited)
Thank you for reminding us that Cycles of energy come and go in the body – subside and build etc. Yes awareness is always the key aye!



Skip741 x
Skip741 x
5 days ago
Eckhart describes this process of resting in awareness while impulses arise so beautifully and clearly… this is turning an addiction into “Grist for the mill”” of awakening as ram dass used to say…


Roger Lin
Roger Lin
7 months ago
When you find yourself pulled into unconsciousness, use it as opportunity to exercise your consciousness.
Don’t push it down. Meeting it in awareness, then dark clouds come and dissipate.
Thanks Eckhart. 🐥🛶🌋🎯🛴🐛🍦🏞



2 replies
Monica Gentile
Monica Gentile
3 months ago
Tantric methods involve much more than just observing and be aware. There is a whole knowledge of energies functioning in the body, and how to use them.



6 months ago
“Who would engage in that absurd act …?” So wise and so witty 🤗



Khalid h
Khalid h
7 months ago (edited)
Very interesting I have been trying to use awareness to manage my tics, these are urges to do periodic movements like moving my neck, my arms, blinking etc., Eckhart gives good indication to lessen this addiction.

PS : After reading some answers here, yes accepting your tics is key to leave peacefully with them, I believe you can never stop them totally, they are like a part of your identity.



16 replies

. ♾️
Lawrence . ♾️
1 month ago
Pure Awareness… 🙏💕



4 months ago (edited)
Bringing full awareness to our senses as they arise ~ a key learning for living your life well. As always, great humour E T ! 🌼


Rawad Sheikh
Rawad Sheikh
7 months ago
Love the humor sense of eckhart he is such beautiful soul 😊



1 reply
Sahil Jindal
Sahil Jindal
6 months ago
He has such pure child like aura and at the same time such a clarity of things.



2 replies
Ms Universe
Ms Universe
7 months ago
Awareness is the way to go ❤🙏



1 reply
Maggie O
Maggie O
6 months ago
Thank you, Ekhart, I appreciate your insights + illustrations that hit home. You are an excellent instructor, we are grateful for you. ❤️🙂



1 reply
Ellen Cox
Ellen Cox
7 months ago
Such a great way to get this clear and present message 🤗💕❤️



3 months ago
This explanation is very beautiful and practical. When he applies it to eating the chocolate cake and becoming AWARE, letting the urge to eat it dissolve away …. Just love that. Going to try that today!


lingesh sawanth
lingesh sawanth
6 months ago
Simple n clear explanation

Neither dislike/resist nor like/crave for it, just be AWARE of the process/activity…. that’s all, it makes us know that we are ever FREE from all kinds of so called compulsions.

It’s not actions but ‘likes and dislikes’ which create ‘karma’, so the Drama continues…



Sebastião Anselmo
Sebastião Anselmo
7 months ago
Muito bom, Eckart. Gratidão e abraços desde o Brasil.



1 day ago
This is a very mature way to deal with sexuality… not denying it, just being with it and having the choice whether to act on it or not.


7 months ago
Hahahaha “let’s see if I can remember”. Mischievous !
I admire his enlightenment so much that I often forget he’s flesh and bones just like the rest of us. And then he pulls that one! Gotta love Eckhart



Tifa Ann
Tifa Ann
2 months ago
Thank you Eckhart 😊 💓 ☺️ 💗
This may be my favorite video/message from you of yet ^_^ ♡



RAjan Mishra
RAjan Mishra
7 months ago
Never,even in wildest dream, could’ve imagined ECKHART sir ,talking abt this. Yeah, so,in life anything is possible.



5 replies
3 months ago
This reminds me of Aleister Crowley’s book Diary of a Drug Fiend, which is essentially about being aware of drug use in order to break addiction. So cool.



2 months ago
Watching this makes me feel better about what happened earlier today.



7 months ago
Very simple process, bringing awareness. Presently taking steps towards awareness, it is a conscious decision (s). Must have patience with self. Thank you thank you! Living this process now



7 months ago (edited)
What a very charming and humble man.



1 reply
Cheryl Pace
Cheryl Pace
2 months ago
What usually brings you to the unconscious, use it as awareness practice! Gold


5 months ago
His sense of humor is always so refreshing <3



Vladica Djordjevic
Vladica Djordjevic
6 months ago
Awareness is a wonderful journey!



