Charlottesville, Virginia today — targeted for destruction by Jews, blacks, Mexicans and muslims

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Monticello, the country mansion outside of Charlottesville that was built by genius, Framer and US president Thomas Jefferson


This city of (evil slaveowner) and Founding Father Thomas Jefferson,  home to the University of Virginia, which Jefferson founded (and from which my younger daughter Erika got her two degrees in the fine arts and nursing), and where the University has done unique, massive scientific studies since 1965 on reincarnation,

….the location also where a big WN rally was held and illegally quashed in August 2017,

…is sliding now straight into minority chaos and open tyranny against whites.

A native and female friend of ours for years wrote me:

C-ville is now a “Sanctuary City” for illegals that is run by the Blacks now.

They are giving themselves pay raises at taxpayers expense.

Trying to take down our Confederate history.

Taking taxpayer-funded tours to Ghana for “cultural enrichment.”

The chief of police was replaced by a communist black, so there will be no justice for straight, conservative Caucasians.

Vice-mayor Bellamy

Chief of Police Thomas

They are giving incentives for minority-run businesses.

The new mayor is pure evil.

A big fan of reading Malcolm X books at her desk and a real white-hating negress.

They also went after Thomas Jefferson’s statue at UVA, which HE designed, after HE founded the school! Ungrateful sewer rats!

I walked into a Walmart there and am a minority among Muslims and Mexicans. Furthermore, at a workout gym there, four Islamics came, fully clothed in one incident, right into the jacuzzi… Then again an entire family was clothed in the pool.

The management there demonized all whites who complained. They responded hostilely towards a legitimate complaint, saying “It’s their religion.” 

Also some walking through the gym are dressed in burkas. Working out…

 That city is not safe and with the new Malcolm x loving mayor who wasn’t voted in she was placed there and the new Afro-Communist police chief….apparently white cops are leaving…good cops getting accused of racism for doing their job any time a black commits a crime. Anyway. There can’t be a safe place for Caucasians anymore and I wish to God my family would get out of that hellhole as I did.

The Jew newspaper Charlottesville Weekly is in on it. Mind control. Every week an article is run about the poor blacks and the evil whites. inciting race tensions, demonizing whitey. 

It’s become a real liberal garbage city of, by and for the minorities, where it’s cool to hang a gay flag but taboo to hang a Confederate flag. I’ve moved, John, to [Midwestern state]. The Jews have it in for Charlottesville and have targeted it for destruction.





A government that disarms the people, turns them into sheep, and then brings in wolves is not your government. It is your mortal enemy.




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