Catastrophic interview for hemming/hawing/glasses-adjusting pyscho-nerd Bill Gates — even (((CBS))) libtard reporter grills him: “Why do 80% have BAD side effects after the second vaccine? IS IT SAFE?”

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Nora O’Donnell looks like she is looking at a literal POS — and she is. Gates says “Uhhhh” a dozen times, adjusts his glasses, prevaricates helplessly, and basically says nothing, ‘cuz he has nothing. One, this vaxx pusher is not a doctor, and two, the Moderna vaccine by the Israeli Tal Zaks is TOXIC.

I suspect that as the mother of three kids, Nora is genuinely worried about this vaccine. I always trust more people who are mothers or fathers. They have “skin in the game.” (She is also a Georgetown grad, as I am. Lots of Irish-Americans go there.)


……Jews behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

Remember, the jews won’t get the same vaccine the goyim get


NOVEMBER 17, 2020 20:54

[Pro-jewish article]

Getting back to singling out Jews, one can’t escape their presence in the forefront of leading companies in the race to find a vaccine that will prevent coronavirus.

Greek veterinarian and biotechnologist Albert Bourla heads Pfizer, and Moderna’s chief medical officer, Dr. Tal Zaks, is an Israeli who received his doctorate from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and gives interviews in Hebrew to the Israeli media.

Both men have been fairly secretive about their private lives. For Israelis, it’s enough to know that Zaks, despite the various high positions that he holds in America, is one of us, but in Greece, especially Thessaloniki, where Bourla and his wife were born and raised, there are mixed reactions. On the one hand, Greeks are proud that one of their own is at the top of the totem pole of a company that will help to save the world from COVID-19. On the other, there have already been vile antisemitic accusations against Bourla and Jews in general, accusations similar to negative comments made by US President Donald Trump about the Chinese.

Bourla comes from a Sephardi family of jewelers and real estate developers which fled Spain and has been living in Greece for more than five centuries. His family members were among the few survivors of the once thriving Jewish community of Thessaloniki, which was all but destroyed by the Nazis. He left Greece when he was 34 to pursue a career in pharmaceuticals and joined Pfizer in 1993. He represented the company in various divisions in different countries, working his way to the top. Although he has been living in America for several years, he continues to maintain a home in Greece.

In April 2019, Bourla was named the most “preeminent Greek leader” of the global pharmaceutical industry by United States Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey R. Pyatt, at the Prix Galien Greece Awards ceremony. As for the defamatory antisemitic slurs that have appeared in some Greek media, these have been publicly condemned by the Central Board of Jewish Communities of Greece.


  1. Non è la prima dose del vaccino, ma il richiamo. La seconda vaccinazione.

    Il trasporto dei vaccini è troppo anomalo…per un vaccino a – 70 C.

    Tutti quei coglioni di politici si stanno vaccinano….troppo strano,non credi????

    • Transl.

      It’s not the first dose of the vaccine, but the booster. The second vaccination.

      The vaccine transportation requirement is too bizarre … -70C [-90F] for a vaccine.

      All those jerkoff politicians no are getting vaccinated …. too strange, don’t you think ????


      It may be that the low end of politIcos are getting the real Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, but I am certain the top crooks (Merkel, Johnson, Trudeau, Macron, etc.) are getting/or will get just a saline solution. They are “in” on the scam, and real Illuminati.

      The -70C vaccine is IMO so you cannot examine it.

    • Transl:

      flussodi_coscienzas Profilbild
      stream of consciousness
      Yet another mockery of us! These would be the “delicate” operations with which one should handle a vaccine that is at a temperature of -80C⁰?
      I clarify for all those who for some strange reason do not get it on their own: when handling anything at an extreme temperature of -80⁰, it must always be done with special gloves and specific aids.

      Among other things, even the TG themselves explained this to us: interrupting the cold chain can cancel the effectiveness of the vaccine.

      So, doing it with your bare hands (as they do quietly in the photos) at those temperatures is impossible, because it would cause terrible cold burns, which would literally detach the flesh from the hands.

      We look forward to the official and “scientist” explanation of convenience to this latest incongruity and antics.

      Welcome to the covid show

      I am not in favor of vaccines and it is not possible to make a vaccine at -80 degrees. This -80 is only for transportation. The body would not accept an unsuitable temperature like that; there would be an overreaction. It is only logical.


      Thanks. I saw this also, a totally fake vaccination with a toothbrush handle!

  2. Inizialmente i politici ci avevano detto che avrebbero dato la precedenza agli anziani,poi qualcosa è cambiato…mhhhhh
    Probabilmente hanno indietreggiato per gli effetti dei primi paralizzati;ora devono convincere le persone che non ci saranno effetti collaterali(con la prima dose)…

    • Transl:

      Initially the politicians told us that they would give priority to the elderly, then something changed… hmmmmm.

      They probably backed off from the side effects of the first paralysis cases; now they have to convince people that there will be no side effects (well, not with the first dose) …

  3. [] mi ha detto:”Trump non è un leader,un capo si,ma non un LEADER.
    Doveva lincenziare Fauci… perché ancora non lo ha fatto???
    Doveva “dimostrare” la frode e tutto il resto!!!!Cosa sta aspettando???Ora si affida perfino a Pence per il sei di gennaio.
    “Non credo più in lui”..
    “Io vedo o bianco o nero…ma mai la via di mezzo!”Vedo solo la legge marziale.
    “Un vero leader non si comporta così,non si fa trascinare neanche dai Familiari” (..)
    John,come dargli torto?…che delusione!

    • Transl:

      [] told me:

      “Trump is not a leader, a boss, yes, but not a LEADER.

      He should have fired this Fauci … Why hasn’t he done it yet ???

      So maybe he had to “prove” the fraud first and all the rest [lweting them steal the election] !!!! So NOW what are you waiting for ???

      Now Trump even relies on [the treacherous] Pence for [a miracle] on January 6th.

      “I don’t believe in him anymore” ..

      “In war you must see either black or white … friend or foe… but never down the middle!”

      I only see martial law as a solution.

      “A true leader does not behave like this. He does not let himself be dragged along by his family or his daughter” (..)

      John, how can you blame us whom, like you, see Trump fail in the moment of truth? … What an incredible disappointment! No, he is not a leader, not the leader we need!

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