CashApp founder knifed to death in San Francisco; handsome Rhodesian lads and warriors; had the Reich won, would Rudel have become the next Führer?

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…..Another billionaire bites the dust in in Woke Jewmerica

Gee, it is so unfair when that happens to the elite. It should only happen to the little people….

A real cuck — hope it was a black that stabbed this  virtue-signalling traitor.


Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, and other tech execs respond with shock to fatal stabbing of Cash App creator Bob Lee: ‘Violent crime in SF is horrific’ (


……Spiritual reading for April 6, 2023

The days are unfolding gently right now, with soft but unexpected events around many corners. Stay open, stay awake. There is a richness and a fecundity which is everywhere, see it or not, feel it or not.

And it is there, in this deep and elaborated energy that many of your answers lie.

So it is good to do your best to feel for it. Nature refects this energetic situation for you; another gift. If you go outside you will see the new growth, the optimism of the material world as it renews and rejoices in the endless cycling of time and season. Use these cues to help you fnd the resonance within where so much is ready to bloom.

Try to take your mind and your energy from those things that pull you backward, into old thinking. This is always a good idea, but at the moment it is absolutely critical. As the new begins to reveal itself, it is fragile and in need of tender care. Old thinking and ways of reaching can devastate a new flow of energy and light in no time at all. What didn’t work last year is not relevant in this instant. Remember this please. All is changing and this includes even the wisdom you have accumulated over the course of your lifetime.

It is easy to judge and weigh and sort that which you are encountering now based on experience—this is normal to do. And yet, we urge you to look a litzle further, to lif up the edges of your beliefs and check to see if they really apply in the current situation. It is possible, and it is a real and present danger for you, to miss out on something important if you let obsolete processing run the show.

In other words, it is Springtime, and everything is new and fresh and full of vigor and hope. Let yourself be likewise. As you do the unexpected and allow yourself the full range of what is possible, your strength and your clarity will grow also.

Strive to be light and gentle yourself. Side-step that which looms or feels dark or heavy. This is not the day to delve into it, we assure you. Make the most of this moment in terms of expansion of mind, heart, spirit and particularly the way in which you envision your life. There are many doors open, and many options await. Stay open and stay awake, and you will fnd yourself in new and wonderfully unanticipated places.

All our love and blessings



……Ruthless, handsome Rhodesians

Quite the video, and what handsome lads of old English stock they were. A lot of those who went off the the British colonies were not the  stay-at-home sort but men with boldness and adventure in their blood.


…..Rudel on media scare tactics to shut down rational thought

Very interesting passage from a book by Hans-Ulrich Rudel (former attack pilot and Wehrmacht officer) from 1952.
[from a comment on the recommended VK: ]
German original, then English translation — and this was back in 1952, 71 years ago!  This was during the big Korean War hysteria, when all of the West had to be regimented (after “fighting fascism”) to suddenly “fight communism” — a horror which the jew-ruled West had just saved from Hitler’s unsurpassable Wehrmacht legions!
Hans Ulrich-Rudel was having none of it.

The people of our time are subject to mass suggestion directed by a few cleverly crafted warmongers. World developments offers us new examples of this almost every day — yesterday it was the “Fuchs Affair” [a German-British-US physicist who gave atomic secrets to Stalin, and btw, he was NOT a jew but the son of a Lutheran minister], then it was “flying saucers” [this was before Truman decided to lie about UFOs and dismiss them all infamously as “weather balloons” or “swamp gas”] and today — because the hypnotic power of a permanent state of alarm must be preserved — the new crisis is Korea.
There the battle between Total Good and Total Evil will be decided — this is what is being subconsciously suggested to the masses.  
But the truth is that it was because of a decision by the Allies of August 1945, which dictated away the unity of Korea at the 38th parallel of latitude that now the bullets are flying.
The very same Allies dictated away the unity of Germany with their Oder-Neisse line. If in our country so far only political word-bullets are flying,  one wrong move or irresponsible position can trigger the first shot. We Europeans have a fine sense of hearing about the Korean situation, and better than on other continents. Especially we former soldiers sense instinctively the dangers, and that is the reason why, despite our supposedly innate “militarism” as Germans, we have no intention of selling our hides to the same powers that are responsible for the Oder-Neisse line and the 38th parallel!
The best among us, horrified, ask themselves how every truth and realization can be blown away by mass suggestion. We remember how the victors of the last war boasted that they had smashed totalitarianism once and for all.  In fact, the kind of rulership we have today has never before been so brutal. The new totality is achieved through turning thinking people into unthinking masses. Their tactic is the destruction of all individuality, and the abasement of every personality. 
The tokens of this development are, on the one hand, a delusional, teeny-bopper humanitarianism and on the other a sick flight into anonymity and staying low-profile, and the crowning result will be the perfect, soulless robot man. 

