Chief Justice Roberts passed out while walking in DC in June — hmmmmmm

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The very Aryan-looking Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, John Roberts, has shocked conservatives repeatedly, despite also having taken the lead on limiting pro-minority racial preferences and voting “rights,” helping roll back campaign finance regulations, and voting for stronger Second Amendment gun rights.

A comrade and donor wrote:

Remember Mr. Roberts, this was just a trip and fall. A little accident:

I relied:


“Idiopathic seizures” — with no cause, or due to dehydration (a good fake story during a Washington DC summer; I spent 18 years in that hot, humid, evil, Illuminati city.)

John Roberts is also the guy who did Barry Soetoro’s bidding and signed off — to the shock of all paleoconservatives — on both gay marriage (which even the liberal Bill Clinton had banned in 1996 in the Defense of Marriage Act) and on ObamaCare.

In 2007, candidate Obama had three blacks at his Chicago church (the one with the “God damn America” preacher Jeremiah Wright) murdered for knowing and saying he was an active homosexual.

He was an open gay at his elite, expensive, private Honolulu high school, recalls a then friend, Mia Pope.

IMO, the jews have got something on Roberts, and some great concern about him — and are using a bribe, blackmail, or a death threat on the man…..or why not all three?

I remember when Dubya nominated him as Chief Justice, WN publisher Willis Carto wrote that Roberts was a solid paleoconservative and nominating him was one of the few good things Bush had done….

Roberts also totally flubbed administering the oath of office as president to Obama in January 2009. I felt at the time that he knew Obama was an illegal alien, a non-US citizen, a closet homo/bi-sexual, and a closet communist at Harvard Law School — and that he absolutely should not be swearing this man in as president.

Seven weeks after that moment, Obongo unleashed his Deep State on me, the main blogger exposing him for all of the above and especially for running the nude photos of his slutty, communist, and jewish mother.

My then assistant Henrik Holappa of Finland was arrested on a bogus charge of overstaying his visa — we had spent $2,000 getting him a professional political-asylum lawyer — and was broken during 87 days in solitary at the Batavia Federal Detention Facility, turned against me as a condition of his release, and then the Finnish authorities also dropped all three threatened indictments against him for hate speech, etc.

Now he works for the enemy, though he has quite sincerely and nobly apologized to me in Margi’s presence via webcam for his character attacks on me.

I get the sense that John Roberts is or was a really sincere man, and maybe is or was more or less one of us (like Trump, a semi-WN), and so the jews watch him like a hawk, as they watch Trump and have Jared Kushner as his handler.



……See also


My war on President Obama — and his war on me

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