China ready for jew truth; housing update

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….Now it’s the Red Chinese who are revealing the truth about Jewish perfidy

It seems that gullible whites are the only group on the planet who still believe these Jewish lies.

Chinese-American defends the White race:



One Jewish writer says:

‘I live in China, and in the last few weeks I’ve been alarmed at the amount of antisemitic propaganda being published by Baidu News.

Baidu is China’s equivalent of Google, so it reaches a truly enormous readership, and is state-owned.’

This article ( published recently, and essentially denies that the Hlocaust really happened, and the number of Jews really killed numbered only in the “tens of thousands.”

There is also this article published (, which claims that the Jews themselves have responsibility for the Holocaust for being too greedy and self-interested.

There have been many such articles published recently. Another one, while not as overtly antisemitic, propagates a story that Hitler had respect for China but looked down on the Japanese, because when he was poor he was selflessly helped by a Chinese family living in Vienna, meaning he felt great gratitude to China.

Needless to say, this sort of information promotes sympathy for Hitler within China and therefore support for anti-semitism, and it is shocking that these lies are allowed to be published in what is effectively state media.

I personally am outraged by this, and strongly feel that Baidu should be held accountable for this and be pressured to issue a correction and apology.

He goes on to cite two reports, one of which essentially denies that the Holocaust happened, and claims that the number of Jews really killed numbered only in the “tens of thousands.” Another article claims, wait for it, that

“the Jews themselves have responsibility for the Holocaust for being too greedy and self-interested. The truth is that Hitler never slaughtered the Jews. Hitler broke the financial dragon’s egg in order to re-establish the dignity ​​of honest labor. He did indeed shoot a few financial oligarchs, but Hitler did not massacre the Jews.”


….Housing update

I tried for almost a full year to get a duplex home here in Ontonagon, the town on Lake Superior which has been my base since 2014, for just $10,000.

Upstairs kitchen

Downstairs kitchen

But huge website bills and an apartment rental ($730/month) ate deep into my reserves and then some, forcing me to sell both my very good cars and most of my guns.

I ended up perforce taking another look at the yellow house I had rented back in 2014-18.

Money got so tight that a hostile local even threw my stored items on the street. I had to spend days dealing with this.


Month after month with no housing solution went by… while the time for my movement to arise has been ideal ever since October 7 of last year when IsraHell began genociding the Gazans to the shock of the whole planet!

Now all of humanity is waking up finally to the true nature of the jews! We are getting to the point of worldwide outrage at jewry where in the end the people will say — this is both funny and serious:


Yes, by the time the jews have strutted all their stuff, Adolf Hitler will be seen as having been too moderate. The jews will yet bring the world to the brink of annihilation.

As I wrote one hundred years ago:

If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.


What I WANTED and what I NEEDED was a movement HEADQUARTERS, meaning a duplex (two dwellings) for an assistant/bodyguard/security/driver and my and Margi’s valuable furniture, computers, desks, furnishings, kitchen appliances, etc.

I need a housing situation where, for my physical security, I am NOT living alone.

Yet instead, nothing happened despite my constant urging. Month after month rolled by.

And here we are now — June 2024on the brink of a thermonuclear war with Russia and possibly with China.

I was stuck for the last 12 months living long-term in one of the very few apartments in Ontonagon, and I got massively behind on my website bills, my apartment rent and my two storage bills… a huge website hosting bill, my payments to my two website protectors who shield the site from 24/7 jew hacking … and so I even took the bitter decision to sell both my two good cars for cash, and, chillingly, most of my guns, yet this barely kept me afloat.

And then the landlady, who was very nice but not of my political persuasion, gave me at the beginning of May thirty days to leave, which exit cost me a week of my time moving stuff around — and hundreds of dollars to hire local kids as movers.

I have a lot of valuable items, literally a houseful, for a headquarters! But without the duplex, I am STILL paying $200 a month pointlessly in storage!

I have in fact gotten generous donations specifically toward my housing issue, SO I CAN START MY  MOVEMENT before WW3 breaks out.

But pressing bills that had to be paid — or my site would go down and I would be EVICTED — in a town with almost no apartments, or where the owner wants perfect credit, and the first month’s rent, last month’s rent, AND a big security deposit  — brought me once again below the $10,000 needed to buy that duplex.

This house (located next to the mother of the county sheriff, so it is a pretty safe neighborhood 🙂 ) is still available and preferable — but I have had to put it “on the back burner” for the moment.

I had to look at something else, Option B.

