Canadians, liberate yourselves or be liberated by us from the jews

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An American comrade and generous donor objected to my map of America and Canada as merging.

I replied:

I understand. Canada used to be “the true north, proud and free” as per their anthem. Unlike America, it had a proud white British and white French flavor.

Now it has zero freedom, is banning guns, seizing bank accounts, and proudly advocating — as per a Justin Trudeau speech — a “great reset.” It is proud that it took away freedom. And David von Braun has added his own horrendous life experiences in Canada to my convictions.

What was once a genuine and wonderful white nation is now run by the bastard son of Fidel Castro.

And it is welcoming in the Red Chinese by the millions, and Vancouver is nicknamed “Hongcouver.”

Canada, right on our border, has become a multiracial, woke nightmare that is an enemy of the white race in general and of America specifically, lying right along our border.

Since the time of Pierre Trudeau, Canadian identity has no longer been British and French but is open anti-Americanism.

But if the Canadians want to rise up and fix their country themselves so that it is no longer an existential threat to the American people, fine. I loved the old Canada, a true friend, a nice bunch of people, and our cultural and genetic kindred.

But as things stand, it is now an enemy country, with a large percentage being brainwashed, woke, America-hating zombies. Canada must be fixed, just as Jewkraine must be, or it is a threat to our survival just as Jewkraine, since 2014, has been to Russia.

There is no more Canada, comrade, just the name. It is a fully crypto-communist colony of the Jew World Order. And I say this knowing many fine Canadians and having visited four provinces extensively: British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Prince Edward Island. And one of my biggest donors was from Edmonton, Alberta.

My father’s second wife, my stepmother, still living, is from Canada….. and, sadly, unbelievably brainwashed.

She lived for decades — 1971-2012 — with my conservative Republican dad, and nothing rubbed off. She said to me by phone of my website:

“I heard it was just, just HORRIBLE — and I have never even looked at it even once.”

And there you go. A true Canadian.

I guarantee that the rumors are true that in the event of an American civil war, Canadian troops would intervene and slaughter with relish the WHITE Americans. Have no illusions.

The old Canada is dead as a doornail, just as Palestine no longer exists, only Israel. In fact, all the old white Dominions, as they once were called — New Zealand, Australia and Canada — via a massive network of British-connected 33rd-degree Freemasons, are completely unfree, pedophile-run colonies of the City of London and lapdogs of Lord Rothschild. The Covid lockdowns and forced vaccinations were far worse than in the United States, which still largely believes in freedom of speech and the right to own guns.

Remember, the ancestors of all these modern white Dominion people COULD have chosen to emigrate to the US, but they chose instead to have a king or queen on their money, and have Royal Bank of this or that all over the place, and “the Crown” is the prosecutor.

It is a different spirit, one of white submission to their purported “betters.”

But let Canadians rise up and shake the jew strangehold off themselves. Or we must fix it ourselves.

In Germany in 1938, we annexed Austria, and the supposed differences between the Germans and Austrians vanished. It was a joful liberation and a reunification more than an annexation.


…..Canadian prime minister Mackenzie King on Adolf Hitler


His face on the Canadian 50-dollar bill

Mackenzie King , canada prime minister on a fifty canadian dollar bill


He served as the tenth Prime Minister of Canada from December 29, 1921 to June 28, 1926; from September 25, 1926 to August 7, 1930; and from October 23, 1935 to November 15, 1948.

…A survey of scholars in 1997 by Maclean’s magazine ranked King first among all Canada’s prime ministers, ahead of Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurier.

…He kept secret his beliefs in spiritualism and use of mediums to stay in contact with departed associates and particularly with his mother, and allowed his intense spirituality to distort his understanding of Adolf Hitler.[3]


ah_for-Palestine “He (Hitler) smiled very pleasantly and indeed had a sort of appealing and affectionate look in his eyes.
My sizing up of the man as I sat and talked with him was that he is really one who truly loves his fellow man.
His face is much more prepossessing than his pictures would give the impression of.
It is not that of a fiery, over-strained nature, but of a calm, passive man deeply and thoughtfully in earnest …
His eyes impressed me most of all. There was a liquid quality about them that indicates keen perception and profound sympathy. .
Calm, composed, and one could see how particularly humble folk would have come to have profound love for the man. .

