The centrality of Solutreanism; “AI” and “CRISPR” mean GMO humans and a robot/cyborg-ruled world, fulfilling a strange hypnosis reading

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A comrade who had lived in Chicago and read my article about the white working-class guy who was shot dead in his own neighborhood by a Chicago negro, commented:


Some years ago I attended a White Nationalist meeting in the Chicago neighborhood where this murder took place.

There were no Negroes in this neighborhood.

The Negro who committed this robbery/murder did not need to kill his victim to acquire his wallet. Apparently he killed him out of his hatred of White people.

It looks like this murderous Negro went to this White Chicago neighborhood with the express purpose of killing a White man.

Negroes only used to be dangerous when you ventured into “their” territory. That is how it used to be. Today they seem to be in attack mode. They come into a neighborhood that is foreign to them, looking to kill.

The Jews are ultimately responsible for this state of affairs.

Black/White relations have been a causality of Jewish power in our country. It is too bad that friendly relations between Whites and Blacks have been ruined.

I replied:

Yes, all so true.

And negro criminals knew that white cops were less zealous about crime in the ghetto. But, back then, to be black and walking around in a white neighborhood — that was a really bad idea. There were even “sunset” bylaws in some white communities: Blacks had to leave white towns or neighborhoods by sundown.

What is underpinning all these daily atrocities such as the fate of this young white man is the jews’ foundational untruth, which they have spewn out for generations to our youth, the Big Lie which the Solutrean reality subverts… that Whites supposedly “stole the Indians’ land,” and so “we were on top for a long while, and so now maybe it is our turn to be a minority” and “America has always been a nation of immigrants.”

No! It was an empty North America which was first settled by White Solutreans from Europe during the Ice Age. This is our sacred  land.

.….The Solutreans — the real “Native Americans” were Ice-Age Whites!

Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world


….Then came the Younger Dryas catastrophe


It was probably a huge asteroid striking the earth as it passed through the Asteroid Belt, or a comet in the Taurid meteor stream, though still other scientists posit a gigantic volcanic eruption or a chain of such explosions. All of these natural catastrophes have of course happened many times, and have drastically changed the environment and the climate.

This catastrophic impact led to gigantic, immense fires all across what are now the lower two-thirds of the United States, leaving behind a layer of soot, of charred vegetation.

The woolly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers, cave bears, and other animals of that time such as wild horses, all died out because the vegetation was burned up.

As for the white Solutreans in North America, they too were decimated by this catastrophe.

The bison antiquuus did survive, but the Columbian mammoth (a kind of especially large elephant) and many other North American creatures, such as wild horses, the American lion, the enormous cave bear (which stood five feet at the shoulder and 12  feet when erect), and the giant sloth, all perished.

When Spanish troops came on horseback, the Indios were amazed both to see horses at all (which had died out 10,000 years before), and to observe humans riding them.

But then the Ice Age ended.

This was bad for the Whites in North America in two ways:

1) the Ice Shelf across the Atlantic Ocean between France and the general Long Island, New York area, stopped appearing. An open ocean was far more intimidating to would-be crossers than being able to spear-hunt along an ice shelf and at nightfall pull your boats up, lean them together, and lay down furs to sleep on. The disappearance of this vital Ice Shelf meant no more white people would come to strengthen the numbers of the Whites in North America.

An Ice Age map of 30,000 to 10,000 BC, showing huge areas of white for the permanent ice and the pebble-like area is where ADDITIONAL ice formed during the long winter months.  An emigration took place around 20,000 BC of the White, European Solutreans,  the true Native Americans, coming over from Europe to an empty North America along the ice shelf that covered the northern Atlantic Ocean for many months each year during the Glacial Maximum period.

This was the worst and coldest period of the Ice Age. It was possible to hunt (SPEAR-FISH) along the ice shelf and then pull the boats up at night, flipping two together to make lean-to’s with furs over them and under them (on top of the ice), in order therein to cook, relax and sleep. The Eskimos did this lifestyle until just 100 years ago.


Genetic map of the R haplogroup (early white race), showing pre-Columbian white blood among the American Indians who lived east of the Mississippir-1-haplogroup-y-dna-world-map

2) In horrible contrast, the end of the Ice Age (producing our era, the relatively warm Holocene) allowed Siberians (proto-Mongolians) to pour into North America via Alaska (either by walking or by paddling kayaks), and the numbers of these Amerindians began to soar as they encountered a rich yet almost empty continent…. almost empty, because there were white Solutreans living there who had been there for ten thousand years.

Over the course of millennia after the Ice Age was over, the Amerindians, who were present in overwhelming numbers, killed off the the few male Solutreans who has survived the Younger Dryas catastrophe, keeping only the white women and girls alive for their purposes. And this is why Amerindians living east of the Mississippi often looked part-white, almost Mediterranean, to the first English, French, Dutch, and Spanish settlers who came from Europe in the 1600s. The eastern half of the current US was most settled by the Solutreans.

What this history lesson boils down to is that 1) we Whites are the original inhabitants. Since this is our land, it is ALWAYS our turn as Whites to rule it.

And uncontrolled immigration in huge numbers was our downfall as Solutreans and history could repeat itself now.

Some atheist wrote me once:

Why do you name your movement “The Eternal Solutreans”? The Younger Dryas catastrophe wiped out most of the Solutreans in both North America and also in Europe. So we White Americans of today may not even descend from them.

This is where reincarnationism comes in. We in other lives were those Solutreans, and we understand from our own life experience that Whites must live in their own homogenous society, have firm borders protected by guns and guards, and we must never let any hostile people pour in again and take us over.

Many Solutreans from then are old souls now.