William Larkin
William Larkin
7 months ago
Amazing and informative. Nice touch of humor too!



Soul Reflections
Soul Reflections
7 months ago
Genius! Love you Ekhart! Absolutely love this analogy 💞



1 reply
Barefoot Diva
Barefoot Diva
2 months ago
Yes this is what I do with my clients. It totally works.


Claude LeBel
Claude LeBel
5 months ago
this approach can also inform our way of dealing with anxiety … with or without awareness.



1 reply
Joanna Barcikowska
Joanna Barcikowska
7 months ago
Incredible wisdom explained so well. Thank you. X



Jane S
Jane S
2 months ago
5:40 wow okay this sounds like it may be applicable to suicidal thoughts as I know them. The way he describes ‘being unconscious’ in the face of whichever impulse draws you in, just being with it without engaging in it to take its force. Makes a lot of sense to me.


Mimi Seton
Mimi Seton
7 months ago
PS – Thanks so much, Eckhart, for the suggestion to use the impulse to overeat as Tantra, too! I’m going to try that.



1 reply
Christina Milioni
Christina Milioni
3 months ago
Invaluable advice! Thank you!



Isabel Ceriz
Isabel Ceriz
3 months ago
Em consciência não há nada que não possa ser feito…



1 reply
Joaquim Gonsalves
Joaquim Gonsalves
7 months ago
So brilliantly simple! Thank you!



Kallie Awake
Kallie Awake
2 months ago
Love Eckhart, I could listen to him all day long. Which I do when I’m listening to his books or podcast.



7 months ago
Thank you for answering this question, I’ve been thinking about how to approach this question 🙌😂



2 replies
Kenneth Williams
Kenneth Williams
4 weeks ago
The girlfriend and I completely agree, it’s a great practice, I only wish the wife saw it in the same way


Geno Canabicea
Geno Canabicea
5 months ago (edited)
To me it was an expression of my love for the person i was with. As i got older i found it to be a source of conflict and and an act of responsibility to satisfy my mate.



1 reply
3 months ago
“A teacher can open the door for you but you must enter by your self” ~ anonymous ~
Do your best to MOVE/Send the (flowing and “unspent”) energy UP your spine (Upward & Outward) INSTEAD of sending it down/outward…you dont require a partner to practice this as all that IS required is the energy and Awareness of it–
“What you Seek Is Seeking you” ~ Rumi ~



2 replies
Jasmin Koch
Jasmin Koch
3 months ago
i am astonished how easyly you explain it..its wunderbar..lets watch our needs with awareness..slowly slowly


Adriano Sommerlatte
Adriano Sommerlatte
1 month ago (edited)
Thanks so much Eckhart! You made me laugh for the first time at the end of this day, and also for the answer I received through you on how essential is to bring awareness instead of resisting addiction. I very much appreciate your service!🙏


The Denshaw Diaries
The Denshaw Diaries
7 months ago
Listen to your somatic response to the urge. Have compassion for ourselves. Thanks 🙏



Camille P
Camille P
2 months ago
It is truly a choice – a consciously lived experience, or a reactionary, unconscious existing…


Kayliz Oakes
Kayliz Oakes
4 months ago
I agree that mindfulness and awareness, along with conscious breathing is the key to managing and dissipating the power of instinct and reactivity.


REMI Journal
REMI Journal
6 months ago
Thank you, Eckhart. 🧡


7 months ago
Super conscious state of mind is a blessings.iI have experienced this type of consciousness it is the most beautiful way possible you should I believe this is how it should be practiced in the most natural way possible amazing way of life !! 💯



7 months ago
Lieber Eckhart. Nur wahrzunehmen im eigenen Raum, ist Menschen nur möglich, wenn ihr Nervensystem durch ein frühes Bindungs/Entwicklungstrauma nicht “verkleinert” wurde. Ich schätze sehr deine Vorträge, doch hat es mich einige Zeit gekostet, bis ich verstanden habe, dass dieses “nur wahrnehmen, weder unterdrücken noch ausagieren von Gefühlen, Impulsen etc.” mir leichter fällt, wenn ich reguliert bin in meinem System. Das war der “Missing Link”, daran arbeite ich gerade, ganz basal und auf biologisch-psychologischer Ebene. Erst Traumaarbeit/Integration, dann spirituelle Praxis/Einsichten.