I am now like a soldier who has no more bullets in his rifle or pistol, but he can still innovate, and we Aryans are the world’s best at finding new and better solutions.

I have thus armed myself to solve for now my life-and-death problem — and housing in Ontonagon with six months 0f snowy winter IS life-and-death.

The house Margi and I had — April 2018. We had eight months of snow that season.

I repeat: there are almost NO apartments left in this town, given the spread of AirBnBs (a business network involving the renting out of one of your rooms or of the whole house as a kind of hotel to paying guests).

If you as the soldier are out of bullets, then you have to use whatever you have — and go kill the enemy attacking you — even with your entrenching spade! Used normally to dig trenches or foxholes, this implement for digging can also be sharpened to the point of chopping through a human’s flesh and bone. 🙁 The German Klappspaten ( = “foldable spade”) is the granddaddy of all entrenching tools used today by militaries around the world. The pointed blade can be sharpened.

Scene from a modern German military video series, “ParaLightWorks,” with an episode from WWI. Both a Frenchman and a German, after each firefight is over, must decide whether to show mercy or not to a helpless enemy.

A French poilu, undeterred by his unit’s losses, has crawled to within hand-grenade range of the German machine-gun nest.

While the video is touching in places — because there is great bravery and real chivalry on both sides, between the French poilu (infantry soldier) and the German landser

…..there is a dreadful scene with poison gas — and then one more, with the spade (6:10-14)…. and I cursed the jews for causing the ghastly horrors of that White-vs-White war.

A poilu screams horribly as a landser chops his neck repeatedly with the edge of his entrenching spade — white fratricide. Hand-to-hand combat always ensues if you cannot reload your rifle or pistol and aim fast enough — and the enemy is upon you. WWI rifles were bolt-action and it could take three very long seconds to reload and re-aim. A lot can happen to you in just three seconds.   


Good karma for both men for showing mercy……. This video has English subtitles, and is very well-acted, minimalist but it is enough. Not a lot of palaver in combat. 😉 The last, lingering look between the poilu and the landser says it all: “Why are we even killing each other? That man is brave, too, and patriotic; he spared my life, because he has feelings too, and he has loved ones at home that worry about his fate. How are we so different? And what is the real agenda behind this war? Couldn’t our problems have been talked out by our nations like two reasonable people?”

Another scene from ParaLightWorks, but from the next jew-caused war, WWII…..

The series tries to show German soldiers as skilled, brave, and decent, and AFTER a battle sometimes showing mercy to both Russians and Americans. It also shows Allied soldiers in a mostly positive light:


So anyway, I figuratively had to pick up a spade and keep fighting — for a roof over my head as of June 1.

I cannot wait forever for the ideal housing, though the need was urgent and the price of that duplex was and IS very, very, VERY low.

In fact, the price has gone down since the local hospital left town, and now there is talk of the school also closing — and the kids then being forced to take a bus to one hour south of here, to the hamlet of Ewen.

Btw, the hospital closed on April 20……  Maybe, just maybe the jews were giving me in this way the finger? 😉 They know my intention is to start my white movement here. I have invested a decade in forging good relations with most of the locals, 99% of whom are white and 70% of whom are MAGA voters.

As a result of good donations for housing coming in, my old landlord became interested in having me rent again my old rented house at 306 South Steel Street from him once again, particularly since I offered to finance urgent roof and ceiling repairs in lieu of rent. 

This house at 306 is much smaller than the brown duplex is, just a 2-bedroom cottage, but, as they say, “any port in a storm.” And the storm was the landlady ended the rental contract.

I had to get out. And I had to decide where to go.

I actually always liked this cottage, and Margi and I had lived there together from fall 2014-spring 2015. I also had five spiritual experiences here, including the one I have often alluded to about Margi and East Prussia.

German girls were raped, hung by their heels, doused in gasoline and set on fire. But Dresden was the same thing, except the US Air Force and the Royal Air Force did the burning of human flesh from 10,000 feet and the Germans were just tiny dots.

So this house is meaningful to me, it has many memories of my late wife, Margaret Huffstickler, and many important vibes. Plus, with two bedrooms I can at least bring in another person to assist me with things and be security.

Six years of a worsening roof and no funds (until I got some) led to this kitchen ceiling.

Using wood to repair the roof joists

The roof, soffet and joists are nearly replaced.

UPDATE ..  the soffet is up. No more squirrels, chipmunks and skeeters in bed with me! 😉


Putting down the kitchen roof’s “underlayment,” a black tarpaper, then atop it we are putting rolled shingling (less expensive than individual shingles).

