Cecil Rhodes; Rhodesia; what Jim Baker told my dad

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Reacting to the recent article here on johndenugent.com about Cecil Rhodes and a modern Black-African vilifier:

EXCLUSIVE: Thankless, anti-white, hyper-racist African, Rhodesian born, an Oxford professor, seeks to remove Cecil Rhodes’ name and statue from Oxford University after getting a RHODES scholarship

…..a brilliant and spiritual German comrade commented (in flawless English!) as follows:


“Even if one is not a fan of Cecil Rhodes and what he represented, I believe we must stand up for our history […]” That’s exactly how it is! You can’t simply erase history and contemporary documents, no matter how you may feel about historical figures.

*** JdN On Rhodes

Rhodes is a pefect example of what Americans call a “mixed bag.”

He wanted to so some very good things, but decided to use absolutely ruthless means to do so, and thus worked closely with arch-jews and Freemasons.

But their ULTIMATE goal – white genocide! — was the exact opposite of his, only very carefully hidden.

In all this, Rhodes was much like Winston Churchill, or like Dwight Eisenhower in America, Nixon, Reagan, and Trump, all “good conservatives,” racially aware, and in their own minds good patriots…..

In the end, while all these chaps thought they would USE the jews and Masons, with all their power, money, and connections, for their career advancement and “for good,” it was the jews and Masons who used THEM, as mere “frontmen,” and then they were simply discarded — like old chewing gum scraped off the soles of their shoes.

White Republican Ronald Reagan as California governor called white Republican Richard Nixon as US president (also a Californian) to laugh about African negro diplomats. Cali was then 90% white, rich and beautiful, and very politically conservative 50 years ago.

My dad and Reagan were the same way: “Most Blacks are worthless, but, of course, we can’t say that.”

REVELATION. My father told me that he was told by either directly WH Chief of Staff James Baker, or by one of his assistants,

that Baker had reacted angrily on being informed for the umpteenth time that the Blacks were demanding a Martin Luther King federal holiday.

Baker supposedly had said to his boss, President Reagan (who knew well himself what a hypocrite, sexual degenerate, rapist, whoremonger, communist sympathizer and liar MLK was):

“F–k the Blacks! And they’ll never vote for us anyway.

So why appease them on King?

We’ll just look weak, like we caved in, and lose conservative and southern votes.”


Baker years later also said “F–k the jews!” to his next boss, George H W Bush. This got out, and caused Fed chairman Alan Greenspan to trigger a recession to get blackmailable sex maniac Bill Clinton into the Oval Office in 1993 — and George Bush I out.

Did Mossad plot to kill Bush I in 1991 in Madrid? A Congressman and fmr Marine I knew believed it

Trump and Melania on Stealection Night —  a lifetime of kissing jew ass for nothing


2020. Washington DC. USA. President Trump gives a speech in the East Room on election night on the still undecided results of the 2020 election. 

Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes):

–Rhodes believed in many ahistorical conspiracy theories to justify his white supremacist views, such as his belief that the ancient Greeks had built the civilization of Great Zimbabwe,[5] and that white Europeans were ‘the first race in the world’.[6] Under the reasoning that ‘the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race’,[6] he advocated vigorous settler colonialism and ultimately a reformation of the British Empire so that each component would be self-governing and represented in a single parliament in London. He has been the target of much recent criticism, especially since 2015, with historians labelling him as a ruthless imperialist and white supremacist, and activists demanding that his monuments be removed.[7][8][9]

–In his second will, written in 1877 before he had accumulated his wealth, Rhodes wanted to create a secret society that would bring the whole world under British rule. His biographer calls it an “extensive fantasy.”[71]

Rhodes envisioned a secret society to extend British rule worldwide, including China, Japan, all of Africa and South America, and indeed the United States as well:

To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity.[72]

— Cecil Rhodes

Rhodes’s final will – when he actually did have money – was much more realistic and focused on scholarships. He also left a large area of land on the slopes of Table Mountain to the South African nation. Part of this estate became the upper campus of the University of Cape Town, another part became the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, while much was spared from development and is now an important conservation area.[73]

Rhodes Scholarship

Rhodes House, Oxford, in 2004.

