….Adolf Hitler, sensitive, conciliatory, peaceful, artistic, even shy — unless you were harming his people
Prince Louis Ferdinand von Preussen, 1907-94, was the grandson of the last German kaiser, and met Hitler in 1933 after returning from years spent in America, talking with him for an hour.
At age 6
He was an infantry officer in WWI, then a Luftwaffe officer, and he served as the heir to the German throne if the monarchy had ever been restored.
He spoke decades after the war on the personality of Hitler.
German transcription and English translation follow:
The interviewer, an Austrian by his accent, is “AI,” and the prince (LFvP), responds,visibly fearful, of course, and throughout the interview, to say anything politically incorrect, that is, anything overly nice, about the Most Evil Monster Who Ever Lived.;-) )
AI: Okay, fine, now let’s talk about Hitler. You saw him in person once?
LFvP: Yes, but it did not turn my head. We had just gotten back from America.
*** This was in 1933, when Hitler was in his first year as Reich Chancellor — the German title meaning prime minister — under Reich President Paul von Hindenburg, and was not yet the absolute ruler of the country.
In 1932, Hitler had run against the rightwing conservative and nobleman von Hindenburg for Reich President. He lost, but entirely because ALL the other political parties — left, right and center — except the Communists, who put up their leader, Ernst Thälmann — had endorsed von Hindenburg, the very aged WWI war hero, all in order to stop Hitler.
But as the chaos and the Great Depression continued and the Communist Party grew to terrifying dimensions (with Joseph Stalin and his gruesome USSR literally next door), Field Marshall and Reich President von Hindenburg gave Hitler a chance and made him his chancellor (prime minister).
The two men began to gradually get along, though very different in every way.
In the end, with all Hitler’ projects succeeding, having “Made Germany Great Again,” so to speak, Paul v. H. began to see Hitler almost as a son.
And of course I was interested in this whole thing which had started up.
[ meaning interested in Hitler and his National Socialists, who had come to power saince he left for America.
As a member of the high nobility, of course he had every reason to fear the communists, the second-biggest party in Germany, especially given that his then future wife’s father was a member of the Romanov dynasty in Russia, the family of Tsar Nicholas II, who, with his German wife and children, were all murdered by the jewish bolsheviks in 1919].
And I compared it with America. And what I noticed was that these National Socialists were anti-communist, and were against class warfare. And that impressed me, I must say.
That is what I myself had just brought back from America, my experience that they had no class hatred there, and no class envy.
So I asked Putzi Hanfstängel if he could introduce me to Hitler. And he did that.
[Ernst “Putzi” Hanfstängel, who was 6’4″, was Hitler’s then press secretary, and, btw, he had an American mother and was a Harvard graduate. He is seen here on the left, with Hitler and Goering, in 1932.]
So I had a kind of one-hour audience with him.
AI: So by then Hitler was Reich Chancellor?
LFvP: Yes, Reich Chancellor but not yet the Führer [in the sense of absolute ruler] because von Hindenburg was still the Reich President.
So there he sat in the New Reich Chancellery [he meant the OLD Reich Chancellery, shown here, a mistake or misspeaking which the interviewer helpfully pointed out].
[Hitler] was sitting behind a big desk[ ….] So we had a conversation, and he asked me, because Hanfstängel had already told him some things [about my American plans], just whom I might be visiting [when I returned] there.
And then he brought up Henry Ford.
And he said he wanted to do something like Ford did here in Germany so that everyone could someday have a car.
And he thought that if everyone had a car, they would not feel class hatred for the other guy, no envy.
But if you were standing on the sidewalk, and you had no car, and some car drives by, plows through a rainpuddle, and mud and water are thrown on your clothes, you might feel some class hatred over that. So he really admired Henry Ford [for making cars affordable for the working class]
He asked me to please relay that to Ford when I traveled back to America.
*** and he did make an affordable car for the working-class people
My first car was a 1965 Beetle
It all sounded very reasonable.
AI: In your memoirs you let us see that you felt an understanding for why the majority of the German people succumbed to Hitler’s power of attraction.
