Chinese hatred of “the white boy”; Blacks show shish-kebab of white babies; 72% of Trump voters decry racism against Whites; spiritual reading

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Do you think the sign “Kill Whitey” might be, umm, maybe just kinda “racist”? 

The egoic mind kicks in when we see such things, the egoic denial mind:

“Aww, come on. They don’t really mean that.”

Oh, hell yes, some of them DO!

This is also, shall we say, not very “helpful”….. Blacks making a shish-kebab of white babies….


…..East Asian supremacism at SUNY/Stony Brook [State University of New York/Stony Brook out on Long Island]

As all regular readers of this website know,  I constantly expose the spiritual defects of our own WHITE people.

On THIS specific planet, Terra, there are a lot of Whites who have earned some serious bad karma.

I experienced this myself yet again and very recently. As a result of a setback caused by a bad-karma white person, I just had to sell off for cash this car (a 1996 Ford Crown Victoria) which I loved, which I needed, and which I drove around with Margi for years. She and I came up to the UP in 2014 –an 18-hour trip with no sleep since we could not afford a motel room — in this roomy, reliable, and very powerful 8-cylinder, excellent car.

(Deer-collision damage on the one headlight)


We Whites are still a superior race, but to be humbly honest, we are, in effect, simply LESS BAD than the other ego-insane races that are also here.

Why do 1/4 of 1% of us, the jews, rule so many? Our own cowardice and greed.  Look at this f-king jew smirking with his little boys. Why didn’t some earthling just kill this jewish human turd 30 years ago? “I ain’t no hero,” one dude in Apollo, Pennsylvania said to me.



…..Falling down

…..Do East Asians want to “kill Whitey”?



A supporter since 2008, who is a natural blonde and had a German father, sent me this:


Dear John,

I am sending attached a photo that my son just took at Stony Brook University ( in the library of a desk that has the following text written on it with black pen:



“We Asians take over

world next

make white boy


Someone made a fitting comment with an arrow to the left thereof: “Racist.”

Few who are not actually on campus understand that 90% of the students at Stony Brook University, about 30 miles east of Manhattan, are Asians.


The Charles B. Wang Center, located at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in Stony Brook, New York, sets the tone: Whitey must make every effort to understand the Asians.

Blood red and yellow/gold have been the national colors of China for many centuries (as in “killing” and “making money/gold”?) 


I guess racial hatred towards Whites is universal. It must be jealousy and envy based on inferiority. Non-Whites have this monotony of having only one color,  jet-black hair, and always brown-black eyes – and regardless of any IQ test results  — none of them could produce a baby like ours.

The library — outer wall with cubicle desks


the specific desk


Here is the graffiti… The size is not important, just the blood-curdling message….




zoomed in:  “We Asians take over world next/Make white boy extinct”



……The shocking book about China “Ways that are Dark”

I remember when I first read this book, Ways that are Dark around 1978. It chronicles the experiences of white American Ralph Townsend (the son of Protestant American missionaries in China) in the early 1930s when he served there with the United States Foreign Service.


My alma mater, Georgetown University, has a special “School  of Foreign Service” to prepare Americans for this very career. It is located in the same Walsh Building as my own “School of Languages  and Linguistics” where I studied German and French, and facing which I demonstrated with three others in full NS uniform against the Georgetown Student Council (for which every student had to pay dues).

In this supposedly Catholic school, they supported a pro-abortion group and a militant homosexual group, and banned an anti-abortion group!!

And this was back in 1979…. 44 years ago…. I thought I had been dropped into some kind of parallel universe! 😉 This was at a time  when even the rumor of being “gay” could squelch promotions or even end a government or especially a military or intel career.

Part of the 1960s war between the Kennedys and J. Edgar Hoover of the  FBI was that the Kennedys, and also the Mafia, had dirt on Hoover being a queer and a cross-dresser. Hoover actually lived openly with another man,  Clyde Tolson, who was the Assistant Director of the FBI!

