Putin re-inaugurated as president of Russia

May 7, 2018 John de Nugent 0

https://www.rt.com/news/426053-putin-blessed-patriarch-kirill/ Full inauguration video: .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMEq87u-OMU …..New presidential limousine, made in Russia (no more German cars after the way the NATO whore Merkel has blasted Russia) […]

Rave review by supporter of the new Eckart audiobook

May 1, 2018 John de Nugent 0

I got a very nice compliment and wished to share it with you. .https://johndenugent.com/on-his-73th-death-day-audiobook-young-hitler-had-a-mentor-named-dietrich-and-here-is-the-two-discussing-god-the-bible-jesus-paul-and-blindness-to-reality/#comment-617686 It was on this blog article: (On his 73th death day) […]

We were soldiers

May 1, 2018 John de Nugent 0

“We were soldiers” was an excellent 2002 Vietnam War film — based on a TRUE story of the first US-North Vietnamese battle, in 1965,  — […]

Despite obstacles, audiobook coming soon

April 21, 2018 John de Nugent 0

Grrr, my voice gave out after many hours of recording the audiobook for 20 April of this massive work: https://www.johndenugent.com/audiobook-script-eckart-bolshevism-2-of-3/ and https://www.johndenugent.com/https-www-johndenugent-com-audiobook-script-eckart-bolshevism-3-of-3/ This is how playwright […]