Charles de Gaulle — and why the French became resentful of America

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An unpleasant surprise for General Charles de Gaulle on the eve of D-Day: France was to be treated as a defeated enemy, exactly like Germany, and ruled by an “AMGOT” (“Allied Military Government Occupied Territory.” Further, the Americans had secretly printed up millions of THEIR OWN “francs” as new money — a visible knockoff of the US dollar and were issued and controlled by the United States government of Frank Rosenfeld and his fellow jews! 


Alain Peyrefitte wrote a book after his boss, Président Charles de Gaulle, had died, revealing the very politically incorrect secret views of le Général, who was in that way just like US Army General George Patton. Too bad de Gaulle did not wake up to the centrality of the JQ and switch sides!


Charles de Gaulle:
“Anti-American” or Just Anti-Imperialist?

HERE IS A CONTRIBUTION BY AN AMERICAN who knows France toward understanding the eternal love-hate relationship between the French and their great rivals in Western European culture, the redundantly so-called White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, known to the world somewhat ominously as WASPs.

[This was my article for the February 2008 issue of The Barnes Review.  Margi and I did over 60 articles and translations for this outstanding bimonthly historical magazine, founded by the late, great Willis Carto. I have, as per my wont on this blogsite, now added many photos to the text.]



Charles de Gaulle was the founder of today’s wealthy, stable, atomic-powered France; was he also anti-American and anti-English? Or was he just opposed to the U.S. and British governments?

By the mid-1960s the English-speaking world was in an uproar over the French leader. By word and deed he had supposedly proved he was “ungrateful for D-Day.”

*** JdN

Scene from “Saving Private Ryan” — I visited Omaha Beach in my ancestral Normandy in 2004 with my then French wife and  paid my respects at the American cemetery, which strikingly is located right above it, in other words, right where the Americans, in unwitting service to Jewry, bravely stormed ashore under withering German machine-gun fire.

I must say as a former Marine NCO (and later a Virginia Army National Guardsman/infantry, and “Guardsperson of the Year” for 1980 in my company), that the US Army certainly proved there that it too could excel, like the Marines, at amphibious landings under heavy, accurate enemy fire.

Actual photo — the then all-white US Army, full of British- and German-American officers,  had perfect planning and excellent execution.

And, to give the devil, Dwight Eisenhower, his due, this blue-eyed German-American –not at all a Jew, despite one humorous remark in his West Point Yearbook, and two of his brothers were fiercely opposed to the war and to Roosevelt  — completely outfoxed the Reich by landing there, when by all logic the attack should have come at Calais, hundreds of miles closer to the Ruhrgebiet, the war-production center of Germany.

The white ball circle on the left is Omaha Beach, where the Americans came ashore. Next to it is Calais, and the ball on the right represents the Ruhrgebiet, the industrial heartland, chock full of steel mills, coal mines, and tank factories. 

And Ike viciously, ruthlessly, but effectively bombed to smithereens the cities of Normandy so that the rubble would slow German tanks racing along French streets toward the coast to stop the Allies.

He did not care that this bombardment killed tens of thousands of French civilians and wiped out the beautiful medieval cities of Le Havre and Caen!

Nor did Ike care that thousands of French women were raped by his GIs! But de Gaulle and all the French men sure did.

Horny young male D-Day GIs had been  hyped up with PR back in England on how “easy” the French women would be — what a joke, as is the ludicrous other myth that French wives let their husbands have mistresses.

The bitter truth is that French women preferred manly and educated German officers and sergeants to most Americans, whom they called “ignorant boys.”

When French women refused their smelly, unshaven GI “liberators,” they then were told by the Jew-run Stars and Stripes newspaper that the French were nothing but rotten antisemites who missed their nazi masters!

Rape was the jew-intended result of GI rage.

Author Marie Louse Roberts. Not one American in 1000 knows about the American rape epidemic in “liberated” (?) France. 

Or the one in Germany.

Yours truly in 2004 in Caen, Normandy

Sir John Keegan conceded in this fair and accurate book that the Germans outfought the Americans and Brits by 50%, and basically never lost an equal fight. 