Handsome Clyde (who looked like James Arness, the star of “Gunsmoke”) and his boyfriend Edgar lived together in a small DC house (which, btw, 17 years ago a friend of mine remodeled. It was also located just 50 feet from US senator Lyndon Johnson’s house, and Hoover and LBJ were tight, too.)

Anyway, Georgetown U., located in Washington D.C. was the epicenter of US foreign affairs studies, and it is the top school in the country for this.


So the former US Foreign Service official  –and son of American missionaries who had spent decades in China —  Ralph Townsend, wrote this very hostile book about the shocking dark side of the Chinese people, giving examples of the Chinese being ultra-materialistic, insanely in love with money and riches, and either sadistic or just callous, heartless and unfeeling toward the poor and the sick. 

A white nationalist and America Firster, Townsend would be one of 42 Americans indicted for sedition in the infamous 1944 “Great Sedition Trial” by the U.S. attorney general, Francis Biddle, under the part-jewish traitor Rosenfeld, but the entire case was dismissed by a federal judge after seven months.

“Ways that are Dark” is a very harsh critique of Chinese society and ethics, especially about the rampant lying, stealing, and cruelty.

Townsend claimed that the source of China’s problems lay in fundamental defects in the nature of the Chinese people.

So it comes as no surprise that the Chinese twisted Buddhism, a religion centered on compassion and losing the ego, into the exact opposite view:

1) make money any way you can,  and

2) the hell with anyone else. Let them starve; let them croak.

It was common in China to not help the suffering by saying that they must have bad karma, so it would be wrong for me to help them.


My father was shocked to the core during two wars (WWII and Korea) by the callousness of the Chinese, but also that of the Japanese, and North and South Koreans.

He felt strongly that it was an East-Asian racial characteristic to be pitiless.

Many other Marines felt as he did — coming to loathe “the gooks.” My father recalled to me once during the Korean War how a Marine in a troop train stuck his rifle out a train window to just shoot away for fun and at random at any “gooks” working in the rice paddies, or bicycling along a road. His hatred of them was so strong that he ignored my father’s direct order as his captain that he stop it.

And in the Marines, needless to say, instant and absolute obedience are de rigeur. My dad finally had to pull out his .45 pistol and put it right up to the Marine’s temple to get him to not start killing random “gooks.” And many white GIs in Vietnam felt the same way.

The My Lai massacre of over 500 Vietnamese civilians on March 16, 1968 by order of US Army lieutenant William Calley reflected this. (After Calley was sent to prison, President Richard Nixon pardoned Calley.)

This tells you just how much white Marines and Army soldiers came to hate the East Asians.

I strongly recommend you read this unforgettable book.


The Japanese, being also East Asians though not the same as the Chinese, have their dark side, too, but even they are shocked by a Chinese total lack of ethics!

One of my Japanese clients told me about how a Chinese dowager empress (a  dowager is the widow of a ruling emperor  who died) got tired of her son’s rule as the new emperor, succeeding her late husband, and also hated her daughter-in-law, her son’s wife.

Soooooo…. Obviously, she had her own son poisoned, and became empress herself. 😉

And as empress in her own right, she then had the daughter-in-law arrested.

She then ordered doctors to take a surgical saw and knife and amputate her daughter-in-law’s arms and legs, cut off her nose, and gouge out her eyes. 

Then the daughter-in-law was thrown into a pigsty to be fed slop with the pigs.




The Japanese client said quietly to me:

“John….. we have no story …. in all of Japanese history …. that is even remotely like this.”




…..See also


Poll: 73% of Trump Voters Say Racism Against White Americans is a Problem

Chris Menahan
Jul. 24, 2023

Donald Trump voters view racism against whites as a bigger problem than racism against blacks, according to a new YouGov poll.
From Yahoo News, “Poll: Trump voters say racism against white Americans is a bigger problem than racism against Black Americans”:

The survey of 1,638 U.S. adults, which was conducted from July 13-17, shows that among 2020 Trump voters, 62% say that racism against Black Americans is a problem today — while 73% say that racism against white Americans is a problem.

