Chemnitz – the big turning point in eastern Germany?

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Martin Wallner and Brittany Pettibone

John de Nugent Brittany Pettibone is the pretty American chick whom the (((British))) government banned from entering the UK because she wanted to INTERVIEW Tommy Robinson!

(Her handsome bf and sidekick, Martin Wallner, is the head of Identity Austria. His accent is the native accent that AH actually spoke with his family.)


There have been many big wake-up incidents previously in Germany, starting with the 2016 Cologne New Years party in West Germany, where 1,000 German women were molested.


The movement “120dB” is led by German women who protest being raped by muslims. (The name refers to the sound frequency of the anti-rape whistles that German women now are carrying to summon help. Powerful — English subtitles


But, as usual, it is the East Germans (such as the Chemnitzers) who are taking the lead. Communism had never told them they were guilty just for being German; it blamed all the supposed evil in WWII strictly on “the Nazis”, and it never flooded East Germany with immigrants.

East Germany had no freedom of speech — BUT safe streets, good schools, free medical, dental and college, and everyone had a job and HAD to work.

Naomi Ruth It is amazing how the communist block has resisted multiculturalism.
John de Nugent Lenin always warned about the “wolf face of capitalism,” and when the West Germans came in and annexed the place with New-Yawk-style greed, materialism and firing hard-working employees left and right, the East Germans said: “Ah, maybe Lenin was right!”
Ceolfrid Williamson It would be ironic if the former East Germany (central Germany, really, after the War to Save Bolshevism) were to save the rest of the Fatherland.
Greg Yakovlev The people in these towns of the eastern German regions are justly upset over the crimes the migrants from the Middle East commit to local christian residents. So calling it “nazi” or “racist” is stupid. Many of the migrants from Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Morocco are motivated by crude forms of islamic fundamentalism (wahhabism, salafism).
Some of these migrants have islamist nasheeds and slogans like “cut the throats of unbelievers”. One of the victims of islamist migrants was a half-Latino, half-German carpenter and construction worker. He was attacked as a “kuffar” by migrants from Iraq.
So migrant crime has a religious dimension that the Merkel regime overlooks and ignores. The demonstrations by the Chemnitz residents were quite spontaneous.
Liam Henaghan It was the MI 6 / CIA asset Konrad Adenauer, and not Walter Ulbricht (or Erich Honecker), who enjoyed a “warm” personal relationship with Israel’s President David Ben Gurion. This is NOT a coincidence.
John de Nugent I am honestly not so sure Adenauer was a conscious traitor — for me, he was more like Pétain in 1940, a guy with national prestige and a job to do: restore order after a catastrophe, deal with the conqueror, rebuild the country, put food on the people’s table, and get on with life.
And as for Ben Gurion, all politicos all know how to smile and be “friends” with whoever they need to be.
You have to remember that Adenauer was facing this: The Morgenthau plan was to de-industrialize and starve Germany down to 40 million miserable peasants. The even worse “Germany Must Perish” plan of Kaufman was to entirely carve up Germany, castrate all German men, and give all the German women to five neighboring countries.
A 1941 bestseller
Had Adenauer not cooperated……………..
The Rhine Meadows Camps showed what the Allies were fully capable of, especially the then US President, the German-hating Eisenhower!!!
“(((They))) Liked Ike!”

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