Charlottesville, Va. female libtard murdered by “urban yutes” in New York

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RIP, Tessa Majors.

The nurses here at the Mayo Clinic are just incredibly kind and caring, and about 80% Scandinavian, German or a blend of the two. But so many White women have no sense, esp. not Nordics. I have really seen this in our seven straight weeks here in Minnesota. Estrogen and kindness overrule basic safety.

Margi (wearing a red wig like her hair color) and a very sweet, naturally blonde nurse of Norwegian and German heritage at the proton-beam-therapy building at the Mayo Clinic last Thursday. That is natural blond hair, as she told us.


David Rhys Mills Around blacks, never relax

Debra Cox James Dow The Dept of Justice in 2004 had the stats on their website..that blacks are 6 or 7X more likely to kill than whites..and 92 or 93% of the time…they killed their own..Of course..there are ones who are Christians whom I would trust..but they come from a background of devil worship, cannibalism and voodoo..A former pastor told me that is why they are as they are..

James Dow Debra Cox I feel like Jews in America are trying to divide blacks and whites against each other. We should unite against them.
Debra Cox We could say the same thing about Islam..but that is what they are counting the overthrow..
Ted Midward These girls have no business in college unless their parents are footing the bill. Tired of seeing this stupidity.


Natalie Normyle Yes, there are other things going on, and I can’t quite put my finger on it yet.
In the last 8 months to a year I’ve really had my attention shifted to the social/political behavior of the majority of women. It’s concerning no common sense, nor in-group preference, and many of them, when I talk to them, they actually do know, but they don’t want to acquiesce to reality, or maybe not fit in, not natural at all.
It was the pussy-hat thing that kicked it off, infuriating me to the point I would have become physically violent to see one! How they have allowed themselves be made a mockery of – disgusting!


Ted Midward Natalie Normyle Their fathers have failed and are ultimately responsible. And it starts with men not keeping their wives in place. Daughters see this growing up and feel their actions are consequence-free. So they embrace feel-good modern liberalism.


Ews Uck I was born in Minnesota. Lived there my first 10 years. I am 60% Swede, 30% Norwegian, 10% German. All of my relatives still live there while my immediately family is now spread from California to Arizona o Maine. I can tell you first-hand that the Nordic women of the State have been devastated by Jewish feminism. Like Maine, Minnesota has been insolated from every evil which practically every other geographic area of America has been ravaged by, and this is largely due to the high level of homogeneity and sense of community-first standards that are engrained into their psyche via the Communist external programming centers.
Having not experienced diversity in all of its facets, and being programmed by the State, Schools, Community and Media all of their lives, has rendered these ultra-kind white people almost defenseless in the face of the onslaught presently creeping upon them.
Speaking with a cousin of mine the other day, we both agreed that these feminized nordic women are now at the forefront of destroying everything our people love, but as he said, pointing out these facts means being branded with every slander imaginable, and, with that, certain ostracization from all family, friends etc.
Having gone through the literal hell of diversity — first through my time in the military, then working for AA/EEOC journals for a Jewish Media guy for 7 years, and then by experiencing the horrors of it first hand in Cali. and my subsequent persecution via the (((legal system))) for standing up to these “laws” by way of my own journals — has rendered me purged of this evil programming.
Because of this healthy condition I am now looked as a kooky relative and not “the sweet boy I was” growing up there. But that has not stopped me, and, God willing, it will not stop me from continuing to warn my people about what is heading their way, since I know first-hand what they are about to experience.
Not until these fine white people are refined by the fire of the Devil will they finally awaken to the genocidal nature of what is upon them, and only then will they take their stand. When that holy day happens our victory is at hand, and not before then, because they will not believe it until they “see” it.


David Carothers Natalie Normyle
Women tend to be “herd creatures,” with a yearning to belong to and be accepted by The Herd.
This mentality causes them to act in ways that are NOT in their best interests!!
And, of course, the destructive ((media)) and ((academy)) influences….


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch David Carothers I have blogged on the brilliant book by attractive Nordic female Louanne Brizendine, M.D., a Harvard graduate, “The Female Brain.” She confirms that females are oriented toward cooperation, socialization and fitting in. It is men who are more “lone wolves.”

Her book points out that baby girls study faces far more than baby boys. They are looking for social cues: are mom, dad and other adults okay with me?


Look at Trump — he LOVES conflict and NOT “fitting in ” 😉


Ews Uck That’s what makes Trump so darn funny.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Ews Uck Thanks for a great comment.


David Carothers John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Yes, women trend toward cooperation, fitting in with The Herd.
By “Herd” I mean the other women in whatever kind of group setting they gather. During the dark and cold period of pre-history, the Clan, comprised of several families, was the group setting that helped to insure the survival of the individual members.
There was a division of labor, so we’re told. The strong and agile men bonded together in groups to forage for food and assembled together for long-range hunting expeditions. Some of these quests for game to feed the Clan may have required up to several weeks.
Meanwhile, the women of the Clan remained in their accustomed territory and performed “womanly” chores around the camp: mending whatever rough clothing the men, women and children wore; tidying the camp area, perhaps catching fish in a nearby stream.
These daily and nightly tasks essential for the survival of the Clan required cooperation and a strong sense of Group Belonging.
A team of women who, although there would have been the inevitable disputes…imbued the women with the kind of bonding only women can achieve.
Yes, the Herd Mentality that was necessary for the common good. An ancient instinct that prevails even to this day…


Arthur Bentley John De Nugent Aufdeutsch The male brain is on average 10% larger than the female brain.
Both men and women collectively score the same Bell Curve average for IQ. However, male geniuses outnumber female geniuses. Female intelligence is more averaged than male intelligence, producing less dunces but also less geniuses.
The female brain is wired for both hemispheres to work together. A female typically uses more of her brain for any given task. The female brain is superior to men’s when it comes to verbal communication and organising. While the male brain is more wired for the front and back to work together and brain activity is more localised. This probably explains why men are rubbish at multi-tasking and prefer to concentrate on one thing at a time. We are wired differently but try telling that to a feminist!!! I have lol.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Arthur Bentley Great insights, and thanks. Kitchen work for a mom is a great example of amazing female multitasking.