2 replies
Milics Krstic
Milics Krstic
3 months ago
This is the first time I am listening to him and this guy has something about him, he looks so sweet and lovely I just want to hug him and watch him smile *not in a creepy way 😅



6 months ago (edited)
In Tao we reinforce.activate the virtues, patience, contentment > and release the negative emotions desire. this is an issue of the heart primarily. Amazing talk, wonderful always ET. vibin.
Emotional Management Techniques, like the “6 healing sounds” are a very structured way, also tried and true. Anyone comment on the EMT’s that they use



Jess #MOPS
Jess #MOPS
3 months ago
Truth will be seen eyes will be wide open👁



Ashley Becerra
Ashley Becerra
7 months ago
He is literally the best 😂💛

I struggle with balance with Tantra



1 reply
Anic Prabhu
Anic Prabhu
7 months ago (edited)
This is probably the best psychotherapy for Addiction or any OCD Behaviour…

6 months ago
This man is worth over 70 million from charging for lectures to his many books he knows how to profit off of what he’s saying though it’s well deserved and probably under valued for the true impact he is leaving.

4 months ago
Last night in my dream I was compulsively eating and I felt the craving in control of me. I had just lost 45 pounds over only a few months and have continued to have cravings. Then, this morning this video randomly appeared. These algorithms are really good. 😁

Edo H D
3 months ago
Great talker of wise sensitivities

5 months ago
I love how Eckhart played out the answer!
(Not) Surprisingly answer is always to be 🐝 present 💝

7 months ago
I wish the people who run this YouTube channel could include the day & year of the videos

Dan-Andrei Vasilescu
6 months ago
“Taming” sexuality through presence is rewarding 🙂 and its fire no longer burns unconsciously

5 months ago
Simply beautiful.

Ирина Туктамышева
5 months ago
Dear Eckhart, thank you so much !

Lacey M
7 months ago
Such wisdom and humour 😂💜👌

sufyan sheikh
7 months ago
Unconsciousness is so deep, it take over most of the time

Y-l’yukne Bayonne Addo
2 months ago
Very very precious advics here.

4 months ago
This guy is the embodiment of clarity

Ashok Kumar Mondal
10 days ago
Sir, very significant topics that should be the inseparable part of the consciousness and feeling the purity of good feeling whenever mating with each other physically and mentally.

Max Amillion
3 months ago
“Awareness is the answer!”

6 months ago
I like this explanation. I practice Theravada Buddhism, but too often imho Theravada teachers jump to talking about cultivating disgust for the body as a way of eliminating lust (asubha practice) — asubha is a technique that works for very advanced practitioners, but it’s not ideal for most ppl.

Existent Oneness
2 months ago
Thank you for this.

kishan Agarwal
7 months ago
Great spiritual answer to a material/physical dilemma.
😀😀 🙏🙏🙏

Mindful Isle Retreat
2 months ago
Omg! He is so sweet 🙌

Julia J
3 months ago
Eckhart’s laugh is adorable 😆🥰



Yukio Saito
Yukio Saito
7 months ago (edited)
4:21 “And that’s where the song implies I can’t get no satisfaction.”

Although being a long-time fan of the Rolling Stones, I didn’t realize that “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” is “the song of ego” until reading the book “A New Earth.” But the song shows how ego works and how “useless information” like advertisement stimulates ego.

6 months ago
“Who would engage in that absurd act …?” So wise and so witty 🤗



Khalid h
Khalid h
7 months ago (edited)
Very interesting I have been trying to use awareness to manage my tics, these are urges to do periodic movements like moving my neck, my arms, blinking etc., Eckhart gives good indication to lessen this addiction.

PS : After reading some answers here, yes accepting your tics is key to leave peacefully with them, I believe you can never stop them totally, they are like a part of your identity.



