Canadian Walmart has non-Covid-masker arrested, calls her a “whoring slut”; all you Trump-haters, under Hillary the US today would be just like Canada

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Defunding the police is to pave the way for Robocop (who is so free of racism, you see); AI (artificial intelligence) will tell him whom to arrest for 1) hate speech or for 2) not being Gates-vaccinated.
SUBJECT:  Date of Arrest:  August 19, 2020 – at Walmart Guildford Mall, Surrey, BC [British Columbia]
by Heather Gillies

*** JdN
I was just telling Margi about a great meme I found on FB:
The corollary to this is:
If Demoncrat governors are locking you down NOW, just imagine how they would be under Biden-Harris.
While Trump may be a jerk, and kiss the jews’ ass (in vain — they still hate him), remember, he’s our jerk. 😉
Killary would have taken away our guns after the 2017 Parkland High School shooting massacre (committed by a Hispanic Antifa by permission of a jewish sheriff, Steve Israel!!!)….
….and turned every city into a ghost town with a dead economy and 100 million unemployed begging Her Majesty for a government check…..
….and the whole nation would be a cashless society, with an ID chip inserted by now.  We would be f—ed, DOA (Dead On Arrival)!
10 hours of Hillary cackling — this torture will break anyone. 😉 Next time you feel like bashing Trump, remember the sound of this icy witch!

AND as you read this article that follows, remember that how Canada is today is how the US would be under Biden.
Prior to arrest – on August 11, 2020 – I went to another Walmart at Surrey Central Mall.  On their loud speaker it said “as of August 12th it will be mandatory to wear a mask to shop at Walmart.” I went to Customer Service to get clarification about this.  I told them I have a letter from my doctor excusing me from wearing a mask – and the clerk went to speak to her supervisor.  The clerk came back and told me “it is NOT mandatory to wear a mask if you do not want to.”  I told her: “Why don’t you explain to people on your loudspeaker that it is not mandatory – otherwise some irate customer could get angry with me because I am not wearing a mask?”  Well, this is exactly what happened to me one week later:  An irate male employee/customer? -called me a whoring slut because I was not wearing a mask at the Walmart Guildford entranceway.
Arrested at Walmart on August 19, 2020 at approx. 4:30pm.  I went to Walmart Guildford.  Upon entering  the store, -I was told by Sandy (Walmart door checker) that I must wear a mask to enter. I explained that Walmart Customer Service told me that it is not mandatory to wear a mask – and I told Sandy I have a doctor’s letter excluding me from a mask.  Sandy told me I have to leave without a mask.  I asked to speak to Customer Service – and she said I could not come inside.  I asked to speak to the Store Manager and Sandy said, “there she is” (she was just walking through the door behind me.)  This woman Manager was 35 – 40’s in age.  She had straight blonde hair past her shoulders and medium build.  She was medium build.
When I asked for her name – she refused to give it to me. (I have never encountered a Manager refusing to give their name before.)  I asked to speak to her – so I could tell her about my doctor’s letter and explain how Walmart Surrey Place told me mask wearing was not mandated.  She told me to leave their store.  I told her I plan on leaving – once I get her name.  I told her I spend a lot of money in this store and I will never shop here again.  She said she does not have time to talk to me and she scurried off after refusing to release her name. 
Along with Sandy (Walmart door checker), and the Walmart Security doorman – another plain clothed Paladin Security Manager came up.  He said he was the Paladin Manager – his first name Isaac.  I kept telling everyone – I just want the Manager’s name and I will leave. Various people were coming up to me – one older woman store clerk told me I am putting people in danger – she went on about how her relative died from Covid.  I just wanted the Manager’s name so I could leave and deal with this incident in writing when I got home.  Sandy (door checker) – who happens to be an older friend of my daughter – had her back to me.  I tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.  I told her “do not ever talk to me again.”
(I only mention me tapping on Sandy’s shoulder because when the Police arrived later they accused me of assaulting people and coughing on them).  While every employee was refusing to give me their name – I made it clear- I will never shop here again.