This fine young blond SS officer, Hans Hermann Junge, husband of my secretary, Traudl, fell heroically during the D-Day invasion. Germany has never recovered genetically from losing men such as this.

Traudl Junge

“Until the last second”


This is what the Jews wanted, a Germany with its best blood wiped out, and they let it be rebuilt after 1948 only for one purpose: to be an ATM machine for Israel — until that country was strong enough to not need German money any more!

Then the German people could be destroyed by the muslims.

This is the judaized, negrofied, muslimized Neo-France which the GIs “liberated,” where  muslims can ram cars into French people! And France is supposed to be GRATEFUL to Americans for this?

Normandy, France church in St. Étienne (= “Saint Stephen”) where a semitic muslim migrant stabbed the aged priest during the Mass in full view of his hysterical female parishioners — and then cut his head off.

Thank you ever so much, America! Without you, we would be speaking German and not Arabic! 😉




One of many lies told by the press to the people of the United States was: “De Gaulle took France out of NATO in 1965.” De Gaulle did not take France out of NATO. Rather, de Gaulle took French armed forces out from under direct American command.

French forces have continued since 1965 to go on maneuvers—land, sea and air—with the other NATO forces.

(I myself — as a US Marine and French interpreter with the 35th Interrogator-Translator Team out of Anacostia Naval Air Station, Washington DC —  went on maneuvers with the French Marine Commandos in 1979!)

But they were not under American command, as are still the forces of the other NATO countries.


From the French point of view, the fact of being beaten by the world’s best soldiers—the Germans—did not mean they were therefore “bad” soldiers. The French had fought the Germans heroically from 1914 to 1917, before the Americans arrived, and they suffered 1.3 million dead (and far more in casualties).


I visit Verdun, France in 2004 — where in 1916 300,000 French died defeating a huge, highly professional and persistent German offensive, just as they had defeated with extreme heroism the brilliant German “Schlieffen Plan” in 1914.

The Ossuarium in Verdun, where the bones of 600,000 Germans and French lie.


Some colorized WWI photos of French infantry:









French Army at the fortress at Verdun in France in 1916. (AP Photo)


Then in 1940 the French were beaten by the most disciplined, trained, advanced and motivated military machine on Earth, the national-socialist-led German Wehrmacht.


A great 2011 music video

Yes, France had fallen — but to a country so tough that for years it could slug it out with the simultaneous might of the British empire, the United States and the USSR, not to mention well-armed networks of partisans in every country Germany controlled.

Did “Anglo-Saxons” feel superior to the French? Many French people had (and still have) their suspicions about this. They did not want “WASPs” [White Anglo-Saxon Protestants”)  who felt contempt for them to be ruling over them.

Probably even worse in daily life for the average Frenchman was the sight and sound of careening U.S. military police jeeps in every city or village near an American base. Helmeted sergeants would dismount and burst into local taverns, wielding batons and snatching out brawling countrymen.


By the eve of D-Day on June 6, 1944, the supreme Allied commander, the American general Dwight Eisenhower, had created for France, surreptitiously, what he called an Allied Military Government Occupied Territory (AMGOT). The French were kept in the dark about this.

France was to be occupied, like Germany. The Roosevelt/Eisenhower staffs had decided that because Marshall Philippe Pétain had “collaborated” with the Germans, the whole French nation was to be treated as an “enemy country.”

De Gaulle, who was most certainly no “Nazi”—nor were 95% of his countrymen—was outraged. Quite a surprise to learn your country was going to be,  not “LIBERATED” but occupied AND TURNED INTO A PROTECTORATE like postwar Germany by the two major Anglo-Saxon powers.

Literally on the eve of D-Day he found this out, but not directly. Further, without any discussion whatsoever with de Gaulle, Eisenhower sent him a speech, typed out, that de Gaulle was supposed to read verbatim on the BBC French channel to his countrymen. In it he was to urge the French to directly obey Dwight David Eisenhower of Abilene, Kansas. 😉


De Gaulle was apoplectic, as anyone would be under the circumstances. The Americans came as MASTERS, not allies.