Asked how much of a problem racism currently is, just 19% of Trump voters describe racism against Black Americans as a “big problem.” Twice as many (37%) say racism against white Americans is a big problem.

Trump voters and self-identified Republicans — overlapping but not identical cohorts — are the only demographic groups identified by Yahoo News and YouGov who are more likely to say racism against white Americans is a problem than to say the same about racism against Black Americans. A majority (51%) of white Americans, for instance, think racism against people who look like them is a problem — but overall, far more white Americans (72%) say racism against Black Americans is a problem.

The poll found 77% of those who prefer Trump for 2024 view racism against whites as a problem. Among independents, 49% said racism against whites was a problem vs 43% who said it was not.

How are Republicans going to address these concerns? The overwhelming majority of elected Republicans are completely silent on the issue and are only willing to criticize vague concepts like “wokeness” and “critical race theory.”

For his part, Trump managed to stack the Supreme Court and gut affirmative action. In part as a result of that ruling, a Trump-appointed district judge in Tennessee struck down the Department of Agriculture and Small Business Administration’s race-based contracting schemes favoring minority-owned businesses.

…..spiritual reading for July 28

Oh dear ones, it is so important that you do not try to control things. Of course, this is generally true, but today it is more so. Please step back from your small picture of things and try to see that all is in wiser hands, ones that have the benefit of a vision much, much further reaching than you can even imagine.
As always, it is necessary at many times to act, to make choices and to be a player in your own life.
However, it is even more essential that you remember that you are simply that: a player. You are not, on your own, the visionary you sometimes know yourself to be, but rather the incredible vehicle for the vision to manifest. You are a tiny fraction of the greatness, and your destiny and purpose can never be divorced from that of the whole.
For this reason, you cannot and must not try to act on your own behalf. Rather, will that your actions are in accordance with the greater good. In this way, of course, they will be in accordance with your own greater good.
Sometimes you are pointed downstream and all is flow. At other times, you feel yourself struggling against the current, getting virtually nowhere and at great personal expense. Sometimes this latter is a necessary thing to do. There is often little learned from effortless floating. 😉 It all depends on what the goal is.
And like we said, you have not the capacity or the stature to see all that far.
However, there is a part of you, that part which is indeed connected to all else with consciousness, in consciousness, which has the ability to discern where it is correct for you to be, to go, to become.
The difficulty lies in isolating the voice of that part of you and hearing it clearly at all times.
Again, sometimes that is not difficult at all. You just know. Or the path opens before you and you need do nothing but walk ahead.
At other times, it feels like you are in the jungle, off any path without signs or signals to tell you which way to turn.
Because this latter state is common, we suggest that you make a practice of asking and intending that you move in alliance with the highest good of the whole.
Today is an excellent day to work with that idea.
It sounds kind of simple. Obvious. What is the big deal? Of course you do that all the time. But do you?
Really? Are you willing to trust that losing your home or your job or your lover or your health is indeed part of the larger plan? Or does it speak to you of frailties in your own intent? Are these occurrences (or their milder echoes,) things which you have had the ability to accept with gratitude or do you feel impelled
to fix them?
It is a good time to look at these questions and to note how you synchronize (or don’t) with a more cosmic purpose… least in your own perception. Try to allow today, and to watch yourself and your instinctive response to that allowing.
No matter how you feel, we can assure you that all is well and that you are absolutely held and loved and guided at this time. We can assure you that no matter what you are encountering in the banality of your life or the ecstasies and despairs of your spiritual explorations, you are going to the places you are meant to go.
All you can do is to stay open to the lessons and the experiences being offered. That, and stop struggling.
We love you and send all our best wishes and blessings.