Brian Avran Pretty white girl from charlottesville, a communist liberal stronghold where young white people are taught to not be racist and to love P of C … goes to NYC for college, wanders around Harlem unaccompanied. What could possibly go wrong?
P.S. I know this neighborhood in Harlem and I’ve been also been to C’ville, so I am not just talking shit.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Brian Avran You were in Charlottesville, Brian, when the big hubbub took place, so you know how Bolshevik it has gotten. I have two female FB friends there.

Brian Avran I saw the communist hammer-and-sickle flags flying, and VSP guarding the antifa.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Brian Avran Virginia State Police guarding the Antifa who hate and loathe them as white males. Un-freaking-believable.

Layne Lawless White folks are just too nice for our own good.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Layne Lawless Yes, and the more Nordic, the worse. “Blue-eyed” has the secondary meaning of NAIVE in German, Finnish, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.

Blue-eyed white female (played by actress Kiersten Warren) welcomes aliens in “Independence Day” atop a Los Angeles high-rise before she is vaporized. 😉

Layne Lawless Uh-oh! That would be me: blue-eyed and blonde. I don’t think I am like those women you describe. I think most ppl on FB know that if anyone f***s with me they will get shot. Oddly, ppl don’t bother me! But then, I am not a normal “sissy” woman. I actually make a conscious effort not to watch TV shows where women are victims, because I think they are propaganda to make us feel and act helpless. We are being trained.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Naiveté is just a tendency which can be overcome, esp. by education and having a good mother and father in the house. Most of the frontier women were of northern-European stock and very no-nonsense!


Layne Lawless I think in some ways I am still naive and too trusting. I usually trust ppl until they prove they can’t be trusted, and I think a wiser course would be to do the opposite. It seems everyone is morally bankrupt these days. I talk about it on my website:


Jeff Smith Figgers…


Ellen Horn If my dad had not had a big hand in raising me I would have been gone many decades ago.

Layne Lawless John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Of course; she is obviously an airhead libtard.

Claudina Roncoli A 13 year old boy murdered her. He’s being tried as a juvenile which means he’ll be out while still young and will probably kill again.


  1. Dear Mr. de Nugent,
    Your theories about Jews are confirmed again:
    But Jews lie about everything. They say White Americans descend partly from Amerindians, and they have 2-9% Amerindian DNA, while Africans have 0% Indian admixture.
    Do you see how retarded this is? There is no average of 2-9% Indian blood in Americans, but an average of 2-9% if you take the average from everyone. In reality, there are a few people with 100% Indian blood, and a lot with 0%. If you take the average. yes, you get 2-9%, but that doesn’t mean that everyone has some Indian blood in them.
    It’s the same with the Neanderthals in Europe. Northern Europe has about 0%, with only Sweden havng a nominal amount. Why? Because they took in Jews in WWII, and Jews have a lot of Neanderthal blood. Central Europe has more Jews, so they average about 2% Jewish/Neanderthalic blood. Southern Europe has 4% on average. And the Middle East has 20-60%.
    So European do not have an average of 2% Neanderthal DNA. What Europe does have is about 4% Jews, who each have around 50% Neanderthalic DNA. You just have to look at the skulls to see. Neanderthals look nothing like Europeans, but look like carbon copies of modern Arabic or Jewish skulls. Jews are simply Neanderthals, and Europeans Cro-Magnons just as you wrote years ago.

  2. The preference for athletes among many American white women testifies to the herd instinct among many females because this preference for athletes is rooted in television glorifying athletes. In jewish households where athletics are mocked and disapproving facial expressions are made in response to athletics, the jewish women know to choose scholarly men over athletes, and, as a result, jews have gradually been bred for intelligence while white women have been selecting for men of the body rather than men of the mind, and this is all related to white women responding to what white men praise and pay attention to: athletics.
    And this also raises the value of black men in the eyes of white women because they see white men fawning over black athletes. The herd mentality of women has implications in sexual selection and guided by television, female selection can produce a herd of dumb goyim for jews to manipulate.

    • Yes, though the Ancient Greeks and the modern National Socialists glorified muscles, athletic achievement and the body beautiful. The jews can twist anything wonderful into a weapon against us. And Hitler was certain that we will never outsmart or “out-cunning” the jews. We have to go with out own fortés: heroism, idealism and innovations.

      Btw, if you have not seen my blog article here, the more estrogen a woman produces, the more she is attracted to a high-testosterone man:

    • Thanks for this.

      She was obviously also some kind of feminist, saying on an audiotape on NBC News she was so glad to be at Barnard College because it was “all-girl,” then resisted the three negro males when they robbed her — as if she were some kind of Super Girl.

      Any fool knows three armed males against one unarmed female is fearsome odds. But she gobbled down the Jew feminist mind toxin, and paid with her life.

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