Roughing it — still no running water yet in Week Three for cooking, none for toilets, sinks, and showers (the pipes froze). The ceiling is still on the To-Do List 😉 ….with mosquitos coming in at night until the soffet is finished.

Kitchen view facing the door to the deck, I scrubbed the kitchen floor for an hour.

My bedroom. Only the back half of the house is now livable, but that will change.

My office, with the living room in the upper left quarter of the photo still full of furniture and building supplies.

I don’t mind roughing it.

A nuclear war — or martial law under Biden or another Demoncrat — for forced vaccination, or forced chipping, THAT would be seriously roughing it. 😉

I do need that duplex for either me or staff. Growth of my movement may be rapid. For while all are itching to do so, I will indeed name the jew.

And I will say how Adolf Hitler would fix America, stop WW3, protect the endangered Whites, unify the country without a race war, and not fall under Chinese domination.

It starts with the Upper Midwest (yellow dot). It is modeled on the success of apartheid South Africa, which had a core, pure-white area and white-supervised homelands for the minorities (which includes white libtards). You love the Blacks? Go live with them. 😉

Apartheid failed for two big reasons:

1) no mandatory birth control for the blacks, whose population exploded thanks to white-man medicine and providing good jobs for Blacks; and

2) ESSENTIAL — all Jews should have been expelled from South Africa.

Canadamerica is 200 million North American Whites, with Québec, Africamarica (the old Cotton Belt), Hispanic America, and two libtard protectorates, one on each coast.  Whites will still live there but as a  separate, ruling caste.  For all residents of all races, crime will end, prosperity will begin, and Canadamerica, ceasing to be an aggressive hegemon, will get along fine with the other superpowers: Russia and China.

Think the media might cover that? Maybe on a slow day? 😉

One of the best videos ever on Hitler, and how jew billionaires create and run a fake, puppet democracy — with an inspiring ending!




  1. I share some of your optimism about the Chinese, and I think they’re the only hope we have to end Jewish domination of the West.
    Other countries have had enough of America, and the European countries don’t have the resources or power to beat Russia.
    Russia has taken enormous losses as well as Ukraine.
    But in the end they have a much bigger buffering zone then Ukraine, and if the Europeans and Americans keep poking the bear, then this will not end well if [NATO] sends in trained jet-fighter pilots and elite soldiers and weapons experts.
    Those actions will not end in their favour.
    Russia has the highest amount of nuclear weapons on earth. I don’t think Putin is crazy or stupid, but I do think he could ally with China and India, and if those three countries used all the nuclear weapons, they could easily destroy Europe, and American warships, and attack America with Russian and Chinese troops at various US bases.
    A nightmare scenario but definitely possible with the current situation.

    • Yes.

      The biggest claim to fame of Red China (which is economically no longer “Red,” but post-communist, with a regulated capitalistic economy and many billionaires) is that Mao ended foreign domination, which he did. But the Chinese leaders know that the British Empire that attacked China and forced opium on that nation was actually the Rothschild Empire and specificaly it was the jewish Sassoon family.

      The Chinese have no illusions about the jews. And as a non-Christian nation, they laugh at Bible claims that the jews are “God’s Chosen People” and jewish moaning about the “Holocaust.”

      The East Asian race is quite practical, unsentimental, money-oriented, educated, family-oriented and hard-working. They will use the jews only as long as it suits them.

      In fact, all East Asians admire just ONE white nation for its own traditions of education, hard work and success — Germany.

      • They admired the old Germany,not the current Germany.
        I’ve heard that the Chinese admire the jews because of how successful and good at making money they are.
        And i know the Chinese president and the rest of the Chinese communist party admire Karl Marx.
        I’m hoping that the Chinese won’t ally with the jews and team up with them.
        No world leader is an intelligent interlectual they all made their people get the mrna death jabs.
        And the Chinese leader is not an interlectual.
        Only the most stupid ignorant people are involved in politics when their banks are owned by jews,and it’s only corrupt ignorant people who would let jews own their banks.
        Thats why the world leaders are corrupt ignorant people who only care about money and power and themselves.
        The jew is the corruption of mankind, but hopefull the mrna bioweapon will be their undoing.
        There not going to be able to cover up somethimg on this scale.
        And the great reset is not going to work, people are not going to go along with this.
        Too many people are aware of this now and will react with anger and riots if their money is restricted and they can’t access it.

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