  1. The Chinese will be another global threat to world peace, deliberately engineered by the Jew-controlled media fr the benefit of elite jewish interests.
    My friend has just had his business destroyed by the Chinese. They copied all of his products , and now they sell them cheaper on Ali Express.
    The Chinese have no copyright laws…. dangerous little bastards.
    China might destroy itself from within, especially if AI replaces 300, 000000 + jobs world wide. China could have a 50-million-strong unemployed horde on the rampage.
    My mate’s dad was a British Army officer serving in Korea. He was manning a Vickers machine gun. The Chinese bugles sounded and the Chinese carried out human-wave attacks. The Vickers gun kept firing until its officer ordered it to stop. British soldiers had to pull away the mounds of dead Chinese troops from in front of the Vickers gun, as it was stopping their field of fire. Soon afterwards the bugles sounded and the Chinese launched repeated human wave attacks, but they never broke through.

    • Thanks for this comment.

      My father had the same experience in Korea, and also told me how grateful he was to have a British Commonwealth unit next to his.

      Between the communist mindset and the traditional Chinese callousness toward even their own people, the slaughter was sickening to my father. Human-wave assaults against machine guns were insane, and deeply disturbing to any white man with a conscience. He too saw piles of Chinese dead.

      And Chinese boys would fall to the ground and pretend to be dead to avoid being mowed down by US Marine automatic weapons. Their plan was to then raise their hands in surrender at dark and come over to the American side. So the Red Chinese commissars would come amongst the piles of the dead or supposedly dead, and feel the bodies. If a body was warm, it meant the soldier was faking it, and they would shoot the man in the temple with their pistol. My father would hear this dreadful sound.

      Asfor the Vickers MG, it sure was a fantastic weapon, water-cooled and reliable. I faced the Vickers in WWI.


      The weapon had a reputation for great solidity and reliability. Ian V. Hogg, in Weapons & War Machines, describes an action that took place in August 1916, during which the British 100th Company of the Machine Gun Corps fired their ten Vickers guns to deliver sustained fire for twelve hours. Using 100 barrels, they fired a million rounds without breakdowns. “It was this absolute foolproof reliability which endeared the Vickers to every British soldier who ever fired one. It never broke down; it just kept on firing and came back for more.”[19]

      • I read an article once regarding the British army’s decision to replace the Vickers machine gun with a lighter model in the 60s . A Vickers was set up on the ranges at Bisley by the army . It fired non stop for a week ,24/7 . The water was topped up and troops took it in turns to clip on fresh belts of 303 ammo .It never jammed in this demonstration as the army wanted to keep it .lorries full of ammo boxes were on standby by for this demonstration of reliability and sustained firepower. It was too heavy , and too accurate !

  2. As George Lincoln Rockwell stated, the only people on planet Earth who don’t realize there is a world wide race war going on are all the stupid White people.

  3. Regarding the babies on a stick:

    Of course, the message is clear. They do it because they know they will get away with that. Imagine if that would be reversed in terms of skin colour.

    There would be such outrage – even from “conservatives”. Because they don´t want to be called “racists”. And as long as the negro is put into a suit and has a degree from a university, “integration” has worked out great!

    So hey, as long as you stick to (((their))) rules…this will happen again. It can be changed – but not in a lawful way, because (((they))) control the laws. As long as there is no real revolution, these creatures can do as they want. (I wanted to call them a slur word that compares them to a specific monkey species – but I don´t have the heart to insult the poor monkeys. Looking as these “women” just says it all.)

    The gimmegrants in France have become very bold. The recent riots were just the tip of the iceberg.

    OTOH, we don´t need hostile races for that – there are also enough idiotic whites with similar symbolism.

    Remember the “Deutschland” video from Rammstein?

    There is a negress cutting off the singer’s head…and what does a negress have to do with German history in general?

    Really, it annoys me that I often hear from non-German associates how they like Rammstein as a great German band. In fact, the Rammstein band is just left-leaning assholes. They even said they were punks and how they hate “Nazis”.

    All their so-called “controversial” lyrics contain, in fact, hidden leftist messages, playing with and exploiting the perception that they are right-wingers, but in fact the exact opposite is the case.

