Club Orlov: Russia will not accept further US bull

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JAN 11, 2022 08:32 PM

A quick note on US-Russia talks in Geneva

A lot is being said about these talks, which are all over the news, and most of that completely misses the point.
The objective of the talks, from the Russian perspective, is to force compliance with Russian security demands.
These demands are partly based on promises made to Russia by the US not to expand NATO to the east, which were not kept, and partly on US failure to abide by previously negotiated arms control treaties or to constructively participate in an arms control process.
More specifically, the objective of the talks is to try produce VOLUNTARY compliance. It is not to negotiate, to make mutual concessions and compromises. If the talks fail to produce voluntary compliance, the next step will be to force compliance, which is something that Russia is ready and willing to do. In order to force compliance, Russia will inflict a great deal of pain on the US through military-technical means.
The level of pain will be sufficient to force immediate, unconditional compliance with Russia’s security demands.
We can guess that Russia’s actions will have nothing to do with the Ukraine (a major conversation piece but actually of no consequence), since nothing that Russia could do to the Ukraine would force the US to unconditionally and immediately comply with Russia’s security demands.
For the same reason, we can also guess that Russia’s actions will not be directed against Europe, or Japan, or any other of Russia’s neighbors.
Some people have voiced the opinion that these talks are a complete waste of time, since the US is non-agreement-capable (недоговороспосóбные).
This may very well be the case, which is why the objective of the talks, from the Russian perspective, is very specifically to TRY to produce voluntarily compliance. The purpose of the talks is to fulfill the legal requirement to give the US an opportunity to resolve the conflict peacefully by recognizing the validity of Russia’s demands and by voluntarily acceding to them.
Once the US fails to do so, all the means to resolve the conflict peacefully will have been exhausted, leaving Russia free to move on to deploying its military-technical means as planned.
What that would look like is sure to be a surprise, but we can be certain that it won’t be a long, drawn-out process.
Rather, we should expect a decisive set of actions that would bring the process of securing Russia’s sphere of influence against any future US encroachment to a rapid and decisive conclusion.
Russia has already won!
The mighty US will crush Russia like a bug!
I need a beer and cigarette!
Cute kittens are soooo cute!
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Comments (11)
29ee8016 2570 43bb a2ff a045dfb598f3 120x120 77x34 167x167
Please add on to my answer that we also need popcorn to eat while watching whatever happens. Of course it might need to be fast-popping type so we don’t miss the show.
about 6 hours ago
68aeae77 41a0 4581 b681 1282056c8d17 120x120 89x0 531x531
about 6 hours ago
Kevin Frost
What’s at issue here? Strategic missiles capable of threatening major Russian cities. They’re too close. The Russians want the Americans to back off. This business does not concern Europeans. They’re irrelevant. The diplomatic message is for Washington. But it’s a forgone conclusion that the circus of Beltway political animals will just preform the tricks they already know.
So what’s the point of talking at all? I take it that the ‘or else’ is about the deployment of very formidable strategic weapons aimed at America that they cannot defend against. These were unveiled by Putin back in 2018. Strategic weapons are produced to strengthen the hand of diplomacy. They are deployed for as long as diplomacy does not achieve its purpose and retired when it does.
The deployment of the nuclear powered strategic missiles and that monstrous nuclear torpedo capable of creating massive tidal waves sends a message.
The message is directed to military professionals who are charged with defending America. The pressure for a negotiated treaty prohibiting such weapons must come from them since we are completely clear that it will not come from the spook-orchestrated media and their political class prime-time performers.
I take it then that the Russian aim is to induce a division in the Western elites, between the ideologues on the one hand and the professionals who are obliged to deal with realities, the officers who must brief the political decision makers. The aim is to restore a treaty system.
about 5 hours ago
Kevin Frost
During the War on Terror – so-called – the neocons eliminated the real intelligence agents, area specialists who spoke the local languages, had on the ground contacts and knew their business. These people were gotten rid of and replaced with cranks like Douglas Feith and cohorts who manufactured intelligence to suit predetermined, mainly Zionist, plans.
Back then they bragged about ‘creating their own reality’. Of course there was some truth to this. The reality of terrorists they claimed were threatening the West was indeed created by them – with a little help from their friends. But this gambit will not work with Russia, nor China.
The deployment of real strategic weapons systems must necessarily result in the revival of real-deal military intelligence.
To be sure, we’re banking on their residual survival instincts. But in any case, that, as it seems to me, appears to be the plan. I doubt that they will allow the present negotiations to drag on for too long. These are a pro forma ritual to call attention to the planned deployment. Afterwards it is to be hoped that the Scott Ritters of the West, and his professional cohorts within the military will do the talking until the Americans are ready to come back to the negotiating table.
about 5 hours ago
I am cold. Could you please turn on the gas again? Not yet cause for a revolution in Europe, but it won’t take long now.
about 5 hours ago
73e96ee4 2368 4a08 a9a6 234cdce1de3e 120x120 434x426 903x903
there will be a plausible deniable distractive conflagration somewhere else. time is on RU/CH side – if they stay out of war then they will continue to develop and overtake the West….or does the West need the time? or, is this the distraction itself, as when all sides have committed to the vax/immune-suppression agenda, then there is no where to run.
The elephant in the room does exist, and not talking about it doesn’t make it disappear.
about 5 hours ago
I am having a debate with a friend of mine who claims Russia only exports energy and weapons . Could you anyone tell me other Russian exports ?
about 4 hours ago
5a03226a 346f 4cd5 8a1c 80cd8891e42b 120x120 0x572 3861x3862
No. Do your own research.
about 3 hours ago
The talks are a formality, politely serving formal notice that a line has been crossed. Unfortunately the US is run by delusional zombies who have zero situational awareness and so I would guess it will be lights out for us.
about 3 hours ago
5a03226a 346f 4cd5 8a1c 80cd8891e42b 120x120 0x572 3861x3862
Keeping the lights on is a separate issue. A hugely painful military embarrassment does seem likely, though.
about 3 hours ago
Wrong button, I look for a shutdown of SWIFT, an “accident” in low earth orbit disabling the US GPS system and diverse utility malfunctions in the homeland leaving us literally unable to respond in any meaningful way. Putin doesn’t strike me as someone who would act without every piece in place, nor as one who would want a high body count. The outcome is already decided and I hope “Joe Biden” and company can catch a clue.
about 3 hours ago
John de Nugent