In his last will, he provided for the establishment of the Rhodes Scholarship. Over the course of the previous half-century, governments, universities and individuals in the settler colonies had been establishing travelling scholarships for this purpose. The Rhodes awards fit the established pattern.[74] The scholarship enabled male students from territories under British rule or formerly under British rule and from Germany to study at Rhodes’s alma mater, the University of Oxfo

–[Rhodes] entered the diamond trade at Kimberley in 1871, when he was 18, and thanks to funding from Rothschild & Co, began to systematically buy out and consolidate diamond mines.

LOL — gee, I wonder why?

Over the next two decades he gained near-complete domination of the world diamond market, forming a massive monopoly. His diamond company De Beers, formed in 1888, retained its prominence into the 21st century.

—  While attending Oriel College [at Oxford University, England], Rhodes became a Freemason in the Apollo University Lodge.

Although initially he did not approve of the organisation, he continued to be a South African Freemason until his death in 1902. The shortcomings of the Freemasons, in his opinion, later caused him to envisage his own secret society with the goal of bringing the entire world under British rule.



*** end JdN remarks

Cecil Rhodes is said to have collaborated with NWO actors and he may have held controversial theses. The NWO policy which led to the mass murder of the Boers by the British and the later crimes against humanity committed by the British against the German settlers in Africa should not be relativized either. That the Negroes in ex-Rhodesia (and elsewhere in Africa) have meanwhile brought the Chinese into the country and thus their own future butcher, is also another chapter.

However, the creation of an infrastructure in Africa, since the 19th century, was indeed beneficial for the people there. Sincere Negroes and their descendants confirm this even today. One of them once mentioned in an interview (a TV crew was filming a traditional ritual that included dances and fur clothing) that there were definitely critical aspects of the colonial period, but that it had been a blessing that they introduced textile clothing and that the time of impractical fur clothing, riddled with fleas, was over. This is, of course, the case with the other comforts of civilization.

The Rhodes statue should disappear in the first place because it stands for something much bigger, for something wonderful: For Rhodesia!

Rhodesia, as it was until 1980, is a prime example of the building of a wonderful civilization.

*** The Rhodesian military was first-rate, and  aNSWPP friend of mine 1978-80, a Fred Verduin, who had served in the US Army’s Old Guard at the White House, later volunteered to serve  in Rhodesia’s elite Selous Scouts.


Partial racial separation was, as in South Africa, pure self-protection. As a Rhodesian once remarked, however, it would have been more favorable if the state territory had been smaller from the beginning and had been homogeneously white. Also exemplary under this aspect: Whites build civilizations, non-whites feel attracted by these civilizational achievements, amenities and beauties, stream in endlessly from all over Africa, expel the whites and destroy everything.

Rhodesia is therefore still today a dangerous example for the NWO, because it shows the people so impressively, so easily understandable and manageable in terms of time, how within a short time a flourishing beneficial technological high civilization can be built up by Whites and how quickly it was destroyed again by multiculti and NWO.

Rhodesia does not only stand for a flourishing independent nation-state, it is also a cautionary example for all white nations, for Europe and for the USA. Therefore, nobody is supposed to know about Rhodesia anymore.

Of course, the Germans, among others in the Southwest, were also active as civilization builders,[1][2] and of course, British high nobility and high finance also robbed and destroyed this civilization, already in 1918 (in the Versailles [Treaty] Dictate); many technological-civilization building projects could not be completed, because a perfidious Albion drove out the German settlers and seized everything.

Rhodesia will forever remain a shining example of the building of a wonderful technological civilization, realized with much diligence, hard work and great strength of mind; it embodies so many ideals, it illustrates so impressively what great achievements the English/British/Anglo-Saxons are capable of.