    And TBH, I don´t like their music that much. I like metal, but Rammstein is not the best example.

    And while I find the claims of the whores who are currently trying to sue Rammstein based on unproven allegations of rape ridiculous, maybe it´s just karmic backlash for Till Lindemann for his stupid actions.

    • Thanks for this and your other good comments. They are definitely worth the time I take to put them into smoother English. 🙂

      I feel so bad for the Germans with so few heroes to look up to. The mental hell is even worse than in America or Britain.

      And so the time has come for me to step forward. I have waited for the agony to become unbearable, and now it is here.

  4. Regarding the East Asians’ cruelty:

    Well, is this cruel anecdote with the crippled concubine really proven?

    One part of me says this also might be a good method to punish the traitor politicians of the European nations.

    I guess it was the Empress Lü, who is mentioned on Wikipedia:

    But it is also mentioned that her son said then:

    “This is something done not by a human. As the empress dowager’s son, I’ll never be able to rule the empire.”

    It shamed him so much that he withdrew from politics.

    We all know the unproven horror stories about Mengele´s experiments to defame the national socialists…so I take such tales with a grain of salt.

    Humans have the tendency to besmirch their enemies with such nasty lies. And history is full of lies.

    Even if it was true, I wouldn´t judge the character of the whole Chinese people by just that. I say only a small number of people would do such cruel things.

    Remember, we also had torture as a “legitimate,” lawful method in the Middle Ages – and a lot of very inventive devices to cause pain in numerous ways, often surely making the victim disfigured.

    Of course, I´m not saying that Mongoloids (because it´s not only these East Asians) are innocent as a racial group, or are known for their empathy. The Mongols (as the name-givers for the whole mongoloid race) were also know for their brutality during their conquests.

    I say “Mongoloid” because the Amerindians of North and South America are also from this group.

    The culture of the Amerindians was often centered around human sacrifices and other cruel practices.
    And we all know how cruel real criminals can be, killing without remorse.

    In my view the East Asians are too pitiless, while the Whites are too fully of pity, usually for the wrong people. A good balance is needed.

    I´m not sure how accurate the reports about are, and how often it really was used. But the Norsemen were known for the execution method of the Blood Eagle.

    While certainly cruel, I also say some might deserve that.

    • The Wiki article says this about the Dowager Empress:

      Lü Zhi then had Concubine Qi killed in an inhumane manner: she had Qi’s limbs chopped off, eyes gouged out, ears sliced off, nose sliced off, tongue cut out, forced her to drink a potion that made her mute, and had her thrown into a latrine. She called Qi a “human swine” (人彘). Several days later, Emperor Hui was taken to view the “human swine” and was shocked to learn that it was Concubine Qi. He cried loudly and became ill for a long time. He requested to see his mother and said, “This is something done not by a human. As the empress dowager’s son, I’ll never be able to rule the empire.”[5] From then on, Emperor Hui indulged himself in carnal pleasures and ignored state affairs, leaving all of them to his mother, and this caused power to fall completely into her hands.

      I read an article debunking the blood-eagle thing. I am a Norman, and my ancestors were Vikings. We considered Christendom as having attacked us Scandinavians, and as forcing their religion on us tomake us worship (as we perceived it, wrongly) some scrawny jewish coward as God. And so our raids were retaliation and vengeance.

      But there were limits, and I agree with the one author in the article that this was a Christian myth to make heathens look like monsters, just like the jewish stories of skin lampshades and shrunken heads at Nuremberg, or jews being steamed to death or forced to climb tall trees which Poles then chopped down… or the WWI black propaganda about Germans crucifying a Canadian officer….or the current inanity about how Nazis supposedly started MK-ULTRA for the CIA, and raped white children. It is all part of the jews’ scary-Aryan narrative.

      • Well, jealousy can get the worst of people…I say regardless of race.

        Oh, ok, then the Blood Eagle is just a myth. I saw it in the Vikings series.