If any man was sure to refuse Eisenhower’s dictation of his speech to France, it was de Gaulle. And so on the eve of D-Day, here was the eloquent de Gaulle who had spoken many times on the BBC to the French. And he was absolutely silent. Radio silence from de Gaulle on the eve of D-Day. He was possessed of a cold fury: it was a threat of colonization, and an insult to every Frenchman and Frenchwoman that he would never forget or forgive.

The outraged French general also learned, on the very eve of D-Day, that the genial “Ike” was having leaflets dropped all over France that night, to wit: “I, General Dwight Eisenhower . . . call on all Frenchmen to obey the laws that I . . . promulgate.”

So a Kansan would be promulgating the laws of France, and making France politically correct, Frank Rosenfeld–style.


Of course, it was for a good cause: rooting out anti-Semitism, open borders, destruction of the family, white guilt, etc. 😉


To enforce AMGOT’s economic rule, the Kansas general further supervised the printing of billions of fake “French francs” made in the U.S.A. These bizarre Yankee francs looked like a U.S. dollar.

Imagine if France had pulled the same stunt on us in 1780. We are on the eve of the battle at Yorktown, Virginia, which can liberate America finally from a six-year war with the British empire,
from misery, devastation and widespread economic ruin.

Now picture the French admiral announcing to Gen. George Washington that before he starts his decisive naval gunfire, and French troops fight the British, France has printed up French-style “franco-dollars” with a rooster, or an apéritif, or a quiche on it, for Americans to use henceforth —  and France has decided that America needs to be occupied by France for an indefinite period, to be reliably “de-Britified.”
To complete the comparison, 21 years after the French intervention at Yorktown, with Thomas Jefferson now in the White House as president, a Frenchman was the supreme commander of U.S. forces, and residing at Mt. Vernon outside Washington, D.C..

And there were dozens of French military bases up and down the East Coast and as far inland as Illinois, supposedly to protect America from invasion. French horsemen were clip-clopping through the cities and villages of America and, in taverns, making goo-goo eyes at American girls.

Now you can understand the French sentiment from 1944 to 1965, when de Gaulle said “Enough!” He was then accused of anti-Americanism, for “forgetting our sacrifices on D-Day.” Actually, de Gaulle remembered it all very well, both the heroic Anglo-Saxons who died that day and thereafter, and the sneaky politicians and their political generals who stabbed France in the back.



Unsurprisingly, farmers all over northern France happily paid their back taxes in the new funny money, after which de Gaulle ordered it all to be burned.

As accustomed as many Americans have become to the ever-repeated Big Lie that the French have forgotten “all we did for them,” they should have been vacationing in France after September 11, 2001 or in 2004, around the time of the 60th anniversary of the pivotal Normandy invasion.

Let’s start with 2004. France’s No. 1 conservative newspaper, the major national daily Le Figaro, published and heavily promoted a beautiful, large-sized special magazine commemorating the D-Day invasion.

(A high percentage of French have visited the Normandy battle sites.) It highlighted American, British and Canadian heroism. It contained a magnificent four-page centerfold panorama of all the
major beach battles, with wonderful detail. Anyone who read it came away thinking: “Those Anglo-Saxons were really well organized, and they beat the Germans, who were no slouches either, as we French know only too well.”


I also visited in 2004 this magnificent American military cemetery located, fittingly, right above the cliffs of Omaha Beach.


But this special Figaro magazine did not suppress the dark side: Why did the “Anglo-Saxons” and the black Americans have to rape so many thousands of French girls? This war crime of widespread rape has never even been denied by Allied historians.

Another fact all French know concerns Eisenhower’s ruthless orders issued before, during and after D-Day to the U.S. Army Air Force and to the British Royal Air Force. Those orders led directly to the saturation bombing of Norman homes and cities and the deaths by fire and dismemberment of approximately 50,000 French civilians. Eisenhower’s “area bombing”— exactly the same destruction he was wreaking upon enemy Germany to the east—reduced most of the beautiful medieval cities of Normandy to rubble—with hardly a warning to the population.

This must be seen in the greater context of Anglo-American bombing of 1,500 French localities, 1940-1944, with 600,000 tons of bombs, killing 67,000 French civilians, as detailed by Eddy Florentin in his 1985 book, Le Havre: feu et sang (“Fire and Blood”), in his 1997 work, Quand les Alliés bombardaient la France (“When the Allies Bombed France”), and the 1984 work by Gerard Leroux and Jacques Henry, La Normandie en flammes.

