CNBC: FDA warns about heart inflammation from Covid vaxx; egoic Nazi-bashers

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Vials with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine labels are seen in this illustration picture taken March 19, 2021. Dado Ruvic | Reuters


A comrade who often sends in excellent material wrote me:

Look at this bullshit – “300 million COVID-19 shots given.” What BS! People are avoiding these dangerous COVID-19 genetic engineering shots like the plague, and rightly so. I know of only one person who has gotten a COVID-19 shot – a teacher who was forced to do so in order to keep his job:

FDA adds warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer, Moderna Covid vaccines
Emma Newburger

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday added a warning to patient and provider fact sheets for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines to indicate a rare risk of heart inflammation.

For each vaccine, the fact sheets were revised to include a warning about myocarditis and pericarditis after the second dose and with the onset of symptoms within a few days after receiving the shot.

Health officials said the benefits of receiving the vaccine still outweigh any risk. There have been just 12.6 heart inflammation cases per million doses for both vaccines combined.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday added a warning to patient and provider fact sheets for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines to indicate a rare risk of heart inflammation.

For each vaccine, the fact sheets were revised to include a warning about myocarditis and pericarditis after the second dose and with the onset of symptoms within a few days after receiving the shot.

Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle and pericarditis is the inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart. Health officials said the benefits of receiving the vaccine still outweigh any risk.

“The risk of myocarditis and pericarditis appears to be very low given the number of vaccine doses that have been administered,” Janet Woodcock, acting FDA commissioner, said in a statement.

“The benefits of Covid-19 vaccination continue to outweigh the risks, given the risk of Covid-19 diseases and related, potentially severe, complications,” she said.

The FDA update follows a review and discussion by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting on Wednesday.

There have been more than 1,200 cases of a myocarditis or pericarditis mostly in people 30 and under who received the shots, according to presentation slides from the CDC meeting.

About 300 million shots had been administered as of June 11, according to the CDC. There have been just 12.6 heart inflammation cases per million doses for both vaccines combined.

— CNBC’s Berkeley Lovelace Jr. contributed reporting



……The egoic mind even in people leaning our way

Unless we address the fundamental problem, the egoic mind, even people who sort-of listen to us will continue to say, think and do crazy things.

They may wake up to one problem, but not to others.

In the case of many, many WNs, they may “learn” to hate Blacks, Jews, Muslims, militant gays — whatever.

But maybe that is because they themself got harmed by one. Big deal — any rat, dog or bear will bite if attacked. There is nothing noble or idealistic about Looking Out for Number One.

Or maybe they are just haters by nature, like Carlos Porter.

I had to shake my head after a conversation two weeks ago with two Trump types, FOX News watchers, and one of them took the vaccine — both shots. One started going off on our Michigan governor, the seemingly demon-possessed crypto-jewess Gretchen Whitmer, now deeply unpopular for her Covid lockdowns, a woman who looks crazy in every photo from every angle, and kept calling her a “Nazi.”

Now, I have known these two men for a good five years.

And they know who I am. We do agree on Trump (good and bad), BLM, Antifa, Schumer, the Stealection, Biden, etc.

But when they call Whitmer a “Nazi,” this finally went too far for me. I sort-of erupted, and my long pent-up rant came out:


“[First name], Whitmer is jewish! Jews are against Nazis — and Nazis are against jews, and you obviously know that!

Whitmer is a jew, not a Nazi.

Dana Nessel, the Attorney General in Michigan, is jewish, and so is Benson, the Secretary of State who ran the vote fraud here.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn-Benson; Governor Gretchen Whitmer; Attorney General Dana Nessel

Soros is a jew, not a Nazi. The Nazis would have shot him!

Even Sixty Minutes exposed him as a greedy crook

Zuckerberg, who is censoring all patriots, is a jew, not a Nazi. And is married to a Red Chinese!

Bloomberg is a jew, not a Nazi. Chuck Schumer is a jew, not a Nazi.

And why did Trump fail? He listened to his jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner! It was the jews who betrayed and brought Trump down!