LFvP: Yes, on me he had a kind of hypnotic effect. He addressed me by my title, Your Royal Majesty, and I called him Your Excellency. And back then he did not have this megalomania thing that he had later on.
[Sic — this was a very common way after the war, in Occupied Germany, to “excuse” having liked Hitler — ‘he seemed normal and okay in the beginning’]
So he was not yet the Führer. [Actually he was, but only within his party; Dietrich Eckart was calling him that way back in 1922.]
He had a pleasant Austrian manner, a peaceful way about him, and then also there were his hypnotic, dreamy eyes….
He was more a kind of romantic.
There was no kind of cruelty that came out in his face. He actually had kind of a soft face, not a martial look.
Hitler greeting a WWI general, Karl Litzmann, later an NSDAP official, on his 85th birthday
……The egoic mind, not found just in libtards
I am interviewed by Brian Ruhe on the egoic mind ….and how not just libtards (see below), but also WNs too are victimized by it.
I go into two gigantic financial tragedies for our cause — due to the egoic mind and stubborn attachment to utter delusions — that almost no one but me knows about, and in detail.
Brian asked me to not use actual names, but those in the know may recognize about whom I am talking, starting at 22:24….
We are dealing with MILLIONS in donations lost through idiotic ego. And one of the two WN fools ended up “dying” (with some help?) a month afterward!
And yet the principal reason the arrogant, vile, ugly, hated jews are winning is this —
German Jew Michel Friedman grills with a smirk a top US Army general
1) they have so much more money than WNs do, and
2) they stick together!
Brian is the perfect host for this show and topic (see in the photo below on the right), having taught Buddhism (“overcoming the egoic self”) for years, that is, until his NS views got him fired by the jews — by the ultimate example of megalomania, paranoia and arrogant, selfish ego!
…..Gunsmoke episode “The Dealer” 1962 — Minds out of control
Lily Baskin is the dealer of a gambling card game called Faro. She inherited the game from her father…
…who will be killed by a man named Johnny Cole in a saloon in Joseph City, Missouri after Cole accused her father of cheating — and it came, as always in the West, where the act of card cheating of an armed cowboy with three whiskeys in him meant a spontaneous death penalty — a gun battle.
Now Lily runs the card game and, with Ms Kitty’s approval, sets up in the Long Branch Saloon in Dodge City.
The very first night a regular brute named Champ Larkin gets drunk and advises everyone that Lily is his girl. Matt has to come in and escort the ex-fighter, Champ, out into the street. Larkin is a former boxing star and a big, ugly galut who has convinced himself he can make Lily love him.
Now, why on earth would a hot young babe be interested in a middle-aged, crude-looking guy like this, a washed-up ex-boxer? But in his egoic and blind mind, it is all so real.
And this Johnny Cole, who also comes on to her, is the very customer who had killed her own father.….
Later Johnny Cole comes into the Long Branch. Since their first meeting back in Missouri, Cole has been smitten with Lily.
However the feeling is anything but mutual!
When Johnny Cole invites Lily to a picnic, she sends a little note to “Champ” about where they will be going. So Champ meets them near the creek and gets into a fist fight with Johnny. Johnny is knocked out while Lily tries to deny Champ’s intentions of making her his wife. Lily has to shoot Champ but lays the gun at the side of Johnny so that he will be arrested.
Lily has Johnny Cole exactly where she wants him. Will she be satisfied with him standing trial for murder or will she confess to the self-defense shooting? But no matter what happens Johnny’s love for Lily comes forth.
Billy Blaskin’s crooked faro game was far from unique in the Old West. While faro was hugely popular, cheating by dealers was so rampant that the definite handbook “Hoyle’s Rules of Games” warned that there wasn’t a single honest game in the country. This reputation contributed to faro’s decline in the early 20th century and its near extinction by the century’s end.
In the end, Marshall Dillon tries to talk sense into Lily, and for once, just for ONCE, someone on a “Gunsmoke” episode actually stops, and actually thinks things over.