All Eisenhower’s thinking was designed to minimize casualties of Allied soldiers at the expense of casualties among French civilians. His theory was that by obliterating French built-up areas,  he would create mountains of rubble, and that this rubble would slow German tanks as they advanced to the Norman coast to confront the invaders.

Caen and Le Havre were two beautiful, French cities that were as pulverized by the Anglo-Saxons as Berlin and Frankfurt.

The worst thing about Caen, bombed for seven days and eradicated to the point that only the rubble was bouncing—is that there were virtually no Germans in or near it. Much of the city today looks like low-rent areas of Los Angeles, cheap cinderblock structures standing in the medieval center among the ghosts of thousands of Norman civilians who died for no legitimate reason.

Two huge irritants between Paris and Washington after de Gaulle became president of France in 1958 was that France 1) began a serious dialogue with the Soviets, and, at the same time, developed 2) its own nuclear force in 1960 to stop the Soviets, called  “la force de frappe”. 

It was a project that met irrational and emotional American resistance to France’s getting what America already had: huge, land-based ICBMs, smaller, “theater” nuclear weapons and deep-sea submarines capable of launching nuclear-tipped missiles that could devastate the European USSR in 15 minutes.

The American establishment screamed for years: “Why do you need nukes when we can protect you?”

De Gaulle did not buy this ”American guarantee.” He felt that, if it ever came to a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, the U.S. would not go to war with the USSR, because that would only bring Soviet
destruction on American cities for the sake of non-American cities already overrun by the Red Army. De Gaulle felt that the separate French nuclear strike force was absolutely critical for the survival of France and the European continent.

Moreover, as a strategic thinker about nuclear doomsday, General de Gaulle was convinced not only that the American “nuclear umbrella over Europe” was a bluff, but also that the Soviets would see it as such  and not be deterred from invading Western Europe.

A famous de Gaulle saying was: “Nations have no friends, only interests.” (Of course, Talleyrand said it more than two centuries earlier.) Surely the Kurds, the Arabs, the South Vietnamese and Cambodians, along with many others of America’s abandoned “friends,” can add their opinion to this, as can the Hungarians, Poles and other Eastern Europeans whom FDR allowed Stalin to enslave after 1945.

De Gaulle made sure, in each meeting with Soviet leaders such as Nikita Khrushchev, and then Leonid Brezhnev and Alexei Kossygin, that the Soviets understood that West Germany was essential to France’s security, and that France would launch its nukes to defend West Germany, its buffer state against the Soviets.

The decades-old “French-bashing” in the U.S. media was not just about NATO and atomic weapons. After the murder of John F. Kennedy, U.S. government policy had become fiercely pro-Israel
under Lyndon Johnson. (See Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment for the full explanation of why Israel needed Kennedy dead; available from TBR BOOK CLUB for $25 plus $5 S&H.)



During the 1967 Six Day War, President Johnson had even covered up the brazen Israeli murder of 34 Navy officers, sailors and Marines—and the maiming of many more—on the USS Liberty.




In France, the opposite happened in 1967. France went pro-Arab and anti-Zionist, and Zionists in the U.S. government and mass media did not appreciate it. France suddenly became the most irritating country on Earth. Political cartoons whipped Americans up into near-hatred of the French leader.

With each passing year of his second official presidency (1958-1969)—he had been provisional president after D-Day 1944 and until 1946, when he left the communist-infiltrated government in disgust—de Gaulle’s France had become more and more anti-Zionist, subtly in words but openly in deeds. (France has Europe’s largest Jewish community—600,000—but many then were not Israel-backing Zionists, and quite a few, in all truth, were very fond of their country of residence, as has long been true of American Jews.)

The anglosphere’s media hate campaign began soon after de Gaulle became president of France in 1958 (he had already been given emergency powers in 1957) and had caused an entirely new constitution to be written, creating thus “the Fifth French Republic. ” This new constitution vastly increased the powers of his presidency. Early on, de Gaulle began rigorously purging the French secret services of all Israeli agents. In 1961, against Israel’s demands, he granted independence to Arabic and Berber-speaking, Arab-nationalist Algeria.