        The first seasons of that were really great – then it became confusing and often boring. The spin-off “Vikings Valhalla” is unfortunately also twisted by cultural marxism – the Jarl of the town was not only made female, but also black (played by an ugly half-swedish, half-black woman), making up her character that way because some of the Viking raiders took a negro slave who was her grandfather! Yeah, sure…such nonsense.

        They also added more race-mixing in the second season.

        I only watched it because it was half-way exciting and they had cast a beautiful Swedish actress as one of the protagonists. (

        Although it was kinda unrealistic that she was the ass-kicking shield maiden with her slender build.

        The saving grace of the series is that 1) they also showed that Christians were violent zealots and wiped out the old traditions, and 2) some of the action is nice to watch.

        • Yes, this Frida is pretty, in a cold way.

          All wars for the jews on tv or in movies are, of course, glorified, especially against Archdemon Adolf, but the jews also love to show the goyim slaughtering each other to show what manipulable fools we Whites are.

          My ancestors were Vikings (those who became Normans)…. and we were atrocious in 1066 to the Anglo-Saxons.

          Now, more than ever, it is sickening to see Whites killing other Whites.

          My late wife was soft, feminine, compassionate and delightful. She would capture a housefly by cupping her two hands over it, and carry it alive outdoors to be released.

          I do not like women who act like men and who want to be killers. Yin and yang are out of balance.

  5. Ah yes, and I read many years ago in a collection of German sagas that there was a tyrannical lord (can´t remember if he was a king or just a regional ruler) in the Middle Ages who was detested by his people because they often went hungry because he took away most of their harvest.

    They overturned his rulership and as punishment walled him into a pile of stones, except for his head. They hung a loaf of bread above him, slightly above his head. He died of starvation a while later, but he had managed to tilt up his head to lick a bit off the bread.

    Cruel, but considering how tyrannical rulers back then often were, it seems justified.

    • Thanks.

      Whenever I write about Tsar Nicholas II, the last tsar, and the awful fate that he and his family suffered at the hands of bolshevik murderers, I tend to also remind readers that he waged an idiotic and doomed pan-slavic war against mighty Germany (and its emperor, his own cousin!) and against Austria, knowing that those nations were just as conservative and traditional as he was, and that jewish and other bolsheviks and anarchists were out to overthrow him at any moment of unpopularity in a bloodbath.

      They had killed his grandfather, Tsar Alexander II, in St. Petersburg, and also his excellent prime minister, Peter Stolypin, in 1912 at the Kiev Opera and right in the tsar’s presence. Had he never heard of the French Revolution or the Paris Commune uprising? Or the 1905 Russian Revolution that almost succeeded?

      So how could he be unaware of the gigantic subversive threat to his throne, or that world finance jewry (Jacob Schiff, Rothschild, etc.) was out to get him? And that the Russo-Japanese War had been financed by the Wall Street jew Schiff?

      This would be like Robert Kennedy, Junior going blithely for a Sunday drive through Dealey Plaza in Dallas!

      Nicholas II was a complete fool, and his pan-slavic delusion caused millions of Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian soldiers to die, plus it led to his own death and that of his poor (German) wife and beautiful children, to the end of the 300-year-old Romanov dynasty, and then to the deaths of tens of millions of Russians under the nightmare of communism.

      My compassion for Nicholas is thus limited. Though the Russian Orthodox Church made him a saint, no one wants the Romanovs back….or, for that matter, the Hohenzollerns, the Habsburgs and the Bourbons.

      It is a serious thing to want to start a war, which is the planned mass killing of millions of sons and husbands that someone loves, especially a war against powerful, brave and intelligent foes, and with diabolic monsters like the jews waiting in the dark to strike.

      • To be frank with you: I only feel schadenfreude (funny enough that term made it into the English dictionary!) for the death of the Tsar.

        Ok, the other family members didn´t deserve it, but he was such a typical, arrogant, out-of-touch-with-reality monarch.

