Canadian goes ballistic on pharmacist who vaxxed his son, who now has myocarditis

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In 2015 cardiomyopathy, including myocarditis, resulted in 354,000 deaths


When even mild-mannered Canadians start to rage, we are near to the revolution — and this inane dope will not, cannot and should not lead it.



  1. Scroll forward to the16 minute mark in from the start. Watch this segment with Karen Kingston. It runs until about 30 minutes in, so it’s under 15 minutes long. Short and extremely important. Everything planned in advance and yet to come.

    Then watch this video of Maria Zeee interviewing Attorney Todd Callender. 55:15 long. (Max Igan, Dr. Lee Merritt, and Attorney Todd Callender are my three favorites for anything COVID.) Shocking! Shocking regarding what is coming. Sad part is, we could still stop it if we all acted in mass. Time will soon run out. But American society is too stupid, too apathetic, too lazy, too in denial, too disinterested, and wants others to fix the problems.

  2. When covid started to spread across Europe , Britain’s borders remained open from every infected country for 3 months. Britain’s covid can be traced from a flight from Italy that was riddled with Covid. Passengers were traced from Italy who were hospitalised a few days later. Why keep your borders open? Tens of thousands of illegal gimmegrants were allowed to invite themselves into to Benefits Britain, why ?

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