Chemtrailing to kill us by drought and then famine

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Ozone Layer Depreciating
by Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch
July 9, 2022
Duration of video is 56 minutes
California redwoods in flames, Australia under water, crops failing all over the world, it’s just getting started. Earth’s rapidly deteriorating ozone layer is finally coming to light in new reports as the impacts of extreme UV radiation become too hard to hide. Will the majority of the masses continue to ignore and deny this near term existential threat? Record drought and deluge scenarios continue to take their toll on crop production all over the world. How soon till food shelves empty out? The climate engineers continue to cut off precipitation from much of the western US. Las Vegas is so desperate to keep the water flowing that they drilled a 1.5 billion dollar tunnel under the deepest part of the lake in order to drain the last drop. Does Vegas now serve as an example of the human race trying to survive on a rapidly dying planet? 
A very interesting 6-minute video about Lake Mead follows on the same site.


  1. Too many people. Indias population has surpassed China’s now. Africa’s population has passed 1 billion blacks for the first time in history. There are so many Blacks and browns that they export them for free to White Christian countries, for free.
    Yet the global white population is decreasing.
    All social and genetic engineering is done by the monied elites.
    The planet can’t supply Billions of mouths per day , Billions of electric cars , TVs, fridges, cloths ,food production. The great reset can’t be far away .

  2. What happens when a river dries up that supplies you with water AND electricity? You leave your home. Immediately. Two million Las Vegans will simultaneously hit the road.

    Las Vegas isn’t the only metropolitan area affected though, over half of the Colorado River’s water is earmarked for Southern California. The California exodus has barely begun.

    Within months we will see a repeat of a Dust Bowl era type of migration coming to a city near you.

    The only silver lining is that this will turn Nevada into a red state, permanently.

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