HE was right also that criminals have a criminal gene; the Hebrews /”Habiru”) were just a horde of nomadic criminals

May 6, 2017 John de Nugent 0

Genetic Study Find that Third Reich Scientists were Correct about Heredity and Criminality posted in Eugenics, Historical Revisionism, National Socialism, Racialism by apocalypse29 [source:https://freespeechtwentyfirstcentury.com/2017/04/03/genetic-study-find-that-hitlers-scientists-were-correct-about-heredity-and-criminality/] The “new” […]

Mr. Anglin, tear down those memes!

April 17, 2017 John de Nugent 5

I found this and other horrific memes on the Daily Stormer thread (https://bbs.dailystormer.com/t/islamic-sharia-is-an-appropriation-of-white-culture-white-sharia-is-the-original-sharia-law/99670/748) about how the word “Sharia” comes (it does) from an old Indo-European […]