16 replies

. ♾️
Lawrence . ♾️
1 month ago
Pure Awareness… 🙏💕



4 months ago (edited)
Bringing full awareness to our senses as they arise ~ a key learning for living your life well. As always, great humour E T ! 🌼


Rawad Sheikh
Rawad Sheikh
7 months ago
Love the humor sense of eckhart. he is such beautiful soul 😊



1 reply
Sahil Jindal
Sahil Jindal
6 months ago
He has such a pure, childlike aura and at the same time such a clarity of things.

Ms Universe
7 months ago
Awareness is the way to go ❤🙏

Maggie O
6 months ago
Thank you, Ekhart, I appreciate your insights + illustrations that hit home. You are an excellent instructor, we are grateful for you. ❤️🙂



1 reply
Ellen Cox
Ellen Cox
7 months ago
Such a great way to get this clear and present message 🤗💕❤️

3 months ago
This explanation is very beautiful and practical. When he applies it to eating the chocolate cake and becoming AWARE, letting the urge to eat it dissolve away …. Just love that. Going to try that today!

lingesh sawanth
6 months ago
Simple n clear explanation

Neither dislike/resist nor like/crave for it, just be AWARE of the process/activity…. that’s all, it makes us know that we are ever FREE from all kinds of so called compulsions.

It’s not actions but ‘likes and dislikes’ which create ‘karma’, so the Drama continues…

1 day ago
This is a very mature way to deal with sexuality… not denying it, just being with it and having the choice whether to act on it or not.

7 months ago
Hahahaha “let’s see if I can remember”. Mischievous !
I admire his enlightenment so much that I often forget he’s flesh and bones just like the rest of us. And then he pulls that one! Gotta love Eckhart

2 months ago
Thank you Eckhart 😊 💓 ☺️ 💗
This may be my favorite video/message from you of yet ^_^ ♡

7 months ago
Very simple process, bringing awareness. Presently taking steps towards awareness, it is a conscious decision (s). Must have patience with self. Thank you thank you! Living this process now

7 months ago (edited)
What a very charming and humble man.


5 months ago
His sense of humor is always so refreshing <3

Vladica Djordjevic
6 months ago
Awareness is a wonderful journey!

William Larkin
7 months ago
Amazing and informative. Nice touch of humor too!

Soul Reflections
7 months ago
Genius! Love you Eckhart! Absolutely love this analogy 💞


  1. I spent my first 9 months trying to get out of one, and I spent the next 18 years trying to get back into one. LOL!

  2. I don’t understand your infatuation with Echkart Tolle. The guy just talks and talks, but really says nothing original or important. Also, he talks much too slowly, and is very boring to listen to. I watched the first half of this video, but had to stop, as he was just saying commonsense things which have been said for years by many other “mindfulness gurus” – “Live in the present moment,” etc., etc. A waste of time.

    • First, I apologize for the wrong video being initially in this article. I was in a public place and did the blog on my smartphone, which had a glitch. The correct and rather humorous Eckhart Tolle video on sex (and other obsessions) is now in its proper place.

      The Cambridge University definition of “infatuation”:

      “Strong but not usually lasting feelings of love or attraction”

      It’s just an infatuation. She’ll get over it.
      No one expected their infatuation with each other to last.


      Well, I have been “infatuated” with Tolle for five and a half years, since the spring of 2017. 😉 I read and re-read both his bestsellers, making careful notes and underlinings. Tolle’s YouTube channel has 1.6 million subscribers and this video has 716 comments, almost all extremely positive.

      Tolle’s first bestseller, “The Power of Now,” helped me psychologically to survive a lethal level of grief over my wife’s death and ensuing stroke-level hypertension. I chose to fully accept the irrevocable reality that she was gone (from this world) and I chose to feel boundless gratitude to her for our 17 years of love together, and happiness that she is free from the curse of cancer and off this jew-infected hell planet. I was able to order my mind what to think about the death of my soul mate, and I face the fact that I may never find another woman like her in this incarnation.

      Tolle is how I managed to not crack up, and, I tell you, it was really, really bad for the first three weeks. I cried and sobbed almost every day. Eckhart Tolle (and some supplements for hypertension) — these twin steps — saved my life. 🙂 But it was grief, the thing in my head, that was damaging my literal heart. The supplements only addressed the symptoms.