        I´m not really a big fan of monarchy or a single-ruler system. There were only a few exceptions of really good ones. The monarchy in its last years in Germany was also a joke. Even if he was a commie, the book “Der Untertan” (in English “Man of Straw”) was spot-on. Blind obedience and seeing the emperor as god-like figure was the norm.

        Why did communism arise in the first place? Because the monarchies didn´t care much for the weal of the common people. While we all know that they also abused their powers later on, they did offer answers to questions for which the monarchy had no answer.

        It´s always the thing when a void is there and is not filled. The Green Party in Germany started off well-meaning, because the conservatives neglected and abused the environment. That it became a cesspool of members of the forbidden communist party and other leftists was just an unlucky occurrence.

        About the Russian Orthodox Church, I have to say I absolutely despise this organisation. I see it as enemy to the white race and freedom in general. They are more or less stuck in medieval thinking. While I also dislike the other christian denominations, they seem to be the worst. It seems they want a world-wide rulership.

        I once respected writer Roosh Valizadeh (of Iranian-Armenian background, born in the US) for his works about cultural marxism, masculinism and all that. He also was mostly on good terms with white nationalists, as far as I know. But later on he became a religious zealot, obsessed with his Eastern Orthodox Christian belief.

        Even more worse is this russian guy named German Sterligoff.

        He became rich after the fall of the Soviet Union (which means he was likely into some kind of illegal business) and the first millionaire of post-Soviet Russia. Later on, he also became a religious zealot. He bought a farm and lives there without electricity. While I don´t mind a place to live that is not dependent on modern technology, he also preaches that it would be better if the power would vanish worldwide. If someone is bored, he can read his insane drivel even in english.

        To sum it up, he wants a world-wide power outage because he wants to purge the world of “sin.” People should only live like peasants with a parasitical clergy as rulers and the military backing them up. How he wants to live is his own business, but wishing that for the whole world? I would rather die fighting such lunatics than want to live in a world that is based on his vision.

        It seems the ROC is a good breeding ground for zealots.

        There was the sect of the Skoptsy, who were a spin-off of another sect, which was again a spin-off of the ROC. The Skoptsy preached that only people cutting of their genitals (and women their breasts, too) would go to heaven.

        So, no – I can´t see anything good about Orthodox belief and Christianity with such extremists coming from them. Why they view the Tsar as a saint is beyond me – maybe because his narrow-mindedness is something they adore.

        • I have written that Christianity is 70% true, which is why it has limped along now without disappearing for the impressive time span of 2,000 years.

          The problem is the toxic 30%. 😉

          Major Christian tenets are in fact Indo-European, and so Jesus was in fact a revolutionary, which is also why the Jews hate him to this very day.

          The truly semitic and toxic “faith” with almost no redeeming features is Islam. Any Westerner who reads the Koran shakes his head that such drivel is accepted by anyone.

          • Well, I´m not fond of Islam – but then Hitler was also allied with some Muslims. There were the “Table Talks” where he praised the fighting spirit of Islam. I´m not sure if that is authentic or another fake.

            Aside from that, I have to say I can somehow respect Islam as it is a simple concept for simple people. Why was it so successful? Mohammed spread it to his fellow Arabs, with their average IQ around 80 and short tempers. So it fit them perfectly. 😉

            Most muslim ethnicities are really primitive races. Beyond the Arabs there are the Turkic peoples, Pakistanis, Afghanis, and some negro countries are also Islamic.

            So, it kinda fits them. Why bother with higher concepts? The winner takes it all.

            The issue here is: These people just understand one language – power.

            And this is exactly what the European world is lacking. With the current civic nationalism, the free giving-away of citizenship and access to the white social-welfare systems (with healthcare, education and so on) the enemy within is nourished.

            The enablers of that are the people who hate their own nation.

            If my house becomes roach-infested, I don´t blame the roaches for that. They just act the way they are.

            I blame the one who prevents me from getting rid of the roaches – who demands that I let the door open, leaves rotting food laying on the floor and who forbids me to use poison to exterminate them!

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