De Gaulle then ended all secret cooperation with Israel’s nuclear bomb development. He warned Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion sharply against Israeli expansionist dreams.

After the Israelis attacked Egypt, Jordan and Syria to launch the Six Days War of 1967, the general, furious, started a historic and continuing pro-Arab “tilt” in French diplomacy. The Zionist sniping against France since that point has never stopped.

When, in the fall of 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush was pressuring European governments to support his planned invasion of Iraq, Gaullist President Jacques Chirac took the international lead, with his foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin, in openly opposing this long-planned, unprovoked aggression.


Chirac and de Villepin (who became prime minister in 2005 to 2007) insisted firmly that UN inspections had shown no indications of “weapons of mass destruction” in Saddam’s Iraq.

Further, the government implied it would use France’s veto power at the UN Security Council against any resolution authorizing an American makeover of the Arab Middle East.

All this does not mean France is “soft on terrorists.” France is the most essential ally the United States has had in fighting violent Islamism, based on 130 years of French colonial experience ruling and fighting Berbers and Arabs in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon and Syria. And the proud French, unlike the Germans or the Dutch, do not permit girls in their public schools to wear the Muslim veil.

For all this good news, France is hardly free of Zionist pressures or, on the other hand, free of Arabic, African and Turkish immigration, which French Jews have favored, probably so as to de-Europeanize and de-Christianize France. But the French people do not favor Israel at all. Nor does France respect Western governments infiltrated by Zionists, such as the Bush administration.

This does not prevent the French government from persecuting historical Revisionists. The French public still resents the German occupation of 1940-1944, truly unaware that their own government, like Franklin Roosevelt’s in America, helped instigate the war. They are unaware that it was France and Britain that declared war first on Germany.

A somewhat amusing reason why many French people believe in the supposed Jewish “holocaust” of World War II is this backhanded compliment: the French—who import more German products than any other nation (saying they are “robuste”)—have an almost superstitious awe of German organization and technology.

Every time they buy a Volkswagen or Mercedes instead of a Renault or Peugeot, they are saying: “German engineering can do anything.” Hence, if a Frenchman hears that the Germans gassed (and “disappeared” the corpses of) 6 million Jews, he thinks: “For the Germans, anything is possible!”

In short, France has its national pride, and while far from perfect or free of envy of the superpower of the United States, has taken many natural stands to defend its dignity and ndependence that most Americans should appreciate. But for France’s viewpoint to be understood by the American masses, the New York media empires would have to stop promoting Washington’s “special relationships” with Israel and with Britain.

The French, such as the late Charles de Gaulle, have long felt ambivalent about the state of American culture and its influence on the young.

But the French reaction to the horrific mass murders of September 11, 2001, showed another side of France. A great outpouring of affection and compassion for America swept the country.

One wishes that French-bashers in America could have seen it. Of course, the Zionist media hate-machine in the U.S. did not care about that once Jacques Chirac refused to invade Iraq with George
Bush and Tony Blair in 2003.

Far from being “anti-American” in our hour of national trauma, French civilians were wandering in the same state of shock, horror and abject grief around Paris and every city and village. One Frenchman told me it was the first time they had been so distraught in public since the murder of another American, President John F. Kennedy.

In front of the U.S. embassy in Paris and every U.S. consulate from Marseilles to Strasbourg hundreds of bouquets covered the sidewalks in huge arcs. French factories hung up giant U.S. flags on factory walls; other French folks bought little American flags to place in their pencil cups. France’s dominant newspaper, Le Monde, ran a sub-headline (which I encircled): “Nous sommes tous Américains” — “WE ARE ALL AMERICANS NOW.”


Parisians stood for hours in line to give blood to the Red Cross for victims in Manhattan and Arlington, Virginia. Any American with French friends, whether he himself was living in Europe or in the States, was sure to have his phone ring and hear a French-accented voice on the other end, sometimes even sobbing if it was a woman, “Oh, it’s terrible, terrible!” and offering support to him or her as an American.

Not only did French TV give full coverage to the horrific events of 9/11 for days, but the French government and especially French intelligence services instantly signaled their willingness to do their utmost to help America stop “Islamic terrorism.”

