Churchill and von Manstein

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After a meeting at the Berghof with the Duke of Windsor, who loved Germany as I loved England, but had abdicated as King Edward VIII. With his wife, Wallis Simpson, being an American, he would have been perfect as a factor for peace among the great white nations.


Edward VIII

An Australian comrade posted this comment:

Here is an article about the trial of Field Marshal von Manstein.

After the war, due to his impoverished circumstances, a public appeal was held to raise funds for his defence.

Surprisingly, one of the donors was none other than that drunken windbag,  Winston Churchill.


I replied:

Thank you for this comment!

I read it all.

Erich von Manstein was a genius!

(The”von” meant nobility; families were ennobled for huge services to king and country.)

But he clashed constantly with me as the war worsened, and in front of others, with his fame going to his head.

I fired him reluctantly in March 1944, while also awarding him the Knight’s Cross with oak leaves and swords for previous brilliant victories.

Probably Churchill liked von Manstein just for Erich arguing with me. 😉

As for that monster, for me his sending a donation to the innocent von Manstein (on whom the Jewnited Kingdom inflicted seven long years of wrongful jail and prison) emphasizes anew his incredible reprehensibility.

He was no raving fool, but a man of clear head, great talent and high intellect.

Yet he chose to serve the jewish enemies of Britain, and thereby ruined a vast and needed empire which generations of Britons had built up with “blood, toil, tears and sweat.”

Excellent and fact-based movie “Zulu” with Michael Caine….

By 1949, when Field Marshall von Manstein’s unfounded trial began, the jews he had saved from Hitler’s righteous wrath had created their toxic little IsraHell in Palestine via committing numerous horrendous acts of terror against Britain! And more crimes were to come.

WWII was purest madness from start to finish, or rather purest TREASON by a lucid and thus 100% culpable Churchill against his own nation, bankrupting a once “Great” Britain to which I appealed for peace and cooperation — endlessly — 1924-1941.

In both Mein Kampf and the “Second Book” I was beyond explicit:

I advocated an invincible Anglo-German ALLIANCE!

But the drunken bisexual got this fratricide going instead:

And “Winnie”?

Now white England is Wog World!

From this….

England wins in 1966 the soccer/football World Cup

** THE SUN WORLD EXCUSIVE 18th July 2015**
THE Queen and Queen Mum raise a Nazi salute in an astonishing home movie shot at Balmoral and seen today for the first time.
The film shows the then Princess Elizabeth, just seven, larking about in 1933.
Also in frame Princess Margaret and Prince Edward (later Edward VIII)

to this….

Australian nanny Sara Zelenak was stabbed to death by a muslim on London Bridge in 2017

Born a nasty little twit who made a deal with the jew Devil for sex, money, fame and “power” — power as a top lackey!


  1. [WWII A British lad recalls losing his father, a British soldier who fell in 1944 during the disastrous Allied landing at Anzio, Italy, meeting long and fierce German resistance.]

    If Roger only knew (((who))) ‘took my daddy from me’

    Lyrics to “When the Tigers Broke Free”:

    Follow Pink Floyd
    on Bandsintown
    “When The Tigers Broke Free”

    It was just before dawn
    One miserable morning in black ’44.
    When the forward commander
    Was told to sit tight
    When he asked that his men be withdrawn.
    And the Generals gave thanks
    As the other ranks held back
    The enemy tanks for a while.
    And the Anzio bridgehead
    Was held for the price
    Of a few hundred ordinary lives.

    And kind old King George
    Sent Mother a note
    When he heard that father was gone.

    War-mongerer (and God only knows what else…) Churchill bows to the equally war-mongering, German-hating King George VI

    It was, I recall,
    In the form of a scroll,
    With gold leaf adorned,
    And I found it one day
    In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away.
    And my eyes still grow damp to remember
    His Majesty signed
    With his own rubber stamp.

    It was dark all around.
    There was frost in the ground
    When the tigers broke free.
    And no one survived
    From the Royal Fusiliers, Company Z.
    They were all left behind,
    Most of them dead,
    The rest of them dying.
    And that’s how the High Command
    Took my daddy from me.

    The drunken psychopath and jew-lackey Churchill was the one who ordered this invasion, which Eisenhower had previously cancelled. And it was utterly ruined by the egomaniacal jewish American general Mark Clark, who wanted to showboat that he had “liberated” Rome and let a whole German army retreat.

    Wiki on the jew-nosed, dark-brown-eyed Mark Clark, whose mother was a jewess, making him. acc- to the Talmud, a jew too:

    Early life and career
    Clark was born in Madison Barracks, Sackets Harbor, New York, but spent much of his youth in Highland Park, Illinois, while his father, Charles Carr Clark, a career infantry officer in the United States Army, was stationed at Fort Sheridan.[7] His mother, Rebecca “Beckie” Ezekkiels, was the daughter of Romanian Jews;


    Alan Whicker, who was a war correspondent with the British Army’s Film and Photo Unit and was present during the fighting, later said:

    After breaking out of Anzio, Alexander’s plan was for the Fifth Army to drive east to cut Kesselring’s escape route to the north and trap much of his Tenth and Fourteenth Armies. The operation started well, but then suddenly, when leading troops were only six kilometers from closing their trap at Frosinone, the Fifth Army was re-directed and sent north towards Rome. The trap was left open. G

    General Mark Clark was so eager that the world should see pictures showing him as the liberator of Rome, that he allowed the armies of a delighted Kesselring to escape.

    He had ignored the orders of Field Marshall Alexander in a decision as militarily stupid as it was insubordinate.

    This vain-glorious blunder, the worst of the entire war, lost us a stunning victory, lengthened the war by many months and earned Mark Clark the contempt of other American and British generals.

    They saw an operation that could have won the war in Italy, thrown away at the cost of many Allied lives, because of the obsession and vanity of one man.

    If General Mark Clark had been in the German Army, Hitler would have had him shot.

    — Alan Whicker[75]

  2. I don’t think that Churchill sent money because he liked von Manstein. I think that it was to cover his own back.

    By the time of the trial, the military in both the UK and USA had realised that giving Stalin everything he asked for (which was also the policy of FDR) had been a mistake.

    Churchill never had a principle or ideal which he didn’t trash. Case in point: his famous Iron Curtain speech in 1946. What the drunken dirtbag didn’t say was that it was his policy of appeasement of Stalin which helped to create the Iron Curtain in the first place.

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