When they were first exposed to the truth about race and the jews, unlike others who take months to convince and “reprogram,” they did not offer months of fierce resistance to the facts, to the truth, but instead sat down and assiduously looked at the evidence. They were so easily convinced and embraced the truths about race and the jews because they had known these truths before.

When my friend Stan Hess first told me about the Solutreans back in 2006, I was overjoyed, because it meant we had a moral right to be here.

But when I saw photo of the Rock of Solutré, an epicenter of Solutrean culture, I was transfixed. I knew I had been there before.




…..A cold, robot-ruled society ahead?

As I blogged here, hypnotherapists are warned in their manual that their patients may start talking about other lives…and that they may be reliving past lives as other people, but also the future lives of some people.

Under hypnosis, patients often discuss past and future lives (and return as average people, not Napoleon, sultry Cleopatra, or Jesus 😉 ); three ominous futures, one bright, for our race

Regarding future lives, people saw three distinct destinies for themselves:

  1. Earth evolves finally, like so many other planets which have become highly civilized, into a place of justice, order, peace, freedom and prosperity, with all the races getting along, each in their own areas, and money going into making the world more beautiful, not into the waste and tragedy of war. (One of the biggest reasons why the US government has lied for generations about UFOs is they do not want earthlings to realize how much better life can be and IS for others. Earth — with its disgraceful chaos, wars, pedophiles, pollution, cancer, divorce, and lying governments and media, WHOSE LIES ARE THEN BELIEVED, is not normal at all. If White earthlings understood that other Whites do not live like this, they would demand FOR THEMSELVES that a caring, honest, and peaceful society be established right here with zero tolerance for predatory psychopaths. Nor do our jew and Illuminati kakocrats want the world to awaken to how they must be arrested and confined (or executed) for our society to recover and be reborn as a truly moral place.)
  2. A thermonuclear war throws the northern hemisphere back into the Stone Age, with cave dwellers, people walking around in furs, and people routinely dying in their forties
  3. Earth is decimated by ecological catastrophes, robots rule humans, and while the rich live on a huge space station, the earth — nature — is largely dead, and the poor live either underground, in subterranean cities, or in domed cities surrounded by hot, acrid deserts.

As for possibility three, here is another great and urgent video by A.J. Gentile, the topic being how we are now able to make “designer” human beings, such as super soldiers… and how AI and “CRISPR” (gene splicing) can lead to either a wonderful world (where babies are born with NO birth defects) or to a nightmarish world of high-tech neofeudalism and the return of an age of miserable serfs, arrogant masters, and their violent enforcers.


  1. I disagree that the Solutreans residing in what is today the United States were killed by a natural event. I believe they were murdered by the Asiatics who came down from the north (Indians), and the reason they could not resist this attack was that they had given in peace for hundreds of years and had forgotten their war skills.

    • An understandable theory in view of conditions now, but unlike now, there was no welfare state back then, nor obesity, processed white sugar, vaccines, tv, websites, or any other medium selling the notion of “white guilt,” or pacifism, not in 11,000 BC.

      And war skills were the same as hunting skills in those days. (And this has been true for millennia. The army rifles used in the American Revolution were single-shot hunting rifles. The Pennsylvania (or Kentucky) long rifle could accurately shoot either a deer or a human at 200 yards.)

      Returning to Solutrean times, spears, knives, and axes were used for both activities, for hunting and for war. It was either kill or starve in the Old Stone Age. (In the NEW Stone Age, agriculture came in, a huge change which led to a peasant class, to rulers and their soldiers, the only ones armed henceforth. The New Stone Age, or Neolithic, was actuall< the beginning of what we call feudalism: masses of unarmed peasants growing food in the fields and ruled by a warlord who had armed, professional soldiers and hunters. They continued eating meat, and became bigger and stronger than the peasants, who grew grains and had only low-protein bread to seat. Nutritional deficiencies began in the New Stone Age, as we can see from examining their skeletons and teeth, and the average height declined by five inches. compared to the Old Stone Age of the hunter-gatherers.) And remember that the animals whom the Solutreans hunted were enormous, much bigger and far more dangerous than the predators found in the forests today in North America. This bear stood five feet high at the shoulder or 12 feet when standing up. And, pound for pound, they are three times stronger than humans. Their survival path is based largely on strength. (This is also true of apes. A 50-lb. chimpanzee is as strong as a 150-pound man.)

      But beyond that, the Younger Dryas comet-impact event is now a virtual certainty:

      The Younger Dryas Impact Debate – Is It Settled Yet?

      Further, the Taurid meteor belt is seen as resulting from a comet that exploded 10,000 years ago:

      Wiki (

      Comet Encke and the Taurid complex are believed to be remnants of a disrupted 40-km-class comet from about 10,000 years ago,[6][7] breaking into several pieces and releasing material [….]”

      • What horrific injuries some of our forebears must have endured, from animals, accidents, warfare, nature and illness. Let us honour them.

        • Yes. All these tragedies pushed us, however, to develop the sciences and technology which made our race supreme. The Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc, are smart and hard-working, but the creativity and innovation are ours.

          Look at Xi Jinping, China’s leader, wearing a western business suit, using western technology, and calling himself a “president,” a word borrowed from the Americans, and calling his land a “republic,” a Roman concept. Even his Marxism (whatever of it is left) is from the West, albeit from Karl Marx, a German jew.

  2. Here is a quote from Across Atlantic Ice, which is a book by top anthropologists about the Solutreans. “The Gault Site in Texas and a late radiocarbon date of 10,765 from Jake Bluff in Oklahoma hint that Clovis occupation crossed the animal extinction boundary at the end of the last ice age.”

    The “Clovis occupation” refers to the Solutreans, according to a theory based on their flint tools.

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