Carlson and Morris on the taboo topics; what we Baby Boomers drew the line at

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I am going to run this video below once again from yesterday’s blog, because Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris are two very smart and experienced journalists who are clearly on our side, and they both know “it’s the juze” and “the white race is the foundation of American greatness, and its decline is our downfall.”

They are simply itching to say these things but dare not.

That task once again falls to me.

Tucker even says it is a “satanic force.”

I just saw a video of two former FOX News Channel colleagues, Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris, who both now have their own show, talking about Trump, whom they both know well, and also about taboo topics.

They both clearly know that the ultimate taboo topic is the power of the juze over this country and their genocidal hatred for us.

Clayton has said as much, actually, and on-air on his show, called “Redacted,” which he does with his smart and attractive wife Natali, the mother of their three children, and he did so several times when the Israeli massacre of the Gazans began, saying “the juze obviously control the US Congress.” In fact, the Redacted couple bash Israel constantly, but Clayton once actually said “the juze.”

Clayton: “Israel controls the US Congress”

“Hidden juish tunnels” for child molestation and murder under Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn, New York


On the other hand, Tucker shies far away from anything connected to Israel or to juish tyranny over America, and he always has.

Here is the segment where they discuss taboos and, as Clayton says, “lying by omission” — 16:36 to 20:26. In effect, they are pleading guilty themselves, albeit under duress, to omitting the CENTRAL PROBLEM America has! Clayton drops a big hint at 18:36 where they discuss the character “Kramer” on the 1990s hit tv comedy series “Seinfeld.”  Clayton says “We could turn into Kramer and say ‘ YOU need a nose job!'” 😉

From 2:21 to  7:24, Tucker also discusses with Clayton the personality and weird stamina of Donald Trump — quite interesting. Trump eats junk food and guzzles Diet Pepsi (IMO this also has to do with not being poisoned by a CIA-bribed cook; he just sends an assistant to any given random McDonalds restaurant) and then the man, at 78, works like the Energizer Bunny. Both men have interviewed Trump many, many times, especially when they both were on FOX. As a friend who grew up in New York City said,  Trump was a fixture on local NYC news for decades, and many people knew him — and liked and respected him — until he ran as a Republican, declared war on the Swamp, and said he wanted peace with Russia.



….Tired of Boomer-bashing

How many of us “Boomers” did this kind of racial insanity??? Hmmm??? Maybe 1/2 of 1%! This Boomer Santa’s glance says it all.


Look at the pathetic Whites who have followed my Baby Boom generation: drug addicts, suicides by gun, suicides by deliberate overdose, white couples “shacked up” without being married, illegitimate kids — or NO kids at all, or the kids are gay and LGBTQ or trans. What cheek — what NERVE — to deride the “Boomers.”
Let me quote from a man from Galilee (and I AM a fervent Jesus guy): “1 Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. 2 For with the judgement you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. 3 Why do you see the speck in your neighbour’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?” — Matthew 7:1–3





  1. I don’t blame the boomers of the 1960’s and 70’s because a lot of them tried to save America.
    I don’t blame all christians, but i do think it’s been evangelical christians with their religion of holocaust, holohoax and jew worship.

    Most jews are originally from the caucases below Russia and Kazakhstan,not that it matters to me.
    They could be from Mars and i still wouldn’t care, which means that i do not care where their from.

    All i care about is that their evil destructive hate filled subhumans that are a danger to every other race on earth.

    A lot of people easily fooled by crypto jews who hide their jewish identity.
    It will be extremely difficult to beat a group as powerful as the jews that own the worlds money supply, globalist media and fund politics.

    Also because of the tactics they use and having absolutley no honour system.
    And their very good at psychology and psychological warfare and science and economics.
    Their will always be stupid greedy people willing to serve the jews.

  2. I watched the Carlson interview here. I did not get the impression that Carlson will allow himself to consider the possibility that the Ukraine conflict is an ethnic cleansing scheme to reestablish Khazaria and provide a platform for the Asian conquest of Europe. As for the “30%” taboo subject matter (the critical key to understanding the destruction of Western Civilization and the extermination of the Europid species of hominids) he openly admitted that he chooses not to think about it because it could hurt someone’s feelings, it could be wrong, and that it’s just too overwhelming to consider.

    His coping mechanism for this irresponsible mental avoidance is to focus on positive goals, Carlson admits. That’s an honest answer and a truth for many White and particularly White Christian Americans. Apparently, White genocide is a preferred alternative to questioning one’s Sunday School indoctrination, for Carlson and the majority of White Americans, as things stand.

    Carlson then talks about the Ukraine escalation and the US now supplying anti-personnel mines, states here that even war with Iran would become WW3 and devastate America, mulls over who could be behind this, and says he now believes that it’s “Satan;” not Israel or Blinken or any rational suggestion.

    So Carlson, right here on this podcast, answers your speculation. He says that he refuses to think about it and names “Satan,” when pressed; just like most Christians, most Conservatives, and most MAGA voters.

    • Good observations. But to be fair to Carlson, the extent of juish power seems overwhelming to many people, including my late father.

      Winston Churchill warned me via a go-between not to take on the juze when he visited Munich in 1930, saying antisemitism would initially boost my career but eventually destroy it.

      • If Churchill communicated that to Hitler, then I would say that was a self-fulfilled prophecy on the part of Churchill; which therefore leans towards extortion. It doesn’t present much of a choice: if you don’t lay off the people destroying Europe, they will see to it that Europe IS destroyed!

        • Churchill, as I have blogged, was a rightwing conservative on all issues (a fact which leftist US president Frank Rosenfeld duly noted). So he knowingly sacrificed all his beliefs and values for his own personal and career advancement, making him the worst of traitors. It is just staggering how he destroyed the British Empire, and he knew by 1943 from conversations with Rosenfeld and one of his sons that the Demoncrat goal was to 1) beat Germany and then 2) end this vast empire.

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