A younger man (30’s) came up to me and told me I was embarrassing myself.  I asked him if he works here – and he replied “yes.”  After telling me to put on a mask he also called me a “whoring slut.” 
Sandy heard it – the door Security guard heard it.  I asked for his name – and he would not give it to me.  I did not have my cell phone so I asked several Walmart employees to call the police. 
They all refused. This guy then darted off towards the back of the store and I followed him as he was heading to the area where employees go in the back/middle of store.  (I was thinking – this Walmart employee just called me a whoring slut and I wanted his name to complain about him). 
He was alone – and headed towards the back of the store.  When he realized I was still following him – he changed directions heading towards the front of the store – and then over to the food section. 
At the food section he teamed up with a female who completely ignored me.  She pretended to be shopping with him, but they just threw a few grocery items into a hand held basket before quickly heading to the check-out.  By this time I was yelling to the Walmart employees – can someone please call the police for me.  I wanted to know the name of the Walmart employee that had just called me a whoring slut. Finally, a Walmart woman employee told me she would call the police.
After this guy paid for his purchase they headed out the doors into the parking lot.  I followed them both out of the Walmart door – hoping that the police would arrive in time so I could finger this twerp.  
The police were not outside so I waited outside of Walmart in the parking lot – next to cars – well away from the Walmart doors.  Another reason I stood away from the Walmart doors was – Paladin Security (Isaac) and Walmart’s Manager were standing there.  I wanted nothing more to do with these people. 
I still believe the guy that called me a whoring slut was in fact – a Walmart employee – just as he told me.  Maybe he was one of those undercover plain-clothes detectives that watch shoppers.
But when Walmart realized I was verbally assaulted by one of their own employees – with the ‘whoring/slut name – they tried to fudge the facts by making it appear that he was just a customer.)  
Whoever this guy was – employee or customer – he has a lot of disdain for women  to call an elderly woman (any woman) a whoring/slut.  
I waited outside in the parking lot for the police to come – well away from the Walmart doors. The Walmart Paladin Security (Isaac) and Walmart blonde haired Manager were also waiting outside – close to the doors.  The Manager was on the phone to the police I assume.  
The police showed:-
FILE NO:  2020 – 128246
Cst. Chris Froats 50354 – (Officer that searched my purse, and took my picture, and gave my DOB and address to Paladin Manager.)
Cst. [Constable] Janine Boyer 60729
Cst. Bawa Sidhu 62428
Isaac – Paladin Security Manager
When the police arrived I was first talking to Cst. Bawa Sidhu – She was reasonable enough at first and was listening to my story of my doctor’s mask exemption letter and how I was called a whoring slut. I explained that all I wanted was the Manager’s name – so I could go home and deal with this complaint in letter form. I made it clear to the Police – I will not be shopping at this Walmart again.
Then Cst Chris Froats interrupts and tells ME to listen.  He told me I can never go into Walmart again for one year.  I explained – I already told Walmart I will never be back here. 
Cst. Bawa Sidhu then said I was under arrest and her and Cst. Froats put handcuffs on me and put me in the back of the cruiser. 
I asked “what am I being arrested for?”  Cst. Sidhu said I was being arrested for disturbing the peace.
When I was in the cruiser –  Cst Bawa Sidhu said I was assaulting people and coughing on people – she said it was on tape. 
I explained I know Sandy (door checker) – because she is a friend of my daughter.  I said I only tapped on Sandy’s shoulder to get her attention – to tell her “never to talk to me again.”
While I was in the cop cruiser – parked in front of the Walmart entrance – Cst. Chris Froats had my purse on the front of the cruiser.  He was going through everything in my purse and wallet and making lots of notes in his little writing pad.
While I was still in the cruiser – Cst Chris Froats asks for my birth date and address to give to Paladin Security (Isaac) – who was standing right there.  I said I do not want Paladin having that information. Cst Chris Floats then verbally gave Paladin Manager (Isaac) my DOB. 
I was then given a Wal-Mart Canada Corp. Notice Prohibiting Entry notice (see enclosed) – and I noticed my address is listed on this form (so Cst Froats gave Paladin my DOB, name and address against my wishes.)
By the time I was let out of the cruiser – I was standing in the front of the cruiser with my handcuffs still on.  Cst. Chris Froats said he wanted to take my picture and I said no.  Cst. Froats then took my picture with my handcuffs on – from a cell phone.  I am not sure if this cell phone belonged to Paladin Security (Isaac’s) or Cst. Froats – but Cst Froats took my picture.
Heather Gillies

…..Correspondence with brave Canadian activist Paul Fromm, who had sent out this email about Heather Gillies


I had written him:
He replied:

Thanks, John. How are you?