  1. America today is infested with the decendants of the jews and scum Hitler kicked out of Europe before WW2. Look at all the wars since WW2 for the benefit of Israel , open borders for white Christian countries, but not Israel. Russia isn’t infested with powerful jews, yet! It’s so much easier for them to start wars for profit if they control both sides.

  2. Quando mi arrendo succede sempre qualcosa che non avevo previsto.
    Quando smetto di pensare a qualcosa.
    In questo caso alla guerra,ai vaccini.
    È sempre stato così.
    Secondo me combatto ogni secondo con la mente Egoica..e con la mia pazienza 🙂

  3. Мне кажется, вы преувеличиваете возможности России против США. А тем более против Европы. Нету, не существует в мире такого существа, которое могло бы бросить Евросоюзу вместе с Великобританией вызов.

    В Азии нет ни одного субъекта. Ни одного. У них нету никаких возможностей против Евросоюза. Одна Европа всю Азию на колени поставит. Если будет необходимость такая. Настолько жестко, что никто себе даже представить не сможет в самом страшном сне.

    Европолитики как возглавляли Россию, так и будут возглавлять, черпая оттуда ресурсы в обмен на убеждения. И все они будут поклоняться, маршировать в одном духе, нога в ногу, под инструментальный ансамбль Европы. В этом смысле военной риторики нету, это в СМИ пишут просто всякую околесицу. А если была бы, то источник такой риторики не существовал бы.

    • Transl:

      It seems to me that you exaggerate the possibilities of Russia against the United States. Especially against Europe. No, there is no creature in the world that could challenge the European Union together with the UK.

      There is not a single entity in Asia. No one. They have no options against the European Union. Europe alone will bring all of Asia to its knees. If there is such a need. So tough that no one can even imagine in their worst nightmare.

      Europoliticians both led Russia and will continue to lead, drawing resources from there in exchange for persuasion. And they will all worship, march in the same spirit, foot to foot, to the instrumental ensemble of Europe. In this sense, there is no military rhetoric, it’s just all sorts of nonsense written in the media. And if it were, then the source of such rhetoric would not exist.

  4. И СССР не был субъектом. Все они под инструкции Карла Маркса маршировали нога в ногу. Это только так кажется, что можно подружить с Европой, почерпать оттуда возможности, а потом провозгласить себя субъектом, угрожающим Европе. Все это лишь иллюзия. Или даже галлюцинация.

    • Transl:

      And the USSR was not a subject. All of them, under the instructions of Karl Marx, marched toe to toe. It only seems that you can make friends with Europe, draw opportunities from there, and then proclaim yourself a subject that threatens Europe. All this is just an illusion. Or even a hallucination.

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