As I talked with him I could not but think of Joan of Arc…”


A modern young actor who powerfully resembles Hitler at a similar age during WWI, except AH’s eyes, like mine, natürlich, were an unusual dark-blue

My final comment is a query:
Why do we continue to vote for spineless democratic politicians like this Mackenzie King?

They realized Hitler was a great man, yet under jew pressure they all caved in and declared war on the man!

Same with British PM Neville Chamberlain.

He whined over a golf game with US Ambassador Joseph Kennedy that the jews had made him declare war!

But hey, following orders enabled him to stay on as prime minister for nine more months, until Winston Churchill replaced him.

So, obviously, for Chamberlain it was worth it!

Of course, it was also a catastrophe for Britain and the entire West. But, for a narcissistic politico, Self comes first.
Multiparty democracy is a filtering system that precludes the rise of a genuine leader.
Here is another example:

Harry Truman, a former Ku Klux Klansman, could not stand Blacks and jews, as his diary revealed. Yet he integrated the US military and recognized Israel. Why? So his party would win the 1948 congressional election!



All successful politicians in a multiparty democracy are lying whores of the jews!



  1. Whenever you have elites and Jews pulling the political strings, you get a formerly white, Christian country turning into a 3rd world, multicultural shithole.

    The gimmegrants invading white, Christian lands don’t have open borders or multiculturalism in THEIR lands, from which they couldn’t escape quick enough!

    The Jewish bankers and charities have a lot to answer for soon. People I speak to are aware of the big Jews’ mental actions.

    Using a theorem from Sir Isaac Newton: “Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction.”

  2. “There is no more Canada, comrade, just the name.” The same is true for Germany.

    The millionfold vaccination slaughter has not been able to wake up the debut people (“animal people”)[1], it was no wake-up call for them. Everything goes on quite normally as before, the repopulation is now again dramatically accelerated, several million foreigners are now pumped in per year(!) (not only like earlier decades annually 1 million or like 2015 approx. 3 million per year), at the same time continue to die many millions vaccination victims.

    Various sources say the following: The background powers will now get rid of the speaking puppets(parliaments) because they would not need them anymore (the NWO structures are all in place). One will try now to get rid of the politicians over the mass media and celebrate it afterwards as freedom fight of the people. So similarly as at that time the swindle with the GDR wall fall, where one wanted to make the people believe that the peace-loving demonstrating people would have abolished the GDR by demonstrations, thereby the background powers had planned and wanted this exactly in such a way, in order to get to the raw materials in Russia. They wanted to plunder Russia to the maximum and for this they had to tear down the “iron curtain” they had erected themselves; translated excerpt from [2]:

    “So what had been the real reason for opening the border at that time?
    The American banking system was on the verge of collapse. It needed money, lots of money. The FED system had to be kept afloat for the next two hundred years. This required cheap reserves of raw materials and cheap labor. The calculation: With the collapse of the GDR, the entire Eastern bloc would collapse, since no resistance was to be feared from Moscow. With Gorbachev, the secret world rulers had brought one of their best people to power, who was later surpassed only by Yeltsin in depravity. From the GDR to the last corner of Siberia, Wall Street was supposed to get cheap raw materials and inexhaustibly cheap labor reserves in the course of the planned privatisations.”

    Besides, one would tear down now 2023 seemingly critical the old system, prepare corresponding demolition actors and let act and present a new “science-based” system which is to hold the people, however, still in dependence. All this because one would know that one cannot continue to enslave the awakened people with the old system and of course because every oppression system is at some point at the end and must be replaced by a new one.

    I would never have thought it possible, never!: About reason is purely nothing more to reach with the present rest-German people and with the white peoples altogether, they go along with everything, really everything! Reason-based approaches are doomed to failure from the outset, because the masses are trained on the mass media and accept nothing else. They put up with everything and understand nothing, they want to remain in their child world: good father state, good mother mass media (supervised thinking). They simply don’t understand, they simply don’t want to think and they can’t because they are too comfortable and want to remain in the kindergarten.

    Vaccine-related deaths (heart muscle inflammation, etc., low life expectancies) will continue for the years to come, very many millions of white people will continue to die. As a U.S. analyst described it the other day: the complex pillars of civilization will gradually fall away/break down as all the [white] (skilled) people die.

