Carl Sagan, one of the many atheistic jews, also claimed all aliens must be bizarre-looking

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I blogged earlier today on a statement by Carl Sagan with which I heartily approved:


Carl Sagan was right. Sagan was a NASA scientist, and authentically brilliant. He did many tv documentaries about space travel and the universe. He wrote this in 1995:



But other things about the jew Sagan were troubling.  (



2 hours ago

That’s very spot-on. I remember his documentaries on TV.

AFAIK, he was very atheistic, which may or may not be to everyone’s taste. It works if one doesn’t place oneself in the center as a consequence.

He was rather “on the spectrum”. Here he is complaining about aliens in movies “looking too much like us”. Well, who in the world – except a science guy – would want to see Real Aliens 😂. “Star Trek” is not really about aliens, of course. It is a collection of fables and morality tales, maybe with added product placement, made cheaply. As for “Star Wars,” it’s just an archetypal Japanese samurai movie in space.


@AgropromRecluse Yes, disappointingly, he did push atheism. Interestingly, half of all jews, members of a supposed religion, are atheists, and Wikipedia has a big article on this:


“This page lists well-known Jewish atheists. Based on Jewish law’s emphasis on matrilineal descent, religiously conservative Orthodox Jewish authorities would accept an atheist born to a Jewish mother as fully Jewish.[1] A 2011 study found that half of all American Jews have doubts about the existence of God, compared to 10–15% of other American religious groups.[2]”

The other area where I would very strongly disagree is his assertion and wrongful assumption that if aliens exist, they must be non-human. (IMO they do exist; I and a client of mine both saw a huge, cigar-shaped craft in July 1989 over McMinnville, Oregon; see attached photo, taken by someone else, but of the same kind of craft as we saw, and not from far away, either…. from Walla Walla in Washington State).

In fact, IMO, both “Star Trek” and “Star Wars” are accurate in key areas, including many planets having human inhabitants. EVERY Air Force whistleblower on the topic of specific aliens, and also fmr Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, has stated that one of the alien groups is the so-called Nordics, or “Swedes,” who are simply tall, handsome, muscular Scandinavians.

This October 1954 incident from Staffordshire, England comes across as very credible, and it depicts an encounter with very handsome and “sympathetic” so-called Nordics with high foreheads.


  1. I saw a blue sphere descend from the sky once, and it made me a believer. John, it’s good that you spread the truth about our Aryan space family.

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