Governor Wolf in Pennsylvania and Attorney General Shapiro, who stole the election from Trump in that key state with 21 electoral votes, are both jews.


Google is two jews, Brin and Page, and they also own and censor YouTube.

He retorted, angry:

“Well, what about Nancy Pelosi? She’s a Christian!

So is Fauci!

So is Newsome (governor of California].”

I replied:

“True. And there are scumbags in every race, religon and nation.

But the jews are organized scumbags, with vast wealth and connections, amd they cooperate closely together against US, so they are far more dangerous than some rotten Gentile individual.

Pelosi, Fauci, Bill Clinton, Newsome — these Gentiles are traitors, and they know who has the real power, billionaire jew pedophiles, the Epstein types.

These Gentiles you mentioned have no money on their own.

It is the jew billionaires who call the shots and make them rich.

Politics and the media run on MONEY, and the jews have the big money.”

But he fumed.

And he stayed angry and aloof the next time I saw him. But he knew every word was true.

This is the egoic mind.

In what way?

  1. Patriotardism — The Greatest Generation — brave, ordinary Americans like me! — stopped the Nazis from enslaving the world. We kicked the Nazis’ ass, and this proves we (puffing out their chest) are “the land of the free, and the home of the brave.” It is all one big Americano ego trip.
  2. It is also virtue-signalling to the regime and its alphabet agencies (NSA, FBI, CIA, etc.): “I will never go into forbidden territory. I know you will allow me to denounce Democrats and liberals, but not to attack jews. I respect the rules and the jews are off-limits.” To not name the jew is to Look Out for Number One. To bash Nazis is to certify that you are safe and harmless, just a talker.

I said then, and realized I was wasting my breath as the two guys glared:

“America has a cancer, and it is pedophile jew billionaires.

They are making us into a communist country with no freedom at all.

The patient is America, and it is dying of that jewish cancer. But let me tell you that, just as with Margi and her Stage three throat cancer, we must destroy the tumor before it destroys US!

And then the huge tumor (right screen) was 100% gone (left screen).

And I really get sick and tired of hearing that jews are Nazis, when Hitler and the Nazis declared open war on these jews, who were destroying Germany then with communism and are destroying America now wth communism.

Karl Marx himself was a jew, and the grandson of rabbis!

A leftwing communist jew; who wants to take our guns, ban Christianity, ram transgender down our throat, and give power to the Blacks and Muslims to destroy us Whites – the ones who built up this country – is NOT A NAZI but the exact OPPOSITE of a NAZI!!

IF HITLER HAD WON, THE SOVIET UNION WOULD HAVE FALLEN AND COMMUNISM WOULD HAVE ENDED RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Germany had the communists up against the wall when America got in the war.”

The spread of communism to China, to North Korea, to Nort Vietnam and to Cuba, was all because WE defeated Germany.!

But I was exposing thir cowardice. Tough talk about America’s various hangnails, dandruff, and varicose veins, sure, but never speak of the cancer that is killing us.

Eckhart Tolle does a superb job of explaining the egoic mind, but of course he never touches with a ten-foot pole the controversial issues.

If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present. – Lao Tzu. And we need to be at inner peace while we fight the external war that must be fought, and very, very soon.


Verily, verily I saw unto you: When the lockdowns resume due to the new b-s covid “variants,” and the economy collapses, then 90% of these patriotards will hand in their guns and take the Covid vaccine when Biden so orders. Or else he will turn off their embedded money chip.

Cut off their money and these Mister Super-Patriotsm, when hungry, will all suck a ngr’s or jew’s dick.


  1. The word “Nazi” is today used to signify any and every totalitarian government. It is true that Hitler’s government became totalitarian, but this was in response to a very dangerous Communist threat. Besides, Germany did not have the English tradition of Liberalism, where the freedom of the individual was highly protected. Unfortunately the Jews have come to control the meaning of words, whereas this used to be common usage. The only solution to this problem, as I see it, is to gain power over the Jews and resettle them in some faraway land, such as the large island off the eastern coast of Africa where Hitler wanted to send them.

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