A reconstructed Roman villa:
….To no one’s surprise, the swarthy Metatron on JewTube claims all Romans, even the upper class, were dark Mediterraneans
One look at this Metatron guy and you will know why 🙂
Once Mel Gibson was being badgered by a jew reporter about his 2006 Malibu rant about how the jews have caused all the wars in history.
Mel cut to the chase: “Do you have a dog in this fight?” In other words, “Are you just a jew, and why are you not disclosing this relevant fact that fuels your nasty questions, Mr. Supposedly Neutral, Just-the-Facts Reporter?
Same goes for Metatron in the video below. His touchy little ego is all bothered by the presence of nordics……
What a flood of hot air and fancy, expert-sounding, high-falutin’ lingo Metatron then puts out, while making the blunt assertion over and over — doing repetitions of his claim, over and over in a confident voice, which is a classic technique of all propaganda — that nordic rome is only a Nazi myth.
It is like Biden saying “the vaccine is safe and effective.”
And even then the Nordic-Romans thing is just a “straw man,” a piñata to bash at. The German raciologist Hans F.K. Günther never, EVER even said that all Ancient Italians looked like platinum-blond Swedes.
They were, obviously, a blend of blond Indo-European conquerors and black-haired Mediterraneans, producing, as one would expect in such a mixture, a majority of Ancient Italians who had brown hair (light or dark), like most Brits, Americans and Germans of today.
In the mostly excellent 2005-08 HBO series “Rome,” Ancient Romans are accurately depicted as often resembling modern Brits or Americans:
The late Ray Stevenson and Kevin McKidd
The emperor Augustus, from the old Roman aristocracy, is accurately depicted just as he was, dark-blond (not platinum), “subflavius”
And Metatron even admits that Rome, via the conquests of the Roman generals Marius and then Julius Caesar, became flooded with slaves who were red- or blond-haired Gauls (French Kelts) and Germans!
So were these handsome Aryans living in Rome all incels watching porn on their smartphones in 50 BC?????
Or were they having sex and making babies like everyone else? Black slaves in America sure had babies. The negro population grew, after the importation of further slaves was banned, by 800% from 1800 to 1860!
Metatron also resorts to saying “the ancient Greeks and Romans described the Gauls and Germans as being fair-skinned (“candidi”) and red-haired or blond.”
Somehow this proves for Metatron that the Ancient Romans were almost never this way… Yes, folks, the race that built the Roman Empire looked just like our Metatron. 😉
Metatron is simply a leftist, anti-white liar with a dog in this fight. And how does he explain the common Roman name Flavius, related to our word “flame,” and meaning
Or the name “Rufus,” meaning red-haired? Roman and Greek statues were painted, not just of white marble, and the hair was often painted yellow, meaning BLOND!
An actual statue of Augustus, found at Prima Porta, a town near the beginning of a major aqueduct to Rome
Augustus’ profile on a Roman coin
A modern statue in Portugal shows the original colors:
Computer software tells us he looked like this… The police, if they find a skeleton or just a skull, these days often can tell how the person looked.
…..How Ancient Italians really looked, and so Hans F.K. Günther was right!
And Herculaneum and Pompeii were two-thirds down the boot of Italy!
Pompeii, first century, showing the Italians THEN…
Spiritual reading; the sudden death of Herculaneum from Vesuvius
Metatron è il nemico della razza umana nel film “Transformers” LOL
Metatron è il cubo nero delle Religioni LOL
Il cubo del pianeta Saturno 😉
Metatron is the enemy of the human race in the movie „Transformers“ — LOL
Metatron is the black cube of Religions LOL
The cube of the planet Saturn