Coming soon — a new Aryan religion

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My antisemitic, Henry-Ford-ian Crown Victoria, a former constable car in Pennsylvania, leaves the yard to get ready for action 

I was unable to insure this car for financial reasons for 33 of the last 39 months, but that is now over.   A new day is coming…. The Iceman Cometh! 😉

An equally antisemitic Ford 550 got’er done. 

Thinking about a new age when whites have a religion — like Jews, Muslims and Masons — which energizes them


With your prayers, support and help, we will begin to believe again in ourselves. And we will confront the dragon. Some will see the victory. And for it, others will sacrifice everything, everything except their honor — so that our kids and our women will be safe forever.



  1. You’ve been talking about this for 10? years. It’s time to put out your great white religion to save us all or you’ll carry it to your grave. As my former boss used to tell me “Either take a poop or get off the pot”. I’ll donate funds after your first epistle is released.

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