John De Nugent In German

I then commented:
Thanks. How perceptive.
By the way, my father fought as a US Marines Captain in the Korean War, was severely wounded and traumatized there, suffered from nightmares and insomnia for six months, and then was sent home to America…
I had a friend, Wisconsin German-American Matt Koehl, who succeeded George Lincoln Rockwell at the head of the NSWPP.
He knew Rudel and thought very highly of him.
Koehl was of the opinion that the Führer, Adolf Hitler, intended to make him his successor if the war ended in either a victory or a truce.
1) he was a popular war hero
2) AND had impeccable NS views and values
Hitlr awarded him the highest level of the Knight’s Cross…
…with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds — and Han-Ulrich Rudel was the ONLY recipient of this highest medal for bravery!

Koehl told me that H wanted to be there personally at the award ceremony to identify the bravest of all the many German front-line heroes, and the one with the most charisma and leadership talent.
And that just might have been Colonel Hans-Ulrich Rudel.
on December 29, 1944 


  1. Rudel, as a pilot, had the unique perspective of seeing the Soviet front from the air. His observations of troop placements confirmed to Hitler the deliberate sabotage of German operations by career generals.

    • Well, of course.

      You just can’t have some Austrian corporal from the peasant class giving orders to Count von Dinkelspritzer.

      Better that Germany lose the war, the jews take over, Red hordes rape ten million German women, and then the whole nation of Germany be gradually genocided and replaced by muslim migrants after 70 long years of the West Germans paying the jews as the cash-dispensing ATM of Israel.

      The egoic mind causes authentic insanity.

  2. 02. Juli 2020. Dies ist ein Geburtstagsbesuch. Wir gratulieren zum 104. Geburtstag. Allerdings tun wir dies hier an einem Grab, denn der Jubilar ist vor Jahrzehnten bereits im Alter von nur 66 Jahren von uns gegangen. Hier – im fränkischen Örtchen Dornhausen – liegt er an der Seite seiner Eltern begraben.

    Zur Welt gekommen war der Knabe am 02. Juli 1916. In Konradswaldau, einem Dorf zwischen Landeshut und Gottesberg in Schlesien erblickte er als Sohn eines Pfarrers das Licht der Welt – und zwar mit nur fünfdreiviertel Pfund. An der Seite seiner Eltern Johannes und Martha und mit seinen älteren Schwestern Johanna und Ingeborg wuchs er in Schlesien auf. Er war ein zartes und nervöses Kind, dem seine Mutter bis zum 12. Lebensjahr bei Gewittern die Hand halten musste; bei Donner und Blitz bekam er starkes Herzklopfen. „Aus dem Uli wird im Leben nichts, der fürchtet sich ja, allein in den Keller zu gehen“, spottete manchmal die ältere Schwester. „Als Junge goldig, als Schüler schrecklich“, urteilte einmal der Klassenlehrer.

    Schrecklich? Ja, denn die schulischen Leistungen litten unter seinem sportlichen Ehrgeiz. Der war durch die ihm zuteil gewordenen Spötteleien der Kindheit geweckt. Selbstbehauptung und Selbstüberwindung wurden zu Bestandteilen seiner Persönlichkeit. „Es geht alles, wenn man will!“, diese Maxime wurde zu seinem Lebensprinzip.

    Und das ist aus dem Knaben von damals geworden: Der „Adler der Ostfront“, der höchst dekorierte Soldat, den Deutschland jemals hatte. Der „größte Flieger, den die Geschichte kennt.“ Einer, dessen soldatische Leistungen als „Tapferster der Tapferen“ von allen Gegnern neidlos anerkannt und mit höchster Achtung benannt wurden. „Wie schade, daß er nicht unsere Uniform getragen hat“ – solche Worte aus Gegners Mund sprechen für sich … . Und sogar für die künftige politische Führung des Landes wurde er von der höchsten Staatsebene als Kandidat betrachtet.

    Alles Gute also zum 104. Geburtstag, Hans-Ulrich Rudel. Als Gruß der Lebenden legen wir heute – am abgesagten „Tag der Franken“ – für den Schlesier einen fränkischen Wiesenblumenstrauß nieder.

    Ernst Cran – Geburtstagsbesuch


    Gerd Ittner sagt (vor 2 Jahren):

    Die rechten Worte und ein wunderschöner Wiesenblumenstrauß für diesen Großen unseres Volkes. Danke, Ernst!

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