The French anti-terrorism judge (“investigative magistrate”) Jean-Louis Bruguière (who also succeeded in capturing the infamous terrorist “Carlos the Jackal”) has basically “written the book” for all Western nations on how to uncover radical Islamist networks.

French president Jacques Chirac was the first foreign leader to visit “Ground Zero” after 9/11. He came in less than a week to America, as soon as he had been advised that it was safe to do so. (It took our Canadian neighbor three weeks to send its prime minister.) France immediately began preparing to send troops to Afghanistan to help the U.S. and other NATO allies crush the Taliban and search for the purported “Al Qaeda” organization.

Despite this…. It is considered an affront by many unreflecting WASPs that when an English-speaking tourist expects, or really demands service in English in a foreign country, the French waiter or clerk may refuse that demand.

This shows how far apart WASPs are from the French: they really do believe deep down that the world should learn their language and use it with them, an attitude, to be frank, of the master race.

But this is an important point: if one politely starts any conversation with the French with an attempt to speak some French, in France, to a Frenchman, the latter usually switches to English, both to accommodate the considerate guest and, even more, to prevent (for his ears) the “massacre” of the French language. 😉

It has been noted that Americans are now among the most widely hated people on Earth. Some are even using the old Vietnam-era trick—passing with maple-leaf decals as Canadians for their own safety.

As far back as 1958, there was a best-selling novel about America’s worldwide image, made into a 1963 film with Marlon Brando, called The Ugly American.

In the book, a fictional Burmese journalist wrote:

For some reason, the [Americans] I meet in my country are not the same as the ones I knew in the United States. A mysterious change seems to come over Americans when they go to a foreign land. They isolate themselves socially. They live pretentiously. They’re loud and ostentatious. Perhaps they’re frightened and defensive, or maybe they’re not properly trained and make mistakes out of ignorance. 


The French want their own kind of superpower status: to set the world standard for high-speed trains, universal health care, food, wine, clothes and humor. It is a dream without any
delusions; they are in fact really great at these things.

Noel Coward once joked that only “mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun.” But there we—and our British and Aussie cousins—are once again, fighting and dying in 120 degree Iraqi heat for oil and Israel.

As for political skills, imagine the talent of de Gaulle on the eve of D-Day, 1944. Vast armies are about to invade his homeland to “liberate” it by putting it under an Allied Military Government Occupied Territories (AMGOT) regime.

Just days after the Anglo powers overran the Normandy beaches, de Gaulle had gotten into his own country, was giving huge speeches to fired-up crowds of countrymen (first in Bayeux, Normandy, home of the famous Norman Conquest tapestry) and then raced to Paris ahead of the occupier-liberators.

From his old War Ministry office, he began issuing orders in the name of the French Republic, appointing officials of the republic, and, most boldly and most wisely, ordering all Yankee francs seized as counterfeit money.

Further, he de-fanged the Communist partisans within the resistance, an extremely dangerous armed force that was obedient to Josef Stalin, by ordering all resistance fighters to report for induction into the French army. The Germans were still entrenched in eastern France and were using the Maginot Line in reverse.

With two masterstrokes, he had reestablished a French-run government and eliminated the looming Communist menace, which helped promote Anglo-U.S. occupation Through more of de Gaulle’s astute political maneuvering, and heavy battlefield action by the de Gaulle-commanded French army, France got itself accepted at the victors’ table in 1945. Instead of being occupied, it became one of the great powers again, mostly by brilliant and bold moves between the legs of the Soviet and American mastodons.

De Gaulle stood up for his country. He outfoxed rulers in London, Washington and Tel Aviv. He “invited” Americans out only when they refused to get the hint after 21 years. He made France a nuclear power when only nuclear powers are left alone. Did de Gaulle needlessly stoke anti-Americanism?


Or was he the first world leader to realize that a U.S.-led, Zionist-inspired NWO must be nipped in the bud?

JOHN DE NUGENT minored in French at Georgetown, resided in the south of France with a French spouse, and spoke with many French of all backgrounds, and with French-speaking Algerians. His Norman ancestors helped conquer England in 1066.




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