Chinese economy booming with their version of National Socialism

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Time to say it loud and proud: the Chinese, who actually invent very little, have a booming economy because of copying German National Socialism. It is state-supervised private enterprise, the rejection of individualism, censorship of degenerate culture, and the promotion of family, race, work, education and nation. The truth is that Hitler, indirectly, is making China a superpower.


China is spending 5 trillion dollars on infrastructure
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Danny R Thomson yep the Chinese state is doing the opposite of the west and look at it flourishing
Stephen Oof Nàºmenor They severely lack the deep respect for nature though, and need an entire Africa for resources.
John de Nugent Yes, pollution, and also tremendous corruption. Germans they are not.
John de Nugent The Han Chinese also tend to lack compassion and can be incredibly cruel to animals such as dogs and cats. But the East Asian race has many well-known strong points such as hard work and a good IQ.

Don Van Vliet I recall a Taiwanese friend telling me that she NEVER heard the Chinese talking about the environment!

They only care about making money, which is why every Chinese student I meet in Vancouver is studying business, business management, or accounting!

The oldest civilization on the plane, and what did they invent…paper, paper money, gunpowder, and chopsticks…that’s about it!

Horst Horner Yes, the Chinese Are on the Move!!
But at what Cost to the human Spirit and, to a lesser degree, the environment in which they must Work and Live?
And, yes, the Chinese system has its Coddled Elites…
Horst Horner Like America and Western Europe…

China is combating air pollution with the world’s first ‘forest city’

Horst Horner The Chinese have a long-standing reputation of being a Most Industrious people.
If it were not for their adherence to a Failed ideology they may have Surpassed the West in their innovations by now.
Perhaps America and Western Europe are Lucky that the Chinese have held Themselves Back…
John de Nugent Don Van Vliet True, but also noodles/pasta…. brought back from China to Italy by Marco Polo.
Walter D. Bialkowski I agree that the Han Chinese are a civilized people and have many strong points. They have survived times of horrendous hardship before and especially during the early years of the Maoist regime.
After the death of Mao, Communist Chinese leaders decided to allow more foreign investment, etc, into China. I suppose Rockefeller and Kissinger led the way back in the early 70’s. I believe that much of what we see as an economic ‘boom’ in China was due to the globalists who ‘outsourced’ so much of our and other countries’ manufacturing to China to reap greater profits at the expense of their own people. The Chinese didn’t have to do the ‘leg-work’ or pay the costs of expensive R & D programs, making prototypes, etc. They were either given or stole all kinds of blueprints and plans from the West and thus were spared those expenses. With a population of something like 1.2 billion people the Communist regime in China has an endless supply of cheap labor.
The regime is still as anti-Christian as it ever was – because Marxism is, in essence, a satanic philosophy and can’t abide Christian principles or Jesus Christ. Here’s how a school day begins in a typical Chinese high school (not a military school) ~~…Manage

This is how Chinese high school trains their students

This is a normal Chinese high school NOT a military ¦


Albert Eugene McDonald Walter D. Bialkowski That is not an accurate depiction of the average high school in China, that is an exception. Most Chinese high school students are just out of shape walking vaginas and incapable of such a feat!
Albert Eugene McDonald John de Nugent That is a fairly accurate depiction of a Chinese school. They are starting to have the same problem with kids that we have, spoiled little asswipes that think the world owes them something, and my last trip was 2006 and from what I hear it is getting worse.
China took our jobs by maintaining a 100% tariff on all imports and when Bill Der Schlickmeister Clinton gave China most favored trading status all our manufacturing fled to China so they could get in that market and still sell the products here for the same price and earn more profit. We desperately need to implement the labor laws of Hitler’s Germany, dismantle the fed, force congress to do their job right after we hang the current congress on the white house lawn for failing to do so, calculate the money owed to the American people by the war profiteers and give them 24 hours to pay up or be arrested and executed, freeze the assets of all international businessmen and bankers until their culpability can be established then make them pay accordingly some with their life, cut off all foreign aid especially to Israel with one exception, Palestinians deserve some help after all we have done to facilitate their misery, they deserve a missile defense system and the means to defend themselves, medicine and food for a limited period of time. That’s a good start for day 1 of my presidency.
If anyone wants to get a birdseye view of what China is like these 2 channels are probably the most accurate available. They show the good, bad and ugly, do keep in mind they are considered “guests” by the Chinese government and too much criticism could get them kicked out and they are married to Chinese women so they are a little biased but relatively fair,
The Original China Vlogger My name is Winston, a British South African that has been living in China since February 06, Come and join my adventures in China!…
Some of the things they do in China I thought was a good idea was people who collected what we would call a welfare check were required to work as long as they are able and they had something for them to do. I lived in a privately owned building but it had a elevator operator who collected a government check. They don’t waste money on expensive equipment they don’t need, all the golf courses in Beijing were maintained by hand, the most expensive piece of equipment they had was the mower they used on the greens and apron the rest was done with push mowers. When they demolish a building they have several hundred “government check recipients” present to move the rubble by hand. Construction workers live in the buildings they are building until they are finished.
John de Nugent Thanks very much for this info, Albert Eugene McDonald! A comrade who lives in Asia once called the Chinese “insects with insect brains,” which is not a slam on their IQ, of course, but refers to a certain cold and ruthless practicality. We should never underestimate China!
Chinese public execution means one single AK-47 rifle bullet to the back of the head. No mess, no fuss, no bother, no gallows, gas chamber, lethal injection or electric chair. (Policemen bend away to avoid blood spatters on their uniforms.) This restaurant owner knowingly did not throw out food that had gone bad but instead fed it to her patrons; several died.…/chinese-shoot-female…Manage
This is a “death van” used in China as an alternative to the traditional method of execution by firing squad. Manufactured by Jinguan Auto, a maker of ambulances, the van has a sliding stretcher that comes out the back, so as to avoid the brutal scene of dragging the condemned prisoner on-board for their lethal cocktail. It also comes equipped with a live video feed to broadcast the executions. Certain critics argue that the vehicle makes it easier for authorities to engage in illegal organ-harvesting of the prisoners, difficult to verify, since no one is allowed to view the corpses of the executed prior to cremation. Amnesty International reports that the profits from organ sales may be part of the reason China refuses to abandon the death penalty. According to Kang Zhongwen, designer of the vehicle, the shift from shooting people in the back of the head to poisoning them in the back of a bus reflects how China “promotes human rights now.”


Dan Cunningham John de Nugent Life is dirt cheap in China. I have seen surveillance videos of people in China hitting someone with their car then running them over again to make sure they were dead because they would have been legally responsible for that persons medical bills and other expenses.

John de Nugent Dan Cunningham My father fought as a Marine in Asia/Pacific in WWII and Korea, got to know the Japanese, Chinese, Malays, Filipinos and North Koreans, and came to the very firm conclusion that compared to whites, East Asians seem to lack the gene for compassion. “Life is not sacred for them, John. They would let you die by the side of the road.”

……See also

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