    Nothing more can be expected from the present German people, my prognosis is the following:

    The slaughter of the white peoples will now continue unabated as planned. At some point, however, the unreasonable, i.e. the ingorant white people have been more or less completely slaughtered numerically. At the end there will remain the capable of thinking white people, there will be a slaughter selection which will leave only the capable of thinking.

    And then the decisive battle will stand: The NWO against the remaining thinkable white people.

    I have not the slightest doubt that it again a white German people, British people, American people, French people etc. will arise. Afterwards everything will be very village, because for the Deagl prognoses is valid: Mission accomplished, white peoples slaughtered according to plan successfully!

    The white peoples, majority NWO misguided debut people,[1] have proven majority NOT to be able to survive. Every Haitian Negro has more survivability, more survival intelligence/ IQ, than the average white person. Hitler was right when he said that in this world of eternal struggle those who do not want to fight [= the ignorant] would perish and do not deserve life.

    Andrew Anglin said many years ago that certain (convoluted) complex manipulative propaganda would generally bounce off non-whites, that it would really only reach “intellectual” whites and other whites.

    But: It is not that the White believers in vaccination did not know about the pureed baby corpses and other corpse poisons in the vaccinations, they knew and know it and they had to be informed about it, also via the mass media (cosmic law, announcement of crimes above a certain magnitude). The whites deliberately chose these black magic vaccination rituals, in which they let and let themselves be injected with pureed baby corpses, other corpse poisons and other poisons.

    A race so superstitious that even superstitious Negro tribes can only shake their heads at White insanity superstition.




  3. “There is no more Canada, comrade, just the name.” Dasselbe gilt für Deutschland.

    Das millionenfache Impfabschlachten hat die Debütmenschen (“Tiermenschen”)[1] nicht aufwecken können, es war kein Weckruf für sie. Es geht alles ganz normal weiter wie bisher, die Umvolkung wird jetzt erneut dramatisch beschleunigt, mehrere Millionen Ausländer werden nun pro Jahr(!) hineingepumpt (nicht nur wie frühere Jahrzehnte jährlich 1 Millionen oder wie 2015 ca. 3 Millionen pro Jahr), gleichzeitig sterben weiterhin anhaltend viele Millionen Impfopfer.

    Verschiedene Quellen besagen folgendes: Die Hintergrundmächte werden jetzt die Sprechpuppen(Parlamente) absetzen, weil sie diese nicht mehr brauchen würden (die NWO-Strukturen stehen alle). Man wird nun versuchen, über die Massenmedien die Politiker loszuwerden und es anschließend als Freiheitskampf des Volkes feiern. Also so ähnlich wie damals der Schwindel mit dem DDR-Mauerfall, wo man den Leuten weismachen wollte, daß das friedliebende demonstrierende Volk die DDR durch Demonstrationen abgeschafft hätte, dabei hatten die Hintergrundmächte dies genau so geplant und gewollt, um an die Rohstoffe in Rußland heraunzukommen. Sie wollten Rußland maximal ausplündern und dafür mußten sie den von ihnen selbst errichteten “eisernen Vorhang” wieder einreißen; Auszug aus [2]:

    “Was war also damals der wirkliche Grund für die Grenzöffnung gewesen?
    Das amerikanische Bankensystem stand vor dem Zusammenbruch. Es benötigte Geld, viel Geld. Das FED-System sollte für die nächsten zweihundert Jahre über die Runden gerettet werden. Dazu bedurfte es billiger Rohstoffreserven sowie billiger Arbeitskräfte. Die Kalkulation: Mit dem Zusammenbruch der DDR würde der gesamte Ostblock zusammenbrechen, da von Moskau keinerlei Widerstand zu befürchten war. Mit Gorbatschow hatten die heimlichen Weltenherrscher einen ihrer besten Leute an die Macht gebracht, der später nur noch von Jelzin an Verderbtheit übertroffen wurde. Von der DDR angefangen bis in den letzten Winkel Sibiriens sollte die Wall-Street im Zuge der geplanten Privatisierungen billigst an Rohstoffe und an unerschöpflich billige Arbeitskraftreserven gelangen.[…]”

    Außerdem würde man nun scheinkritisch das alte System abreißen, entsprechende Abriß-Akteure vorbereiten und agieren lassen und ein neues “wissenschaftbasiertes” System präsentieren, das die Leute aber immer noch in Abhängigkeit halten soll. Dies alles weil man wüßte, daß man mit dem alten System die Erwachten Menschen nicht mehr weiterhin versklaven kann und natürlich weil jedes Unterdrückungssystem irgendwann am Ende ist und durch ein neues ersetzt werden muß.