I appreciate your circulating this outrage!
I responded:
Hi, brother Paul.
Glad to do it.  Canada is truly a bellwether for America, five years ahead.
Btw, Margi and I are almost IN Canada now, in the UP of Michigan. Everyone even says “eh” here.   Emoji
The huge news is Margi beat Stage Three throat cancer!
In 2007, remember us speaking in East Lansing, Michigan?
Inline image


The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota is the world’s best hospital for cancer, Paul, because it is jew-free! Not motivated by money!
(The Mayo is also still non-profit, as all hospitals formerly had to be)

Look at this typical departmental listing of medical staff — not one Jew! At which other hospital in North America could you say that? Emoji
Inline image


One of the many nordic-looking doctors there, Dr. Storm, with Margi (the Rochester,  Minnesota area is heavily Norwegian and German):

Inline image
Margi and I both got modest inheritances also, so now I (we) can finally do something big for our cause.
How are you doing, Paul? Emoji
He answered:

My travels [for the Cause] have been much curtailed by the COVID SCAMDEMIC.

But I am so happy for Margi. What a horrible time.
Keep in touch.

……Final comment:

Paul and I were always on great terms until the Duke-Black-Stormfront war machine aimed its slander machine at me in March 2009.
(By amazing coincidence, this happened at the exact same time as the feds, under Obama, arrested and turned my assistant, Henrik Holappa, who then slandered me.)
President Barack Obama sits with Attorney General Eric Holder, left, and FBI Director Robert Mueller (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Duke and Black unforgivably spread around that I was supposedly a
pedophile, nut, con man, homosexual, fake Marine, etc.
….and Black deleted the biggest thread by one person on Stormfront in its history, one attacking and exposing lying, sadistic, slanderous psychopaths!
What I have seen now is that I am the last man standing.
I have outlasted my vicious enemies.
And it is because I offer something truly new  — how to turn whites back into Aryans, back into nature’s nobility…..
for the benefit of our race and of all victims of the jews of all races!
Otherwise the madness will just continue — whites fighting each other as the jew and his Orcs conquer all our lands — until we are gone.
French soldier in WWI carries a wounded comrade from the field (colorized actual photo). 

It is time for our blindness to end. It is time to unite, fight and emerge from the night.


  1. Unter Clinton würden solche Leute wie Epstein, Weinstein und Maxwell mit Sicherheit weiter frei herumlaufen und weisse Frauen, Mädchen und Jungen im industriellen Ausmaße schänden.

    Solange ihr Weissen in den USA Waffen besitzt können die Juden auch keine direkten agressiven Sachen in Europa machen.

    Davor haben die Juden schiss. Das ist das Einzige vor dem sie wirklich schiss haben: Der bewaffnete weisse Mann.

    “Wahre Macht kommt aus Gewehrläufen”


    • Transl:

      Under Hillary Clinton people like Epstein, Weinstein, and Maxwell would certainly be roaming around scot-free, ravaging white women, girls, and boys on an industrial scale.

      As long as the Whites in the USA have weapons, the Jews cannot do anything directly aggressive [like masacring us Whites here] in Europe.

      Before that armed might, the Jews still shit [their pants]. That’s the only thing they’re really scared of:
      The armed white man.

      “Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”


  2. Ich behaupte außerdem mal, dass der normale deutsche Handwerker immer noch gut ausgebildet ist.

    Gib einem deutschen Schlosser eine Drehbank, ein Schweissgerät und eine gute Bohrmaschine…und er baut dir jede Waffe, die du haben willst. 😉

    Es gibt bei uns im Land überall solche kleinen Waffen-Fabriken, wovon der Staat nichts weiss. Anders als legale Waffen, die registriert sind, hat der Judenstaat darauf keinen Zugriff.

    Nicht registriert…perfekt.

    Jeder weisse Mann sollte eine Feuerwaffe besitzen, um sich, seine Freunde und Familie zu schützen.

    • Transl:

      I also wish to assert that that the normal German craftsman is still very well-trained.

      Give a German machine-tool operator a lathe, a welder and a good drill … and he’ll build for you any weapon you want. 😉

      There are small arms factories everywhere in this country about which the state knows nothing. Unlike legal weapons that are registered, the Jewish state has no access to them.

      Unregistered … perfect. 🙂

      Every white man should own a firearm to protect himself, his friends and family.

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