Someone actually liberates themself from their egoic mind, and instead of racing off, bull-headedly, as in most Gunsmoke episodes, into a totally foreseeable, completely avoidable tragedy
…or a huge missed opportunity in life,
…she actually takes his good advice.
….but only AFTER Dillon, caring but stern and gruff, tells her to
“Stop being a fool” and says “Come on — get going!”
Great ending. Restores your faith in humanity — IF and only if HUMANITY HAS PROPER LEADERS.
The white race should think about the lessons in this episode. “I guess I was wrong to think I could ever change anything,”says Cole, resigned, near the end.
Every WN activist has had those moments, too. 😉
The Dealer (1962) (The show runs to 50:24, then repeats.)
…..A call for heroes
This is a time for heroes. The evil is so great we cannot wait for everyone to wake up, because they never will.
Some – an elite of the heart – will step forward, find out what needs to be done, and then do it.
Are you one of them?
Or one of the zombie masses, thinking “safety in numbers,” and thus heading over the cliff – with the rest?
We need people who seek a heroic life. A selfless life of radiant idealism, without a trace of ego, pure from any me-me-me.
Ready in manly realism even to make the supreme sacrifice – so our world, whose advanced technology could long since have made this earth into a kind of paradise, will finally stop being our hell.
A very good interview. John, you are like a pioneer ”behind the frontlines”, very wise and only with the best intentions. You deserve a lot of honour and respect for all you have been through. And it has not destroyed you. Today you are wiser than ever before.
I must admit that over the years, I learned a lot from you. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t learned so many valuable lessons from reading your blogs. You are made of the stuff that always, in history, fascinated humanity.
I have no doubt whatsoever that you are fully able and chosen to create this new Aryan Religion, this form of spiritual therapy for all the white nations.
With best wishes from Germany,
Sebastian Brandt
Thank you, Hans-Joachim. 🙂
Ma il Destino mi ha dato un’altra possibilità credo…
[…] But life has given me anohr chance, I believe.[….]
Yes. 🙂 Hundreds more — this life is just one chapter of hundreds, like a big Russian novel, or the old telephone books. 😉
A proposito di ALTRE possibilità…[]
Forse Dio ti sta mandando una persona speciale. 🙂
Un seme stellare nasce da genitori terreni ma l’anima si incarna da un pianeta superiore. 🙂
Now the government hates Germany.
Nascerà sotto questo segno…
Data termine 14 agosto.
Dr. Gedeon hat ein Lied für Deutschland komponiert.
Years before the Bundeswehr (1955) the Cold War was already on — and in Korea (where my father was a Marine Corp infantry officer) it was actually a very hot war. Governments often let things happen without officially endorsing them, to let people get used to something new…. and IMO the jews, Brits and French might have objected to a German army in 1950.
Ora Sto meglio[]
Ti ringrazio per questo messaggio e per quello precedente, che sono stati letti entrambi con attenzione.
Quando scrivi di un livello sano di ego, questo è un passo nella giusta direzione… Ma userò la parola di Gesù “agapé” – un amore spirituale. Va bene amare te stessa, vedere i tuoi progressi in questa vita, che madre devota sei stata, le cose dolorose che hai superato, sì, anche il suicidio che non hai mai commesso. E so fin dalla mia infanzia che l’abuso sessuale in quei teneri anni può rovinare la vita di un adulto. Ho avuto incubi fino all’età di 49 anni! Ma eccoti qui, ancora viva, e metti coraggiosamente un piede davanti all’altro. Questo coraggio e il tuo amore per i tuoi figli, questo senso del dovere e dell’onore, non sono diversi nella loro essenza dalla virtù di un soldato delle Waffen-SS. Sei forte e onorevole… e questa incarnazione dimostra che sei un’anima amabile… quindi ama te stessa, datti una pacca sulla spalla, accarezza il tuo viso e dì “Ti amo! Sei una brava persona, una candela di luce che venne in un mondo oscuro per aiutare gli altri!” Ne parlerò oggi nel blog.
🙂 🙂 🙂