It remains a prime example of the creative nature, the building spirit, the organizational spirit, the creative power and the spirit of independence of the white man.

Rhodesia remains timeless and future Britons will keep it alive in their hearts as a shining example of the creative power of their people.

A mini selection:

“Beautiful Rhodesia” (10 Minuten, 1970er)

“Rhodesia Today” (17 Minuten, 1960er)

“Face of Rhodesia from rhodesia me uk” (19 Minuten, 1975)

“Rhodesia Airline” (28 m, 1960s)

Great site, with extensive photo galleries (click on them for enlargements), use the direct links from the following front page (they all work, including the photo galleries): “Window on Rhodesia – the Jewel of Africa”, https://www.rhodesia.me.uk

In the past and in the present, in this world and in the hereafter: the wonderful creative power and the great achievements of the Rhodesians will endure forever.


[1] Original information graphic:

Street scene in Windhoek, German Southwest Africa until WWI:

[2] Movie: “Deutsches Land in Afrika, Documentary” 1930s, (Youtube-Channel “Das Reich”), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHXugeWqEIY



…..See also: Non-human aliens in Rhodesia/”Zimbabwe” in 1994 warn elite private-school children, mostly blond British-Rhodesian kids, that their planet could die

Both human and just humanoid aliens are baffled that 70% of earthling adults will not listen to the most urgent and clear warnings, so sometimes they try talking to intelligent children, with modest success.


60 school children witness UFO and non-human beings who urged them to save the trees and air from planetary death


Especially important blogs





  1. White countries conspired to bring down the white SA area, then allowed black racist communism to rule and murder.

    The time is fast approaching where globally Whites will have to take up army resistance to stop being ethnically cleansed from our own lands

    Diversity is for white lands only. D

    DIVERSITY = White minority

      • Right!

        I have now read five massive volumes in German on the Third Reich, detailing factually what went on 1919-32, as the NSDAP was founded in Munich, struggled to win power, and got it…. and then how the Hitler party proceeded, and then governed Germany in 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936.

        The entire idea was: Germans, stop your idiotic fighting against each other!

        Then the Third Reich began energetically fixing every serious problem there was, because the folk was now enthusiastic, united and cooperating, and the nation got back on its feet again. But in foreign affairs the (((warmongers))) and commies began screaming Germany was a growing danger to world peace.

        Then the message was:

        White men, we are all brothers. Remember the pointless horrors of the Great War. Let’s stop madly fighting each other!

        French infantry soldier carries a wounded comrade:

        Here is the truth: Hitler banned the other political parties but not because he was against freedom, and in fact the Hess office was a special ombudsman organization where you could complain about things (inefficiency, waste or corruption) and Rudolf Hess would get wind of it and tell Hitler, who would swiftly straight things out. No bureaucrat could drag his feet when Adolf Hitler sent him a stern warning to do his duty swiftly, correctly and with respect for the little people who do so much of the vital work of the nation.

        We banned the parties because they pitted the Germans viciously against each other, and had them, in fact, at each others’ throats — and all that mattered was them winning seats, and getting salaries — and the nation be damned! Bismarck said something once about the Germans, but it applies to every white nation:

        “If the Germans stick together, they’ll drive the Devil himself out of hell!”

        What is absolutely uncanny about this 1939 speech by AH is that absolutely nothing whatsoever has changed, only gotten worse because Germany was defeated:


        Yes, happiness and prosperity are possible!

        But now we have hell on earth!

  2. So much truth.

    The fact that Carl’s first paragraph is true just punches a hole right through my chest. Just unreal that this was actually aided and abetted. And I think he is right in his second paragraph because the outrages are just getting too great.

    And John really hit home to me about the political parties. We are so splintered by our two-party system: half the people on one side and half on the other. Yes, there are 10-15% (and growing fast) of the people who are just straight-up enemies, but if there was a true proper balance, one party would have 80-85% of the Americans in its corner.

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