    Ich hätte es niemals für möglich gehalten, niemals!: Über Vernunft ist rein gar nichts mehr zu erreichen beim jetzigen restdeutschen Volke und bei den weißen Völkern insgesamt, sie machen alles mit, wirklich alles! Vernunftbasierte Ansätze sind von vorneherein zum Scheitern verurteilt, da die Massen auf die Massenmedien dressiert sind und nichts anderes akzeptieren. Sie lassen sich alles gefallen und begreifen nichts, sie wollen in ihrer Kinderwelt verbleiben: guter Vater Staat, gute Mutter Massenmedien (betreutes Denken). Sie begreifen es einfach nicht, sie wollen einfach nicht nachdenken und sie können es nicht, weil sie zu bequem sind und im Kindergarten verbleiben wollen.

    Das impfbedingte Sterben (Herzmuskelentzündungen usw., geringe Lebenserwartungen) wird die nächsten Jahre weiter anhalten, sehr viele Millionen an weißen Menschen werden anhaltend weitersterben. Wie ein US-Analyst es neulich mal beschrieb: Die komplexen Säulen der Zivilisation werden nach und nach wegfallen/wegbrechen, wenn all die [weißen] (Fachkräfte)Menschen sterben werden.

    Es ist nichts mehr zu erwarten vom jetzigen deutschen Volke, meine Prognose ist die folgende:

    Das Abschlachten der weißen Völker wird nun planmäßig unvermindert weitergehen. Irgendwann sind jedoch die Unvernünftigen, d.h. die ingoranten weißen Menschen zahlenmäßig mehr oder weniger vollständig abgeschlachtet worden. Zum Schluß verbleiben dann noch die Denkfähigen weißen Menschen, es wird eine Abschlacht-Auslese geben, die nur noch die Denkfähigen übrigbleiben lassen wird.

    Und dann wird die Entscheidungsschlacht anstehen: Die NWO gegen die übriggebliebenen denkfähigen Weißen.

    Ich habe nicht den geringsten Zweifel, daß es wieder ein weißes deutsches Volk, britisches Volk, amerikanisches Volk, französisches Volk usw. enstehen wird. Hinterher wird alles sehr dörflich sein, denn für die Deagl-Prognosen gilt: Mission accomplished, weiße Völker planmäßig erfolgreich abgeschlachtet!

    Die weißen Völker, mehrheitlich von der NWO fehlgeleitete Debütmenschen,[1] haben sich mehrheitlich als NICHT überlebensähig erwiesen. Jeder Haiti-Neger hat mehr Überlebensfähigkeit, mehr Überlebens-Intelligenz/-IQ, als der durchschnittliche weiße Mensch. Hitler hatte recht als er sinngemäß sagte, daß in dieser Welt des ewigen Ringens diejenigen, die nicht kämpfen wollen [= die Ignoranten] untergehen würden und das Leben nicht verdient hätten.

    Andrew Anglin sagte mal sinngemäß vor vielen Jahren, daß bestimmte (verschwurbelte) komplexe Manipulations-Propaganda an Nichtweißen generell abprallen würde, daß man damit wirklich nur “intellektuelle” Weiße und andere Weiße erreichen würde. Aber: Es ist nicht so, daß die Weißen Impfgläubigen nicht um die pürierten Babyleichen und andere Leichengifte in den Impfungen wüßten, sie wußten und wissen es und sie mußten darüber informiert werden, auch über die Massenmedien (kosmisches Gesetz, Ankündigung von Verbrechen ab einer bestimmten Größenordnung). Die Weißen entschieden sich bewußt für diese schwarmagischen Impfrituale, bei denen sie sich pürierte Babyleichen, andere Leichengifte und andere Gifte spritzen ließen und lassen.

    Eine Rasse, so abgergläubisch, daß sogar abergläubische Neger-Stämme nur noch den Kopf schütteln können ob des weißen Wahnsinns-Aberglaubens.




  4. Why is it that white Christian countries have to have multiracialism, multiculturalism forced upon them.
    Yet other non white countries are allowed to keep their identity?
    Deliberately engineered by the elites

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