Capitol Police Chief: Pelosi, Milley, and FBI kept me in the dark before and during Jan. 6

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This is just like the JFK assassination and 9/11 — all sorts of “intel failures,” with honest officials who were not part of the conspiracy (such as the Capitol Police Chief himself, Steven Sund, of Scandinavian ancestry, a beat cop who worked his way up to the top by following the proper procedures) tearing their hair out, shouting “What the hell is going on here?” (Sund resigned in outrage two days later.)

Dallas, 11/22/63: Secret Service chief Emory Roberts orders two stunned SS bodyguards to get OFF the back of President Kennedy’s Lincoln! This was seconds before the president, whom they had been protecting, is murdered!

Watch especially from 1:15 on in the video below…. All the agents in the follow-up car act bewildered too, thinking “the President of the United States, whom we have sworn to protect and are paid to protect with our very lives, is being driven with the bulletproof top down through Dallas, a big and partly hostile city. Why in God’s name are we abandoning him — and not sticking to him like flypaper?!”

Of course, the back-bumper thing was part of setting up, of framing poor Lee Harvey Oswald, who supposedly shot Kennedy from behind, from the Texas [School] Book Depository.

The actual fatal shots — 1) to the throat and 2) to the head — both came from the front, with the kill-shot to the head coming from behind a fence on what Mark Lane, whom I knew and who wrote two national bestsellers on the JFK murder, labeled “the grassy knoll.” Kennedy’s head rocked backward because the bullet came from the front.

Imagine how those decent Secret Service agents felt, being ordered to stop protecting the President and then hearing the gun shots seconds later?

(This video is very upsetting. And I salute Robert Kennedy, Junior for his sheer guts to run for president while knowing that the Deep State KILLED his father, KILLED his uncle, likely also caused the fatal plane crash of his cousin, JFK Junior, and likely also the plane crash where his other uncle, US Senator Ted Kennedy, broke his back and nearly died in 1964, where the pilot was killed.)

It is the same feel with this Steven Lund, the Capitol Police Chief on January 6, 2021, who was obviously such a “straight arrow” that it was decided to not include him at all in the conspiracy.

So he ends up bewildered and fuming as “strange things happen” for hours on end.

To their horror, America’s ruling Big Jew elite had failed to knock out Donald Trump during his four years as president via the fabricated Trump-Russia collusion scandal – conceived and funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign, as the Durham report proves – or through two circus-like impeachment trials.

Later came “January 6,” a demonstration-turned-riot by Trump supporters who passionately believed, with good reason, that the recent election – and therefore their country – had just been stolen from them.

They even impeached Trump AFTER he left office! Hunh? How can you impeach a president who is no longer president?

Uniparty Members of Congress now want to constitutionally bar Trump from again seeking public office for having instigated “an armed insurrection,” although THEY incited the insurrection (think of the sickening pig Ray Epps yelling “Go into the Capitol!”, truly the most evil former Marine in history. NO protester was armed, and all three who died that day were unarmed protesters against the Stealection, such as Ashley Babbitt, all killed by cops.

A black cop shot Ashley, a US Air Force veteran, without any warning in the throat:

And look at this censorship — Jewgle censors Steven Lund, the US Capitol Police Chief on January 6,  a man who testified before the United States Congress on February 24, 2021 about that day!



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