Chemtrails — no more proof is needed than this video

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That’s just cloud formation — with the help of the US Air Force

At one time the summer sky was deep-blue, now it is a silvery gray-blue, with lots of metal, and covered by fibrous pseudo-clouds.

Several times, special, very-low-altitude flights have been made right over my house in both Sarver and Apollo, Pennsylvania.

Karsten Bockholdt
Chemtrail flights caught in flagrante delicto — you can hardly prove it better than this.
Charlotte Stein [translated by me from the German original]
Chemtrail pilots are mass murderers!
Charlotte Stein
To you chemtrail pilots
You Chemtrail pilots, we do not know your names, nor your faces, we only hear you, by day and by night, and have your actions in mind.

We ask ourselves, how can you be human? Do you have no conscience? Do you know what you are spraying? Are you aware that these poisons you dump will also destroy you and your families, making Mother Earth uninhabitable?

You also have to breathe, you know. You also have to eat. You also pass through all these annihilating nanoparticles, and inhale barium, strontium, bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, sedatives, etc.

So what are you thinking when taking on this filthiest, weirdest and most murderous job on earth? We suppose that we do not have to look that long for the answer — the charms of Mammon, right?

The annihilation of humanity, as well as of Mother Gaia, on behalf of the NWO, is certainly being royally rewarded. You can splurge on – MY car, my yacht, my house, my Rolex, my wife, my lover!

Wow, what heroes you are, and so important!

Yes, important useful idiots who destroy their own means of survival!

Can you even look at yourselves in the mirror? Do your families still respect you? I prophesy here and now that the day is coming when your loved ones will spit upon you and the peoples of the world in their rage will bring you to justice. And since they cannot get at the men behind the curtain, because they will have long since retreated into their comfortable underground bunkers, you pilots will become the object of the folk’s revenge.

Have fun NOW, because they will not be merciful then. All your prayers, all your tears, all your saying you are sorry will be in vain. Then you can offer the vengeful all your poisonous bank account, but you cannot eat your money, and they will stuff your throat with hundred-dollar bills and not spare your families either.

Has it ever occurred to you that this abnormal notion you are taught of “parasite elimination”, because in the eyes of the anti-humans we are just that, parasites, can be rejected collectively?

Do not you realize that the NWO you serve is trying to eradicate all humans and animals, all plants and drinking water by means of a global gas chamber and that YOU are making an important contribution to it?

You are mass murderers! Yes, you have to keep that in mind — you push a lever and the gasification of humanity begins!

Realize at last that you are nothing more than assistants to the camp supervisors of a vast, open-air death camp called “earth”! You are just a cog in the gearbox, which can continue to run perfectly and smoothly, because not one of you destroyers gets the bright idea to throw some sand in the gearbox and break the wheels!

Murderers is what we call you! Murderers we scream up at the sky! Yes, you murderers, face the dead and dying — face the families!




……See also

Chemtrail pilot’s shocking confession how they keep it secret

1 Comment

  1. I don’t think all of the spraying is done by informed pilots and not all of the informed pilots are told the truth either. I would say that the pilots who actually know what they are really doing are a small percentage of all the spraying. Passenger airlines have been outfitted covertly with spray equipment which is activated remotely via satellite with no input from the pilot, according to a former airline mechanic that supposedly was involved with installing them.

    As for the ones that know exactly what they are doing and do it anyway, their souls will burn in hell. I believe a lot of the spraying is also done autonomously. I have seen and photographed several that are accompanied by orbs that follow alongside of them.

    I’m just saying that it is unlikely that every trail being sprayed is the work of an evil pilot knowingly destroying the planet and all of the life it supports. The technology exists to do the job with or without them.

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