Reviewing the dubious Charleston SC “massacre,” my detailed premonition, and the Charlottesville VA car killing

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In review, in the wake of the illegally shut-down WN rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 — thanks to a jew mayor and a black police chief — an apparently half-jewish WN on psych-meds named James Fields, whose mother’s maiden name was Bloom, plowed into a crowd of leftists. (He is now facing life in prison, or maybe death when the feds get ahold of him)

Supposedly he killed one very obese woman. (Actually, as her own mother admitted on camera, Heather Heyer died of a heart attack after being hit, which of course happens much more often to the morbidly overweight.)

That smart-ass, egotistical look you see on so many leftists, all “woke,” you see.

She was not some feisty auburn hottie…. but a bespectacled blimp with mousy-brown hair.


Kind-of-an Angela Merkel type babe 😉

Image result for john+de+nugent+target

A cell-phone vid of the incident and aftermath


Anyway, this short vid was my August 13, 2017 livestream on Facebook reacting on that day both to that one incident, and then going back to the (claimed) Charleston SC church shooting (whether real or faked…) which had happened (supposedly) two years before –with the supposedly nine blow-away black church ladies.


I was just wallpapering (see the backdrop) — and it hit me that the media is making this psychotic, half-jewish, psych-meds-taking car killer into a huge WN terrorist.

So I jumped on FB to make this vid, and thank you all for watching and your support!

Dylan Storm Roof was 100% an MK-ULTRA, playing a role.

“Star Trek” and “Kindergarten Cop” boy actor John Christian Graas and this Roof (Margi discovered this!!!)


Review of my strange Charleston premonition:

You will note that all my essays are fact-packed. I do not demand you just believe me –or believe in me.

I offer you hard proof. 

And so when I had this vision, I told it immediately to my lady friend Margi Huffstickler, then in Asheville, NC caring for her ill and aging parents…

and to a trusted lady comrade named Andrea, and to the Rebel of Oz in Australia, with whom I worked closely,

and to another companion, Angie, over in Germany.

And all this I communicated in writing, as proven below, before the Charleston church massacre (or whatever it was) happened.

What happened to me was this:

At precisely 24 hours to the dot before the gunman is claimed to have opened fire, that is, at 9:05 pm on Tuesday, June 16th, 2015, a wave of fatigue came over me and I felt the sudden need to go to bed.

I did not even call Margi, with whom my custom was to speak every night.  (As I said above, she was in North Carolina helping her aged parents … Actually her stepfather, a very fine man of 91, had just passed on 🙁 ) The good thing about her being away, in this one regard, was that my communication with her about the premonition was in writing. I WANTED to put it down in writing!

What I saw after five hours of sleep at 2 am was this. (I had gotten up, used the bathroom, and went back to bed, debating if, after five good hours of sleep, I should maybe just get back up to stay up for good and do some work.)

Suddenly, there was something whirling, hovering, over my bed.

And I was as wide-awake as I could be.

Gray, brown and black rags were whirling before me — like the rotating brush in an American car wash that removes road grime from the car.

The thing was spinning… but it was a big ball and spinning horizontally, like a disco ball… hanging from the ceiling, but of course not with shiny, little facetted mirrors. 😉

It was a spinning ball the size of a basketball.



And then I saw several flashes of light (maybe six?), on the bottom left next to me and a couple to my right (maybe three?)

….Nine flashes of light….. now that I think of it.

Well, I guess that pointed to the nine gunshots ….

A screenshot from a video of me firing my Walther, at the exact second the gunpowder blast emerged from the barrel — a bright grayish-white “muzzle flash.” This is a real screenshot of one frame.


At 20 feet, rapid fire, in pouring rain



For me, this vision meant a warning to me that the enemy wanted to make sure that this supposed Dylann Storm Roof church massacre, staged by the racist, supremacist jews who despise all gentiles, was designed carefully to lead to the final and total legal ban on our freedom.

Then come the gulag and our genocide.

The Jewnited Snakes government must be prevented from implementing this. 

Frankly, it shocked me to have this “vision.”

It was like seeing reality, beholding a real object, and not seeing a movie or CGI, or having a dream.

No, it was not in any sense a dream.

I felt as if were I to reach out, I could have touched and felt this spinning thing.

And the lights, the flashes, were just like real muzzle fire, but I do not recall any sound.

So I took the precaution to immediately tell various friends and comrades IN WRITING what I had seen, and then, sure enough, the mass shooting or this staged event with the supposed white supremacist happened.

So he burns the American flag, this evil blond nazi…. just to piss of the patriotards.


Then he goes into a church where peaceful black ladies are studying “the Good Book” in their Christian church.  Yeah, sure, that is just the kind of black folks that makes white folks go crazy and start wanting to kill them…. Black folks quietly studying their Bibles….
And then “Dylann Storm Roof” (what a bogus name, anyway)  yells out to the church ladies, before he begins blamming at them,  “you are raping our [white] women.” 😉
I did not know that black church ladies customarily rape white women…. 😉


Well, maybe the two preacher men… 😉

John D. Nugent From a Skype chat I had with Margi, who was in North Carolina helping her aged parents. 


….Facebook Private messages with “Andrea”

Our  Facebook chat began at 12:34 pm (noontime) on the 17th of June, thus 8.5 hours before the supposed massacre.

You can see, lower-right, at the top of the chat window “Wednesday [June 17, 2015], 12:34 pm”  I pulled the chat up AFTER the Charleston shooting news had hit — and took these screenshots

[I to Andrea] “I had a VERY weird experience last night.” jdn-conversation-andrea-m-apparition-wed-12h34-before-massacre-2

Andrea: “What happen[ed,] John? 



“Right… I had a very real apparition, of a whirling, hovering thing like, well, that raglike car-cleaning device at automatic car washes… gray, silver and black, spinning, and flashes of light to my left and a bit to the right — it was there whether my eyes were closed or not, and I was 100% wide awake when it happened, though I had just gone [back] to bed. I had just snapped off the night table light and was not especially sleepy. I felt it was some message to start my religion asap, as if it were time to speed things up, because something was going to happen…”



…..Second apparition July 11-12, 2015

I saw a second double apparition on July 12, 2015, a bit less than a month later…. as I was drifting off to sleep about 11:30 pm (July 11)

I saw three bright white flashes from the upper right, and then about 2 am (July 12) I heard what sounded like a glass window being smashed.

I instantly woke up when I heard the smashed-glass sound, yelled out “What?” (for lack of a better exclamation 😉 ) and grabbed my .40 caliber, taking it off safety, but I could find zero damage to the house, neither to ours nor to our neighbor’s house.

Something or someone seemingly was trying to urge me on in my work — saying dangerous times are ahead. 😉 There was no smashed glass anywhere in the house.

I have had many strange experiences before and since.

I interpret them as a higher force understanding that I am new at all this spirituality stuff — not at organized religion or idealism; I’ve have done plenty of both of those  — and to spur me onward to create a new Aryan faith, as unworthy as I sometimes feel.






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