      You might read some of the comments under this Tolle video on sex, comrade, which I copied and pasted above. And note how many are from women. Every successful religion or spiritual movement is full of women. And the women raise the next generation………

      I once knew a fine person from Oklahoma, on our side, but he was full of anger and impulsiveness, and got in many avoidable scrapes with the cops that cost him dearly. He found Tolle boring and just sweet nothings. He went on to finally make some disastrous, headstrong decisions that no one could talk him out of, and he is now gone at age 53. 🙁

      Tolle acknowledges that many initially do not “get” him. He replies calmly: “That is okay. Perhaps suffering for another year or two is needed, because suffering can finally bring about a burning inner quest for the real answers, and then you pick up one of my books again, and you see things with different eyes, things you missed before. Now it may all start to finally make sense.” 🙂

      Tolle changes people to face reality, and create a new one. The step that comes after Tolle is the racial-political one, just as important, but that is my job, not his. He would be shut down if he breathed one word about race, the jews, the vaxx, etc., especially as a blue-eyed, white, German, heterosexual male.


  3. “Perhaps suffering for another year or two is needed, because suffering can finally bring about a burning inner quest for the real answers,…”

    I have suffered greatly, for the last 19 years. I lost everything, including my well-paying IT job to outsourcing, my Mom to Alzheimer’s (I was her unemployed live-in caregiver for 16 years), my life savings, my 401K, my house, I had to declare bankruptcy due to $30,000+ in credit card debt, now paying almost $200 per month to the IRS for cashing in my 401K early, paying about $250 per month to pay off my credit card debt, which had reached $9000 again.

    Now currently employed in a low-paying, high-stress job, living in an apartment in a small town, and struggling to make ends meet. Can’t afford to do anything or go anywhere, or meet any women. I have no life to speak of, and I’m now officially “old” – only a few years from retirement age, although I look about 40 or so. Any women I would meet at my age on some dating site, if I told the truth about my age, would likely be some old, post-menopausal bag, and even they would leave me when they found out I’m poverty-stricken. And those dating sites and apps are all Jewish scams, anyway – they’re all 80% men, and the 20% of women are mostly fake profiles and “bots” designed to scam you out of your money. Last night, I found myself thinking about an old girlfriend from my early 20s, and regretting that I lost her because I didn’t say that I loved her. Had I not said what I did, I could have married her, and maybe my life would be better today, or at least I would have some kids. But I was too “cool” for love at that age, and was only interested in sex. So now I’m old, and have no one.

    I can’t even retire, because I have no 401K and no savings, so my only option is to work until I’m dead. Believe me, I know about suffering, but I don’t think that listening to generic pablum about “living in the moment” as offered by Tolle is going to help my situation. I need more concrete and realistic advice than that.

    • Wow, I see what you mean.

      Well, a lot of white people are in a similar boat. Ask millions of white divorced men and fathers who got taken to the cleaners by a battle-ax, leftist, feminist family court judge for child support and alimony. The white male is always wrong if the female judge hates us. Then one goes on a financial treadmill.

      Margi’s brother, a good man and sympathetic to our ideas, living in the Southwest, paid child support for seventeen years for a kid in Minnesota he never saw, based on a one-night stand. All the woman has to do is lie and not take the Pill.

      I still think that the day may come when Tolle helps you, or when his ideas are presented as reformulated by me, and added to my practical political, economic and racial program.

      Margi had little taste for Tolle, but I think this was in part the woman in her not finding him very attractive or heroic. He does look like a gnome, or (I mean this seriously, and this is a whole topic) like Yoda on Star Wars. 🙂

      • Yes, I’ve heard so many horror stories from various guys I’ve met over the years about their wives divorcing them and taking everything from them that sometimes I’m glad I’ve never married. They say that half of all marriages end in divorce these days, and its almost ALWAYS the woman who initiates it. Those aren’t very good odds. Can it be that all of those guys are just a-holes who mistreated or cheated on their wives? Unlikely. In reality, its women who are to blame for the high divorce rate these days. They get bored with their husband, and then look for any excuses to divorce him and look for someone else.

        • I would say, and Eckhart Tolle as well, that usually both sides are at fault due to the egoic mind in them both, each triggering the other. Sad how love can gradually die like that, and become hate.

          I heard a whole load of complaints by a notable man about his wife, but the more I got to know the man, the more I felt that her side of the story deserved to be heard, too. 😉

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